PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
How to Unlock Skills Permanently in Sifu
Game Guide
Where and How to Keep the Skills That You Unlock in Sifu
In Sifu, each time you are defeated you will be given the opportunity to spend some of the XP you’ve earned throughout your current life to acquire skills that you will then have access to until you die for good, aged 75.
Note that if you are defeated at age 71, for example, but your Death Counter is 5, you will die permanently because you can’t be revived at 76, or any other number higher than 75.
You can also acquire skills from the literal Skill Tree in the “Wuguan” hub area and Jade Dragon Shrines that you will find dotted throughout every chapter.

These temporary skills are useful, but to feel any real sense of progression from the game you are going to need to start unlocking some of them permanently.
To unlock a skill Permanently, you will need to first unlock it temporarily, and then purchase it five more times for the same amount of XP.

For example, the “Strong Sweep Focus” skill costs 500 XP. Once you have purchased it temporarily, you will need to them purchase it five more times at 500 XP each time to unlock it permanently. In total, this will cost 3000 XP.
Is Permanent Skill Progress Remembered Between Deaths?
Whenever you die for good, you will lose your temporarily-unlocked skills, but any progress you’ve made towards permanently unlocking them will be preserved.
For example, if you have purchased “Charged Backfist” two out of five times but died before you were able to purchase it the final three times, you will still only need to purchase it three more times to get it permanently.
That being said, as you will lose temporary access to the skill, you will still need to re-purchase it temporarily to be able to continue paying into the permanent unlocking of that skill. Thus, it still benefits you to try and get permanent unlocks in a single playthrough if you can.
What Skills are Available in Sifu?
There are 24 skills available in Sifu, some more useful than others. You should check out our guide for the Best Skills to Unlock First in Sifu if you’re unsure one which you should prioritize.
Below, you can find a full list of the available skills, their descriptions, and costs:
Skill | Description | Unlock Cost | Permanent Cost |
360 Swing Focus | For staff weapons. A wide attack capable of knocking down multiple enemies | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Strong Sweep Focus | Powerful strike to the enemy’s knee, knocking them down for a while | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Snap Kick | Engage attack with important forward movement | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Spin Hook Kick | Combo leading to a powerful high kick capable of knocking down multiple enemies | 750 XP | 5x 750 XP |
Charged Backfist | Unleash a powerful punch that stuns any enemy | 1000 XP | 5x 1000 XP |
Face Smash Focus | For bar weapons. A direct attack to daze your enemy | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Weapon Catch | Parry at the right moment to catch an item thrown at you | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Pushback Cancel | When pushed, regain your balance | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Ground Counter | While on the ground, parry to counter your enemy’s attack | 750 XP | 5x 750 XP |
Environmental Mastery | Throw an item, weapon, or object directly from the ground | 1000 XP | 5x 1000 XP |
Double Palm Focus | Straight strike that applies a destructive push to your enemy | 500 XP | 500 XP |
Flowing Claw | Fast and evasive strike that leaves your back facing the enemy | 750 XP | 5x 750 XP |
Chasing Strikes | Attack on a pushed enemy to follow them up and deliver a powerful series of strikes | 1000 XP | 5x 1000 XP |
Crooked Foot | After a successful parry, knock your enemy down with a quick throw | 1250 XP | 5x 1250 XP |
Duck Strike | Ducking move with forward movement | 1500 XP | 5x 1500 XP |
Vertical Strikes Focus | A powerful blow in the solar plexus that stuns the enemy for a long time | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Invert Throw | Dodge towards your target just after a hit to grab them and invert your positions | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Hook Intercept | Hook that can withstand attacks during its buildup | 750 XP | 5x 750 XP |
Chasing Trip Kick | Attack on a pushed enemy to follow up and knock them down | 1000 XP | 5x 1000 XP |
Crotch Punch | Quick, ducking punch that avoids high strikes | 1500 XP | 5x 1500 XP |
Thigh Cut Focus | For bladed weapons. A damaging slash attack | 500 XP | 5x 500 XP |
Raining Strikes | A combo leading to a series of lightning fast attacks | 1000 XP | 5x 1000 XP |
Slide Kick | Perform a slide kick while running that knocks down enemies | 1250 XP | 5x 1250 XP |
Weapon Mastery | Continue to use a weapon until it breaks completely | 1500 XP | 5x 1500 XP |
In conclusion, skills are one of the most tangible ways you can progress in Sifu. Coupled with your own growing experience and muscle memory, the skills you acquire along the way will start to make you feel like a real Kung Fu master.
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