PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and unlock all trophies?
About 20 hours.
How difficult is it to beat Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy have online trophies?
Does Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy have missable trophies?
Does Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy have glitched trophies?
Yes, Fully Loaded.
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy?
Does Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5
Welcome to our Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide. Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is an action-adventure that is heavily linear but provides a lot of excitement and some excellent storytelling, making for one of the best single-player experiences of 2021.
With very technical combat that leans heavily on teamwork and being a leader (you only play as Star-lord), and some very vibrant and curious alien environments to explore, there’s plenty to get hyped about here, especially for a Marvel fan.
This game is exactly what the eventually disappointing Marvel’s Avengers should have been like, and thankfully the platinum journey is a lot less grueling for GotG. There are some complications with the collectible clean-up which means you’ll need to get them all in a single run, but we’ll help with that as much as we can and get you well on your way to an enjoyable Platinum Trophy.
Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy: Before You Begin
Missable Trophies
The Lore Hoarder Collectible Trophy is missable. This is due to the fact that using Chapter Select will reset your compendium collectibles to what they were when you first started that Chapter. At least, that is the case at the time of writing. If Square Enix/Eidos have any sense they will likely patch this grievance out of the game soon enough.
Because of this, you will want to follow our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide to ensure you collect everything in chronological order as you progress through the game.
There are also two other missable trophies you should be wary of; Eat It, Rodent is missable but can be easily re-attempted as it takes place during the first chapter. The other missable trophy, Galactic Frugality, is a lot harder to reattempt if you mess it up.
To unlock it, you must have 8,000 Units in your account in order to pay a fine in Chapter 9. You can get 9,000-12,000 Units from Chapter 4, which you’re also able to spend in Chapter 6 on collectible items. You must make sure that you don’t spend too many units in Chapter 6 so that you can still afford the fine in Chapter 9.
If you’re following our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide, you’ll see that we’ve added plenty of warnings and instructions there to help you avoid making a mistake.
Fully Loaded Trophy Glitch
The only really glitched trophy you need to look out for (at the time of writing) is the Fully Loaded trophy. This trophy requires you to purchase all possible Guardian abilities for your four companions; Drax, Groot, Gamora, and Rocket.
If you do this before acquiring Groot’s fourth skill in Chapter 14, the trophy will not trigger from Groot’s skill unlocking, and there will be no more skills to purchase in order to trigger the trophy unlock.
For that reason, you should leave at least one Guardian Ability unpurchased until you have acquired Groot’s fourth ability from Chapter 14.
There are four difficulty options available in Guardians of the Galaxy; We Got This (Easy), We Got This… Probably (Normal), We Don’t Got This! (Hard), We Do it Our Way (Custom).

Feel free to use We Do it Our Way to fully customize the difficulty of certain aspects of the game, or just put it on We Got This for the easiest possible playthrough. There are no difficulty-related trophies so you’re free to do what you like here.
By using the custom difficulty system you can make the game easier than the default Easy setting.
Phase One – Story & All Collectibles
You’ll be doing most of the work here in this first phase of our Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide. You’ll want to, obviously, play through the game and enjoy the story to its final moments, but along the way, you’re going to need to collect almost every collectible.
The exact details on what collectibles you need and why can be found here and in our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide, but in short; using Chapter Select to clean up collectibles post-game is a no-go because Chapter Select doesn’t remember all collectible progress, setting you back each time you reload a chapter.
As already mentioned, we do have a Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide, which will help you to find every collectible in chronological order as you work your way through the game, making sure that nothing is missed, and you’re free to simply focus on enjoying the game.
Other trophies to look out for are the two Missable Trophies and the Fully Loaded trophy which can glitch out if you’re not careful.
Everything else is likely to unlock naturally or is safe to collect via chapter select or New Game Plus once you are finished with the game. That being said, if you want to try and earn the platinum in a single run then I’d recommend at least browsing the trophies in Phase Two of this Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide.
Missable Story Trophies

Eat It, Rodent
Win the bet against Rocket.
During Chapter 1, Rocket will initiate a bet against Quil. During the first parasite nest section of the chapter, Rocket will put a score tracker on your HUD, at the top of the screen.
You will need to destroy more Parasite Nests throughout the chapter than Rocket does. If you’re successful by the cutscene where Rocket and Groot are reunited, the Eat It, Rodent trophy will unlock.

To help locate Parasite Nests, you can press to activate your visor which marks the nests in yellow.
If you fail, just replay the chapter later, this is one of the easier missable trophies to re-attempt due to its location in the story.

Galactic Frugality
Pay your Nova Corps fine.
At a certain point in Chapter 9, you will finally be able to pay your Nova Corps fine… If you have the Units for it.
The fine is 7,000 Units if you hit the Llama in Chapter 2, but is 8,000 if you chose to hide Rocket’s illegal box of weapons instead.
You can get 9,000-12,000 Units from Lady Hellbender’s Fortress during Chapter 4, depending on whether you choose to sell Groot or Rocket during Chapter 3 (Choose Groot to get more money).
You’re then given the opportunity to purchase various knick-knacks from the stores around Knowhere in Chapter 6. You should buy some of these items as they are collectibles, but you need to make sure you keep at least 8,000 Units in your account.

If you are following our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide, you’ll have the added benefit of myriad warnings to make sure you don’t accidentally spend too much.
Once you speak to Worldmind in Chapter 9, you’ll be asked if you’d like to pay your fine or not. You must choose to pay the fine to unlock the trophy.

Successfully pay off your 7,000-8,000 Unit fine during Chapter 9 and the Galactic Frugality trophy will unlock.

Guardian Upgrade Trophies

Dynamic Team
Invest in at least one Special Ability for Gamora, Drax, Rocket and Groot.
When you open the menu and go to the “Guardians” tab, you will see that each character has four abilities. One that is automatically unlocked, one that costs 2 Ability Points, one that costs 3, and a locked one which will become automatically available as part of the story.
In order to unlock the Dynamic Team trophy, you will need to purchase just one skill for each Guardian (not including Star-Lord). The easiest and quickest way to do this is to just buy the second skill for each Guardian. Costing 2 Ability Points each, you can have the trophy by spending just 8 Ability Points.

That being said, the smarter thing to do would be to buy their more expensive (3AP) skills so you can start working on each individual character’s Combat Trophies earlier.
You will need to purchase every Ability for the Fully Loaded trophy, making this trophy just a step along the way.

Fully Loaded
Invest in all Special Abilities for all Companions
This trophy has the potential to bug out. Essentially, if you have purchased every possible Ability for all Guardians before Groot learns his fourth ability in Chapter 14, the trophy will not be triggered at that point, and you won’t be able to earn it.
To avoid this, you must leave at least one ability unpurchased until after Chapter 14, when it will be safe for you to buy the final ability and unlock the trophy.
To unlock Fully Loaded, you need to purchase every skill for Groot, Rocket, Gamora, and Drax. Each guardian has one skill that they have by default, two skills you can purchase, and one skill they will unlock automatically through the story.

By the end of Chapter 14, all automatic abilities will be unlocked, which just leaves the purchasable ones. As there are 5 characters with 2 abilities to buy for a total of 5 Ability Points per character, you will need a grand total of 25 Ability Points in order to purchase them all.

Thankfully, with no additional effort, you should have enough Ability Points by Chapter 14 (likely even earlier) to purchase all available abilities.

Collectible Trophies
Some of the Collectibles you will look for in this phase of our Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide are Missable. This is very frustrating, but by following our Collectible Guide, you can be sure not to miss any, and can play through the game with peace of mind.
The reason is that using chapter select to replay chapters will reset your compendium collectibles to how they were when you first played that chapter.
You will still keep Guardian Collectibles and Outfits between saves and chapters, however.

Thoughtful Captain
Find half of the Guardian Collectibles.
There are 15 Guardian Collectibles available in the game and you will just need to find 8 of them to unlock the Thoughtful Captain trophy. You should aim to collect as many of them as you can throughout your playthrough to ensure you get enough for Managerial Skills.
Use our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide to help you locate them all throughout the game.

Managerial Skills
Find all of the Guardian Collectibles for one Guardian.
Each Guardian Collectible is tied to a specific character who you can then speak to about each item back on the Milano. For the Managerial Skills trophy, you need to find every Collectible tied to a single Guardian. To aid you in doing this, you should follow our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide, which will help you to find them all as you make your way through the game.

Like a Glove!
Find and equip one Outfit.
After acquiring your first Outfit Collectible (See our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide), press to open the menu.
On the Guardians tab, select the character you have an outfit for and press to open their Outfit menu. Press
on any outfit but the default one and the Like a Glove! trophy will unlock.

Fashion Passion
Find and equip all Outfits.
To unlock the Fashion Passion trophy, you must find all 45 Outfits available in the game, and equip each one at least once. I recommend that you follow our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide and collect all of the outfits as you make your way through the game.
You can either equip them as and when you unlock them, or you can wait until you have them all and equip them one-by-one. Once all 45 Outfits across all 5 Characters have been acquired and equipped, the Fashion Passion trophy will unlock.
Please note that once you have collected every Outfit in our Collectible Guide, you will still need to acquire and equip the following Outfits (they unlock naturally):
Outfit | Unlocks in… |
Gold-Lord Star-Lord Outfit | Chapter 14 |
Golden Guardians Drax Outfit | Chapter 14 |
Golden Guardians Gamora Outfit | Chapter 14 |
Golden Guardians Groot Outfit | Chapter 14 |
Golden Guardians Rocket Outfit | Chapter 14 |
Sun-Lord Star-Lord Outfit | Chapter 16 – For finishing the game (Also a Digital Deluxe Item) |
City-Lord Star-Lord Outfit | Chapter 16 – For finishing the game (Also a Digital Deluxe Item) |
Social-Lord Star-Lord Outfit | Chapter 16 – For finishing the game (Also a Pre-Order Item) |
Sleek-Lord Star-Lord Outfit | Chapter 16 – For finishing the game |
Space-Lord Star-Lord Outfit | Chapter 16 – For finishing the game |
As some of them unlock at the end of the game, you will need to start a New Game Plus save and then go through your outfits equipping all the newly-acquired ones.

Lore Hoarder
Collect 65 % of all Galactic Compendium entries of each category.
The Galactic Compendium is made up of five categories of information; Characters, Factions, Creatures, Places, Items, and Archives. All of these are collectible and you will need to collect 65% of all possible compendium entries in order to unlock the Lore Hoarder trophy.

You’ll be pleased to learn that the Characters, Factions, Creatures, and Places are all acquired automatically through story progress, so the only entries you actually need to worry about are Items and Archives. There are 32 Items and 34 Archives in total but not all of them can be acquired in a single run.
Thankfully, when aiming for just 65% completion, you won’t need to collect all of them anyway, just a good majority of them.
Consider following our Guardians of the Galaxy Collectible Guide which offers a chronological walkthrough to each collectible that you can follow as you play.
Unmissable Story Trophies
All of the trophies in this section of our Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide will unlock naturally throughout the course of the story, and don’t require any additional effort on your part other than to simply finish the campaign.

A Risky Gamble
Complete Chapter 1.
Complete Chapter 1 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock A Risky Gamble.

Purchase your first Star-Lord Ability.
Self-Improvement unlocks automatically during Chapter 1 as part of a tutorial on Ability Points.

Llama Wrangler
Capture the Quarantine Zone monster.
Llama Wrangler unlocks near the end of Chapter 1 as part of the story, unmissable.

Complete Chapter 2.
Complete Chapter 2 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Busted.

The Cost of Freedom
Complete Chapter 3.
Complete Chapter 3 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock The Cost of Freedom.

Flash Freeze
Acquire the Ice Element for Star-Lord’s guns.
Flash Freeze unlocks during Chapter 3, cannot be missed.

The Monster Queen
Complete Chapter 4.
Complete Chapter 4 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock The Monster Queen.

Squid Kicker
Defeat the Dweller-in-Darkness.
Squid Kicker unlocks at the end of Chapter 4, cannot be missed.

Due or Die
Complete Chapter 5.
Complete Chapter 5 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Due or Die.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Complete Chapter 6.
Complete Chapter 6 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Between a Rock and a Hard Place.

Family Intervention
Defeat the Blood Brothers.
Family Intervention unlocks at the end of Chapter 6, cannot be missed.

Canine Confusion
Complete Chapter 7.
Complete Chapter 7 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Canine Confusion.

Shock and Awe
Acquire the Lightning Element for Star-Lord’s guns.
Shock and Awe unlocks during Chapter 7, cannot be missed.

The Matriarch
Complete Chapter 8.
Complete Chapter 8 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock The Matriarch.

Mama’s Boy
Defeat the Meredith Quill delusion.
Mama’s Boy unlocks during Chapter 8 and cannot be missed. Making the wrong choice here will bring you to the credits and you can’t progress without going back and making another choice instead. The game will give you a prompt during the credits allowing you to return to the moment of the choice, so it’s truly unmissable in a roundabout way.

Desperate Times
Complete Chapter 9.
Complete Chapter 9 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Desperate Times.

Test of Faith
Complete Chapter 10.
Complete Chapter 10 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Test of Faith.

Fan Friction
Acquire the Wind Element for Star-Lord’s guns.
Fan Friction unlocks during Chapter 10, cannot be missed.

Mind Over Matter
Complete Chapter 11.
Complete Chapter 11 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Mind over Matter.

Survive the manifestations of Thanos.
Titanslayer unlocks at the end of Chapter 11, cannot be missed.

Knowhere to Run
Complete Chapter 12.
Complete Chapter 12 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Knowhere to Run.

Against All Odds
Complete Chapter 13.
Complete Chapter 13 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Against All Odds.

Lava Launcher
Acquire the Plasma Element for Star-Lord’s guns.
Lava Launcher unlocks during Chapter 13, cannot be missed.

Foom’s Doom
Defeat Fin Fang Foom.
Foom’s Doom unlocks at the end of Chapter 13, cannot be missed.

Into The Fire
Complete Chapter 14.
Complete Chapter 14 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Into The Fire.

Broken Promises
Complete Chapter 15.
Complete Chapter 15 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock Broken Promises.

Defeat Grand Unifier Raker.
Faithless unlocks at the end of Chapter 15, cannot be missed.

The Magus
Complete Chapter 16.
Complete Chapter 16 of Guardians of the Galaxy to unlock The Magus.

Poetry Critic
Defeat The Magus.
Poetry Critic unlocks at the end of Chapter 16, cannot be missed.

Guardians of the Galaxy
Complete Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy.
The “Guardians of the Galaxy” trophy will unlock at the end of the game. Simply reaching and viewing the final cutscene is all that is required, your completion percentage is not important, and there are no alternate endings to worry about.

Phase Two – Misc Cleanup
While it is ideal that you get everything in a single run during the first phase of our Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide, there are some trophies that you can use Chapter Select for, without worrying about your progress resetting. Make sure you have all of the collectibles before you start hopping around in Chapter Select and messing your collection up.
Use this phase to mop up any remaining trophies either by doing a second playthrough or using Chapter Select to go to specific chapters where needed.
Note that there’s a great farming spot in Chapter 8 for the Combat Trophies if you bought Rocket enough time to hack the drone at the start. Progress until you’re in the large room waiting for “Gubbins” the security drone to open the door to the Comms Center but never approach the door that Gubbins is waiting by.
You can just continuously fight the infinitely spawning enemies in this room until you choose to leave via Gubbins’ door.
There’s another spot like that in Chapter 11, too. A short way into the chapter, you’ll start encountering worm enemies that spawn infinitely from their nests until the nest is destroyed.
You can exploit this by never destroying the nest and allowing the worms to spawn infinitely while you farm trophies from them.
Combat Trophies

Pick Me Up
Revive a fallen team member.
When a guardian crewmate takes enough damage, they will kneel down and a red icon will appear above their head.

To get them back into the fight, you will need to approach them and hold to heal them. The first time you do this, Pick Me Up will unlock.

Stagger Swagger
Stagger 25 enemies.
To Stagger an enemy, you need to fill their Stagger bar, which is a white bar under their health bar. Use Drax’s “Destroy” ability to stagger enemies by holding +
, then pressing
again. You only need to do this to 25 enemies, and it’s very likely that this will happen naturally, unless you’re actively not using crewmate abilities for some reason.
There are other Crewmate abilities (and even Peter’s Abiltiies) which can inflict Stagger percentage, but Drax’s Destroy is the first ability that can do so.
Once you stagger your 25th enemy, Stagger Swagger will unlock.

Interrupt a Slakebeast with Drax’s Call to Action.
You will first fight the Slakebeast enemies in Chapter 3. They’re big blue octopus-faced quadrupeds which Peter later describes as “Tigers with Squid Faces”.

While fighting a Slakebeast, when you weaken it and then stagger it, there’s a chance that a Call to Action prompt will appear over the creature. When you press
, one of the characters (selected randomly) will answer your call to action and attack the beast.

To unlock Slakebuster, you need Drax to answer the Call to Action, which is slightly rare. You should proceed through Chapter 3 until you’re fighting the two Slakebeasts at once, and then weaken either of them to activate the prompt (Both times that I earned the trophy, it was the tail-less one that he finally attacked). Once you do, if it’s not Drax who answers the call, pause the game and select “Load Last Checkpoint” to try again.
A good strategy, if you are struggling to get lucky here, would be to increase the difficulty, let all Guardians get downed, and then revive only Drax. That way, he’ll be the only one who can answer the call when the time comes.

No Way, Nova Corps
Interrupt a Nova Centurion with Gamora’s Call to Action.
Nova Centurions are blue Nova Corp enemies with jetpacks that allow them to fly through the air. When you weaken and then stagger a Nova Corps Centurion, there’s a chance that a “Call to Action” prompt will appear, indicated by the giant prompt that appears over them.

When you press at this prompt, one of the Guardians will use their abilities to disable the Centurion’s jetpack. For the “No Way, Nova Corps” trophy, you specifically need it to be Gamora who responds to the Call to Action.
You can find Nova Centurion enemies in Chapter 7, there’s a big conflict that occurs under the massive turret in the hangar in which three Nova Centurions will fight you.
Trigger the Call to Action prompt (to the best of your abilities) on all three Nova Centurions. If Gamora never responds to this Call to Action then pause the game and select “Load Last Checkpoint”, thus giving yourself another chance to unlock the trophy.
Repeat the fight until Gamora finally performs a Call to Action attack on one of the Nova Centurions and the trophy will unlock.

Groot Canal
Interrupt a Charger with Groot’s Call to Action.
During Chapter 10, you’ll have two encounters with “Ogrodes” – big stone-textured minotaur-like alien creatures that charge at you.

You will also fight big muscle-bound yeti-like “Wendigo” enemies in Chapter 13.

These two enemy types are what the Groot Canal Trophy is referring to as a “Charger”.
Note that I did this a few times on the green Ogrodes that appear later in Chapter 10 and the trophy wouldn’t unlock, so I think they don’t count for some reason.
When fighting a Charger, there’s a small chance that Groot will walk up to it and grab it by the throat, causing a Call to Action prompt to appear. You will need to hit
as soon as you see this prompt for Groot to do his Call to Action attack.
To unlock the Groot Canal trophy, though, you will need Groot’s Call to Action to actually kill one. To ensure this happens, you’ll need to reduce their health down to around 15%, this way, if (and when) Groot uses his Call to Action on them, it should kill them and unlock the trophy.

The first time you run into the Ogrodes in Chapter there will be three of them, which makes for a perfect spot to farm this trophy. Just reduce the health of the first two Chargers down to 15% and then wait around for Groot to grab them. If he doesn’t, and they die, pause the game and select “Load Last Checkpoint”.
Replay this fight repeatedly until you get lucky and Groot does his thing, earning you the trophy.

Drax the Dismemberer
Dismember an Inquisitor with Drax’s Call to Action.
After Searching Ko-Rel’s Office in Chapter 7 of the game, you’ll face your very first Inquisitor, a large robot with a red insignia on its “face” which it fires laser beams from.

When you weaken and then stagger an Inquisitor, there’s a chance for a Call to Action prompt to appear. When you press
a random teammate will remove one of its arms.
To unlock Drax the Dismemberer, you need Drax to be the one who answers the Call to Action. The best way to earn this trophy is to replay the first Inquisitor fight repeatedly, activating Call to Action prompts, until Drax is the one to remove the Inquisitor’s arm.
You can do this twice in a single fight with an Inquisitor, as it has two arms. But be careful not to kill it so you can keep retrying if needed.
Whenever a guardian other than Drax answers the call, pause the game and select “Load Last Checkpoint”. Repeat until you are successful.

If you’re really struggling to get Drax to be the one who helps out, you could consider letting the other guardians get downed (may require a difficulty increase) so that Drax is the only one standing.

Unstoppable Force
Attain the maximum possible Momentum 10 times.
As you’re fighting in any encounter throughout Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy, you will get a rating that is shown on the left side of the screen. This rating appears above a bar which decreases over time if you do not attack anything.

At the end of the fight, the average maintained “Momentum” rating will be shown to you, you needn’t worry about this though.
The Unstoppable Force trophy only cares about you reaching the maximum Momentum (Marvelous Rating) and you could even earn this trophy in a single encounter if you let the Momentum meter drop and then refill it multiple times.
All that being said, though, this trophy is extremely likely to unlock naturally within the first few chapters of the game.

The Crowd Goes Wild
Execute a Flair Attack 10 times.
When a tougher enemy’s health gets very low, there’s a fairly high chance you will see a “ +
” prompt above its head. When you see it, get close enough and then push both
together to initiate a Flair Attack finishing move.

You’ll need to do this 10 times to unlock “The Crowd Goes Wild”, but as long as you activate the Flair Attack every time you see the prompt, you’ll have this trophy before you’re even halfway through the game.

Set ’em Up, Knock ’em Down
Defeat 15 Staggered enemies with a Charged Shot.
Before you can unlock the Set ’em Up, Knock ’em Down trophy, you must visit a workbench and purchase the “Charged Shot” perk for 600 basic components & 100 advanced components. There’s a workbench in your ship if you’re struggling to find one while out on missions.

With the perk equipped, you can double-tap and then hold to charge a shot, which will fire when you release
. If you’re playing on PS5 this is actually a little trickier to pull off due to the adaptive triggers. You’ll need to release the trigger fully between double-taps or it won’t register.
To unlock this trophy, stagger enemies by using Ice or Electric elemental fire from your guns, or by using a companion ability like Drax’s “Destroy”. Only big enemies have a Stagger bar, but weaker enemies can be staggered too, they’ll just stop moving when they’re staggered with no other indicators.
I found it easiest to just freeze enemies with the ice element, then shoot them a little bit to reduce their health before releasing a charged shot at them to finish them off.

You can use one of the two farming spots mentioned at the start of this Phase if you’re struggling to find a good place to earn this trophy.

Bullet Hell
Defeat 15 enemies with Star-Lord’s Fan the Hammer ability.
Earning the Bullet Hell trophy requires you to have purchased Peter’s “Fan the Hammer” ability from the menu for 2 Skill Points. Once you have it, you can press
during combat to activate it.

The ability lasts quite a long time and deals a lot of damage, so it’s easy to kill plenty of basic enemies with it.
You’ll be glad to know that as it is a cumulative trophy, you do not need to get all 15 kills within a single use of the ability.

You can use one of the two farming spots mentioned at the start of this Phase if you’re struggling to find a good place to earn this trophy.

Adding Injury to Insult
Defeat 10 enemies affected by Drax’s Wrath of Katath ability.
Drax will automatically learn the Wrath of Katath ability during Chapter 12 as part of the story. Once unlocked, you can activate it by pressing +
to open Drax’s ability menu, then
to select Wrath of Katath.
Drax will then attack the targetted enemy, releasing a red shockwave, adding a weakening effect to all in it’s perimeter, indicated by a red icon above their health bar.
To unlock the Adding Injury to Insult trophy, you will need to defeat 10 enemies that you have affected with this ability. Either you or a teammate can deal the finishing blow, so feel free to use high-damage abilities from any of the other guardians to finish off affected enemies.
As the trophy is cumulative, this all doesn’t need to be done in a single use of Wrath of Katath, and you can work on the trophy across multiple uses of the ability.
Once you’ve successfully killed 10 wrath-affected enemies, the trophy will unlock.

You can use one of the two farming spots mentioned at the start of this Phase if you’re struggling to find a good place to earn this trophy.

Trained to Perfection
Defeat 10 enemies with Gamora’s Executioner ability.
Gamora will automatically learn her Executioner ability during Chapter 12 as part of the story. Once unlocked, you can activate it by pressing +
to open Gamora’s ability menu and then pressing
to select the Executioner ability.
This will send Gamora to attack the targeted enemy, unleashing a flurry of incredibly fast slashing attacks which deal a good chunk of damage.
All you need to do to unlock Trained to Perfection is to use this ability to kill an enemy 10 times. As this ability targets just one enemy, you obviously can’t get the trophy from just a single use of the ability and will need to use it 10 times on 10 separate enemies.

It’s a bit of a waste of the ability, but consider using it on weaker enemies to ensure that Gamora gets a kill.
You can use one of the two farming spots mentioned at the start of this Phase if you’re struggling to find a good place to earn this trophy.

Boom Show
Defeat 20 enemies with Rocket’s Five Barrel Barrage.
Rocket will automatically learn his Five Barrel Barrage ability during Chapter 11 as part of the story. Once unlocked, you can use it by pressing +
to access Rocket’s ability menu, then press
to select Five Barrel Barrage.
This is a very high-damage attack in which Rocket uses his entire arsenal to rain fire down on his opponents. It’s likely he will kill multiple enemies with a single use of this ability, especially if the enemies are particularly weak.
To unlock the Boom Show trophy, you just need Rocket to kill 20 enemies in total with this ability. It’s cumulative, so you can earn this trophy over several uses of the ability and don’t need to kill 20 in one attack. Although, that is possible against the swarms of worm enemies in Chapter 11.
You can use one of the two farming spots mentioned at the start of this phase if you’re struggling to find a good place to earn this trophy.
Once you’ve successfully killed 20 enemies using Rocket’s Five Barrel Barrage ability, the trophy is all yours.

Herbal Remedy
Revive or Heal Companions 10 times with Groot’s Gift of the Florae.
Groot will automatically learn the Gift of the Florae ability during Chapter 14 as part of the story. Once it’s unlocked, you can activate it by pressing +
to open Groot’s ability menu. Then, press
to select Gift of the Florae, which will heal and/or revive all Guardians.
To unlock Herbal Remedy you will need to use this ability to heal your companions 10 times, but each companion you heal counts as one time. So, using the ability just once counts as five times if the ability heals everyone. Thanks to this, you’ll only need to activate the ability as few as two times to unlock the trophy.

Altitude Adjustment
Defeat 20 enemies with Star-Lord’s Eye of the Hurricane.
Before you can earn the Altitude Adjustment trophy, you will need to spend 3 Skill Points on Peter’s “Eye of the Hurricane” ability via the menu.
Once you have it, you can activate it by pressing +
. The attack is a radial Area of Effect ability and will damage enemies in a circle around you when it’s triggered.
You should weaken enemies before using the ability on them to ensure you do enough damage to kill them with it. Kill 20 enemies in this way and the Altitude Adjustment trophy will unlock. Note that you don’t need to get all 20 in a single use of the ability, that would be insane.

You can use one of the two farming spots mentioned at the start of this Phase if you’re struggling to find a good place to earn this trophy.

Killer Friendship
Execute an Auto-Combo with Gamora.
To unlock Killer Friendship, you need an Auto-Combo attack to occur between Gamora and Peter. Auto-combos happen when you are melee attacking an opponent near a crew-mate and they automatically help you out, triggering a special combo attack.
Use to melee attack enemies close to Gamora and if you are lucky, she will help you out, unlocking the trophy.

Katathian Handshake
Execute an Auto-Combo with Drax.
To unlock Katathian Handshake, you need an Auto-Combo attack to occur between Drax and Peter. Auto-combs happen when you are melee attacking an opponent near a crew-mate and they automatically help you out, triggering a special combo attack.
Use to melee attack enemies close to Drax and if you are lucky, he will help you out, unlocking the trophy.

Aim Assist
Execute an Auto-Combo with Rocket.
To unlock Aim Assist, you need an Auto-Combo attack to occur between Rocket and Peter. Auto-combo attacks happen when you are melee attacking an opponent near a crew-mate and they automatically help you out, triggering a special combo attack.
Use to melee attack enemies close to Rocket and if you are lucky, he will help you out, unlocking the trophy. This is the hardest of the Auto-Combo trophies to acquire because Rocket generally keeps his distance from the enemies so he can shoot them from afar. He also sits on Groot’s shoulders a lot which makes things more difficult.
You’ll need to keep your eye out for moments where an enemy is particularly close to Rocket and then melee them in the hopes that Rocket reacts.
There is a really good place to farm this if you need to, though. At the end of Chapter 13, when you’re fighting the Fog Entities and Rocket is refusing to go into the water, Gamora, Drax, and Groot are all incapacitated at one point, leaving you and Rocket to fight the entities alone. That’s where I managed to finally earn the trophy.

Execute an Auto-Combo with Groot.
To unlock Timber!, you need an Auto-Combo attack to occur between Groot and Peter. Auto-combo attacks happen when you are melee attacking an opponent near a crew-mate and they automatically help you out, triggering a special combo attack.
Use to melee attack enemies close to Groot and if you are lucky, he will help you out, unlocking the trophy.

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This Is What We Do
Win every trophy.
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Guardians of the Galaxy Trophy Guide, the “This Is What We Do” platinum trophy will unlock.

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