PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters and unlock all trophies?
Around 6-12 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters have online trophies?
Does Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters have missable trophies?
Yes, Monkey Wrench'd , Bolt Collector .
Does Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters?
One, plus a partial "Challenge Mode" Playthrough.
Does Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters have a Platinum Trophy?
Other Useful Guides:
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Titanium Bolt Location Guide
Trophy Guide
Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS4 & PS5
Welcome to our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trophy Guide. Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters was originally released on the PlayStation Portable in 2007 and later saw a re-release on the PS2 in 2008. Later, it also received ports for PS Vita and is now even available on PS4 & PS5 in the form of Remasters, complete with a full Trophy List for you to work through.
In this walkthrough-style Trophy Guide, I’ll take you through each trophy in the game in chronological order so that you can blast through the list in as little as 6 hours, hopefully collecting every Missable trophy along the way!
For the most part, this is a very simple trophy journey with a mere handful of trophies that actually prove challenging. The most important one to look out for is the Bolt Champion trophy. If you spend any of your Titanium Bolts throughout the game, you’ll lock yourself out of it. So, while following our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Titanium Bolt Location Guide to collect them all, make sure you avoid spending them on cosmetics until you have all 20!
Phase One | Complete the Story & Earn Missable Trophies
In this first phase of our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trophy Guide, we’ll focus on collecting all Missable Trophies throughout your first playthrough and the majority of other Misc Trophies too. To help ensure you don’t miss anything, the guide below is laid out in a chronological walkthrough-like format, whereby you collect each trophy as and when you can.
Along the way, you’ll also want to follow our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Titanium Bolt Location Guide to also collect all 20 Titanium Bolts on your way through the game.
One big thing to remember is to not spend any Titanium Bolts. You will need to be holding all 20 Titanium Bolts at one time for the Bolt Champion trophy, so if you start spending them on cosmetics, you’ll quickly lock yourself out of that trophy!
This Remaster includes Save State and Rewind features that you can use to make the game significantly easier for yourself, especially when it comes to Races and acquiring difficult Skill Points.
I recommend either trying to earn 15 Skill Points on your way through the story (See Skillful Warrior), or making a Save State at the end of the game (See Full-Otto Annihilation) so you can easily mop them up later.
Phase One Trophy Walkthrough
Lombax Sushi
Get swallowed by a fish.
At the very start of the game, you’ll be on a beach near the water. Jump straight into the water and then swim around for a few seconds.
Shortly after entering the water, a large fish will eat you, immediately unlocking the Lombax Sushi trophy!
Quartered Wardrobe
Collect a piece of armor.
Bolt Fan
Obtain a Titanium Bolt.
After collecting the first of two Titanium bolts in Pokitaru (See our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Titanium Bolt Location Guide), you will unlock the “Bolt Fan” trophy.
It's a Grower
Obtain the Sprout-O-Matic gadget.
You will receive the Sprout-O-Matic gadget unavoidably as part of the second level; Ryllus. When that happens, you’ll also automatically unlock the “It’s a Grower” trophy.
Shady Dealings, Big Results
Purchase any weapon mod.
On the Third Level, called “Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon,” just after the standard vendor block, you’ll see a strange kiosk with eyes at the top of it.
Approach this vendor and press to accesss a Weapon Mod store for the first time.
Purchase any one of these mods and you will unlock “Shady Dealings, Big Results.” You should have enough cash to do this by now, but if not you can always complete a few races on Kalidon first.
A Lost Talent
Finish any race in 4th place.
On the Third Level, called “Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon,” there are several Skyboard Races you can complete by speaking to the purple-haired NPC.
To unlock the “A Lost Talent” trophy, you essentially just need to lose a race. Finish a Race in 4th place to unlock the trophy.
You can do this as early as the “Learner’s Permit” Race.
However, considering you need to beat that one for the story, you could then use the Remaster’s Rewind Feature after losing to undo your loss and then win instead; thus avoiding a full replay of the three-lap race.
Display of Vandalism
Destroy 5 displays in the Kalidon Mechanoid Factory.
Once you’re done with the races, continue on to the actual factory part of Kalidon.
Once inside, you’ll see several displays containing mechanoids. Begin smashing them with .
After you’ve destroyed just 5 of these displays (all of which can be found at the entrance), you’ll unlock the “Display of Vandalism” trophy!
Style with a Twist
Complete a full set of armor.
To unlock the “Style with a Twist” trophy, you need to complete any full set of armor. There’s actually one full set of armor that you essentially collect effortlessly; the Wildfire set.
The Wildfire Body Armor was on the bridge in Pokitaru when you collected Quartered Wardrobe, the gloves were also on the main path on Pokitaru, the helmet was unmissable along the main path on Ryllus—just after the second Titanium Bolt—and the boots are on the main path in Kalidon, just after you’ve platformed your way back up the elevator shaft.
Upon collecting the boots, you should have the full armor set and will unlock the “Style with a Twist” trophy.
Monkey Wrench'd
Defeat Mungo using only your wrench.
At the end of the Kalidon level, you’ll need to fight the boss called “Mungo,” a large purple space-ape boss.
To unlock the “Monkey Wrench’d” trophy, you need to make sure you defeat him using only your wrench, no other weapons.
This is difficult because it means getting in close to Mungo, well within range of his attacks. Fortunately, most of his attacks can easily be jumped or double-jumped over.
If you’re struggling, you can use the Rewind Feature each time you take too much damage to undo that damage and try again.
Space Monkey Fever
Defeat Mungo at Kalidon.
Mungo is the first boss you’ll face as part of the Size Matters story campaign, at the end of the Kalidon level. Upon defeating him to progress the story, you’ll unavoidably unlock the “Space Monkey Fever” trophy. Defeat him using only your wrench to unlock the missable Monkey Wrench’d trophy!
Bolt Collector
Obtain 10 Titanium Bolts.
If you have been thorough (or have been following our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Titanium Bolt Location Guide), you’ll unlock “Bolt Collector” in the Dreamtime level upon collecting the third Titanium Bolt in that level, the 10th one overall.
Adverse Attraction
Obtain the Polarizer gadget.
After escaping the Medical Outpost, you’ll meet the purple-haired Skyboard racer again.
Win the “Interior Decorating” race, and he will give you a new gadget called the “Polarizer.”
To win the race easily, keep an eye out for corners you can cut. There’s a pretty big section at the end that you can skip by just flying directly towards the finish line. see High Risk Boosting.
You can also make frequent use of the Remaster’s Rewind functionality to undo any mistakes you make.
High Risk Boosting
Execute a shortcut across space in the Medical Outpost Omega races.
Now that you have access to the Medical Outpost Omega Races, it’s a good idea to try and unlock this trophy. It’s not missable so if you really want to you could come back later and try then, but since you’re here, you might as well.
Essentially, you want to save up plenty of fuel and then cut a huge shortcut in any of the races by just boosting across the empty space between portions of the track.
You can do this in any of the Skyboard Races available on the Medical Outpost, including the first one (Interior Decorating).
The best place to do it is right near the end of the course, towards the finish line and after the helical section.
You just start boosting through the air, but don’t hold , tap it to gain height occasionally, preserving your fuel.
I Am the Nightmare
Re-enter Dreamtime and relive the terror.
Before you leave the Medical Outpost, approach the bed near your ship. By pressing on it, you can re-enter the Dreamtime level you completed earlier.
Do exactly that, and you’ll immediately receive the “I Am the Nightmare” trophy.
You can then use the rewind feature to leave again, or just replay the full level for Bolts and EXP if you feel like it. It is a bit of an annoying level, though. I hate those eyeballs!
Welcome, Enjoy Your Stay
Discover a way to the High Impact Treehouse.
This is a very weird trophy…
Now that you have the Polarizer, you can return to Metalis and open the large vent behind your ship. This vent leads you into an obstacle course with a Titanium Bolt at the end.
Once you’ve completed it and collected the Bolt, a teleporter will appear that you can use to return to your ship or, indeed, go from your ship to the “arena” (where the bolt was) very easily.
This is where it gets weird.
Manually set your system clock to a time between or 2:42 and 2:48 AM via the System Settings, and then go through the teleporter back to the “arena.”
There, if you set the time correctly, you will see another teleporter opposite you.
Step into and use that teleporter to be taken directly to the High Impact Treehouse, a secret level filled with developer diaries and concept art.
What Could Have Been
Discover the CUT weapon.
Head upstairs in the High Impact Treehouse (See Welcome, Enjoy Your Stay ), and you’ll find a weapon pickup floating there.
Collect it and the “What Could Have Been” trophy will immediately unlock.
Clank Would Be Proud
Solve any Gadgebot Survival challenge at the High Impact Treehouse.
On the main floor of the High Impact Treehouse (See Welcome, Enjoy Your Stay ), there’s a huge TV you can interact with to access a series of Lemmings-like “Gadget Bot Survival” missions.
Solve just one of these to unlock the “Clank Would Be Proud” trophy.
Technomite Drop Shipping
Defeat the Dropship at Challax.
The second major boss in the Size Matters story comes at the end of the Challax Level. Fight and defeat it in its lengthy Boss Fight Sequence to unavoidably unlock the “Technomite Drop Shipping” trophy.
Expedited on Demand Delivery
Obtain the PDA gadget.
When you arrive at Technomite City on Challax, a new Gadget becomes available in the Gadgetron Vendor Store called the “PDA.” It costs 50,000 bolts.
Purchase it then and there—or later in the game if you wish—and the “Expedited on Demand Delivery” trophy will unlock!
Another One for the Collection
Obtain all gadgets.
To unlock the “Another One for the Collection” trophy, you need to acquire all of the gadgets in the game. Many of them are unlocked naturally via story progression, but a few of them must be purchased from the Gadgetron Vendor once you’ve progressed the game far enough.
I’ve produced the table below, which details each Gadget and where you’ll acquire it:
Gadget | Acquisition |
Hypershot | Automatic—story |
Sprout-o-Matic | Automatic—story |
Polarizer | Automatic—story |
PDA | Purchase from the Gadgetron Vendor |
Shrink Ray | Automatic—story |
Bolt Grabber | Purchase from the Gadgetron Vendor |
Box Breaker | Purchase from the Gadgetron Vendor |
Map-o-Matic | Purchase from the Gadgetron Vendor |
If you don’t see a gadget you need in the vendor store, progress the game further, and it will eventually be added.
You can view how many gadgets you have so far via the pause menu, under “Gadgets.”
Small but Deadly
Defeat Luna at Dayni Moon.
The third story-related Boss Fight takes place on Dayni Moon against Luna. Defeat her, and you’ll unavoidably receive the “Small but Deadly” trophy upon doing so.
Bolt Champion
Obtain 20 Titanium Bolts.
If you have been following our Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Titanium Bolt Location Guide, you will unlock the Bolt Champion trophy upon collecting the 20th Titanium Bolt in the final level; Quodrona.
You can now spend your bolts on Cosmetics if you like.
Full-Otto Annihilation
Defeat Otto Destruct at Quodrona.
Otto Destruct is the final boss in Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters. Upon defeating him, you’ll automatically receive the “Full-Otto Annihilation” trophy.
After defeating him, you’ll be asked if you want to “Warp” back to before you fought him, or “Replay” the game in Challenge Mode. You should press and create a save state at this exact point so that you can always come back to this choice, this will be useful for Skilfull Warrior, if you don’t have it yet.
After making your save, choose Challenge Mode.
Phase Two | Challenge Mode Cleanup
After defeating the final boss and unlocking Full-Otto Annihilation, be sure to press and enter the game in Challenge Mode after making a save state. I would recommend that you press at this decision and create a save state to easily return to this choice again at any time. This will make earning Skillful Warrior easier if you don’t already have it.
In Challenge Mode, more weapons are available in the store, you can earn bolts much faster, and you will maintain all your weapons, armour, levels, bolts, and skill points.
In this mode, you can now collect the remaining few trophies, many of which require you to farm bolts.
Get a X12 Multiplier
Worker's Dozen
Reach a score multiplier of ×12.
In Challenge Mode, you will gradually earn a Bolt Multiplier, displayed in the top-right corner. This increases the more enemies you defeat without getting hit, but if you get hit even once, it will reset back to X1.
To easily earn the “Worker’s Dozen” trophy, make your way through the first level in Challenge Mode, being careful not to get hit (Use the Rewind Feature to undo undue damage). Eventually, just before the bridge you need to raise, you should reach a X12 multiplier from defeating enemies. At that point, the trophy will unlock!
Defeat a Giant Crab
Big, but Useless
Defeat a giant blue crab in Pokitaru.
In Challenge Mode, complete Pokitaru once, then return to it via your ship once you’ve traveled to the next level.
On your second playthrough, just after the cave with the 3 bots inside, you should come across a giant crab on the beach.
Defeat it in any way you see fit, and you’ll receive the “Big, but Useless” trophy.
Level up a Weapon 3 Times
This One's My Favorite
Upgrade any weapon three times.
An interesting staple in Ratchet & Clank games is the way that each unique weapon has its own EXP bar. By simply defeating enemies, this EXP bar increases. You can see it under your ammo indicator in the top-left.
Each time the EXP bar maxes out on a weapon, it will be automatically upgraded to a stronger version of the same weapon. Each weapon can be upgraded a maximum of three times, with the third upgrade unlocking a particularly powerful variation.
To unlock “This One’s My Favourite,” you will need to level up any of the weapons in the game three times. I personally did this with the Lacerator, and it occurred naturally, so there’s a decent chance you’ll also unlock this trophy naturally.
Purchase a Titan Weapon
Bigger and Better than Ever
Purchase a Titan weapon.
Titan Weapons are suped-up versions of standard weapons that can only be purchased in Challenge Mode.
Additionally, before a Titan Weapon will appear at the Gadgetron Vendor, you must have leveled up the standard version of that weapon fully (See This One’s My Favorite).
Once you have a fully-leveled weapon, check the Gadgetron Vendor for the Titan version of your max-level weapon and then purchase it.
Titan Weapons cost a lot of Bolts, so be prepared to farm bolts for a little while until you can afford it. Fortunately, this is pretty easy to do in Challenge Mode thanks to the bolt multiplier.
Purchase the RYNO
Rip Ya a Better One
Purchase the RYNO.
The RYNO is a weapon you can purchase at the Gadgetron Vendor, but only in Challenge Mode. It also costs a whopping 9,999,000 Bolts. That’s a lot of Bolt Farming, if you couldn’t tell.
For context, completing Pokitaru on Challenge Mode while maintaining a X12 Multiplier for the entire level and destroying every enemy and box will only net you around 300,000 Bolts per run.
The fastest way to earn bolts is by going to the Treehouse with a X12 Multiplier and then destroying every destructible object. This can earn you around 900,000 Bolts per visit. You would then leave the Treehouse and return to it to do it again.
The problem is that to access the treehouse without having all 25 Skill Points, you will have to progress your Challenge Mode playthrough all the way until you’ve completed the Medical Outpost level. See Welcome, Enjoy Your Stay for a reminder on how you access the Treehouse.
Whatever you choose to do to farm the bolts you need, once you have the 9,999,000 needed, purchase the RYNO from a Gadgetron Vendor to unlock “Rip Ya a Better One.”
Being a Hero Pays Off
Hold 1,000,000 bolts at any time.
The “Being a Hero Pays Off” trophy requires that you have at least one million bolts on you at once. This is obviously a lot of bolts, but nowhere near the over 9 million bolts you need for Rip Ya a Better One, so you’ll obviously unlock this trophy while working on that one.
Collect 8 Weapons
Weapon Collector Ratchet
Collect any 8 weapons.
As you progress through the story, the Gadgetron Vendor will sell more and more unique weapons. By the time you reach Challax, there will be enough weapons on sale for you to purchase 8 and unlock the “Weapon Collector Ratchet” trophy for a total of around 200,000 Bolts.
If you didn’t already do this in your original playthrough of the story, then you should do so in Challenge mode, where bolts are a bit easier to farm.
Complete a Secret Set of Armor
Secret Armor Sets are an Armor Set made up by combining pieces from other Armor Sets.
The full list of Secret Armor Sets is as follows:
Secret Set | Armour Pieces |
Fire-Bomb | Mega-Bomb Helmet & Boots & Torso Wildfire Gloves |
Shock Crystal | Crystallix Gloves & Torso Electroshock Helmet & Boots |
Wildburst | Wildfire Torso & Boots & Gloves Sludge Mk. 9 Helmet |
Triple Wave | Wildfire Helmet Sludge Mk.9 Gloves Electroshock Torso & Boots |
Ice 2 | Crystallix Helmet Hyperborean Torso & Gloves & Boots |
Stalker | Wildfire Helmet Sludge Mk.9 Gloves Chameleion Torso & Boots |
The easiest ones to make are Wildburst, Shock Crystal, and Triple Wave.
Hyperborean pieces only appear in Challenge Mode, and Chameleon Pieces only appear in your second Challenge Mode playthrough!
To help you find the armor pieces you need, I’ve produced a full list of the armor piece locations below. You may want to load your backup save and return to your pre-completion playthrough for easier access to some of these pieces:
Armor Piece | Acquisition | Location |
Wildfire body armor | Acquired at the end of the “Fight some robots” mission | Jowai Resort, Pokitaru |
Wildfire gloves | Acquired during the “Rescue the girl!” mission | Jowai Resort, Pokitaru |
Sludge Mk. 9 boots | Use the Sprout-O-Matic to plant the first explosive mimic plant, then use the fruit to blow a hole on the hill to the left, revealing a cave. | Vetega Jungle, Ryllus |
Wildfire helmet | Acquired at the end of the “Investigate the artifact” mission | Vetega Jungle, Ryllus |
Sludge Mk. 9 gloves | Acquired after completing the “Master’s Challenge” mission | Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon |
Wildfire boots | Acquired during the “Search the factory” mission | Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon |
Sludge Mk. 9 body armor | Acquired at the end of the “Search the factory” mission | Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon |
Crystallix gloves | Acquired after completing “The Uber Finals” mission | Junkyard LXIV, Metalis |
Sludge Mk. 9 helmet | Acquired after completing “Nigh Impossible” mission | Junkyard LXIV, Metalis |
Crystallix helmet | Acquired after completing “Smasherbot’s Revenge” mission | Junkyard LXIV, Metalis |
Electroshock gloves | Acquired at the end of the “Escape the planet” mission | Junkyard LXIV, Metalis |
Crystallix body armor | Acquired during the “??????????” mission | Dreamtime |
Crystallix boots | Acquired during the “Escape the medical facility” mission | Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega |
Electroshock boots | Acquired after completing “Vertigo” mission | Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega |
Electroshock body armor | Acquired at the end of the “Destroy the space fortress” mission | Technomite Orbital Facilities, Challax |
Electroshock helmet | Acquired at the end of the “Explore the miniature city” mission | Technomite City, Challax |
Mega-Bomb gloves | Acquired after completing “The Ultimate Showdown” mission | Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon |
Mega-Bomb boots | Acquired after completing “Infinite Improbability” mission | Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon |
Mega-Bomb helmet | Acquired during the “Catch Luna” mission | Farming Cooperative, Dayni Moon |
Mega-Bomb body armor | Acquired at the end of the “Escape from Clank” mission | Inside Clank |
Hyberborean gloves | In challenge mode, acquired during the “Rescue the girl!” mission | Jowai Resort, Pokitaru |
Hyberborean boots | In challenge mode, acquired during the “Investigate the artifact” mission | Vegeta Jungle, Ryllus |
Hyberborean body armor | In challenge mode, acquired during the “??????????” mission | Dreamtime |
Hyberborean helmet | In challenge mode, acquired during the “Explore the miniature city” mission | Technomite City, Challax |
Chameleon boots | In a second challenge mode playthrough, acquired during the “Rescue the girl!” mission | Jowai Resort, Pokitaru |
Chameleon body armor | In a second challenge mode playthrough, acquired at the end of the “Search the factory” mission | Mechanoid Factory, Kalidon |
Chameleon gloves | In a second challenge mode playthrough, acquired during the “Escape the medical facility” mission | Surgical Facility, Medical Outpost Omega |
Chameleon helmet | In a second challenge mode playthrough, acquired during the “Defeat all Technomites” mission | Inside Clank |
Earn 15 Skill Points
Skillful Warrior
Earn 15 Skill Points.
There are 25 Skill Points in Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters, but you will only need to collect 15 of them to unlock the Skillful Warrior trophy.
If you created a save state at the end-of-game decision like I suggested, then you will be able to return to your original playthrough and select “Warp” instead of “Restart,” thus allowing you to access any level in the game again without needing to progress your Challenge Mode playthrough further.
The Challenges in the game are as follows:
Skill Point | Acquisition | Level |
Train Faster | Complete the training segment on Pokitaru in less than 1 minute and 32 seconds. | Pokitaru |
Don’t Rock the Boat | Finish the boat challenge on Pokitaru without taking any damage. | Pokitaru |
Do Cows Get Crabby? | Transform 26 crabs into cows using the Mootator or Armoogeddon weapon. | Pokitaru |
Bury the Pygmies | Get Bury Blossoms to consume 5 Pygmy Tribesmen. | Ryllus |
Lights, Camera, Action! | Destroy 11 floating cameras. | Ryllus |
Ship It | Break every crate on the level. | Ryllus |
Explosive Ordnance Disposal | Disable all remote bombs in the Gravity Boot sphere. | Kalidon |
Super Lombax | Defeat 25 enemies in a row without getting hit. | Kalidon |
Be A Cool Skyboarder | Win a Skyboarding race without using the boost feature. | Kalidon |
Shutout | Win a Gadgebot Toss challenge without allowing any other participant to score. | Metalis |
Terror of the Skies | Achieve over 950 points in the Giant Clank challenge. | Metalis |
Ultimate Gladiator | Complete all challenges in the Clank arena. | Metalis |
Friends Don’t Hurt Friends | Survive the Giant Clank fight without taking any damage. | Dreamtime |
Night Terrors | Defeat all enemy waves on the last island within 45 seconds. | Dreamtime |
Be An Awesome Skyboarder | Complete the master Skyboarding challenge in under 3 minutes and 25 seconds. | Medical Outpost Omega |
Take Them Down A Shock | Defeat 23 Shock Troopers without dying. | Challax |
High Tech Weapons Master | Beat the enemy segment without using the Lacerator, Acid Bomb Glove, Concussion Gun, Shock Rocket, Laser Tracer, Sniper Mine, or the RYNO. | Challax |
No More Varmints! | Score over 1900 points in the Giant Clank challenge. | Challax |
Ultimate Gladiator | Complete all Clank arena challenges. | Dayni Moon |
Wool Protest | Finish level 8 without killing any Angry Rams. | Dayni Moon |
Bouncy, Bouncy, Bouncy | Perform a high-jump on a bouncy plant 10 times consecutively. | Dayni Moon |
Not the Shock of Me Now | Avoid taking any hits while inside Clank’s head. | Inside Clank |
Ratchet… Just Ratchet | Complete the enemy segment using only the wrench. | Inside Clank |
Elite Annihilation | Defeat more than 70 Elite clones during the Elite clone fight. | Quodrona |
Storm the Front | Finish the enemy portion of level 10 in less than 1 minute and 45 seconds. | Quodrona |
Complete any 15 that you want to unlock the Skillful Warrior trophy.
To check which ones you have so far, pause the game and then select the “Special” option at the bottom of the pause menu. Within, select “Skill Points.”
Here, you’ll see a full list of Skill Points in the game. Greyed-out Skill Points are the ones that you don’t have yet.
It's How You Use It
Unlock all trophies in Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters.
After collecting every trophy in this Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters Trophy Guide, the "It's How You Use It " Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!
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