PlayStation 4
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Combat Styles Locations Guide
Game Guide
Where to Find and How to Unlock All Combat Styles in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
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There are 5 Combat Styles to find and unlock in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Two of them are unmissable, however the other three can be missed if you aren’t paying attention or choose the Shura ending. In order to learn a Combat Style, you must first find an Esoteric Text.
Below is a list of all the Combat Styles and where to find their respective Esoteric Texts.
Combat Styles Locations
Shinobi Arts
In order to unlock this Combat Style, fill up the XP gauge once. This will give you a Skill Point. Then return to the Dilapidated Temple and speak to the Sculptor. He will give you the Shinobi Esoteric Text which will unlock the Shinobi Arts.
Prosthetic Arts
In order to unlock this Combat Style, you first need to find at least 3 Prosthetic Tools. Check out our guide on where to find them, if you’re having trouble. Once you have 3, speak to the Sculptor to fit them to your arm and afterwards, he will give you the Prosthetic Esoteric Text.
Ashina Arts
Make sure you pick this one up as soon as you can. Progressing the story will make this Esoteric Text unavailable. After you defeat Gyoubu Oniwa, travel to the Ashina Outskirts / Ashina Castle Idol. Turn around and head towards the stairs opposite the Idol. You should find a friendly NPC called “Tengu” inside a building here. Speak to him and he will tell you about the “rats” and task you with killing a few. Return to the Ashina Outskirts / Ashina Castle Idol and head up the path towards a single rifleman, kill him, and then hop the wall to your right. Here you should see 3 small enemies. These are the rats Tengu spoke off. Kill them and return to them. He will give you the Ashina Esoteric Text.
Temple Arts
Travel to the Senpou Temple, Mt. Kongo / Main Hall Idol. Exit the temple to the left and enter the cave on your right. Follow the cave until you have to drop down. After the drop, immediately turn around and crouch under a rock and follow the tunnel until you end up outside again. There should be a temple right in front of you and nowhere else to go. Open the temple and check inside for the Senpou Esoteric Text.
Mushin Arts
After defeating the Divine Dragon in the Purification Ending, you will be teleported to Kuro’s Room in Ashina Castle. You will notice Emma kneeling over Isshin’s corpse. Talk to her and she’ll explain what happened. Keep talking to her and she will give you the Mushin Esoteric Text.
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