PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Valkyrie Elysium and unlock all trophies?
About 40-50 hours.
How difficult is it to beat Valkyrie Elysium and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Valkyrie Elysium have online trophies?
Does Valkyrie Elysium have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Valkyrie Elysium have missable trophies?
Does Valkyrie Elysium have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Valkyrie Elysium?
Two; at least one on Normal and one on Hard Difficulty.
Does Valkyrie Elysium have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5
Welcome to our Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide. Valkyrie Elysium is the latest in a long series of Valkyrie Profile games and sees you taking up the mantle of Valkyrie. You must team up with loyal Einherjar to aid Odin in his fight against Fenrir.
The trophy journey for Valkyrie Elysium is a lengthy 50-to-60-hour slog with plenty of level-grinding along the way. You will be required to complete at least 2 playthroughs, view 4 alternate endings, achieve an S-rank in every mission, and complete various collections.
Phase One – Play Until Chapter 9
In this initial phase of our Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide, your main focus should be progressing the story up to the end of Chapter 8. At that point, in order to have easier access to all endings, we will create a save that can be used to revisit the decision that influences the ending.
The first thing you should note is that most trophies won’t unlock in the middle of a Quest. After completing a trophy requirement, these trophies will unlock when you return to the hub area, Valhalla.
You can return to Valhalla in the middle of a Quest, and the trophies will still unlock; you just need to complete the requirements, not the whole mission (unless that is the requirement!).
The only major downside to this is that automatic trophy screenshots all look pretty rubbish. Including the ones in this guide…
Note that you must complete at least two full playthroughs to unlock the Valkyrie Elysium Platinum Trophy. This is because the Difficulty Trophies for completing the game on Normal and Hard difficulty do not stack. I recommend therefore completing your first playthrough on Normal difficulty!

While making your way through the story on Normal Difficulty, there are several things you can do regularly to reduce the cleanup needed further down the line:
- Frequently check the map with
for Subquests and Hollow Blossoms. Collect as many as you can to save yourself some time in the future.
- Each time you complete a mission, take the time to upgrade any weapons that you can. You will eventually need to upgrade every weapon fully, so this will save you some time too!
- If you reach proficiency level SSS with a weapon, stop using it. You need to reach SSS Proficiency with every weapon, so frequently changing weapons will ensure you’re always making progress in that regard. Weapon Proficiency is a long grind.
- Complete any Subquests you manage to find, so that you don’t have to do them later. The extra rewards will also help ensure you keep up with the difficulty curve!
- Keep your eye out for chests. Always explore carefully and check every nook and cranny. The more chests you open, the less you’ll have to search for later.
- Though it will speed things up a bit if you go out of your way to get S Ranks on all Quests and Subquests, it’s better just to take your time and explore for chests and collectibles. It will even actually benefit you to replay missions for S Rank later, not only because it will be easier to do with a full team but also because it’ll provide plenty of extra Weapon Proficiency points for the long Proficiency grind ahead.
Unmissable Story Trophies

Divinity Anew
Completed the tutorial
The Divinity Anew trophy will unlock when you return to Valhalla after completing the tutorial chapter at the start of the game.

An Impure Soul
Purified a monster
When you return to Valhalla after completing a Quest in which you defeated any monster (i.e., the tutorial), the “An Impure Soul” trophy will unlock!

Valkyrie, Claimer of Souls
Completed Chapter 1
Defeat the Naglfar at the end of the first main story Quest, Chapter 1: Purify the Soul, to complete the Chapter. Upon returning to Valhalla, you will unlock the “Valkyrie, Claimer of Souls” trophy.

An Impure Beast
Purified a Naglfar
Naglfar are giant deformed enemies made up of particularly corrupt souls. Defeating one for the first time will unlock the “An Impure Beast” trophy.

This will happen unavoidably as part of the first chapter, so the trophy should unlock when you return to Valhalla after completing the Chapter.

Champions of the Divine
Completed Chapter 2
Complete Chapter 2: Champions of the Divine and then return to Valhalla to unlock the Champions of the Divine trophy.

Affinity of a Soul
Unlocked an Einherjar memory
Einherjar memories are tied to unraveling the backstory of the various Einherjar that you can enlist into your ranks. The very first Einherjar Memory will be unlocked unavoidably after you’ve recruited Eygon as an Einherjar.
You will eventually need to unlock all Einherjar Memories to acquire the “Fellowship of Souls” trophy.

An Unexpected Reunion
Completed Chapter 3
Complete Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter and then return to Valhalla to unlock the An Unexpected Reunion trophy.

Victims of the Gods
Completed Chapter 4
Complete Chapter 4: Victim of the Gods and then return to Valhalla to unlock the Victims of the Gods trophy.

Those Offered the Hand of Salvation
Completed Chapter 5
Complete Chapter 5: Those Offered the Hand of Salvation and then return to Valhalla to unlock the Those Offered the Hand of Salvation trophy.

Evil Arises
Completed Chapter 6
Complete Chapter 6: Evil Arises and then return to Valhalla to unlock the Evil Arises trophy.

Metamorphosis & Doubt
Completed Chapter 7
Complete Chapter 7: Metamorphosis & Doubt and then return to Valhalla to unlock the Metamorphosis & Doubt trophy.

The Truth Unmasked
Completed Chapter 8
Complete Chapter 8: The Truth Unmasked and then return to Valhalla to unlock The Truth Unmasked trophy.

The Fate of the World
Completed Chapter 9
Complete Chapter 9: The Fate of the World and, after the credits, the Fate of the World trophy will unlock, signifying completion of all Main Quests.

Phase Two – Get All Endings
After beating the game, you’ll be asked to create a completed data save, which you can load to return to the game before the events of Chapter 9. After doing so, you will be able to complete Chapter 9 as many times as you like, thus being able to farm it for each of the four possible endings, each of which has its own trophy!
You will have earned at least one of these trophies (most likely Twilight of the Great Wolf) during your first playthrough of the story, so you’ll just need to replay the final Chapter until you’ve seen the other two.
Ending Trophies

Mid-Tier God
Completed the game on Normal difficulty
The Mid-Tier God trophy will unlock after the credits at the end of the game if you played on Normal Difficulty. It does not stack with High-Tier God, so you will need to complete at least two Playthroughs of the game.
It doesn’t matter which ending you get when you finish the game, this trophy will unlock regardless.

Twilight of the Great Wolf
Defeated Fenrir
Fenrir is one of the main story’s bosses, which you can fight by reaching a specific ending in Chapter 9 of the story. To reach the Fenrir ending, don’t speak to Armand in Chapter 9. Just blindly fight to the end of the Chapter without attempting anything special to get this default ending.
It involves four boss fights, one with Hilde and three fights with Fenrir.

Reach, fight, and defeat the fanged beast in Chapter 9 and the Twilight of the Great Wolf trophy will unlock at the end of the credits.

Twilight of the All-Father
Defeated Odin
Odin is one of the main story’s bosses, who you can fight by reaching a very specific ending in Chapter 9 of the story. To get this ending, first load up Chapter 9.
Next, open your map and look for a white NPC icon, this marks the location of Armand.
Go to the indicated location and speak to Armand to be given a choice. Choose the option “Accept that you are a Valkyrie and do what must be done.”

Now, continue the Chapter like normal, defeat Fenrir and Hilde, then, after a cutscene, you’ll have more combat ahead of you!
You will need to defeat each of your Einherjar one by one before taking on Odin with your party restored.

After the fight, the Chapter will end and the Twilight of the All-Father trophy will unlock.

A Momentary Escape
Agreed to Armand’s offer
The A Momentary Escape trophy unlocks when you get the story’s easiest-to-acquire ending.
While playing through Chapter 9, open your map to look for the white NPC icon indicating Armand’s location.

Approach and speak to him, and then, when given a choice, select “Choose to be human and go with Armand.”

The story will end then and there, and you’ll unlock A Momentary Escape over the credits.

Unbound Possibilities
Completed every ending
There are four possible endings in Valkyrie Elysium. To view the first three, see the Twilight of the All-Father, Twilight of the Great Wolf, and A Momentary Escape trophies.
With each of those complete, there’s just one final ending you can unlock; the True Ending.
To get the True Ending, you will need to do several things.
Firstly, you must have collected every Verdant Blossom except from the one in Chapter 9.

Travel to the center of the map in Chapter 9 and pluck the final Verdant Blossom from the ground.

Next, open your map and look for Armand, at a white NPC icon.

Speak to him and, when given a choice, choose to “Accept that you are a Valkyrie and do what must be done.”
Finally, continue the Chapter as normal and defeat both Fenrir and Odin to get access to a hidden boss; Ragnarok Odin. You do not need to fight all of your Einherjar for this ending, fortunately.
Defeat Ragnarok Odin to view the True Ending.

Once you have seen all four endings at least once, the Unbound Possibilities trophy will unlock.

Verdant Blossom Trophies

A Mysterious Flower
Obtained a Verdant Blossom

Verdant Blossoms are green flower collectibles found in each of the game’s explorable areas. You can check for Verdant Blossoms in any area by just opening the map with a tap of the . Verdant Blossoms will always show on the map as shimmering green dots.

After you have collected a Verdant Blossom for the first time (most likely in Chapter 3) and then returned to Valhalla, the “A Mysterious Flower” trophy will unlock!

Truth of the Gods
Obtained every Verdant Blossom
The number of Verdant Blossoms in an area is visible from the world map/chapter select screen. Highlight an area to see the number of Story Quests to complete as well as the number of Verdant Blossoms to collect.

To unlock the “Beyond Reminiscence” trophy, you will need to find and collect every single Verdant Blossom in the game. This is fairly easy to do using two methods:
- Passive Collecting: Every time you enter a new area, open your map with
and check for shimmering green dots. Moving the map around with
makes them easier to see due to the gold trails they leave behind. Grab as many as you can while working your way through the story. The more you can grab, the less you’ll need to clean up.
- Retroactive Collecting: When you’re done with the story, return to completed areas to mop up the remaining Blossoms, checking your map with
for shimmering green dots. You can also use the counters on the world map/chapter selection screen to identify where you are missing Blossoms.
Note that the Verdant Blossom icons on the map may not display if you’re not on the same altitude as them. Be sure to check your map after going up or down stairs to ensure one hasn’t just been revealed.
The very last Verdant Blossom, found in Chapter 9, will not spawn until you have collected all other Verdant Blossoms. Once done, you can collect the final one as part of the True Ending.
Once you have acquired every Verdant Blossom in the game, the Truth of the Gods trophy will unlock upon your next visit to Valhalla.

Phase Three – S Rank in all Quests and Subquests
Main Story and all three endings complete, this next phase of our Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide is dedicated to completing every Quest and Subquest on S-Rank.
If you’ve completed plenty on S-Rank already, then this phase shouldn’t take you too long. Don’t fret, though, if you have a lot of Quests to replay, you’ll need the exp for your Weapon Proficiency Grind and will be glad to have a reason for replaying missions at this point.
Subquest Trophies

Talk of the Dead
Completed a subquest
Subquests can be found in Main Story Missions while you’re exploring and in Valhalla at White Orbs or recruited Einherjar. Keep your eye out for stacked-paper icons on the map while you play.

Speak to the spirit at that location to receive a Subquest.

From the World Map/Chapter Select screen, you can press to switch to the list of available Subquests.
Subquests take place in slightly modified versions of main quest areas and typically require you just to reach a waypoint or two and then interact with the chest/item or defeat the enemies there.

After completing your first Subquest, return to Valhalla to unlock the “Talk of the Dead” trophy.

Icon of the Dead
Completed 10 subquests
The Icon of the Dead trophy will unlock when you’ve completed your tenth Subquest. This is possible at around Chapter 6 of the Main Story.

You will eventually need to complete every Subquest to unlock the Savior of the Dead trophy.

Superstar of the Dead
Completed 20 subquests
The Icon of the Dead trophy will unlock when you’ve completed your tenth Subquest. This is possible at around Chapter 7 of the Main Story.

You will eventually need to complete every Subquest to unlock the Savior of the Dead trophy.

Savior of the Dead
Completed all subquests
There are a total of 36 Subquests. I have broken them up by Territory below so that you can keep track of which ones you may still need to complete.
Training Ground (4)
- Training Duel with Eygon
- Advice for Cypher
- A bout with Kristoffer
- Combat Training for Taika
Be’elzean Territory (8)
- Thanks to a Comrade (1) – Speak to Eygon in Valhalla
- Cypher’s Belief (1) – Speak to Cypher in Valhalla
- Mother’s Ring
- A Dead Man’s Warning
- An Imprisoned Soul (1)
- My Hometown
- Midgardian Studies (2) – Silver orb in Valhalla’s Library
- Thanks to a Comrade (3) – Speak to Eygon in Valhalla
Galdban Territory (9)
- O’ Mine Beloved Land
- A Blacksmith’s Wish
- An Old Man’s Discerning Eye
- The Unfinished Masterpiece
- Years of Ill Will
- An Imprisoned Soul (2)
- Midgardian Studies (1) – Silver Orb in Valhalla’s Library
- Cypher’s Belief (3) – Speak to Cypher in Valhalla
- Woes of a Gallant Princess (1) – Speak to Kristoffer in Valhalla
Lucardan Territory (8)
- Village Request (1)
- Village Request (2)
- Mother, Where Art Thou?
- Long Lost Reconciliation
- Forever a Child in a Parent’s Eyes
- Thanks to a Comrade (2) – Speak to Eygon in Valhalla
- Woes of a Gallant Princess (2) – Speak to Kristoffer in Valhalla
- Woes of a Gallant Princess (3) – Speak to Kristoffer in Valhalla
Romalian Territory (7)
- A Mage’s Miscalculation
- Midgardian Studies (3) – Silver orb in Valhalla’s Library
- Secrets Hidden in Danger
- Cypher’s Belief (2) – Speak to Cypher in Valhalla
- This Flower for Thee (1) – Speak to Taika in Valhalla
- This Flower for Thee (2) – Speak to Taika in Valhalla
- This Flower for Thee (3) – Speak to Taika in Valhalla
After you have completed all 36 Subquests, return to Valhalla and the Savior of the Dead trophy will unlock.

S-Rank Trophies

A Loyal Servant
Obtained “S” rank on a quest
Completing a Quest with a ranking of “S” for the very first time will unlock the “A Loyal Servant” trophy. This can be a Subquest or a Main Quest.
You will eventually need to get an S Rank on every Quest for the “The All-Father’s Right Hand” trophy.

The All-Father’s Right Hand
Obtained “S” rank on every quest
After you have completed the 9 Main Story Chapters and all 36 Subquests, you will need to achieve S-Rank on all of them. Including the Subquests. Doing so will unlock The All-Father’s Right Hand.

To achieve an S-Rank, you typically need around a 30,000 score on the results screen. For Training Grounds Missions, this is reduced to around a 28,000 score.
The best way to ensure a high score is to go through the level as fast as you can. Quicker completion times mean higher scores. Taking too much damage, using items, and dying, however, will all result in reductions to your score.
The best strategy is to use the Nibelung Valesti Divine Arts in as many fights as you can, destroying huge swathes of enemies with ease. The Level II version of this spell is devastating and will end most fights in an instant.
Once you have achieved “S” Rank on every single Quest and Subquest, the trophy should unlock right there on the final results screen.
Phase Four – Normal Playthrough Cleanup
With the game’s main objectives out of the way, you can focus on collecting remaining misc combat and collection trophies.
You should hopefully have unlocked a majority of these naturally, especially during the S-Rank grind.
The longest grind you’ll face as part of this phase of our Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Grind is the one required for Weapons Master, as this requires you to earn an absurd amount of Weapon Proficiency EXP, and with no New Game Plus this chore must be completed on your current save.
Misc Combat Trophies

Combo Master
Raised the Combo Gauge to 300 Hits
Landing a 300-hit Combo is not as difficult as it sounds and is very likely to happen naturally sometime between Chapter 5 and the end of your first story playthrough.

You will have a hit counter on-screen during battle after landing a hit and must continue to land hits for the counter to increase. Time is the only factor that can reset your counter, taking damage doesn’t seem to affect it.
Fortunately, the attacks of your Einherjar also add to the counter, so bring as many into the fray as you can to keep that counter rising. In some of the more linear Subquests, it’s possible to effortlessly keep a single combo going for the entire mission.

Purified a monster by pushing them into a hole or off a cliff
A small amount of luck will play a part in unlocking the Pitfall trophy, but there’s a decent chance of it occurring naturally. Essentially, you need to defeat an enemy by pushing them off the map. You can do this by fighting them, especially flying enemies, at the edge of a cliff or hole.
Knocking them into it will immediately kill them, regardless of their remaining health. Doing this for the first time will cause the trophy to unlock.

Lightning Strike
Defeated two monsters with a single Lightning Bolt
The protagonist’s very first Divine Art is “Lightning Bolt”. When it is used, it chains from the targetted enemy to nearby enemies, dealing equal damage to them all.
To unlock the “Lightning Strike” trophy, you will need to kill two or more enemies simultaneously with the Lightning Bolt Divine Art.
This can easily be acquired by returning to an early quest later in the game when your Divine Arts and character stats are more powerful. Alternatively, you can just save up your Divine Arts gauge and then unleash multiple Lightning Bolts on the same group of enemies until they’re defeated.

Soul Burst
Landed a Soul Burst Level 3 attack
Before you can unlock the “Soul Burst” trophy, you will need to purchase the “Soul Burst Level 3” Attack Skill for Valkyrie. Once you have it, you will be able to hold to absorb up to three Souls dropped by enemies.

Releasing after absorbing a full three souls with Soul Burst will unleash a Soul Burst Level 3 attack. If the attack lands on an enemy, the Soul Burst trophy will unlock.

Soul Steal
Landed a Soul Steal in midair
Before you can unlock the Soul Steal trophy, you will need to purchase the “Soul Steal” ability in Valkyrie’s Attack Skill Tree.

Once you have it, you can execute a Soul Steal by first pressing to grapple to an enemy, then following it up with a
attack. This causes the enemy to drop Souls (useful for Soul Burst).

The Soul Steal trophy will only unlock if you pull off this attack in midair. First, press to jump into the air, then tap
to grapple an enemy (this works best on airborne enemies), then press
to execute a Soul Steal. This should unlock the trophy.

If you’re sure you did it right and the trophy doesn’t unlock, try returning to Valhalla.

Nibelung Valesti
Landed a Nibelung Valesti I attack
Nibelung Valesti I is a Divine Art attack which you will unlock automatically for completing Chapter 8: The Truth Unmasked. Upon receiving it, equip it to one of your Divine Art slots and then use it in battle.

Once you successfully hit an enemy with the ability, the Nibelung Valesti trophy should unlock. If the trophy doesn’t unlock, return to Valhalla, and it should unlock at the results screen.

Collection Trophies

Vestige of a Soul
Obtained a Hollow Blossom

Hollow Blossoms are blue flower collectibles found in each of the game’s explorable areas. You can check for Hollow Blossoms in any area by just opening the map with a tap of the . Hollow Blossoms will always show on the map as small blue dots.

After you have collected a Hollow Blossom for the first time (most likely in Chapter 1) and then returned to Valhalla, the “Vestige of a Soul” trophy will unlock!

Beyond Reminiscence
Obtained every Hollow Blossom
The number of Hollow Blossoms in an area is visible from the world map/chapter select screen. Highlight an area to see the number of Story Quests to complete as well as the number of Hollow Blossoms to collect.

To unlock the “Beyond Reminiscence” trophy, you will need to find and collect every single Hollow Blossom in the game. This is fairly easy to do using two methods:
- Passive Collecting: Every time you enter a new area, open your map with
and check for blue dots. Grab as many as you can while working your way through the story. The more you can grab, the less you’ll need to clean up.
- Retroactive Collecting: When you’re done with the story, return to completed areas to mop up the remaining Blossoms, checking your map with
for blue dots. You would also use the counters on the world map/chapter selection screen to identify where you were missing Blossoms.
Note that the Hollow Blossom icons on the map may not display if you’re not on the same altitude as them. Be sure to check your map after going up or down stairs to ensure one hasn’t just been revealed.
Once you have acquired every Hollow Blossom in the game, the trophy will unlock upon your next return trip to Valhalla.

Rune Novice
Obtained a rune
The “Rune Novice” trophy will unlock the first time you unlock a Rune. The earliest you should be able to acquire one is in the Subquest titled “My Hometown.” The reward for completing the subquest is a Magic Damage Reduction Rune.
Upon completion of the subquest, the Rune Novice trophy should unlock.
If you acquire a Rune by other means, such as the chest in Chapter 3, the trophy will unlock when you return to Valhalla.

Rune Master
Obtained every rune
There are 18 Runes in Valkyrie Elysium that can be equipped onto your weapons to provide a buff. A lot of Runes can be unlocked by simply completing Main Quests and Subquests but many will also require you to open chests.

Use the table below to identify which Runes you are missing and how to acquire them.
Rune | Acquisition |
Physical Attack Boost I | Inside a Chest found during Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter |
Physical Attack Boost II | Inside a Chest found during Chapter 7: Metamorphosis & Doubt |
Physical Attack Boost III | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “Midgardian Studies (3)”. Collect it from the Library in Valhalla. |
Magic Attack Boost I | Inside a Chest found during Chapter 1: Purify the Soul |
Magic Attack Boost II | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “O’ Mine Beloved Land” |
Magic Attack Boost III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “Advice for Cypher” |
Physical Damage Reduction I | In a Chest found during Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter |
Physical Damage Reduction II | Inside a Chest during Chapter 6: Evil Arises |
Physical Damage Reduction III | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “Midgardian Studies (1)”. Collect it from the Library in Valhalla after Chapter 5. |
Magic Damage Reduction I | Complete Be’elzean Territory Subquest “My Hometown” |
Magic Damage Reduction II | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “The Unfinished Masterpiece” |
Magic Damage Reduction III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “Training Duel with Eygon” |
Soul Gauge Restoration Boost I | Inside a Chest during Chapter 5: Those Offered the Hand of Salvation |
Soul Gauge Restoration Boost II | Complete Lucardan Territory Subquest “Village Request (2).” |
Soul Gauge Restoration Boost III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “A Bout with Kristoffer” |
Arts Gauge Restoration Boost I | Inside a Chest during Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter |
Arts Gauge Restoration Boost II | Complete Lucardan Territory Subquest “Village Request (1).” |
Arts Gauge Restoration Boost III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “Combat Training for Taika” |
Once you have acquired all 18 Runes, the Rune Master trophy should unlock upon your next return trip to Valhalla.

Weapons Collector
Obtained every weapon
To unlock the “Weapons Collector” trophy, you must find and acquire all six weapons in the base game. Almost all weapons are received as Quest and Subquest rewards, the exception being Baleygr, which is in an obvious chest.

To help you with this endeavor, I’ve prepared the below table with details of each weapon and where they can be found.
Weapon | Acquisition |
Alfodr | Default Weapon |
Bolverkr | Complete Chapter 1: Purify the Soul |
Baleygr | In a Chest during Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter. |
Herteitr | Complete Chapter 4: Victim of the Gods. |
Gagnarathr | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “An Old Man’s Discerning Eye.” |
Sidgrani | Complete Be’elzean Territory Subquest “Midgardian Studies (2),” which you can acquire from the library in Valhalla. |
Svartaljr | Pre-purchase Bonus* |
Alscir | Pre-purchase Bonus* |
Once all six base-game weapons have been added to your collection, regardless of their upgrade or proficiency level, return to Valhalla, and the Weapons Collector trophy will unlock!

Anvil Master
Upgraded every weapon to its full potential
Once you have acquired every weapon for the Weapons Collector trophy, you will then need to upgrade them all to Level 10. You can upgrade weapons at Storage Camp Points by selecting the “Weapon Enhance” option.

Note that the Pre-purchase weapons Svartaljr and Alscir are not required for this trophy. It is likely that any future DLC or other promotional weapons are also not required.
Upgrade the six base game weapons; Alfodr, Bolverkr, Baleygr, Herteitr, Gagnarathr, and Sidgrani to Level 10 by spending Gems and Souls you’ve collected while completing Quests and Subquests. Once done, the Anvil Master trophy requirements will be complete.
Note that the trophy itself won’t unlock until you return to Valhalla. If you are already in Valhalla, you will need to load up a quest or Subquest and then return to Valhalla to unlock the trophy.

Weapons Master
Reached SSS proficiency with every weapon
Note that in some languages, SSS is actually called Level 9, as the Proficiency levels are numbers instead of letters.
Each weapon in Valkyrie Elysium has a Proficiency Level, which increases for each hit you land with the weapon equipped.

To unlock the Weapons Master trophy, you must farm EXP with each of the base game’s six weapons; Alfodr, Bolverkr, Baleygr, Herteitr, Gagnarathr, and Sidgrani until they reach Proficiency Level SSS.
The best Subquest to farm EXP for your weapons is the “My Hometown” Subquest due to the high number of enemies you’ll be able to cut down. So, if you’ve already completed every Quest and Subquest with an S rank and have no other reason to replay missions, you can just farm that specific one until you max out every weapon’s proficiency level.

Arts Master
Learned every Divine Art
To unlock the “Arts Master” trophy, you will need to find and collect every single Divine Art Skill available in Valkyrie Elysium.

A good number of these Divine Arts will be collected naturally as you explore, complete Subquests, and complete Main Quests. If you find yourself missing some, use the table below to identify where each and every Divine Art can be found.
Divine Art | Acquisition |
Fire Lance I | Inside a Chest During Chapter 1: Purify the Soul |
Fire Lance II | Inside a Chest During Chapter 6: Evil Arises |
Fire Lance III | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “A Mage’s Miscalculation” |
Lightning Bolt I | Default Divine Art |
Lightning Bolt II | Inside a Chest during Chapter 5: Those Offered the Hand of Salvation |
Lightning Bolt III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “Training Duel with Eygon” |
Heal I | Inside a Chest During Chapter 1: Purify the Soul |
Heal II | Inside a Chest during Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter |
Heal III | Inside a Chest during Chapter 5: Those Offered the Hand of Salvation |
Convergence I | Complete Be’elzean Territory Subquest “Mother’s Ring” |
Convergence II | Complete Chapter 5: Those Offered the Hand of Salvation |
Convergence III | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “A Blacksmith’s Wish” |
Fire Storm I | Complete Chapter 2: Champions of the Divine |
Fire Storm II | Inside a Chest During Chapter 6: Evil Arises |
Fire Storm III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “Combat Training for Taika” |
Ifrit Caress I | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “This Flower for Thee (1),” which you can get from Taika in Valhalla. |
Ifrit Caress II | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “This Flower for Thee (2),” which you can get from Taika in Valhalla. |
Ifrit Caress III | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “This Flower for Thee (3),” which you can get from Taika in Valhalla. |
Punishment Blast I | Inside a Chest during Chapter 4: Victim of the Gods |
Punishment Blast II | Complete Chapter 6: Evil Arises |
Punishment Blast III | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “Secrets Hidden in Danger” |
Mortal Suppression I | Inside a Chest during Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter |
Mortal Suppression II | Complete Chapter 7: Metamorphosis & Doubt |
Mortal Suppression III | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “Secrets Hidden in Danger” |
Grave Edge I | Inside a Chest during Chapter 1: Purify the Soul |
Grave Edge II | Complete Chapter 3: An Unexpected Encounter |
Grave Edge III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “A Bout with Kristoffer” |
Meteor Swarm I | Complete Be’elzean Territory Subquest “Thanks to a Comrade (1),” which you can get from Eygon in Valhalla. |
Meteor Swarm II | Complete Lucardan Territory Subquest “Thanks to a Comrade (2),” which you can get from Eygon in Valhalla. |
Meteor Swarm III | Complete Be’elzean Territory Subquest “Thanks to a Comrade (3),” which you can get from Eygon in Valhalla. |
Hail Shot I | Inside a Chest During Chapter 1: Purify the Soul |
Hail Shot II | Inside a Chest during Chapter 5: Those Offered the Hand of Salvation |
Hail Shot III | Complete Training Ground Subquest “Advice for Cypher” |
Glacial Blizzard I | Complete Be’elzean Territory Subquest “Cypher’s Belief (1),” which you can get from Cypher in Valhalla. |
Glacial Blizzard II | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “Cypher’s Belief (2),” which you can get from Cypher in Valhalla. |
Glacial Blizzard III | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “Cypher’s Belief (3),” which you can get from Cypher in Valhalla. |
Extreme Void I | Complete Galdban Territory Subquest “Woes of a Gallant Princess (1),” which you can get from Kristoffer in Valhalla. |
Extreme Void II | Complete Lucardan Territory Subquest “Woes of a Gallant Princess (2),” which you can get from Kristoffer in Valhalla. |
Extreme Void III | Complete Lucardan Territory Subquest “Woes of a Gallant Princess (3),” which you can get from Kristoffer in Valhalla. |
Nibelung Valesti I | Complete Chapter 8: The Truth Unmasked |
Nibelung Valesti II | Complete Romalian Territory Subquest “Midgardian Studies (3)”. Collect it from the Library in Valhalla. |
Once you have acquired all Divine Arts, the Arts Master trophy will unlock, regardless of whether you’ve equipped or used the Divine Arts.

Skill Master
Learned all of Valkyrie’s skills
In the “Valkyrie” tab inside the pause menu, you will find three skill trees; Attack, Defend, and Support. Each contains useful skills you can purchase using gems and souls.

As you progress further into the game, you will discover newer types of gems that can be used to purchase more powerful skills, thus allowing you to keep up with the difficulty curve.
Some skills, however, require you to first reach a specific proficiency level with a specific weapon, the details of which can be found on the locked skill within the relevant skill tree. Therefore, it will benefit you greatly to frequently change weapon throughout the game.

Once you have finally gathered the resources and proficiency levels required to purchase every single skill in all three skill trees, the Skill Master trophy requirements will be met!
Note that the trophy itself won’t unlock until you return to Valhalla. If you are already in Valhalla, you will need to load up a quest or Subquest and then return to Valhalla to unlock the trophy.

Commanding Master
Learned every Einherjar attack and their normal attacks
In order to unlock every Einherjar attack, you will need to Unlock all of their Memories. Essentially just unlocking the Fellowship of Souls trophy. Commanding Master will unlock aside it as you return to Valhalla.

Unlocked all terms
You can view your Terms collection in the menu. Press
until you reach the “Collection” tab and then press
to cycle over to “Terms.”
This collection is essentially a huge encyclopedia of terms unique to the game, its story, or its mechanics. You will unlock all of these naturally as you complete Quests and Subquests in pursuit of other trophies.

Fellowship of Souls
Unlocked all Einherjar memories
To unlock Fellowship of Souls (and subsequently Commanding Master) you will need to collect all 6 Memories for each of the Four Einherjar. This is very simple to do.
The first three Memories for each Einherjar are tied to the three objects you need to collect to add each one to your party. As this is done for the story, that makes 12 (4×3) Memories you will unlock unavoidably.
To unlock the remaining three for each character, you will need to complete specific Subquests for each of them. These Subquests can all be acquired by speaking to your Einherjar in Valhalla. Whenever you return to Valhalla, press to open the map and check for Subquest icons.
You will need to complete all Einherjar Subquests in pursuit of the Savior of the Dead trophy and so should unlock this trophy automatically along the way.

Phase Five – Hard Difficulty Cleanup
By this point in our Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide, you should only have one trophy left to collect; High-Tier God.
This requires you to beat the game on Hard Difficulty and does not stack with Mid-Tier God! With no New Game Plus or difficulty options, you will have no choice but to complete this playthrough separately.
That being said, completing the game on Hard isn’t really as difficult as it sounds:
- Your Ratings don’t matter, so you can get a C or D-rank on every Quest if that’s what it takes to beat them.
- You can avoid any difficult endgame boss fights by just choosing the Armand Ending.
- You don’t need to complete Subquests, so you can pick and choose which ones you’d like to complete.
Misc Combat Trophies

High-Tier God
Completed the game on Hard difficulty
The High-Tier God trophy will unlock after the credits at the end of the game if you played on Hard Difficulty. It does not stack with Mid-Tier God, so you will need to complete at least two Playthroughs of the game.
It doesn’t matter which ending you get when you finish the game, this trophy will unlock regardless.
Plat Get!

Obtained every trophy
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Valkyrie Elysium Trophy Guide, the “Creator” platinum trophy will unlock.
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