PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Gibbon: Beyond the Trees Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Gibbon: Beyond the Trees and unlock all trophies?
Around 5-8 Hours depending on luck.
How difficult is it to beat Gibbon: Beyond the Trees and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Gibbon: Beyond the Trees have online trophies?
Yes, Eight days a week , Get Back , Big Air , Slide On .
Does Gibbon: Beyond the Trees have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Gibbon: Beyond the Trees have missable trophies?
Does Gibbon: Beyond the Trees have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Gibbon: Beyond the Trees?
Does Gibbon: Beyond the Trees have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Gibbon: Beyond the Trees Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS4 & PS5
Welcome to our Gibbon Beyond the Trees Trophy Guide. Gibbon is a beautiful southeast-asia-inspired plea for people to be more mindful, aware, and active about the deforestation destroying the Gibbons’ natural habitat and the touristic exploitation of Gibbons tearing their families apart.
It’s certainly a dark topic that many would prefer to avert their eyes from, so the charming art style and bright colors do a lot to juxtapose this sentiment. In particular, the jovial and addictive way you can breeze through the jungle canopies compared to the difficulties of traversing bare deforestation sites is striking.
In terms of the Trophy Journey, Gibbon proves to be a very forgiving and casual game. For starters, while there are collectibles, you don’t even need to start collecting them until you’ve beat the story. Additionally, each collectible spawns an infinite number of times so you can even repeatedly miss collectibles without it being an issue!
Phase One | Story Mode Playthrough
The first phase of our Gibbon Beyond the Trees Trophy Guide is a very chill experience. The developers have made the wise choice of giving you space to appreciate the story and gameplay mechanics without distraction. Therefore, the majority of misc trophies cannot be earned while playing the Story Campaign and you will not find any collectibles at all.
Focus solely on reaching the end of the story campaign to unlock the rest of the game. Along the way, you’ll grab a couple of unmissable trophies naturally.
Unmissable Story Trophies

Learn the ropes
Finish all of Yellow's lessons and start exploring the jungle on your own.
You will unlock the “Learn the ropes” trophy unavoidably during Chapter 3 of the story.

Lilac's Calling
Finish Pink's adventure and follow Lilac on their quest to free all animals.
Simply complete the Story Campaign to unavoidably unlock the “Lilac’s Calling” trophy. It’s safe to finish the story as with Chapter Select and other Game Modes, you’ll be able to unlock anything you happen to miss.

Phase Two | Liberation Mode (Lilac's Story)
After you have completed the story and rescued Lilac, you will then be able to play as Lilac, with Pink taking up Yellow’s role as support. Additionally, you will have access to the “Liberation” mode, which is where we’ll focus our attention for this phase of our Gibbon Trophy Guide.
Throughout your Liberation Mode playthrough, there are three main areas of focus. Firstly, you will need to constantly work on the Gameplay Trophies and look for opportunities to progress or unlock them.
Besides those, there are two types of collectibles to grab; Caged Animals and Encyclopedia Entries. These are easy to find but also just as easy to miss. Fortunately, any that you do miss will just respawn ahead of you and nothing is permanently missable!
Gameplay Trophies

Throw Deluxe
Do a backflip after being thrown by Pink.
While you’re playing Liberation mode, Pink will occasionally appear to traverse the world with you. As with Yellow in the Story Campaign, you can meet Pink in mid-air to have them grab you and throw you ahead.
Time will slow as you near a throw opportunity, so just hold right when Pink and Lilac’s hands get close together, then release it at the crux of the swing animation to be launched.
In order to unlock the Throw Deluxe trophy, you will then need to immediately hold after being thrown by Pink until you land or swing on the next surface. The trophy will unlock when you land if done correctly.

Smooth Move
Land and slide after a backflip as Lilac.
After launching yourself into the air by any means, you can perform a backflip by holding . To unlock the Smooth Move trophy, you will need to do a backflip over a surface which slopes down towards the lower-right corner.
From there, you’ll need to start holding so that Lilac begins sliding on the surface when they land.
If you successfully go from being in mid-air, to backflipping, to sliding down a slope in one continuous motion, you will unlock the trophy.

Drop Down
Drop down from swinging as Lilac.
While swinging with as Lilac, press
at any time to immediately stop swinging and drop to the ground. This technique is actually really helpful for avoiding the Eagle Hawk for Bird of Prey.
Performing this action for the first time will unlock the Drop Down trophy.

Double Flips
Land 10 double backflips as Lilac.
After swinging or being thrown into the air, you can perform a backflip by pressing . After performing a successful backflip, you can immediately perform another by pressing
again. However, backflips take time to perform, and your feet must be facing down when you land/swing for the backflip to count.
If you successfully land or swing
after performing a double-backflip, you will gain a massive speed boost indicated by a purple trail coming from Lilac’s character model.
This maneuver requires a lot of space, so you will need to climb to the highest points you can find before even attempting a Double Backflip.
If you successfully pull off a Double Backflip in Liberation Mode or Daily Runs, the Double Flips trophy is yours!

Happy Bouncing
Let Lilac bounce 3 times without swinging in-between bounces.
While making your way through the town in any Liberation run, keep an eye out for umbrellas, canopies, and market tents. When you land on one of these holding , you will bounce off it.
To unlock “Happy Bouncing” you simply need to bounce three times in quick succession without swinging or landing on platforms/the ground in between bounces.

Team Player
Get pair-thrown by Pink 25 times.
Every now and then in Liberation mode, Pink will spawn behind you and then move up to join you, just as Yellow would during the Story Campaign. You can meet Pink in mid-air to perform a pair-throw and be launched forward.
Time will slow as you near a pair-throw opportunity, so just hold right when Pink and Lilac’s hands get close together, then release it at the crux of the swing animation to be launched.
Performing this maneuver a cumulative total of 25 times across your entire time playing as Lilac will cause the Team Player trophy to unlock!

In Sync
Simultaneously swing from the same vine as Pink
The In Sync trophy is one of the tougher ones to pull off purely because there’s a lot of luck involved. Firstly, Pink is not always with you. She will appear and disappear throughout each run with no indication of when she will join you or depart.
While she is there, though, you will need to stay as close to her as you can. Try to follow the same path she follows and maintain the same speed as her.
The goal is to follow her closely until she grabs a vine, rope, or chain to swing from. When she does, you will need to hold to grab the very same vine. If you manage to time it correctly so that you are both swinging from a vine at the same time, the In Sync trophy will unlock.

Bird of Prey
Escape the hawk-eagle twice without dying as Lilac.
To unlock the “Bird of Prey” trophy, you will need to avoid the hawk-eagle enemy during a run at least two times without dying. You must do this twice in a single run.
When the Hawk-Eagle is about to attack, it will screech and begin flapping its wings more vigorously. When this happens, you need to drop lower (hold to do this quickly) and stay low to the ground. To successfully escape an Eagle-Hawk attack, you must either out-swing it by quickly maneuvering to the right until it is pushed all the way off-screen on the left or proceed to the next environment.
It’s really hard to outrun the Hawk-Eagle and trying to do so will often mean climbing higher, however, which means more chances of being caught, so it’s easier to just stay low until it leaves naturally.
This trophy can be a bit frustrating as the chances of the Hawk-Eagle spawning are completely up to RNG, so there’s no telling how long it’ll take you to get two in a single run. Fortunately, you’ll be doing a lot of runs in your pursuit of the Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free trophy.

Reach the highest crane in town and run across it as Lilac.
In the town from Chapter 9 of the story, there’s a huge crane high up above the town about halfway in. To ensure you can reach and run along it, you will need to stay as high up as you can your whole way through the town. Doing so will unlock the Canabalt trophy immediately.
The trophy description suggests that you must do this as Lilac, the small purple Gibbon. However, during my story mode playthrough, I was able to unlock it when landing on it as Pink.
Therefore, if you are struggling to find the Crane in Liberation or Daily Run modes, try replaying Chapter 9 via Chapter Select, which will prove a much quicker method for finding the crane!

Free All Animals

Liberate all blue Parrots
Free all blue parrots from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all Blue Parrots” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Blue Parrots in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all red Parrots
Free all red parrots from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all Red Parrots” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Red Parrots in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all black Hornbills
Free all black hornbills from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all Black Hornbills” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Black Hornbills in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all white Hornbills
Free all white hornbills from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all White Hornbills” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 White Hornbills in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all brown Long-nosed Monkeys
Free all brown long-nosed monkeys from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all brown Long-nosed Monkeys ” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Brown Long-Nosed Monkeys in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all blue Long-nosed Monkeys
Free all blue long-nosed monkeys from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all blue Long-nosed Monkeys” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Blue Long-Nosed Monkeys in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all grey Langur Monkeys
Free all grey langurs from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all grey Langur Monkeys” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Grey Langur Monkeys in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all maroon Langur Monkeys
Free all maroon langurs from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all maroon Langur Monkeys” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Maroon Langur Monkeys in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all black Gibbons
Free all black gibbons from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all black Gibbons” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Black Gibbons in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Liberate all teal Gibbons
Free all teal gibbons from their cages.
To unlock the “Liberate all teal Gibbons” trophy, you must find and release a cumulative total of 10 Teal Gibbons in Liberation mode. See Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free for more info.

Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free
Free all of the animals from their cages.
Caged Animals can be found anywhere at any time in Liberation Mode. Once a Caged Animal is coming up, you’ll see a red indicator on the right side of the screen which displays the type of animal and also their approximate position (so you know whether to start falling or climbing).
Once you reach the caged animal, you can free it by simply touching the cage, which will explode on impact. Don’t worry if you miss a caged animal because they’ll just spawn ahead of you at some other time. None of them are missable in any capacity.
There are a total of 100 Animals, divided into 10 different species, each of which has its own trophy. Upon freeing all 100 and unlocking the other 10 trophies, you’ll also receive this “Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free” trophy.
As none of these caged animals are missable and Liberation Mode is randomly generated, there is really nothing more to be done. Just keep playing Liberation Mode and trying to reach cages until the trophy eventually unlocks!

Complete the Encyclopedia

Find all entries of the encyclopedia.
The Bookworm trophy is not too dissimilar to the Nobody’s Free Until Everybody’s Free trophy. Rather than 100 collectibles, however, there are just 19 pages in the Encyclopedia needed for Bookworm.
These pages will spawn in specific locations as you make your way through Liberation Mode. However, as there’s no way to determine what areas you go to, you’ve just got to keep playing Liberation mode until you get lucky and you arrive in a location with an Encyclopedia Page.
You’ll know when one is coming up because you’ll see a blue indicator on the right side of the screen with a book icon in it. Pay attention to this indicator as you approach, because it will help you determine how high up you need to be to grab it.
If you miss an Encyclopedia Page, you’ll just have to keep playing Liberation Mode until it comes up again.
Once you’ve found and collected all 19 pages, the Bookworm trophy will unlock immediately.

Phase Three | Daily Runs Mode
In this final phase of our Trophy Guide, you will be mopping up a few final trophies in the “Daily Runs” mode. In this mode, you will be able to play a new map every day and set a score in the leaderboard to compete with other players online for that day’s top spot. That said, your score won’t be of any concern as it won’t matter for the trophies.
One slightly annoying feature of Daily Runs is the fact that you can only play once a day. As you’ll see, however, there’s a decent workaround for this which makes even this final phase a bit of a breeze.
Daily Run Trophies

Eight days a week
Complete 8 different Daily Runs
To unlock the “Eight Days a Week” trophy, you will need to complete 8 unique Daily Run maps. Obviously, due to the nature of Daily Runs, this means playing the game on eight separate days. I should note that you don’t need to play on eight consecutive days, just eight total days.
That won’t matter much, though, because the workaround for this is very simple. Just change the date on your System Clock! There isn’t even any need to close the game or disconnect from the internet, just change the System Clock settings, and then when you refresh the Daily Run menu the date will update!

Get Back
Do 200 backflips in Daily Runs
Whenever you swing, launch, or get thrown into the air, you can press to do a backflip. If you then slide
or swing
after performing a backflip, you’ll get a small speed boost.
To unlock the Get Back trophy, you will need to do a cumulative total of 200 backflips in Daily Runs mode.

Big Air
Traverse 60 m in a single flight in a Daily Run
Big Air is quite a tough trophy to earn and can be very finicky. Essentially, you need to travel 60 meters through the air without swinging or landing.
The best way to pull this off is to build up a lot of speed by doing Backflips and then maintain it until you reach an extremely high point, a vine, or a Pair Throw opportunity. At that point, throw yourself or get thrown as far as you can without landing or swinging and the trophy will unlock if you travel far enough.
You can use the counter in the top-left corner of the HUD to gauge how far you’re travelling at any given time.

Slide On
Slide for 1000 m in Daily Runs
As you should know quite well by now, you can slide down sloped surfaces by holding . All you need to do to unlock the “Slide On” trophy is, well, slide! Travel a cumulative total of 1000 meters while sliding in Daily Runs mode and the trophy will unlock.


Queen of the Jungle
Collect all trophies
After collecting every trophy in this Gibbon: Beyond the Trees Trophy Guide, the "Queen of the Jungle " Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!

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