PlayStation 5
The Last of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat The Last of Us Part 1 and unlock all trophies?
About 25 hours.
How difficult is it to beat The Last of Us Part 1 and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does The Last of Us Part 1 have online trophies?
Does The Last of Us Part 1 have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does The Last of Us Part 1 have missable trophies?
Does The Last of Us Part 1 have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in The Last of Us Part 1?
Does The Last of Us Part 1 have a Platinum Trophy?
Other Useful Guides:
The Last of Us Part 1 & Left Behind Collectibles Guide
Trophy Guide
The Last of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS5
Welcome to our The Last of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide. The Last of Us Part 1 is a faithful remake—entirely rebuilt from the ground up to further capture the initial vision—of the beloved PlayStation classic that endured and survived the end of the PS3 generation. The Last of Us Part 1 is available on PS5.
Due to Part 1 being a remake the trophy list has also been remade and this time around it’s become much easier to achieve the platinum. Previously, The Last of Us platinum required you to fully upgrade Joel and all his weapons as well as beating the game on the gruelling Grounded mode. Through in a taxing collectible hunt and you’d be looking at 3 playthroughs clocking in around 60 hours. Thankfully, for the remake you only have to upgrade one of Joel’s weapons to the max while playing on any difficulty you prefer. You can couple this with finding every collectible—of which there are quite many—and/or meeting the Chapter-Specific Trophy requirements; meaning The Last of Us Part 1’s platinum trophy can be unlocked in a single playthrough in about 25 hours.
Phase One – Finish the Story of Part 1 & Find All Collectibles
For the first phase in our The Last of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide, begin the game on any difficulty you prefer. Since there are no difficulty-related trophies it’s recommended to play on an easier difficulty to speed things up. During your first playthrough you should try to fully upgrade one of Joel’s weapons—the recommended weapon’s being the 9mm pistol or the revolver—while crafting one of every craft-able item, and upgrading and breaking one of each melee weapon.
To prevent any repeat playthrougs it’s also recommended to find all Firefly Pendants, Training Manuals, Shiv Doors, Safes, Artifacts, Workbenches, Workbench Tools, and Comics while also seeing all Optional Conversations and Jokes. This is a lot to keep track of but thankfully we have a handy Collectible Guide that will take you through every single one while also helping you achieve all Chapter-Specific Trophies.
Unmissable Story-Related Trophies

No Matter What
Complete Part 1
No Matter What will, as the description suggests, unlock upon completing the story of Part 1.

Collectibles Trophies

Fallen Firefly
Find a Firefly pendant
See Look for the Light.

Self Help
Find one training manual

Savage Starlight Fan
Find a comic
See Endure and Survive.

Look for the Light
Find all Firefly pendants
There are 30 Firefly Pendants to find in The Last of Us Part 1 and all of them can be found in Part 1’s story; there are none in Left Behind. The very first pendant can be found in The Quarantine Zone chapter during the Beyond the Wall section. See our Collectible Guide for the location of all Pendants.

Endure and Survive
Collect all comics
There are 13 Comics to find in The Last of us Part 1 and all of them are in Part 1’s story. The first Comic is found Pittsburgh during the Alone and Forsaken section. See our Collectible Guide for the location of all Comics.

Something to Fight For
Find all training manuals
There are 12 Training Manuals to find in The Last of Us Part 1. Just like the Firefly Pendants, there are no Training Manuals to be found in Left Behind. The very first manual can be found in Bill’s Town during the Safehouse section. See our Collectible Guide for the location of all Training Manuals.

Master of Unlocking
Break into every locked door using shivs
Some doors in The Last of Us Part 1 are locked and can only be opened by using—and destroying—a shiv. You have to make sure you have a shiv in your inventory or at least the resources to make one. If you’re playing on a higher difficulty it’s recommended not to use shivs to kill clickers or other enemies if you can help it. See our Collectible Guide for all Shiv Door locations.

Prepared For the Worst
Find all workbenches
Workbenches in The Last of Us Part 1 can be used to upgrade weapons using scrap metal that you can find while scavenging for supplies. There are 11 workbenches in total and the first one is in the Musuem section of the The Outskirts chapter. See our Collectible Guide for the location of all Workbenches.

Sticky Fingers
Open All Safes
Unlike the original game safes in The Last of Us Part 1 count as collectibles. There are 4 of them in total and the first one is in The Outskirt’s Downtown section. See our Collectible Guide for the location of all 4 safes.

Workbench Tools in The Last of Us Part 1 increase how much you can upgrade a weapon. You will need all of them to fully upgrade some of the weapons you find later in the game. See our Collectible Guide for the location of all 5 Workbench Tools.

Combat Ready
Fully upgrade a weapon
Workbench Tools are required to upgraded weapons beyond certain limits. You only need 3 workbench tools to fully upgrade the 9mm/revolver which means the earliest point you can unlock Combat Ready is during The Suburbs chapter after escaping the sewers with Henry and Sam.

Geared Up
Craft every item
Joel can use the resources you scavenge to craft certain items that will help during encounters. These items will require 1 full resource from 2 categories; for example, Shivs require 1 Binding and 1 Blade resource. You will acquire all the recipes naturally as they either given to the player as part of the story or are directly in your path. The last recipe you acquire is the Smoke Bomb which means the earliest you can unlock Geared Up is during the Pittsburgh chapter.

Chapter-Specific Trophies

In Memorium
Pick up Frank’s note after it’s discarded
Picking up Frank’s note after Bill throws it on the ground counts as an artifact which means this trophy will be unmissable while collecting everything. Follow along with our Collectible Guide and you shouldn’t have to worry about this trophy.

Lights Out
While in stealth, turn off the spotlight generator in Pittsburgh.
During the Pittsburgh chapter you will have to stealth towards a guarded gate with Henry as backup. There is a sweeping spotlight and a few Hunters patrolling the area. To unlock Lights Out you have to sneak up to the front of the gate without being spotted and turn off the generator that’s powering the spotlight. The best method is to move when the spotlight moves away from you and stick to the right hand side until you get to the gate. Keep an eye on the patrolling Hunter with the melee weapon and wait for him to move away or stealth kill him so you can interact with the generator.

Ride the sewer contraption with Henry and Sam
During the sewer section with Henry and Sam, Joel will have to open a sluice gate to get a palette for Ellie to ride one. As soon as you take Ellie to the other side to operate the sewer contraption, quickly swim back to Henry and Sam and sprint to where they climbed onto the contraption to ride it to the other side with them.

Left Hanging
Leave Ellie hanging after a job well done
Left Hanging is possibly the hardest trophy in the entire game. It’s probably easier to complete the game on Grounded mode with Perma-death turned on than it is to completely ignore Ellie while she’s standing there with her hand up eagerly anticipating your high-five. If you think you have enough ice running through your veins to walk by her without acknowledging her then you’ll have a good shot at unlocking Left Hanging.

Who’s A Good Boy?
Pet Buckley the dog
During the Dam chapter while walking around with Tommy you can find a good boy relaxing outside the dam’s control room. Approach him and press when prompted to give him a good pat on the head.

Build Em Up, Break Em Down

Build Em Up, Break Em Down
Upgrade and then break one of every melee weapon
During Bill’s Town you can find an upgraded weapon which will unlock the ability to upgrade weapons for yourself. In order to unlock Build Em Up, Break Em Down you must upgrade and break every melee weapon. This doesn’t mean the entire weapon needs to break, just the upgrade itself. For example, upgrading the machete will add two extra uses to the weapon, when those two upgraded uses have gone the upgrade is broken. The 5 weapons are:
- Wood 2×4
- Baseball Bat
- Lead Pipe
- Machete
- Axe

Phase Two – Finish the Story of Left Behind & Find All Collectibles
For the second phase in our The Last of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide, start a Left Behind playthrough from the Main Menu. While playing Left Behind you need to finish collecting Notes and Artifacts as well as the last few Optional Conversations and the very last Joke. Also during this stage you should attempt Left Behind’s chapter-specific trophies.
Left Behind Unmissable Trophies

Don’t Go
Complete Left Behind
Don’t Go will unlock during the credits after completing Left Behind’s story.

Left Behind Collectible Trophies

That’s all I got
Survive all of Ellie’s Jokes
See our Collectible Guide for all of Ellie’s Jokes in The Last of Us Part 1 & Left Behind.

Getting to Know You
Engage in all optional conversations
See our Collectible Guide for all Optional Conversations in The Last of Us Part 1 & Left Behind.

Find all notes and artefacts
See our Collectible Guide for all Notes and Artifacts in The Last of Us Part 1 & Left Behind.

Left Behind Chapter-Specific Trophies

Brick Master
Win the brick throwing contest
During Left Behind Riley and Ellie will have a brick throwing contest. The aim is to break all the windows on their assigned car before the other does. Riley is quite slow and inaccurate during this minigame so as long as you don’t miss and sprint to bricks when picking them up you should have no problem unlocking Brick Master.

Nobody’s Perfect
Played the Jak X game in Left Behind
The Jak X racing game can be found in Raja’s Arcade. Approach and press and a small cutscene will play unlocking Nobody’s Perfect.

Angel Knives
Defeat Black Fang without getting hit
Also in Raja’s Arcade is an Angel Knives arcade cabinet. Approach it and you can “play” it. You must defeat Black Fang without getting hit once. This is much simpler than it sounds as the machine doesn’t work and you simply have to press the button combinations that appear in the bottom left screen. There is ample time to press each button combo so unlocking Angel Knives is quite simple.

Win the water gun fight
Unlocking Skillz can be quite challenging as Riley’s AI can be a bit unpredictable. For example, when I was playing she would run off to hide and then quickly sprint towards me leaving little time for me to react or pump my water gun enough to spray her. My advice would be to quickly run and hide at the start of each round and use listen mode to catch her unaware.

Live Bait
Use bricks or bottles to lure an infected into attacking a human
To unlock Live Bait, you must play through Left Behind until Hunters appear in the mall. While making your way back to Joel there will be some Clickers and Runners occupying a room that you crawled through a vent to get to. Some Hunters will enter the room and quickly spot the infected. Luckily for Ellie there are some items she can pick up and throw near the Hunters to attract the enemies towards them. Doe this and wait for one of them to be killed and the trophy should unlock.

Plat Get!

It Can’t Be For Nothing
Collect all trophies
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this The Last of Us Part 1 Trophy Guide, the “It Can’t Be For Nothing” Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations, Firefly!

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