PlayStation 4
Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery and unlock all trophies?
Around 1-3 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery and unlock all trophies?
Very Easy (1/10).
Does Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery have online trophies?
Does Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery have missable trophies?
Does Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery?
Does Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Behind the Frame Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4
Welcome to our Behind the Frame Trophy Guide. Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery is a short, visual, story-driven indie coloring-book game that can easily be completed in under 3 hours, especially if you’re following this guide; in which we’ll direct you to everything that will secure you a trophy. The game has a beautiful Studio Ghibli-esque art style and uses audio in a very relaxing and minimalist way.
By following along with our Behind the Frame Trophy Guide, you’ll finish each chapter having left nothing important behind. By the time the credits roll on Chapter “J”, the Platinum Trophy will be securely tucked away in your pocket.
Even if you do miss one or two minor things, however, a final session in Chapter Select will be all it takes to fill in the cracks.
Phase One | Chapter One
From the Behind the Frame Title Screen, select New Game to begin your adventure. There are two ways you can approach our guide. The quickest and most efficient way to earn the Platinum Trophy would be to follow along with our guide. Each Phase is tied to a chapter and contains everything you’ll need to know for that chapter.
Alternatively, you can play through the game blind at first, mopping up a few trophies that you cannot miss. Then, when you’ve enjoyed the game enough on your own, come back here to our guide and use Chapter Select in conjunction with this guide to mop up any trophies you happened to miss!
Either way, this first phase pertains to the short initial Chapter of Behind the Frame.
Your objectives here are listed on a to-do list in the room. I’d advise first making sure you unlock the trophies listed below before attempting to complete the objectives of the chapter:
Chapter One Trophies

Manet's Birthday
Berthe Morisot
At the start of Chapter One, during the painting tutorial, you’ll get up from your easel to retrieve your paintbrush.
While you’re able to explore the room, look up at the calendar on the wall above the easel and click on it multiple times.
The character will say pretty much the same thing each time, but just ignore your instincts and keep clicking on the calendar. Eventually, “Manet’s Birthday” will unlock!

Over Hard Only
The yolk must be cooked through!
Immediately after unlocking Manet’s Birthday, click on the kitchenette area in the lower-left corner of your screen to bring up a cooking area.
Here, you’ll see a pan on a hob with a basket of eggs nearby.
Grab an egg, crack it over the frying pan, and then wait around 10 seconds. Once the egg is cooked enough, the “Over Hard Only” trophy will unlock!
You can then cook some bread in the toaster and place it on the plate with the egg. Then, click the plate several times to eat your breakfast, completing one of your objectives.

Very advanced technology.
Return to the center of your living area, then turn around and look down. You’ll see a laptop on the coffee table.
Click on the laptop to bring it up and then simply click on the “Enter” key—and only the Enter key—until the application letter is filled out completely and the “Autocomplete” trophy unlocks.

The yellow sun.
Once you have the three trophies above, you can safely proceed and complete the Chapter. The “Inspiration” trophy will unlock as the Chapter concludes.

Phase Two | Chapter Two
As with the first phase of our Behind the Frame trophy guide, you can either approach this phase by following along or revisiting Chapter 2 via Chapter Select. Either way, the approach will be the same; try to prioritize the objectives tied to trophies before you tackle other in-game objectives where you can.
There is just one semi-missable trophy during Chapter Two and it’s quite easy to find.
Chapter Two Trophies
During Chapter Two, once you have completed the sketchbook puzzle by combining all of the note scraps, you’ll need to interact with a puzzle box near the dresser.
The solution to the puzzle is to make the puzzle box match the drawing you pieced together. However, to unlock this trophy you actually need to press every single button on the box.
If done correctly, every button will have turned white and the trophy will unlock. Once you have the trophy, it’s safe to solve the puzzle properly.

Turning Point
Fiery walls.
Once you have the You’ve Pressed 78 Buttons trophy, it’s safe to complete Chapter Two. The “Turning Point” trophy will unlock unavoidably once the chapter concludes.

Phase Three | Chapter Three
Chapter Three has absolutely no semi-missable trophies. There’s just one trophy that you’ll simply unlock by completing the chapter!
Chapter Three Trophies

The pale blue street.
Simply complete Chapter Three to secure the “Encounter” trophy unavoidably.

Phase Four | Chapter Four Onward
Chapter Four of Behind the Frame has a couple of semi-missable trophies but—fortunately for those who are replaying via chapter select—they’re near the start of the chapter and quite easy to secure.
Once you have them both, you can simply proceed to the end of the chapter for the unmissable trophy on your way into the credits for the Base Game.
Chapter Four and Beyond Trophies

Can't Get It Open
Let me out!
At the start of this Chapter, when you have control of the character, do not touch anything; especially not the lights!
Instead, click on the apartment’s front door to get a close-up view.
From there, click on the door handle repeatedly. Despite the futility of this action, repeat it over and over until, eventually, the “Can’t Get It Open” trophy unlocks.

When You Gaze Into the Abyss
The abyss gazes back at you.
At a certain point in Chapter Four, you will enter a locked door by entering the name “Amber” into the lock. This door leads you into a concrete room filled with paintings.
When you look up, you’ll see that there doesn’t appear to be a ceiling at all, the walls just stretch higher and higher above you. Keep staring up at this void for a while. Turn on the spot and interact with some of the paintings around the rim if you want, but ultimately keep your gaze fixed up towards the abyss above you. Eventually, the “When You Gaze Into the Abyss” trophy will unlock.

The Kiss
Floge's secret.
During Chapter Four, there will come a part of the game in a Cafe, where you can interact with various parts of the cafe to revisit old memories tied to each spot.
In this section, be sure to click on the large wooden green sign that says “Floge’s Cafe.” This triggers a memory in which you will unlock the “The Kiss” trophy.

Behind the Frame
A secret hidden deep within.
You will unlock the “Behind the Frame” trophy unavoidably for completing the Base Game story. It will unlock after the credits of the game, whether you skip them or not.

Seen the Voice in the Painting
You've unlocked all base trophies.
At this point in the story, if you have unlocked every trophy listed above, you should also receive the “Seen the Voice in the Painting” trophy when the credits end.
Originally, in the Steam release, the game ended here. The rest of the trophies in this Behind the Frame Trophy Guide are tied to content related to what was originally DLC. We will need to earn these trophies if we want the Platinum, but for now this is a good indicator that you haven’t missed anything in the main story!

Phase Five | "Jack"
With the main story of Behind the Frame completed, there are just a few trophies left which were originally tied to DLC, but are required for the Platinum. This portion of the game is hidden in a secret “Jack” option on the Title Screen, which only shows itself once you’ve beat the base game.
Select the “Jack” option on the left side of the Title Screen to begin, and then treat it as any other chapter in the game; focus on completing missable trophy objectives as a higher priority than progressing the story.
Jack Trophies

Postmodern Can Lid
Perhaps reconstructable cans are a kind of art.
Once you have sealed the letter at the end of the first day, a short cutscene of curtains opening will play and you’ll have control of the character again in Autumn/Fall.
Immediately turn around and look down at the cat. First, interact with the cat, then interact with the cat food can. Do not open the cat food.
It opens by grabbing the tab and then sliding the cursor over to the right. However, to unlock the “Postmodern Can Lid” trophy, you need to open it only about halfway, and then slide the cursor back to the left to close it again.
If done correctly, the trophy will unlock immediately, and it will then be safe to open the can completely.

He and His Cat
You're a good hooman.
After sealing another letter during Fall, time will skip ahead again to Winter.
Immediately turn around and grab the letters by the door. Repeatedly click the stack of letters until you’ve read them all, then turn left and open another can of cat food.
Grab the opened can and then click on the plate to place it, unlocking the “He and His Cat” trophy.

Realist Artist
Capture the moment as it is.
At a certain point in the “Jack” Chapter, you’ll leave your house and end up outside with your cat.
From there, turn left and click the stairs to go down them.
From there, look just ahead of you on the ground, where you’ll see a small plant. Click on it to draw it in your journal.
Afterward, turn 180 degrees and go back upstairs. Look left and click on the woman in the street. She’ll disappear. Follow her into the next area.
In the next area, immediately on your left, there is an alleyway. Go down it.
The alleyway leads to a small green bakery. Click on it to draw it into your journal.
After that, look up into the trees to the right of the Bakery. You’ll see some small birds huddled together. Click on them to draw them, too!
Once you have all three of these drawings, the “Realist Artist” trophy should unlock.

Run, Jack! Run!
Run toward your dream.
During the Jack Chapter, once you have unlocked the Realist Artist trophy, starting from the Bakery, go all the way back to the bottom of the stairs where the green plant was.
From there, go all the way back to the bakery again and the “Run, Jack! Run!” trophy will unlock.

So Lost
You're chasing memories of the past...
After unlocking Run, Jack, Run! you should be looking at the bakery. Turn around and return into the previous area.
From there, look left and you’ll see Amber with a cat. Interact with her and then follow her into the next area.
In this next area, you will be able to see the woman if you look around. When you click on her, she will move somewhere else in the area. To be clear; you don’t need to follow her down any streets, just stay stood on the spot but keep turning to find her each time she disappears.
Repeatedly click on her until the “So Lost” trophy unlocks. It is now safe to proceed now until the end of the Chapter.

Keep just the most beautiful moments.
You will unavoidably receive the “Maturity” trophy for completing the Jack Chapter of the game.

The Finest Scenery
Unlock all JACK trophies.
If you have every other trophy in this Phase of our Behind the Frame Trophy Guide, the “The Finest Scenery” trophy will unlock at the end of the chapter.


Beyond the Frame
Unlock ALL Trophies
After collecting every trophy in this Behind the Frame: The Finest Scenery Trophy Guide, the "Beyond the Frame " Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!

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