PlayStation 4

Pity Pit Trophy Guide

Online Trophies
Missable Trophies
Difficulty Trophies
Glitched Trophies

General Info


How long does it take to beat Pity Pit and unlock all trophies?

About 15 minutes.

How difficult is it to beat Pity Pit and unlock all trophies?

Very Easy (1/10).

Does Pity Pit have online trophies?


Does Pity Pit have difficulty-specific trophies?


Does Pity Pit have missable trophies?


Does Pity Pit have glitched trophies?


What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Pity Pit?

Several playthroughs of the first level.

Does Pity Pit have a Platinum Trophy?


Trophy Guide

Pity Pit Trophy Guide and Road Map

Pity Pit is a simple Dig Dug-inspired game that can be platted in as little as 15 minutes. Use this Pity Pit Trophy Guide to compartmentalise the trophy journey and smooth out the process a little.

All you will need to do is reach the end of Level 1 multiple times and farm the various trophy requirements as needed. Feel free to make progress past Level 1, but it is never necessary to make it that far.

Phase One – Farm all Trophies in Level 1

There are a few things to look out for as you replay Level 1 over and over, which are all listed below in conveniently-separated chunks. Many of these trophies will occur naturally, but it won’t hurt to familiarise yourself with what is needed.

Digger Trophies

The following trophies in this section of our Pity Pit Trophy Guide are all tied to digging through a specific number of blocks. You can dig by pressing and can dig directly downwards by holding or when pressing . Every block that you break will count towards the following three trophies.

The end goal here is to dig through at least 500 blocks for “Digger Level III”. This is a cumulative total and so you can die or restart the level in-between and the count will not reset.

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Digger Level I

Dig 10 Blocks

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Digger Level II

Dig 150 Blocks

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Digger Level III

Dig 500 Blocks

Money Trophies

The following trophies in this portion of our Pity Pit Trophy Guide are all tied to earning a specific number of coins.

Coins can be found sitting out in the open, dropped by enemies, or hidden inside certain blocks. This, too, is a cumulative total across all your runs, so don’t worry yourself with trying to earn 100 coins in a single run.

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Money Level I

Collect 10 coins

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Money Level II

Collect 50 coins

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Money Level III

Collect 100 coins

Resource Trophies

The following trophies in this section of our Pity Pit Trophy Guide are all tied to collecting a specific number of materials. Materials can be found in certain blocks, just as coins can. You can tell when a brick contains a material and they can be found quite commonly throughout each stage.

This, too, is a cumulative total and you don’t need to worry about trying to earn 100 resources in a single run.

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Resource Level I

Collect 20 materials

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Resource Level II

Collect 40 materials

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Resource Level III

Collect 100 materials

Shopping Trophies

The following trophies in this Pity Pit Trophy Guide are all tied to purchasing a specific number of items from the shop. The store is found at the end of every level, so you will need to at least survive Level 1 several times in order to earn these trophies.

You’ll use the coins and materials you’ve collected to purchase resources from the store. You will only need to buy a total of 5 materials from the store. This is a cumulative total and you don’t need to try and buy 5 items on your first visit.

The easiest item to do this with is coal, which only costs 2 coins and a single rock, but feel free to buy whatever you can afford to get the trophy done.

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Shopping Level I

Buy 1 material

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Shopping Level II

Buy 3 materials

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Shopping Level III

Buy 5 materials

Boom Trophies

The following trophies in our Pity Pit Trophy Guide are all tied to detonating a specific number of bombs. Bombs can be collected throughout normal gameplay as pickup items, you can then drop them with + . They explode in a “+” shape and will kill you if the explosion hits you, so get out of the way once you’ve planted one.

In total you will need to detonate 6 bombs. This is also a cumulative total and can be done across your many playthroughs of the first level.

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Boom Level I

Detonate 1 bomb

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Boom Level II

Detonate 3 bombs

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Boom Level III

Detonate 6 bombs

Raging Trophies

The following trophies in this part of our Pity Pit Trophy Guide are all tied to killing a specific number of enemies. You can hit enemies with and they take 2 hits to kill, making them a bit of a nuisance. In total you will need to kill 20 enemies, but this is another cumulative total meaning you don’t need to try and get all 20 in a single run.

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Raging Level I

Kill 2 enemies

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Raging Level II

Kill 10 enemies

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Raging Level III

Kill 20 enemies

Plat Get!

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Digger Hero

Unlock all other trophies

After achieveing the requirements for all 6 sets of trophies in the Pity Pit Trophy Guide above, your final reward will be this Platinum Trophy.

Full Disclosure: You won’t find this platinum trophy on my PSN Profile, I used my alt account PlatGet_DblTap, so look there if you’re hoping to verify!

If you enjoy collecting quick and easy Platinum Trophies like this one, check out our full list of Quick and Easy Platinum Trophies, all of which can be earned in an hour or less!

Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for this Pity Pit Trophy Guide, consider checking out our reviews and other guides!

Follow us on twitter @GetPlat or Instagram @platget for updates on new reviews and guides, as well as small anecdotes about our platinum journeys.


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