PlayStation 4
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 and unlock all trophies?
Around 20 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 have online trophies?
Does One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 have missable trophies?
Does One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in One Piece Pirate Warriors 4?
One Story Playthrough plus Treasure Log.
Does One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4
This One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide was created to accompany my Platinum Trophy Review, check that out if you have a few minutes and are interested to know my thoughts on the Platinum Journey as a whole.
One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide: Before You Begin
There are a few things of note which should be considered before moving on with our One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide, but in general, there isn’t too much to be wary of;
- There are no missable trophies as everything can be replayed with any character.
- While there are no difficulty trophies, if you play on easy difficulty you will be unable to earn an S rank, which will lock you out of the trophy “Supernova”. Once you have that trophy, however, you’re free to change difficulty but I recommend staying on Normal difficulty given how easy it is and how S-ranks will increase your rewards.
- There are a few skills you should buy early on to maximise Berries income for the trophy “Rich Pirate” and then equip to all characters where possible. As soon as you are able, purchase the following skills and upgrade them to maximum:
- Bounty Hunter – From “The Beginning” Growth Map, which affects every character.
- Cat Burglar – From Nami’s Growth Map 1
- Coin Collector – From Bartolomeo’s Growth Map 1. This actually earns you extra coins, but you can only carry a set amount of each coin and any extras – which there will be a lot of – are converted into money.
Please Note: There’s a chance this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide will unavoidably contain One Piece spoilers, given that the game follows the same story up until the Wano arc.
Phase One – Completing the One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Dramatic Log Trophies
The First Place to begin in this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide is with the game’s main campaign “Dramatic Log”. For the most-part, this mode can be played co-op with a friend, but some missions which only have a single character available must be played solo.
Unmissable Story Trophies
Each of the below trophies in this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide will be awarded for completing a story arc in the Dramatic Log and so will be earned for completing this phase’s over-arching goal of completing Dramatic Log with no additional effort, so pay them no mind.

Two of the Four Emperors stand in the way
Cleared Dramatic Log “Introduction”

My Friends’ Seal
Cleared Dramatic Log “Alabasta Arc”

Declaration of War
Cleared Dramatic Log “Enies Lobby Arc”

The Times are Changing
Cleared Dramatic Log “Summit War Arc”

Followers’ Sake Cups
Cleared Dramatic Log “Entry to the New World Arc”

Onward to Wano!
Cleared Dramatic Log “Whole Cake Island Arc”

A New Dawn
Cleared Dramatic Log “Land of Wano Arc (game original)”
Combat and Ability Trophies
The following trophies in this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide are all earned through normal gameplay. Performing a particular ability for the first time or a specific number of times will result in earning each trophy and none of them are particularly difficult.

I’m Getting Fired Up…!
You used a special skill for the first time
In One Piece Pirate Warriors 4, each character has four skills they can use and each has its own gauge which, when filled, will allow the skill to be used.
Each skill is mapped to one of the four face buttons and you can activate a skill by holding
and pressing the skill’s associated face button when its gauge is full.
Simply do this for the first time during the game’s tutorial mission and the trophy is yours!

Certifiably Powerful Enemy
You used a special skill at least 10 times in one battle
As with the last trophy, you will need to use in conjunction with any of the four face buttons
to activate skills once their corresponding gauge is filled.
To earn this trophy, however, you will need to activate any of these skills 10 times within a single battle. Which, trust me, isn’t a huge feat and will likely occur naturally unless you’re purposefully avoiding skills for some reason.

Willing to Die For the Cause
You defeated your first enemy using Full-Force Burst
To earn this trophy you will need to activate a Full-Force Burst ability and then defeat any enemy while it is active for the first time.

Full-Force Burst abilities are skills and so can be activated by pressing in conjunction with another face button. The icon for a Full-Force Burst skill is blue and for most characters is mapped to the
button combo.
These skills, rather than unleashing a powerful attack, will improve your characters stats for a short while until the gauge runs empty or the skill is de-activated by pressing the corresponding button combo a second time.

Gear Four
You defeated your first enemy while in Form Change.
To earn this trophy you will need to activate a Form-Change ability and then defeat any enemy while it is active for the first time.
Form-Change abilities are skills – just like Full-Force Burst abilities – and so can be activated by pressing in conjunction with another face button. The icon for a Form-Change skill is blue.
These skills, rather than unleashing a powerful attack, will improve your characters stats for a short while until the gauge runs empty or the skill is de-activated by pressing the corresponding button combo a second time.
The first time you will use one of these abilities is actually as Luffy, using Gear Four, during the tutorial stage at the very start of the game. So, kill any enemy in this form and the trophy is yours with laughable ease.

Sky Walk
You stayed airborne for at least 10 seconds
This trophy requires you to stay airborne in any way possible for a total of 10 minutes at once.
This can easily be achieved by using a Speed Type character and then stringing together airborne attack combos and power dashes to stay in the air, but this is overkill in my opinion.
Instead, wait until a Sky type character such as Crocodile is available and then use their Full-Force Burst ability +
to go airborne. This will last until the gauge empties which should be more than enough time to earn the trophy.

One in a Thousand
You defeated 1000 or more enemies in a single battle
All you need to do for this mission is to defeat 1000 enemies during a single mission.
I am whole-heartedly confident that this will occur naturally without you feeling the need to farm additional enemies, but if that somehow ends up being the case then you can just stand near any enemy spawn and kill them as they come out.
Often a base will be immune to capture, as indicated by a shield icon over the base’s health bar at the top of the screen. In these instances, enemy spawns are infinite, so you can simply stay in that area and defeat enemies as they appear.

Dramatic Log Result Trophies
The following trophies in our One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide are all earned based on your results and rewards and will most likely be earned during your Dramatic Log playthrough, but farming is also possible with infinite replays through Free Log.

Achieved Battle Grade S in any episode
For this trophy all you need to do is earn an S rating from any mission. This may sound like a feat of some sort but it will almost definitely occur naturally at some point.
Note that this trophy is impossible if you are playing on Easy difficulty, and you should increase your difficulty to at least Normal via the settings in order to be able to earn S ratings.
S ratings are earned based on two factors; how many kills you achieved and how quickly you completed the stage.

In my experience, more often than not, you can achieve S-rank by doing the following things:
- Skip every fight which isn’t a main or side objective. Seriously. The game will reward you for speeding through it and not taking the time to capture territories or just have fun in general. Just go as quickly as possible from objective to objective.
- Get at least 1000 kills which is very easy to do naturally.
- Complete every side-quest objective (marked as a green “!” on the map).
- Play with a friend. They can complete secondary objectives simultaneously, speeding up your completion time.

A Great and Priceless Treasure
Unlocked at least 25% of the Gallery
The Gallery progression is affected by how many items and characters you discover throughout gameplay, which all occurs naturally. Unlocking a character as a mission reward will add them to the gallery, using an item from a chest for the first time will add it to the gallery, defeating a new enemy type will add them to the gallery, and so on and so forth.
This trophy in particular will occur quite early in the main Dramatic Log campaign with zero additional effort past simply completing stages.

The Tree of Knowledge
Unlocked at least 75% of the Gallery
As with the last trophy, you will earn this naturally by using new items, meeting/unlocking new characters, and defeating new enemy types. However, this one will take quite a bit longer to unlock but should be in your possession towards the end of Dramatic Log.
Again, no additional effort is needed further than simply completing new stages.

Bounty Hunter
Collected 50 types of coin or more
To earn this trophy you will need to acquire your first 50 unique coins.
Coins are awarded for every named enemy you defeat, so main characters of the story, enemy commanders and base leaders will all drop a coin once they are defeated. These are then revealed and awarded to you at the end of the stage.

In all honesty, though, there are an insane number of different coins in the game and 50 is just a small minority which you will earn with relative ease while completing Dramatic Log. So, again, a trophy which requires no additional effort.

I Want Ten People
Collected 10 or more playable characters
For this trophy, you will need to unlock your first 10 characters, but since you start with 4 characters unlocked you will need to unlock a mere 6 more for the trophy. Characters in one piece are earned in one of two ways:
- Whenever you complete a mission in which a new character is playable, regardless of whether you play as them, you will unlock them or their “unlock conditions”.
- Other characters will have their “unlock conditions” revealed through playing Dramatic Log. Once unlock conditions are revealed, you can go to “Free Log” mode, select any mission and then browse the available characters. Some of them will be silhouettes and their unlock conditions are displayed next to them on the right-hand side of the screen.
Unlocking 6 characters will occur very naturally through play of Dramatic Log as characters are revealed over time. This will require no additional effort and you can ignore the Unlock Conditions for now.

Complete a Dramatic Log Mission with Each Character Type
While it may be possible to miss these trophies during your playthrough of Dramatic Log, if you avoid using a particular character type somehow, your first chance at these will come during Dramatic Log and I feel that the majority of players will achieve all of these with minimal effort as they play.

Heedless Rush
You won a battle with a Power type character for the first time
To unlock this trophy, complete a mission with a “Power” type character for the first time.
Power Type characters available in the game are as follows:
- Luffy
- Zoro
- Franky
- Whitebeard
- Kaido
- Big Mom
- Shanks
- Teech
- Kid
- Mihawk
- Jimbei
- Akainu
- Fujitora

Lightning Speed
You won a battle with a Speed type character for the first time
To unlock this trophy, complete a mission with a “Speed” type character for the first time.
Speed Type characters available in the game are as follows:
- Sanji (pre-New World only)
- Brook
- Ace
- Katakuri
- Cavendish
- Tashigi
- Sabo
- Carrot

You won a battle with a Technique type character for the first time
To unlock this trophy, complete a mission with a “Technique” type character for the first time.
Technique Type characters available in the game are as follows:
- Usopp
- Nami
- Chopper
- Robin
- Bartolomeo
- Law
- Hawkins
- Bege
- Hancock
- Buggy
- Kuzan
- Ivankov

Harsh Winds and Strong Waves
You won a battle with a Sky type character for the first time
To unlock this trophy, complete a mission with a “Sky” type character for the first time.
Sky Type characters available in the game are as follows:
- Sanji (New World only)
- Marco
- Doflamingo
- Crocodile
- Kizaru
- Smoker
- Lucci
- Reiju
- Ichiji
- Niji
- Yonji
Phase Two – Complete the Treasure Log
Once you have completed the Dramatic Log phase of this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide, you will have unlocked and upgraded a plethora of characters who you will now be able to make great use of during these special Treasure Log missions for phase two of your trophy journey.
Treasure Log Progression Trophies

Adventures at Daybreak
Cleared at least 1 “East Blue” battle from the Treasure Log
For this trophy you simply need to play Treasure Log for the first time and successfully complete the stage.
At the start, only one stage is available so you will earn this trophy for completing it.

Level G.L
Promoted to Treasure Log “Grand Line”
There are three levels to Treasure log; East Blue, Grand Line and New World. You will start on East Blue and will need to progress to Grand Line for this trophy to unlock.

Progressing to the next level of Treasure log is done by completing a “Deciding Battle” stage, which you will need to unlock by completing several stages with key icons next to them. You will not need to complete every stage in each level of Treasure Log to gain access to the Deciding Battle, in fact you will hardly need to complete many at all, but I do recommend sticking around, here’s why;

With each Level of treasure log you skip, the difficulty spikes. We tried rushing our way through treasure Log, just doing the key missions, but halfway through Grand Line’s key missions we were really struggling to make a dent in the enemy health bars, so we went back to East Blue to complete missions and earn a lot of Coins, Berries and Crew EXP, before coming back with a lot more progress on the Growth Maps for our chosen characters.

The Name of that Sea is…
Cleared the Deciding Battle Episode from the Treasure Log “New World”
To earn this trophy you will need to essentially complete Treasure Log Mode. You will need to progress from East Blue level to the New World level and then reach and complete the Deciding Battle stage of the New World level.
This can be quite difficult so you will want to complete the growth map of your chosen main character, taking all their stats to Level 18.
I strongly recommend using Kaido as his size and powerful attacks make him extremely formidable, and I struggled greatly to even reach the deciding battle of New World before switching to Kaido.
Upon completion of the New World Deciding Battle, you will earn this trophy.

Stage 3 – Money and Cleanup
Combat Trophy Cleanup
Listed here in this part of our One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide are any trophies with the potential to be a long grind depending on how you play the game, but which will all most likely be earned during your Dramatic Log or Treasure Log playthroughs.

Cola Energy
You used Power Dash 1000 times or more in total
In One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4, you can use to dash forwards quite a distance, damaging any enemies you dash through. This ability ends up being the best way to get around the map for some slower characters such as Jinbei, meaning that rather impatient players such as myself will be tempted to mash
constantly to get from point A to point B.
As it turns out, this is clearly a good habit to have because you will need to use this dash ability 1000 times in total. So, if you are a more patient player and don’t find yourself pressing through everything, then start building that habit if you want this trophy!

I earned it at around the half-way point of the Dramatic Log.
You can also check your statistics for this information from the preparation menu just before a mission. Press to cycle through the options from the battle preparation screen.
Once you find the well-hidden statistics, here you can see how many total times you’ve Power Dashed.

The Power to Destroy the World
Toppled 10,000 enemies during a Full-Force Burst
The description for this trophy is quite poorly written as it makes it seem as though, without a doubt, you will need to kill 10,000 enemies during a single Full-Force Burst ability. This is absolutely not the case… Or possible.
This trophy is for earning 10,000 cumulative kills across multiple uses of the Full-Force Burst abilities, which includes Form Change abilities such as Gear Fourth.
These abilities are skills and so can be activated by pressing in conjunction with another face button. The icon for a Full-Force Burst skill is blue and for most characters is mapped to the
button combo.
These skills, rather than unleashing a powerful attack, will improve your characters stats for a short while until the gauge runs empty or the skill is de-activated by pressing the corresponding button combo a second time.

You can also check your statistics for this information from the preparation menu just before a mission. Press to cycle through the options from the battle preparation screen.
Once you find the well-hidden statistics, here you can see how many total enemies you’ve defeated with Full-Force Burst.

The Strongest Creature
Toppled a total of 100,000 foes
For this trophy you will need to defeat a cumulative number of 100,000 enemies throughout the entire game. If you, hypothetically, earn just 1,000 kills per stage then you will need to complete 100 stages to earn this trophy, which opens up the potential of it being a grind to acquire.
However, it is much more likely that you will earn a lot more than 1,000 kills per stage and this trophy will occur naturally during your Dramatic or Treasure Log phases of the journey.

You can check your statistics from the preparation menu just before a mission. I couldn’t find any other way to access this info without first starting a mission and then pressing to cycle through the options from the battle preparation screen.
Once you find the well-hidden statistics, here you can see how many total enemies you’ve defeated.

The King of Destruction
Total Stage Objects Destroyed has exceeded 1000
Another trophy which you are most likely going to earn naturally, as early as your Dramatic Log playthrough, but if you are more precise and less careless in your attacks I suppose there’s a minuscule chance you will need to grind this trophy out.

To earn it, cumulatively destroy just 1,000 destructible objects throughout the game. Destructible objects are anything from crates and barrels to destructible buildings and walls. You can find destructible objects everywhere and using a character with powerful attacks which affect a wide area – such as Zoro and his standard ability – will make this trophy much more likely to happen naturally.
You can also check your statistics for this information from the preparation menu just before a mission. Press to cycle through the options from the battle preparation screen.
Once you find the well-hidden statistics, here you can see how many total objects you’ve destroyed.

Earning Berries and Spending it all on Growth Maps

Rich Pirates
Collected 100 million or more berries in total
This trophy has the greatest potential to be a grind-fest as 100,000,000 berries is quite a lot! However, as I stated at the top of this guide, there are a couple of skills which will help make this trophy much easier to achieve:
- Bounty Hunter – From “The Beginning” Growth Map, which affects every character.
- Cat Burglar – From Nami’s Growth Map 1
- Coin Collector – From Bartolomeo’s Growth Map 1. This actually earns you extra coins, but you can only carry a set amount of each coin and any extras – which there will be a lot of – are converted into money.
Purchase and fully upgrade these skills as soon as you can and then equip them to your character for every stage you play in order to dramatically increase berry income.
After completing the dramatic log and about 50% of the Treasure Log missions, we had only just earned about half of what we needed. So, I’m telling you, this is a really grindy trophy and will be the driving force for you playing much more of the game than you were expecting to.
You can check your statistics for this information from the preparation menu just before a mission. Press to cycle through the options from the battle preparation screen.
Once you find the well-hidden statistics, here you can see how many total berries you’ve collected.

With the suggested skills equipped, farm New World Treasure Log missions until your eyes dry out, by which point you’ll hopefully have the 100,000,000 you need!
Once you have earned a cumulative total of 100 million berries, the trophy will pop.

Fantastic Hardship
Acquired 1 or more skills

Asura’s Path
Acquired 20 or more skills
The above two trophies will require spending a lot of berry and coins in the Growth Maps.
The skill “Coin Collector” from Bartolomeo’s Growth Map 1 will help you to earn more coins and thus purchase upgrades sooner.
On the Growth Maps, skills are found on islands with a sun icon above them and can be found on the Beginner map and each character’s individual growth maps.
You can switch between each type of growth map using the and
You will not need to fully upgrade the skills you purchase in order to earn these trophies, you will simply need to buy them once. Purchase your first skill for “Fantastic Hardship” and then on your 20th skill purchase you will unlock “Asura’s Path”.

Push On Through!
One of your skill levels has MAXED out
For this trophy, you will need to fully upgrade a purchased Skill (see “Asura’s Path” trophy above) in the Growth Maps.
They can usually be purchased up to 3 times, at which point the skill will be maxed out and the trophy will be yours.

Pirate Ranking
One character’s Action Growth Level has MAXED out
Action Growth Level is another purchasable item in the Growth Maps. For this trophy, you will need to pick out your favourite character and focus on upgrading every Action Growth island in their Growth Map.
Action Growth can be upgraded by purchasing islands with an upward-pointing arrow icon above them and in order to earn this trophy you will need to purchase and fully upgrade every one of these islands in any character’s Growth Map 1.

A King’s Qualities
One character’s special moves have all MAXED out
Special moves are another purchasable item in the Growth Maps. For this trophy, you will need to pick out your favourite character and focus on upgrading every special move island in their Growth Map.
Special moves can be upgraded by purchasing islands with a crossed-swords icon above them and in order to earn this trophy you will need to purchase and fully upgrade every one of these islands in any character’s Growth Map 1.

One Step Towards The Dream
Acquired all the islands from “The Beginning Map”
For this trophy you will want to buy every island on the “The Beginning” Growth Map.
This Growth Map affects the stats of every character and so it is greatly beneficial to purchase every island regardless of whether there is a trophy for it.
It’s good to note that you will not need to fully upgrade every island, you just need to purchase each one once.

Levels and Unlocks

Grand Fleet
Collected 30 or more playable characters
For this trophy, you will need to unlock a total of 30 characters, but since you start with 4 characters unlocked you will actually need to unlock 26 for the trophy. Characters in Pirate Warriors are earned in one of two ways:
- Whenever you complete a mission in which a new character is playable, regardless of whether you play as them, you will unlock them.
- Other characters will have their “Unlock Conditions” revealed through playing Dramatic Log. Once unlock conditions are revealed, you can go to “Free Log” mode, select any mission and then browse the available characters. Some of them will be silhouettes and their unlock conditions are displayed next to them on the right-hand side of the screen. These unlock conditions can also be found in the Battle Preparation menu ahead of a mission.
You will unlock this trophy naturally by simply completing Dramatic and Treasure Log, completing various unlock conditions by chance as you go. However, if you’d like more direction as to how to unlock each character, I do recommend checking the unlock conditions and seeing which ones you can check off your list as you go.
There are 43 playable characters in total to unlock and up to 9 additional characters to purchase via DLC (at the time of writing there are just 6 available, and at £9.99 per character 3-pack, I’m not touching them with a barge pole) so you will not need to unlock every character for the Platinum trophy.

One character’s Crew Level has MAXED out

20 or more characters’ Crew Levels have MAXED out
For the above two trophies you will need to increase the Crew level of one and then twenty characters to MAX.
The skill Brother’s Sake Cups from Sabo’s Growth Map 1 will increase the amount of Crew exp earned after each round if equipped.
Whenever you complete a stage, every character who accompanied you in that stage will earn Crew Level EXP and move from Level 1 to Level 5 over time. The more times you fight alongside a specific character, there more they will level up.
As there are 49 characters which can be levelled up in this way, maxing out the crew levels of 20 characters is not much of a challenge and you’ll most likely earn this trophy naturally whilst working through Treasure Log. If not, identify which crew members are close to level 5 and replay some stages in Free or Treasure Log which are guaranteed to contain them and then complete those stages as many times as needed.
You can also play as a character to increase their crew level, so you could just focus on twenty characters you have unlocked.
While in the battle preparation screen, you can use to cycle menus and locate the “Crew Level” option, within which you can see the levels of each character, giving you a good idea of how close you are to the trophies and which characters might be best to use or try and fight alongside in order to level them up.
One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide: Plat Get!

The Fifth Emperor of the Sea
All trophies acquired
With every other trophy in this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide under your belt, you’ll obviously earn the platinum trophy for your efforts! The game is fairly easy and it should only take around 20 hours to complete every trophy condition, a far sight better than the 100+ needed for its predecessor, Pirate Warriors 3!

Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for this One Piece Pirate Warriors 4 Trophy Guide, consider checking out our reviews and other guides!
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