PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Man of Medan Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Man of Medan and unlock all trophies?
30 hours.
How difficult is it to beat Man of Medan and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Man of Medan have online trophies?
Does Man of Medan have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Man of Medan have missable trophies?
Yes, Go with Your Gut, Consider All the Permutations, Karate Master, Yes! Yes, I’ll Marry You!, A Pint of Frosty Amber Liquid, Break 'em During the Thunder, Can't Catch Him with this Old Junker, The Name of this Vessel, It's All Gone Changing on Me, Big Man on Campus, Aye, Aye Captain, Brother Thing, You Know, Remember Who's Signing the Checks, If you're selling, I'm buying, You Got a Better Way?, Medium Bro, Lovebirds, Girl's Night Out, Right There With Ya, Boys, Not a Sole Survivor, That's Something, I Suppose.
Does Man of Medan have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Man of Medan?
Does Man of Medan have a Platinum Trophy?
Other Useful Guides:
Man of Medan Collectibles Guide
Trophy Guide
Trophy Guide and Road Map for Man of Medan
Man of Medan is a horror game developed by Supermassive Games and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment. The game is the first installment in The Dark Pictures Anthology series. It follows the story of five friends who set out on a diving trip to explore a World War II wreck. However, things take a turn for the worse when they become stranded on a ghost ship. The game features a branching narrative that changes based on the choices you make, leading to multiple endings.
In terms of gameplay, Man of Medan is a cinematic experience that blends exploration, quick-time events, and decision-making. The game is designed to be played multiple times, with each playthrough offering different outcomes and paths. The game also features a co-op mode that allows you to play with a friend online.
Phase One | Theatrical Cut Collectibles
For our first phase in our Man of Medan Trophy Guide, you will be focusing on just experiencing the story while also keep an eye on our Man of Medan Collectible Guide and grabbing any Secret and/or Framed Picture you come across. If you follow our guide and keep all characters alive you should have every secret and picture available in the Theatrical Cut. You can avoid this phase entirely and proceed on to Phase Two if you wish as you can get almost every collectible in your Co-Op playthrough if you coordinate with your partner. However, if this is your first time playing Man of Medan, it is beneficial to play through by yourself while picking up the secrets and pictures in order to get acquainted with the game and its story/characters.
After this point you should choose to save in a new slot every time you start a new playthrough in each of the phases. This is to make sure all your collectible progress is preserved and isn’t overwritten in some way.
Unmissable Story Trophies

Going it Alone
Completed the Solo Story
Unmissable. Going it Alone will unlock after finishing the story, no matter the ending, in Solo Story.

Collectible Trophies

For a Dollar He Told Me His Secrets
Found 25 Secrets!
There are a total of 50 secrets in Man of Medan, but you only need to find 25 to unlock this trophy. You can find them all by following our Man of Medan Collectibles Guide.

Possible Futures
Found all of the white framed Pictures
There are a total of 6 White Framed Pictures to find in Man of Medan. White Framed Pictures offer you a glimpse into possible futures that can play out during the story. You can find them all by following our Man of Medan Collectibles Guide.

Misc Trophies

As Long as You're Quick
Completed 10 QTEs in succession
At any point in Man of Medan, you will be required to complete QTEs to pass certain situations. To unlock As Long as You’re Quick, you need to complete 10 QTEs in succession. The best place to get this trophy is the very first prologue chapter where you must practise against the training dummy on the docks.
Phase Two | Head or Hearts Movie Night Playthrough
Now that you’ve, hopefully, experienced the story for what it is, it’s time to play through on Movie Night mode and choose only Heart or Head decisions. Make sure to choose to save in a new slot when prompted to preserve your collectible progress. Movie Night mode is meant for couch co-op with friends. The idea is that you all use one controller and assign characters to each of the people participating and when a character’s turn comes up, you hand the controller off to that person. However, you can do this entirely by yourself.
Each decision in Man of Medan will have a drawing of either a Heart or a brain (Head) underneath the option; in regular play you’d be choosing a mix of these. For this phase you need to only choose either Heart or Head for the entire playthrough. If at any time you can’t choose hearts or heads (i.e. you’re going for Heart options but you’re given dialogue that are both Heads) then choose “Say Nothing”. You can pause the game and it will tell you if you’ve only picked a certain option; if it doesn’t then you made a mistake somewhere and will need to restart from an earlier chapter.
Story Trophies

Like that Movie with the Ship
Finished Movie Night
Like that Movie with the Ship will unlock after completing the story, despite the outcome, in Movie Night mode.

Go with Your Gut
Chose all of the Heart decisions
Go with Your Gut will unlock after completing the story while only choosing Heart decisions. If you’re choosing Head decisions in this playthrough then Consider All the Permutations will unlock instead.

Phase Three | Head or Hearts Solo Playthrough
In this phase of our Man of Medan Trophy Guide we will be continuing on with our Head and Hearts playthroughs; this time we can choose Play Alone. Start another playthrough, again choose to save in a new slot, and whatever you chose last time, choose the opposite for this playthrough (i.e. if you chose Heart for Phase Two, choose Head this time and vice-versa). You should be very familiar with Man of Medan and how each chapter plays out so you shouldn’t spend too long on this playthrough.
Story Trophies

Consider All the Permutations
Chose all of the Head decisions
Consider All the Permutations will unlock after completing the story while only choosing Head decisions. If you’re choosing Heart decisions in this playthrough then Go with Your Gut will unlock instead.

Phase Four | Co-Op Playthrough
Finally, this is the last phase in our Man of Medan Trophy Guide where we will be starting a new playthrough. This time you need to choose to play online with a friend in Co-Op mode. If you already collected all the secrets and picture frames in Phase One during your Theatrical Cut playthrough then your only goal in this phase is to follow the steps in the Curator’s Cut section of our Man of Medan Collectible Guide. However, if you haven’t collected any of the secrets and picture frames then both you and your Co-Op partner can follow the collectible guide together and get almost everything in one playthrough. Collectibles that you pick up in Co-Op mode register for both players.
Unmissable Story Trophies

Learning to Work Together
Finished the Shared Story
Learning to Work Together will unlock after completing the story in Shared Story mode.

Collectible Trophies

Secrets! Lies! Conspiracies, Man!
Found all Secrets!
There are a total of 50 secrets in Man of Medan. You can find them all by following our Man of Medan Collectibles Guide.

Quite a Lot of Deaths That Night
Found all of the black framed Pictures
There are a total of 6 Black Framed Pictures to find in Man of Medan. Black Framed Pictures offer you a glimpse into possible deaths that can play out during the story. You can find them all by following our Man of Medan Collectibles Guide.

Ghost Ships Are Just a Myth, Right?
Found all Pictures
In Man of Medan there are a total of 13 Framed Pictures to find. 6 Black Framed Pictures, which show you possible deaths. 6 White Framed Pictures, which show you possible futures. A single Gold Framed Pictures, which shows you a teaser for the next game in the Dark Pictures Anthology series. You can find them all by following our Man of Medan Collectibles Guide.

Phase Five | Chapter Select, Endings & Character Traits Clean-up
For our last phase we will be using Chapter Select to unlock any missed trophies. These trophies are likely to be Chapter-Specific trophies, Character Traits, and Ending-related trophies. For the Chapter-specific trophies, all you need to do is load the chapter in question and follow the steps in the trophy descriptions below to unlock them. The Character Trait and Ending-related trophies will take a bit longer but can also be unlocked via the Chapter Select menu.
Chapter-Specific Trophies

Karate Master
Beat the Training Dummy
During the Prologue Joe and Charlie will be hanging out at the docks when they spot a boxing machine. When Joe takes a turn, you will need to hit every QTE without failing to unlock Karate Master. The QTE order never changes so prepare yourself with the exact order below.
Round 1 | Top-Left. Bottom-Left.
Round 2 | Top-Right. Top-Left.
Round 3 | .
Round 4 | Top-Left. Bottom-Right. . Bottom-Right.
. Bottom-Left.
. Top-Left.

Yes! Yes, I’ll Marry You!
Julia accepted Alex's proposal
During the chapter Uninvited Guests, Alex and Julia will be exploring the submerged WWII plane. After exiting the plane, Alex will propose to Julia but only if Brad was SENTIMENTAL to Alex and told him to “Go with your gut” in The Duke chapter. Once Alex proposes, you will need to choose ASTOUNDED and then LOVING in order to accept his proposal.

A Pint of Frosty Amber Liquid
Conrad successfully flirted with Fliss
During the first 2 acts of the game, Conrad and Fliss can choose to flirt with each other. Doing so will unlock A Pint of Frosty Amber Liquid and help towards unlocking the You Got a Better Way? trophy for maxing out Conrad and Fliss’ relationship. To make sure this unlocks as early as possible, follow the decisions outlined below.
Uninvited Guests | Fliss
- (talk to Brad and then Conrad) RELAXED
- (when Conrad throws money at the fishers) AMUSED
Intrusion | Conrad
- Conrad must not escape
Trapped | Conrad
- PUZZLED (trophy should unlock here)

Break 'em During the Thunder
Opened the window without making noise
During the Intrusion chapter, Conrad and Alex will attempt to break a window on the Duke of Milan in order to escape or fight against the pirates (the choice is up to you, however, you can get Can’t Catch Him with this Old Junker if you let Conrad escape). In order to break the window without alerting the guards, you must press when the thunder storm strikes. Conrad has been keeping count of how far the storm is during this whole seen. Every strike has been a mile closer; he first counted to 8.
To unlock Break ‘Em During the Thunder, you have to press when Conrad says “six”.

Can't Catch Him with this Old Junker
Conrad successfully escaped on the speedboat
To successfully escape in the speedboat as Conrad, you first need to quietly break the window on the Duke of Milan (Break ’em During the Thunder. Once you have broken the window without being detected you then need to pass a series of QTE’s and Stay Calm sections. Finally, you will have to make a decision to stay on the boat and attempt to overwhelm the pirates, or escape. Choose escape and then be ready to press a QTE to avoid being shot and having Conrad die.
The exact order of this section is:
- Keep Calm sequence (press
in time with the ECG)
- Choose “ESCAPE”
- Press
- Press
- Press
- Press
(this time for this one is much shorter than the others; be ready)

The Name of this Vessel
Revealed the name of the ship
During the Distress Signal chapter you can reveal the name of the ship to the authorities over the radio to unlock The Name of this Vessel. To do so you first need to make sure you pick up two collectibles which provides your characters with the crucial information. During the Danny chapter where you play as Fliss, pick up Secret #19 | Medan Hat #41 and then in the Distress Signal chapter where you play as Alex, pick up Secret #34 | Ship’s Logbook #42 (check our Man of Medan Collectibles Guide for the exact location of both of these collectibles) . This will then allow you to reveal the name on the radio if you choose INSTRUCTIVE and ANXIOUS dialogue choices as Alex.

It's All Gone Changing on Me
Calmed Junior down
To unlock It’s All Gone Changing on Me, you will first need to complete some steps to get the rebreather from the early chapters on the Duke of Milan. Then, when confronted by Junior, you need to choose specific dialogue choices to be able to use the rebreather on him to clear his head enough so he survives his delusions. To do this, follow the steps below.
- You need to choose to take the rebreather
- You need to either be ASSERTIVE or DISTURBED when fleeing Olson. Both options work; the only difference is ASSERTIVE will make you do another Stay Calm sequence whereas DISTURBED will only make you do a QTE (
- When talking to Junior you need to select: CURIOUS, followed by WORRIED, and then finally DESPARATE
- When given the option, choose GRAB PISTOL
This will then allow Junior to be saved.

Character Trait Trophies

Big Man on Campus
Unlocked Alex's Aggressive Trait
To unlock Alex’s Aggressive Trait you will need to make the following dialogue choices and decisions in the specified chapters below.
- In the Kitchen of the Abandoned Ship, grab the knife in the area to the right of the chalkboard with the menu written on it.
- Choose CONFIDENT when Julia talks to Alex after he attempt to pick the knife up.

Aye, Aye Captain
Unlocked Fliss's Arrogant Trait
To unlock Fliss’ Arrogant Trait you will need to make the following dialogue choices and decisions in the specified chapters below.
Intrusion | Conrad
- Choose to be COMPLIANT when Junior is escorting Conrad back to the cabin to keep Brad hidden which is crucial to this trophy.
Storm | Fliss
- Choose to comply when Fliss is asked to inquire about the approaching storm on the Duke of Milan
- When speculating on where Brad is, have Fliss choose OPTIMISTIC to keep Brad hidden. Again, this is crucial.
Finding Friends | Brad
- Have Brad collect the Gas Mask by inspecting the open locker where he will be frightened by a face. Walk away and the locker will pop open again, however, this time you will find a Gas Mask inside which you can take. This will help Brad dispel his delusion and keep Fliss safe.
Ritual | Fliss
- While in the ballroom, go into the small room to the right of the stage and pull the lever to reveal a room behind the curtain.
- Go into the new room and exit via the door in there which will allow Fliss to dispel her delusion and keep Brad safe.
- Stay in the area where this door is until the invisible timer ends and Brad and Fliss will reunite and recognise each other since they’re no longer under the effects of the Manchurian Gold.
Pressure | Fliss
- In the room with the broken ladder, Brad and Fliss will try to decide who should go through the trap door to find a way through. As Fliss, Choose WORRIED.
- Then choose FRIGHTENED.
- Finally, choose EXPECTANT and Fliss Arrogant Trait should unlock.

Brother Thing, You Know
Unlocked Brad's Envious Trait
To unlock Brad’s Envious Trait you will need to make the following dialogue choices and decisions in the specified chapters below.
The Duke
- Choose RESENTFUL when talking to Alex.
- Choose ACCUSATORY and Brad’s Envious trait will unlock.

Remember Who's Signing the Checks
Unlocked Julia's Spoilt Trait
To unlock Julia’s Spoilt Trait you will need to make the following dialogue choices and decisions in the specified chapters below.
The Duke | Brad
- Choose Sentimental when Brad is talking to Alex
Uninvited Guests
- Reject Alex’s proposal by choosing ASTOUNDED
- Choose to SAY NOTHING
- As Alex investigates the vent, choose RESENTFUL to unlock Julia’s Spoilt trait.

If you're selling, I'm buying
Unlocked Conrad's Humorous Trait
To unlock Conrad’s Humorous Trait you will need to make the following dialogue choices and decisions in the specified chapters below.
- Choose NOT to escape the boat.
- Choose CONFIDENT when Conrad and the group is locked in the room on the Abandoned Ship.

Relationship Trophies

You Got a Better Way?
Maxed Conrad and Fliss's Relationship
To max out Conrad and Fliss’ relationship follow the dialogue choices and decisions outline below.
Uninvited Guests | Fliss
- Choose RELAXED when talking with Conrad
- Speak to Brad and then Conrad
- Choose RELAXED
- Choose PLAYFUL
- Choose UNEASY when the speedboat approached the Duke of Milan
- Choose WORRIED
- Choose WORRIED again
- Choose AMUSED
Intrusion | Conrad
- Make sure Conrad does NOT escape in the speedboat
Trapped | Conrad
- Choose PUZZLED when the pirates lock Conrad and the group in the room on the Abandoned Ship
- Choose CURIOUS
- Choose to DISTRACT the pirates
- Choose to REPLACE the cabinet to hide the open vent
An Escape | Conrad

Medium Bro
Maxed Brad and Alex's Relationship
To max out Brad and Alex’s relationship follow the dialogue choices and decisions outline below.
The Duke Brad
- Choose to SAY NOTHING to Alex
- Choose to SAY NOTHING again to Alex
- Choose SERIOUS
Wreck | Alex
Distress Signal | Alex
- Choose ENCOURAGING to let Brad down go the hole

Maxed Alex and Julia's Relationship
To max out Alex and Julia’s relationship follow the dialogue choices and decisions outline below.
The Duke | Brad
Uninvited Guests | Julia
- Choose LOVING
Ghost Story | Julia
- Choose ADORING
Caskets | Alex
- Open the cupboard in the kitchen area where the pot falls from the rack and choose TRUTHFUL
- Choose WORRIED
- Open the bottom-left casket and choose SHOCKED
Endings Trophies

Girl's Night Out
Only the women survived!
To unlock Girl’s Night Out, you need to get all the boys killed while making sure all the women survive until the end. To get all the boys killed, follow the steps below.
- If Conrad is alive and DIDN’T escape on the speedboat, load up the Glamour Girl chapter.
- Fail every QTE as Conrad is being chased by the Sailor Girl and Conrad will fall to his death while jumping across the metal beams.
- Keep playing to the Distress Signal chapter
- Let Brad and Julia go down the hole
- When Junior is pointing the gun and Brad and Julia
- Choose SAY NOTHING (any choice here will do, but just to be safe choose to keep quiet)
- Choose SAY NOTHING again
- Choose INDIGNANT to get Brad shot
- Keep playing until the final chapter titled Olson
- When Alex has the knife and is hallucinating Olson attacking him and has a knife, move the crosshair over Alex and choose to use the knife on himself.
Now all you need to do is make sure the women survive and get off the Abandoned Ship and Girl’s Night Out will unlock.

Right There With Ya, Boys
Only the men survived!
To unlock Right There With Ya, Boys, you need to get all the girls killed while making sure all the boys survive until the end. To get all the girls killed, follow the steps below.
- Load up the Junior chapter
- Choose whatever dialogue choice you want with Junior
- On the 2nd dialogue choice, choose DISMISSIVE to get Julia killed
- Continue playing to the next chapter
- After Alex picks up the distributor cap he will bump into Fliss—who Alex hallucinates as Olson—and attack her with a knife
- Make sure to attack Fliss at every opportunity and she will be killed by Alex.

Not a Sole Survivor
No-one survived!
The easiest way to get all the characters killed is to reveal the name of the ship on the radio—for this you’ll need the collectibles—as well as letting the distributor cap get destroyed. To do this you will need to load the Matter of the Heart chapter and when Alex is attacked by rats, fail the QTEs and the distributor cap will be destroyed. This will lead to all members of the group being stranded on the Abandoned Ship while a helicopter filled with soldiers arrives and kills the group for knowing too much about the Manchurian Gold.

That's Something, I Suppose
Everybody survived!
Keeping everyone alive in Man of Medan is a lot easier than Supermassive’s previous game, Until Dawn. Each character only has (estimated) 2-3 common deaths and almost all of them are highly telegraphed. Each character also has a handful of smaller deaths which are quite conditional and hard to trigger. However, check the below guide to see how each character dies and how to avoid it (I’m confident I found all death scenes in Man of Medan, but in the case that I missed some, drop them below in the comments and I can update this guide). The following deaths are related to the Theatrical Cut only.
- Julia can die at the very end of the story if she DOES NOT decompress and decides to drink a beer on the Duke of Milan. She can decide not to decompress and survive as long as she DOES NOT drink the beer.
- Olson can stab Julia in the back or break her neck if she fails the QTEs while running away from him in the Revenge chapter.
- Julia can be shot in the head by Junior in the Junior chapter if she chooses the DISMISSIVE dialogue.
- She can be split in half by a falling cargo door in the Flooded chapter if she fails all QTEs
- Julia can be electrocuted in the Flooded chapter if she isn’t helped by the other protagonist after Olson opens the bulkhead door or she fails to act in time.
- Julia can have her head smashed by Olson if the other protagonist grabs the distributor cap and both they and Julia fail the proceeding QTEs.
- She can be stabbed to death by Alex in the Matters of the Heart chapter if he attacks the Olson hallucination twice.
- Conrad can be shot by Olson in the Intrusion chapter if he completes the three QTEs to enter the speedboat but fails the QTE when Olson fires his gun.
- Conrad can die multiple times in the Glamour Girl chapter if he fails the QTEs while being chased by the sailor girl.
- He can die if he chooses to jump to his death when he’s cornered by the sailor girl at the end of the Glamour Girl chapter.
- Similar to Julia, Conrad can be split in half or electrocuted in the Flooded chapter if he fails his QTEs.
- Alex can also stab Conrad to death if he attacks the Olson hallucination twice.
- Alex can have his throat cut or his head smashed by Olson in the Revenge chapter if he fails all the QTEs.
- In the Junior chapter, Alex can be shot in the head if he SAYS NOTHING.
- Alex can die by the cargo door, electrocution, and having his head smashed with Olson’s sledgehammer if he fails QTEs in the Flooded chapter.
- Alex can kill himself if he uses the knife to attack the rat bursting out of his chest in the Matters of the Heart chaper.
- In Ritual, Fliss can stab Brad in the stomach if she fails to clear her Manchurian Gold hallucination before the chapter ends.
- Brad can drown in the Pressure chapter if he or Fliss fails to open the hatch as it floods.
- Brad can fall to his death in Glamour Girl if he fails QTEs.
- Conrad can stab and kill Brad in the Glamour Girl chapter if he received the knife from Alex in Caskets.
- Brad can be shot by Junior in the Junior chapter if she says nothing or the wrong dialogue choice.
- In Flooded, Brad can be killed by the cargo door, electrocution or Olson if he fails QTEs.
- Fliss can die in Ritual if Brad doesn’t have the Gas Mask.
- Fliss can drown in Pressure if she fails to get out of the hatch while it floods.
- In Glamour Girl, Fliss can fall to her death if she fails QTEs.
- Conrad can attack and kill Fliss with a knife in Glamour Girl if she fails to calm him down.
- Fliss can be shot by Junior if she says nothing or the wrong dialogue in the Junior chapter.
- In Flooded, Fliss can be killed by the cargo door, electrocution, and Olson if she fails QTES.
- Alex can stab Fliss if he attacks her more than once with the knife while he is hallucinating.
- All characters can die if they reveal the location of the ship but destroy the distributor cap. This will mean the soldiers arrive to “save” them but instead open fire as the survivors know too much about the Manchurian Gold.

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