Playstation 4
Cat Quest Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Cat Quest and unlock all trophies?
Around 8-10 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat Cat Quest and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Cat Quest have online trophies?
Does Cat Quest have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Cat Quest have missable trophies?
Does Cat Quest have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Cat Quest?
Does Cat Quest have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Cat Quest Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4
Welcome to our Cat Quest Trophy Guide. Cat Quest is a surprisingly enjoyable open-world RPG with very simple gameplay. Filled to the brim with cat puns, chests to open, and caves to explore, it’s a very casual yet somewhat addictive jaunt through a lovingly-crafted game.
The trophy journey will take you through the story and then you’ll need to wrap things up by clearing every dungeon, completing every side quest, and collecting a veritable horde of loot as you work your way up to Level 99. It’s easy, breezy, and only about 12 hours long!
Phase One | Complete the Main Quest
In this first phase of your Cat Quest Trophy Journey, you’ll basically just want to beat the story. There are a lot of things to do in Cat Quest, especially if you’re going for the Platinum Trophy, but none of it is missable at all. So you can choose to do as much or as little as you like. You’ll need to complete Side Quests to level yourself up between bosses and you can choose to do the bare minimum if you like, but you’ll eventually need to complete every Side Quest, so you might as well go out of your way to do as many as you can as and when they become available.
Additionally, you’ll need to clear every dungeon (cave, ruin, etc.) but many Side Quests will actually require you to clear a few dungeons that you might end up having to do twice so maybe save the Dungeons for much later.
One thing I strongly recommend doing as you play is activating monuments. These pillars will have “?” icons on them when you first find them (and they’re easy to spot from the map). You’ll need to interact with all of them at least once so press on any you find as soon as you find them!
Unmissable Story Trophies

Dragon Slayer
Defeated the Flame Dragon
The Flame Dragon is the first of the Dragon Bosses you’ll need to defeat on your way through the story. When you first approach it, you’ll probably be told to go and get stronger first by completing Side Quests. You only need to be around Level 15 to take this Dragon on, but you’ll actually find enough Side Quests in the area to reach around Level 30-35. Even more if you explore some dungeons while you’re at it. It’s entirely up to you, though, nothing is missable so just do what you feel like doing!

Dragon Master
Defeated the Ice Dragon
The Ice Dragon is the second of the Dragon Bosses you need to defeat as part of the Main Quest. You’ll need to learn water-walking from Pawt City in the Southwest to reach it, and should reach at least level 35 via side-quests and dungeons before attempting to take it on. Upon defeating it, you’ll unlock the Dragon Master Trophy.

Dragon Legend
Defeated the Arcane Dragon
The Arcane Dragon is the third of the Dragon Bosses you need to defeat as part of the Main Quest. You’ll need to learn to fly from Windmew City in the North to reach it, and should reach at least level 50 via side-quests and dungeons before attempting to take it on. Upon defeating it, you’ll unlock the Dragon Legend Trophy.

Dragon Hero
Completed the Main Quest
After defeating the Arcane Dragon (and completing a few exposition-driven stops), you’ll eventually need to head to a frozen island in the northwest to take on Drakoth. You should be at least level 65 before attempting this final fight, but I strongly recommend going above and beyond that to around 75-80 to make things much easier on yourself.
When you arrive at your final destination, you’ll have to defeat all three Dragon Bosses again, which will attack you simultaneously. After that, you’ll eventually come to face Drakoth himself.
Upon defeating him and concluding the game’s story, the main quest will come to an end, and you’ll receive the “Dragon Hero” trophy. Now you just need to mop up and that Platinum’s as good as yours too!

Phase Two | Cleanup
I’ve broken this second phase of our Cat Quest Trophy Guide up into a handful of sections depending on what it is you need to do. What you should mostly focus on, though, is completing every Side Quest available at quest boards all throughout the map, and clearing every Dungeon. You’ll want to make sure you open every chest in each dungeon too, though, as this is where you’ll get most of the gear you need too.
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now that most of these chests need a key, so your first stop should be the Founder’s Isle, off the south coast of the map. There, you’ll find a Level 1 Quest posted on the board which leads you into a battle that you probably want to be at least level 30 for. Upon completing the quest you’ll receive the key that opens all gold chests.
Then, while completing Side Quests and Dungeons, you’ll get most of the EXP and Gear you need for the other trophies, leaving just the 15 Monuments to find, if you haven’t found them already.
Complete 62 Side Quests

Helper of Cats
Completed 6 side quests
You will unlock the “Helper of Cats” trophy after beating your 6th Side Quest. You’ll undoubtedly do this on your way through the story as leveling up without doing them would be quite a chore.
You’re eventually going to need to complete all 62 Side Quests for the Saviour of Cats trophy.

Servant of Cats
Completed 30 side quests
When you’ve completed 30 of the 62 Side Quests required for the Saviour of Cats trophy, you’ll unlock the “Servant of Cats” trophy.

Saviour of Cats
Completed all 62 side quests
To unlock the “Saviour of Cats” trophy, you’ll want to complete 62 Side Quests. This used to be every Side Quest in the game, but thanks to some Christmas-themed Side Quests you can leave a few incomplete. That said, many of the weapons and armor you’ll need are Quest rewards, so you’ll probably still want to do them all.
Side Quests are found at Quest Boards in villages and towns throughout the game, and will have a gold “?” icon over them if a quest is available, and this is visible when you press to zoom out the map. Some quests won’t become available until you complete the preceding quest or progress the story.
The below table details all quests, their locations, and what level they are:
Name | Level | Location |
The Golden Key | 1 (You’ll want to be at least Lvl 30) | Founders Island |
The King’s Mage | 2 |
The Capital
The Growling Peasant | 2 | Mewtown |
The Catnip Ritual | 3 | Mewtown |
Blacksmith Assistance | 5 | Kit Cat |
The Circle | 6 | Mewtown |
Meat Meat Meat! | 8 |
Fishercat’s Friend
The Mage Search | 8 |
The Capital
The Catnip Cure | 10 |
Twin Towns
The Strange Charm | 10 |
Bermewda’s Triangle
The Catnip Cure…again | 10 |
Twin Towns
Blacksmith Apprentice | 10 | Kit Cat |
Fur-reedom | 10 | Mewtown |
The East Suspicion | 11 | East Pawt |
Meatmeatmeatmeat!! | 12 |
Fishercat’s Friend
The West Investigation | 12 | West Pawt |
The Spirits | 12 |
The Capital
The Knightmare…again | 15 |
Twin Towns
The First Day Of Kitmas | 15 | Queen’s Resort |
The Escape | 15 |
Bermewda’s Triangle
The Knightmare | 15 |
Twin Towns
The Whispurrer | 15 | Mewtown |
The East Shipment | 16 | East Pawt |
Meat Disposal Crew | 16 |
Fishercat’s Friend
The West Heist | 17 | West Pawt |
The Book…again | 20 |
Twin Towns
Blacksmith Master | 20 | Kit Cat |
Path To Water Walking | 20 | Pawt City |
Blacksmith Journeyman | 20 | Kit Cat |
The Twin Resolution | 20 |
Twin Towns
The Book | 20 |
Twin Towns
The Sacrifice | 20 |
Bermewda’s Triangle
The Lion King | 20 |
The Capital
The Meat Seller | 20 |
Fishercat’s Friend
The East Escort | 21 | East Pawt |
The Magic Lock | 23 | West Pawt |
The Fusion | 23 | Pawt City |
The Sanctuary | 25 |
Bermewda’s Triangle
The Missing Pages | 25 | Winters Edge |
Rogue Mages | 25 | Pawt City |
The Missing Soldiers | 25 |
The Capital
The East Catfrontation | 26 | East Pawt |
The Miracle | 27 | Pawt City |
The Revelation | 28 | West Pawt |
The Flying Bush | 30 | Windmew City |
The Second Day Of Kitmas | 30 |
Fishercat’s Friend
The Rescue | 30 |
The Capital
The Protected Pages | 30 | Winters Edge |
The Runway Acheologist | 35 | Winters Edge |
The Magic Tree | 35 | Windmew City |
The Dragon Worshippers | 35 |
The Capital
The Treasure | 40 | Winters Edge |
The Cult | 40 | Windmew City |
The Servant Of God | 40 | Cat Grove |
The Offerings | 45 | Cat Grove |
The Third Day Of Kitmas | 45 | Cat Grove |
Dragonflight | 45 | Windmew City |
The Prayer | 50 | Cat Grove |
The Ultimate Dragonsbane | 50 | Kit Cat |
The Godcat, Muath | 55 | Cat Grove |
The Fourth Day Of Kitmas | 60 | West Pawt |
The Pawtato Mystery | 60 |
Pawtato Mystery
The Heirloom Armor | 60 |
The Capital
Everyone’s Invited! | 65 | Queen’s Resort |
The Forgotten Hero | 70 | Death Isle |
Mewry Kitmas | 75 | Queen’s Resort |
The Furrbidden History | 99 | Final Rest |

Clear all Dungeons

Dungeon Litter
Cleared 5 dungeons
You’ll unavoidably earn “Dungeon Litter” quite early in the game because even if you don’t choose to explore a lot, you’ll be sent to them for side-quests and more. Additionally, you’ll eventually need to clear all 52 dungeons for the Dungeon Master trophy.

Dungeon Scrounger
Cleared 25 dungeons
Once you’ve cleared 25 of the 52 dungeons needed for the Dungeon Master trophy, you’ll receive the “Dungeon Scrounger” trophy.

Dungeon Master
Cleared all 52 dungeons
There are 52 Dungeons in Cat Quest, which vary vastly in difficulty level. They exist in the form of Ruins and Caves mostly, but there are a handful of unique dungeons to clear too.
Clearing a Dungeon requires defeating every enemy inside. You’ll know when you’ve done this as the game will tell you when you defeat the last enemy in a dungeon. Many dungeons have secret paths that can’t be seen. The only way to find them is to push yourself up against the edges of the dungeon until you find an area where you can walk across the darkness/water. The water-walking ability has no effect in dungeons.
Dungeons you haven’t cleared yet will have a silver “?” icon over them. This icon is visible even when you zoom out with , which is a great way to find dungeons you haven’t cleared yet.
You may notice that if you leave a dungeon without opening every chest, a gold chest icon stays present above the dungeon. Opening all chests isn’t required for the Dungeon Master trophy, however, you will want to open them all for the Fashionista Lion trophy.
Gold Chests cannot be opened without the key that you earn by completing the quest on the “Founder’s Isle.” To reach that island, walk across the ocean off the south coast, near where you started your journey. You’ll want to be at least level 30 for this quest, but it wouldn’t hurt to be even more highly-levelled than that.
The below table details all Dungeons, what level they are, and whether they contain a hidden Golden Chest:
Dungeon Name | Level | Hidden Gold Chest |
Secret Cave | 0 | Y |
Founder’s Cave | 1 | N |
Alpha Ruins | 5 | N |
Loot Cave | 5 | N |
Bat Cave | 8 | Y |
Bandit Cave | 10 | N |
Furrest Cave | 10 | N |
Beta Ruins | 15 | N |
Old Ruins | 15 | N |
Gamma Ruins | 20 | Y |
Purre Cave | 20 | N |
Delta Ruins | 25 | N |
Purre Lair | 25 | N |
Pawt Cave | 30 | N |
Spiral Cave | 30 | N |
Zeta Ruins | 30 | N |
Eta Ruins | 35 | N |
Theta Ruins | 40 | Y |
Tiny Hole | 40 | Y |
Dragon’s Rest | 45 | N |
Iota Ruins | 45 | N |
Old Masters’ Ruins (A) | 45 | N |
Old Masters’ Ruins (B) | 50 | N |
Ore Mine | 50 | N |
Purrn Cave | 50 | N |
Lambda Ruins | 55 | N |
Mew Cave | 60 | N |
Mu Ruins | 60 | N |
Icy Glaive | 65 | N |
Nu Ruins | 70 | Y |
Wilted Cave | 70 | N |
Xi Ruins | 75 | N |
Omikron Ruins | 80 | N |
Pi Ruins | 85 | Y |
Rho Ruins | 90 | N |
Hidden Cave | 99 | Y |
Lonely Cave | 200 | N |
Note that the Secret Cave is a bit of a weird one. Not only is it difficult to find, but there’s only one Mimic enemy in there. Everything else is spike traps. Well, those Spike Traps need to be killed too. You can kill them either by using a skill, or by waiting for the spikes to fade away and then quickly dashing to and attacking the center of the spikes, revealing a ghost that dies pretty easily.
As for where it is, you’ll find it here, in the northwest:

Collect 66 Pieces of Gear

Fashionista Kitty
Obtained 3 armor or weapons
Armor and Weapons can be acquired as quest rewards, from special shops, or by opening chests. You’ll unlock “Fashionista Kitty” early in your playthrough as you only need to find 3 pieces of gear to do so. That said, you’ll eventually need to have collected 66 different pieces of gear to unlock the Fashionista Lion trophy!

Fashionista Cat
Obtained 30 armor or weapons
Once you’ve acquired just 30 of the 66 pieces of gear needed to unlock the Fashionista Lion trophy, you’ll receive the “Fashionista Cat” trophy!

Fashionista Lion
Obtained 66 armor or weapons
There are, by my count, 69 pieces of gear in Cat Quest, so you’ll need to find almost all of them. Fortunately, most of them come from Quests and Dungeons, which you will be clearing anyway. Make sure you read the info about the dungeon chests and the key in the Dungeon Master trophy details above.
To help you narrow down any you may be missing and also help you figure out where they may be hidden, I’ve produced the table below:
Gear Name | Gear Type | Where to Find |
Crappy Helmet | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Crappy Armor | Armor | Basic Chests |
Crappy Weapon | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Knight Helmet | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Knight Armor | Armor | Basic Chests |
Knight Sword | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Mage Hat | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Mage Vest | Armor | Basic Chests |
Mage Staff | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Ranger Hood | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Ranger Vest | Armor | Basic Chests |
Ranger Axe | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Chainmail Helmet | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Chainmail Armor | Armor | Basic Chests |
Chainmail Blade | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Squire Helmet | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Squire Armor | Armor | Basic Chests |
Squire Axe | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Furry Tank Helmet | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Furry Tank Armor | Armor | Basic Chests |
Furry Tank Mace | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Arcane Hat | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Arcane Robes | Armor | Basic Chests |
Arcane Staff | Weapon | Basic Chests |
White Mage Hood | Helmet | Basic Chests |
White Mage Robes | Armor | Basic Chests |
White Mage Staff | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Ninja Shroud | Helmet | Basic Chests |
Ninja Robes | Armor | Basic Chests |
Ninja Blade | Weapon | Basic Chests |
Thorn’s Helmet | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Thorn’s Armor | Armor | Gold Chests |
Lionshead | Weapon | Gold Chests |
Champion Helmet | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Champion Armor | Armor | Gold Chests |
The Savior | Weapon | Gold Chests |
Gentleman’s Hat | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Gentleman’s Cloak | Armor | Gold Chests |
Red Mare | Weapon | Gold Chests |
Skull Helmet | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Skull Armor | Armor | Gold Chests |
Deathbringer | Weapon | Gold Chests |
Magician’s Hat | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Magician’s Vest | Armor | Gold Chests |
Wingardium | Weapon | Gold Chests |
Samewrai Helmet | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Samewrai Armor | Armor | Gold Chests |
Samewrai Katana | Weapon | Gold Chests |
Box Helmet | Helmet | Gold Chests |
Box Armor | Armor | Gold Chests |
Royal Crown | Helmet | Quest Reward |
Royal Robes | Armor | Quest Reward |
Family Jewels | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Slashy Head | Helmet | Quest Reward |
Slashy Scarf | Armor | Quest Reward |
Slashy Sword | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Grrratitude | Helmet | Quest Reward |
Hope | Armor | Quest Reward |
Family | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Gentlebros | Armor | Quest Reward |
Governor Shirt | Armor | Quest Reward |
Kit’s Armor | Armor | Quest Reward |
Dragonsbane | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Flamefang | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Frostwing | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Darkhorne | Weapon | Quest Reward |
Faith | Helmet | In the “Hidden Cave” Dungeon |
Courage | Armor | In the “Lonely Cave” Dungeon |
Willpower | Weapon | In the “Secret Cave” Dungeon |

Obtain All 7 Skills

Light of the Arcane
Obtained 2 skills
Skills can be bought and upgraded at Mage Towers found all across the map. You’ll very likely earn the “Light of the Arcane” trophy early as it only requires you to purchase a second skill on top of the fire skill you learn at the start of the game.
That said, you will need to learn all 7 Skills to unlock the Power of the Arcane Trophy.

Purr of the Arcane
Obtained 4 skills
Once you’ve acquired 4 of the 7 skills required for the Power of the Arcane Trophy, you will receive the “Purr of the Arcane” trophy.

Power of the Arcane
Obtained all 7 skills
There are just 7 Skills in Cat Quest. Each one of them can be found at Mage Temples that are very easy to spot on the map when zoomed-out . Each Skill will cost 50 gold to purchase, but can then be upgraded with more gold investments. Upgrading your skills isn’t required for any trophy, but it will help a lot, especially with the final bosses.

Use the table below to track down any Mage Temples you’re struggling to locate:
Skill Name | Temple Location |
Flamepurr |
Healing Paw |
Bermewda’s Triangle
Lightnyan | East Pawt |
Freezepaw |
Near Iota Ruins
Cattrap |
Near Windmew City
Purrserk |
On an island Southwest of South Point
Astropaw |
On an island Northeast of Death Isle

Activate all Monuments

Felingard Lore
Located one monument
You’ll likely earn the “Felingard Lore” trophy quite early as you just need to find and activate a single monument. That said, you will need to activate them all for Felingard Loremaster.

Felingard Loremaker
Located half the monuments
When you’ve found and interacted with half of the 15 monuments required for the Felingard Loremaster trophy, you’ll receive the “Felingard Loremaker” trophy.

Felingard Loremaster
Located all monuments
The Felingard Monuments are hidden all across the world map. They’re very easy to spot if you just zoom out with and any that you haven’t yet interacted with will have a “?” icon over them. A fair few of them are found on the islands off the coast, so be sure to check those.
Once you’ve interacted with all 15 at least once via , you’ll receive the Felingard Loremaster trophy.

Reach Level 99

Reached level 10
There’s no hope of beating Cat Quest without reaching well beyond Level 10, so you can rest assured that the “Catventurer” trophy will unlock naturally.
However, you’ll need to go on to reach Level 99 for the Super Catventurer trophy!

Furry Catventurer
Reached level 50
Considering you’ll want to be at least level 65 before taking on Cat Quest’s final boss, you should also unlock the “Furry Catventurer” trophy naturally on your way through the main quest. Don’t stop there, as you’ll need to reach level 99 for Super Catventurer.

Super Catventurer
Reached level 99
Even after you’ve beat the main quest, completed every side-quest, and cleared every dungeon, you’ll probably still have a fair amount of level-grinding ahead of you to finally reach Level 99.
There are three locations that are well-suited to level-grinding as the enemies within drop a lot of exp. Those are:
- Icy Glaive
- Furrbidden Fields (not a dungeon, but the enemies here are tough and drop plenty of expif you can beat them)
- Hidden Cave
You’ll want to be at least Level 70 before you can comfortably grind exp at those locations, but that shouldn’t be an issue.
Upon finally reaching level 99, the Super Catventurer trophy will be all yours.


Le Platinum Trophy
After collecting every trophy in this Cat Quest Trophy Guide, the "Le Platinum Trophy " Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!

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