PlayStation 4
Memory Lane Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Memory Lane and unlock all trophies?
Around 15 minutes.
How difficult is it to beat Memory Lane and unlock all trophies?
Very Easy (1/10).
Does Memory Lane have online trophies?
Does Memory Lane have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Memory Lane have missable trophies?
Does Memory Lane have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Memory Lane?
Does Memory Lane have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Memory Lane Trophy Guide and Road Map
Memory Lane is a pretty standard memory game in which you turn over cards and try to remember which is which so that you can make pairs. Honestly, you really don’t even need this Memory Lane Trophy Guide, but here we go anyway…
Provided you have the ability to remember, you should be able to get this trophy in around 15-20 minutes.
Phase One – Earn 20,000 Score
This is all you need to do. Just rack up points by making pairs until you find yourself at 20,000 points. You will lose 50 points for every incorrect pairing you make.
Score Trophies
These trophies have some of the worst descriptions ever conceived as they don’t tell you anything even remotely helpful about what you might need to do, but just reach 20,000 and you’ll have them all.

Card Flipper
Once there was a brain…

Cortex Flicker
Washed with magnetic pulses…

Lobe Soother
Overloaded with senses…

Stem Booster
Focusing of inner-self…

Sparkle Generator
More and more of higher-self…

Occipital Benefactor
From the unknown charts…

Parietal Admirer
On to the unmapped parts…

Auditory Cortexer
Of one’s brain’s and memory…

Sensory Banquet
If only we could paint the back of or eyes…

Medulla Oblongator
Bring out the music of the brain…

Gyrus Exciter
To the inner sound of ear-drumming…

Spinal Cord Lifter
Ontological wish-ful eye-sighting…

Hippocampus Reader
Paradoxical visual pairing…

Amygdala Accelerator
Memory gets stronger the less we care…

Optic Chiasmator
Sensory data critical error-ing…

Olfactory Bulber
Formatting one side of your brain…

Thalamus Plugger
Clustering your dreams and visions…

Lateral Master
Holding back what you remember…

Cerebrum Celebrator
The brain becomes the grounded tree…

Grand Memorandum
Memory Lanes becomes the fruits of your past-life…
Plat Get!

Pineal Gland Opening
All Seeing and all hearing…
Having reached 20,000 score, thus unlocking every other poorly-described trophy, you’ll have this Platinum in the bag.

Full Disclosure: You won’t find this platinum trophy on my PSN Profile, I used my alt account PlatGet_DblTap, so look there if you’re hoping to verify!
If you enjoy collecting quick and easy Platinum Trophies like this one, check out our full list of Quick and Easy Platinum Trophies, all of which can be earned in an hour or less!
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