PlayStation 5
Oceanhorn 2 Submeria Region Collectibles Guide
Collectible Guide
Where to Find All Submeria Region Collectibles in Oceanhorn 2
Welcome to our Oceanhorn 2 Submeria Region Collectible Guide. This is part of a full Oceanhorn 2 Trophy Guide and includes 6 other chapters. Browse below:
- Arne Region Collectible Guide
- Sernoa Region Collectible Guide
- White City Region Collectible Guide
- Pirta Region Collectible Guide
- Submeria Region Collectible Guide
- Source Region Collectible Guide
- Outlands Region Collectible Guide
In this specific section, we’ll be focusing on collectibles in the Submeria Region which will unlock the Submeria High and Low trophy.
The Great Lagoon
The Great Lagoon is the home of the Gillfolk and is easily accessible via air using the Yellow Bird.
Bloodstone | Close to the entrance of Gillfolk’s Grotto, you will find an alcove containing this Bloodstone. |
Bloodstone | Near the wrecked ship at the southeast side of the lagoon. |
Treasure Chest (Pearl Necklace) | On a ledge at the south side of the lagoon, near where the first Thunderstone was. |
Bloodstone |
Close to the entrance of Gillfolk’s Grotto, there’s a waterfall with a walkway over it. The Bloodstone is on that walkway.
Treasure Chest (Emerald Crystal) | This chest is sitting on a pillar to the south of the map. You can reach it by using your Grappling Hook. |
Treasure Chest (Bag of Gold) | In the shipwreck south of the lagoon. Requires Diving Helmet. |
Bloodstone | In the shipwreck south of the lagoon. Requires Diving Helmet. |
Treasure Chest (Faithful Star Shard) | Near the above shipwreck, there’s an island you can access via the vines growing on its side. Climb up to reach this chest. |
Bloodstone | Northeast of the lagoon, there’s an island with a shell house on it. The bloodstone is there. |
Treasure Chest: Health Container |
Near the Palace of Courage, at the north side of the lagoon, dive underwater with your Diving Helmet to find this treasure.
Bloodstone | Northwest of the lagoon, there’s a small island with this Bloodstone on it. |
Teleporter | First find the teleporter at the blue icon on your map. Then, look for a skull-shaped rock nearby. Blow it up with bombs to retrieve the gold ball within. Return the ball to the Teleporter and place it on the gold switch. |
Gilfolk's Grotto
The gate to Gilfolk’s Grotto is closed shut until you solve the puzzle outside the door. Basically, there are a load of jars on top of a load of pillars. You need to shoot and destroy just one of these jars to gain access and then the gate will be open from then on. The correct jar is on the pillar with ivy on it.
Bloodstone | Towards the north side of the area, just before a ramp leading higher up. |
Treasure Chest (Blacksmith’s Key) | Inside one of the Gillfolk Homes in the lower area. |
Treasure Chest: (Amber) | On a small stone island in the lower area. |
Treasure Chest (Rough Diamond) | Inside one of the Gillfolk Homes in the lower area. Requires the Blacksmith’s Key |
Bloodstone | In the lower area, near the water’s edge at the north side. |
Treasure Chest (Health Container) | Underwater in the main area of the grotto, obviously you’ll need the Diving Helmet to reach it. |
Palace of Insight
From the Great Lagoon, the entrance to the Palace of Insight on the far-east side of the map. You’ll need to use an ice spell on the water and then ride it to the Palace’s entrance or just swim there with the Diver’s Helmet on.
Treasure Chest (Key to the Palace of Insight gate) | In the puzzle room at the north side of the palace. |
Treasure Chest (Amber) | In the puzzle room at the north side of the palace. |
Treasure Chest (Obsidian Necklace) | After riding the second of the elevators, on the south side, use your grappling hook to get beyond a fence where this chest is. |
Bloodstone | After riding the second of the elevators, on the north side, use your grappling hook to get beyond a fence where this Bloodstone is. |
Palace of Courage
The Palace of Courage is only accessible with the Diving Helmet. At the north side of The Great Lagoon, dive underwater to go into the hidden entryway there.
Treasure Chest (Emerald Crystal) | On the lower-most level of the Palace of Courage, go underwater to find this chest. |
Treasure Chest (Key to the Elevator Control Room) | In the puzzle room at the north side of the palace. |
Ootheca Underwater
Using your Diving Helmet, swim from the Gate to Ootheca in the Great Lagoon to Ootheca Underwater.
Treasure Chest (Ootheca Control Room Key) | In a southwestern room. |
Treasure Chest (Rough Diamond) | Inside the shooting puzzle room on the north side. |
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