PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Ever Forward Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Ever Forward and unlock all trophies?
About 1 Hour.
How difficult is it to beat Ever Forward and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Ever Forward have online trophies?
Does Ever Forward have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Ever Forward have missable trophies?
Does Ever Forward have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Ever Forward?
Does Ever Forward have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Ever Forward Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5
Welcome to our Ever Forward Trophy Guide. This Short and Sweet Puzzle game explores various mechanics while also telling the tale of a mother and her child. The latter being our protagonist.
Those who enjoy puzzle games will surely find joy in this short Platinum Journey, which can be completed in under an hour depending on how much challenge you find in these puzzles.
Phase One – Complete all Levels and Collect all Leaves
There’s just one phase in our Ever Forward Trophy Guide, as you will essentially want to do everything in a single playthrough. Doing so will allow you to earn the Platinum in as little as 40 minutes!
To complete the game as quickly as possible, you can hold during cutscenes to skip them, but it’s up to you if you want to actually enjoy the story in the game you purchased.

There are a few things to look out for as you do this. Most of the trophies will unlock naturally, but you should look out for the 5 Leaf Collectibles for A Tree Reborn, complete the game without using Leaves to skip puzzles for Leafless, and remember not to skip the credits for Everything’s Alright.
How to Play Ever Forward
The game’s split between two “worlds”. The “real world” acts as a hub between several “puzzle worlds” found at ruined buildings in the “real world”.
The first few Puzzle Worlds contain several puzzles, but after that, you will mostly only get one puzzle per Puzzle World until you’re near the end of the game.
Every puzzle has two red beacons. One will be the start of the puzzle, and your little robot companion will enter the beacon platform to start the puzzle.
The second beacon is the end of the puzzle.
To complete it, you will need to collect a white block from a yellow square on the ground and then bring it to the second beacon.

Some blue and yellow switches on the ground will move platforms, spawn blocks, or activate/deactivate hazards when you place a white block on them.

There are also enemies called “Roundy-Bots” which you must avoid. Detection will lead to death, sending you back to an earlier checkpoint.

The Roundy-bots will be attracted to any noise, so jumping or dropping/throwing a white block near them will alert them. This can be useful for distracting them.
You can hold to quicksave the game, which will prove very useful later in the game when things get a bit more difficult. You can quickly load your save by then holding
Ever Forward Leaves

A New Tree
Collected your first leaf
There are 5 Leaf Collectibles in the game, and you will unlock A New Tree for collecting your first Leaf. You will need to collect all 5 for A Tree Reborn.

See our Ever Forward Leaf Guide for directions for finding all 5.

A Tree Reborn
Collected all the leaves
For the “A Tree Reborn” missable trophy, you must collect every Leaf in the game. Some of these are very obnoxiously hidden in ways you would never expect, so to help you achieve this trophy, I have created a short Leaf Guide below.
Feel free to follow this guide as you play to ensure you never miss any leaves:
Ever Forward Leaf Guide
The first Leaf Collectible is in a crab on the beach at the start of the game. You will need to complete the first set of puzzles, but once you are done, walk forward, and you’ll see five crabs skittering around.
Approach each one and step over it until you see a white tree icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen, indicating that you have found your first Leaf Collectible.

The following two collectibles are found together in the same place. After completing the second Puzzle World and unlocking This is How it Begins, head towards the next Puzzle World, up a hill to the right.
On the way, keep your eye out for a tiny acorn on the ground. Pick it up with .

With the Acorn in your hand, look for a squirrel tail sticking out of a nearby bush. The Squirrel’s location is somewhat random each time, so check each bush in the area.
Once you find it, touch the Squirrel by running into it to get the second Leaf Collectible.

Next, approach the Squirrel carefully after it has run off, face it, and then press .
The protagonist will throw the Acorn towards the Squirrel. If you successfully land close enough to the Squirrel, you’ll receive the third Leaf Collectible, and the Squirrel will run over to the Acorn.

The fourth Leaf Collectible is attached to the First of Her Name trophy. Unlock it, and you will receive the Leaf too. Note that it will be quite a while before you reach that point.

After getting the fourth Leaf, head back towards the lake opposite the swing. On it, you will see a boat.

Press on the boat to unlock the fifth Leaf Collectible and the A Tree Reborn trophy along with it.

Ever Forward Story Trophies

Queen of the Swings
It’s good to be queen?
You will unlock the Queen of Swings trophy automatically after solving your first puzzle by bringing a small white cube to the second platform emitting a red beam of light.
A short cutscene will play and the trophy will unlock at the end.

Once the Greatest of Concerns
It’s all relative.
Not long after unlocking Queen of the Swings, you will solve another puzzle by taking a white block to another red beacon.
A cutscene will play again and the Once the Greatest of Concerns trophy will unlock.

Adieu, My Little Tree!
We hardly knew ye.
Solve the game’s first three puzzles and you will unlock Adieu, My Little Tree! after another cutscene, as the game returns you to the beach where you started.

Note: The first Leaf Collectible is on this beach. Make sure you collect it before moving on. See our Ever Forward Leaf Guide.

Change the Channel!
How come nothing good is on?
From the beach, run up the large tree root to reach another ruined building on top of a plateau.

Head inside to start the next set of puzzles.
Complete the first of these puzzles to unlock the Change the Channel! trophy after the cutscene plays.

This is How it Begins
Not with a whimper, but with a “Eureka!”
Complete the second and final puzzle in the second Puzzle World and the This is How it Begins trophy will unlock at the end of the cutscene before you get returned to the Real World.

Lobel Prize!
Bah! It should be Nobel!
Go right past the house where you entered the second Puzzle World and head up the hill.
Note: The second and third Leaf Collectibles are on this hill. Make sure you collect them before moving on. See our Ever Forward Leaf Guide.
At the top of the hill, you’ll see another ruined building. Approach the crumbled wall to enter the third Puzzle World.

Solve the first puzzle within to unlock Lobel Prize at the end of the Cutscene.

Heard it All Before
Say something once, why say it again?
Complete the second puzzle in the Third Puzzle World to be returned to the Real World after a cutscene. There, the Heard it All Before trophy will unlock.

Shut down, Roundybot
The next Puzzle World is amid some yellow grass you can see in the distance when you spawn.

Head over there and enter the ruined Bedroom to begin the fourth Puzzle World.

Complete the only puzzle in this world to unlock the Shut down, Roundybot trophy.

You will immediately be returned to the Real World.

Sh! This Mission is a Secret!
…It’s not just a toy!
Head behind the ruined bedroom and you will see the next Puzzle World ahead of you.

Head inside and complete the puzzle to unlock Sh! This Mission is a Secret! trophy.

This is the first puzzle that will prove a real challenge for most players, so remember that you can place a checkpoint by holding .
You will be returned to the real world after unlocking this trophy.

First of Her Name
Played on the swing
After earning Sh! This Mission is a Secret!, head slightly left around the ruined building and go up the hill.

You will see another ruined building ahead of you, past a few trees.

Start heading towards it but look for a path on your right, leading to a different ruined building with a swing.

Go down this path to enter this Puzzle World first.

Head inside and complete the puzzle. There will be no cutscene and no trophy. However, turn around to face the building and you will see the swing can now be approached.

Go up to it and press to use the swing. You will unlock a Leaf Collectible and also the First of Her Name trophy.

This Mission is… Failed
…It is just a toy…
Go back towards the ruined building we saw earlier, before branching off down the path to the swing for First of Her Name.

Note: On the way, you will see a boat on the lake. This boat contains a Leaf Collectible. Collect it before proceeding.

Head inside the ruined building and complete the puzzle. You will unlock the This Mission is… Failed trophy after the cutscene, when you will be returned to the Real World again.

The Sound of Hope
Heard a heartbeat
The next Puzzle World is on the opposite side of the lake. Either run around the lake or use the boat to reach it if you want.

Head inside and complete the puzzle for another cutscene and The Sound of Hope trophy.

If There’s a Will…
Only 2.3km to go…
The next Puzzle World is back up the hill, towards the large tree.

Enter the ruined building and complete the puzzle. As ever, you will get a cutscene, and the If There’s a Will trophy will unlock at the end of it.

All is Lost
Faced a cold and uncaring iron door
After unlocking If There’s a Will…, you will find yourself in a snowy wasteland. All you need to do here is walk forward to a ghost.

After a short cutscene, the next Puzzle World will appear around you. Fly over to the beacon to start the puzzle. Complete it to view another cutscene and unlock the All is Lost trophy.

My CPU is a Neural-net Processor
A learning computer
After you unlock All is Lost, you’ll be back in the Real World, but it all looks pretty gloomy now.

Walk around the ruined building in front of you and head up the ramps ahead. Follow this linear path up to the top of the structure.

There, you’ll find another ruined building next to the trunk of the huge tree.

Approach it to enter the final Puzzle World. Complete the first puzzle within for yet another cutscene. The My CPU is a Neural-net Processor trophy will then unlock.

This is the End
Immediately after you unlock My CPU is a Neural-net Processor, you’ll be thrust into the next puzzle.
Complete it for a short cutscene which blends seamlessly back into gameplay. At the end of the cutscene, you will unlock This is the End.

A Brand New Day
Completed the story
After unlocking This is the End, you’ll be faced with the game’s final puzzle.
Take the time to complete it and then walk forward to the ghost in the cryo-pod to trigger another cutscene.

At the end of the cutscene, walk towards the door in front of you and press to open it.

Another cutscene will play and you will then be returned to the Puzzle World.
Ignore your surroundings, press to call your robot friend, and then fly to the bright white light on the pillar ahead of you.

When you land, approach the Roundy-bot; another short cutscene will play, and you will unlock the A Brand New Day trophy.

You should also unlock Leafless if you avoided using your Leaf Collectibles for the entire game.
Remember not to skip the credits; that way, the Everything’s Alright trophy will unlock.
Ever Forward Missable Trophies

Didn’t need the leaf
The very confusingly-titled “Leafless” trophy seems to be suggesting that you shouldn’t collect every leaf in the game. But you absolutely should do that if you don’t want to miss the A New Tree and A Tree Reborn trophies.
The truth behind the Leafless trophy is that you can use the Leaves by holding to skip a puzzle, or by holding
to get a hint.
However, in order to unlock the Leafless trophy, you must never use those features of the game. Complete a full playthrough from start to finish without ever skipping a puzzle or getting a hint, and Leafless will unlock in the game’s final cutscene.

Everything‘s Alright
New Beginnings
After you have unlocked A Brand New Day and–hopefully–Leafless, the credits will play at the end of the game.
Do not skip the credits. Just put your controller down to be sure you won’t do it by accident. Wait for the credits to end, and a short post-game cutscene will play.
Watch it through to the end, and Everything’s Alright will unlock.

Plat Get!

Collect all trophies
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Ever Forward Trophy Guide, the “Platinum” platinum trophy will unlock.

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