11 Great Games to Start Trophy Hunting With
Game Guide
Every Trophy Hunter Has to Start Somewhere, Let Us Point You in the Right Direction?
Previously we’ve covered topics like why trophy hunting makes people happy, top 5 reasons to become a trophy hunter and even which platinum trophies you should be pursuing during self-isolation. But we haven’t yet talked about the most important aspect of trophy hunting. What are the best games to start trophy hunting?
TheDblTap and I have gone through our trophy lists and selected a handful of games that we feel were easy, fast and most importantly enjoyable.
The List
#1 The Wolf Among Us (or any Telltale game)

Telltale games are famous in the trophy hunting community for their simple game mechanics and easy platinum trophies. For the majority of their titles, the only thing you’re required to do to earn one is play through all 5 of the game’s episodes and nothing else.
The Wolf Among Us is without a doubt the best title Telltale has ever made and also the least straightforward platinum. Simply playing until the end won’t do. You’ll have to fill the Book of Fables which can be done by seeing all outcomes of the choices you make.
The Wolf Among Us is a 10 hour platinum which requires 1 full play through and a bit of mopping up via Chapter Select.
#2 Untitled Goose Game

The internet moves fast these days and Untitled Goose Game is a shining example of precisely how fast. Seemingly overnight UGG became the internet’s most popular and shared meme.
You play as a goose with a temper and an unquenchable thirst for terrorising the poor inhabitants of a small, quaint English town. There are a handful of locations to explore and each one has a checklist of tasks for you to do. We wrote a review and a trophy guide for Untitled Goose Game if you want to read more.
Untitled Goose game is a 4-6 hour platinum that requires you to complete all tasks, complete them a 2nd time but within a time limit and do a handful of miscellaneous stuff.
#3 Spiderman

Spiderman is a console seller and a very good one at that. The amount of excitement leading up to the release was Electro-fying. The fact that most people, even non-trophy hunters, seem to have earned the platinum in this game is… Shocker-ing.
Terrible puns aside, Spiderman is a fantastic game. Web slinging around the city is some of the most fun I’ve ever had in a video game and I re-install the game every now and then just so I can relax and swing around. The combat is satisfying and there’s plenty of skills and gadgets to unlock and earn that keep combat fresh as you progress through the story. There’s also 3 quite good DLC story packs to play through if you’re left wanting more.
Spiderman is a 30 hour platinum and requires you to play through the story, 100% complete the map and its activities as well as tackle a few miscellaneous trophies.
#4 Spyro Reignited Trilogy

The Crash Bandicoot remake was brilliant and playing through my childhood in full HD was like a dream come true, despite the fact that Crash had a dodgy pill-shaped hitbox. It seemed like it would only be a matter of time before more of our beloved childhood games got the remake treatment.
Not long after the Crash Bandicoot remake, Spyro came out swinging with its own trilogy, lovingly remade from the gound up and it’s arguably better than the ‘N Sane trilogy (you’ll find no janky hitboxes here!). If you’re a long time fan or you’ve been living under a rock on the moon and in an alternate reality where PlayStation doesn’t exist then now’s a good time to pick it up (also if you could email us to let us know how you managed to travel between realities, we’d appreciate it).
Each Spyro game is a 7-8 hour platinum that requires 1 playthrough and 100% completion.
#5 LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 (or any LEGO game)

Like Telltale, LEGO games are pretty popular in the trophy hunting community due to their easy to digest trophy lists. Most LEGO games are—simply put—collectathons wearing the skin of somebody else’s hugely popular intellectual property like Marvel or Star Wars.
That’s not to say they’re bad or boring games. LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 is an immensely fun game that you can play solo or with a buddy.
LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2 is an incredibly easy 50-60 hour plat that requires playing the story, finding all collectibles and completing all side quests and activities.
#6 Oxenfree

For a lot of gamers, me included, a video game’s greatest asset is its ability to tell a story. Unlike movies, a video game story isn’t shackled to linearity. Instead, it can be largely dictated by the player and how fast they progress or by the choices they make.
In Oxenfree, you play as a teenage girl who is invited, along with her friends, to a party on an island. However, like all good narrative-focused games, things aren’t always as they seem and the island actually has a dark past that the group must uncover.
Oxenfree is a 12 hour platinum that requires 3 playthroughs.
#7 Life is Strange

Life is Strange is a game with a lot of heart. It’s characters often feel more human than they should and the story is compelling enough to make most people play through it in one sitting.
Max Caulfield is a somewhat socially awkward girl who discovers one day that she can rewind time. What follows is a very human story of friendship, heartbreak and sadness as Max and her childhood friend, Chloe, abuse Max’s new power to have fun, fix mistakes and try to solve the case of the missing local girl who Chloe seems to share a history with.
Life is Strange is a 10 hour plat that requires a single playthrough and some light collectible hunting.
#8 Gravity Rush

The PlayStation Vita is my favourite handheld console ever (despite Sony’s best attempts to send it to an early grave) and one particular game holds a special place in my heart.
Gravity Rush is a game by Japan Studio featuring an amnesiac girl who wakes up to find that she can manipulate gravity. A skill which she uses to fly around helping people and fighting Nevi—who are the bad guys and resemble… gooey blobs, I guess. The game also features a fantastic soundtrack and wonderful visuals and art. Check out TheDblTap’s review.
Gravity Rush is an 18 hour platinum that requires you to finish the story, get gold in all challenges and find all collectibles.
If you don’t have a Vita then you can still play Gravity Rush as it was perfectly remastered for PS4.
#9 Horizon Zero Dawn

Sony absolutely killed it this generation with the single player exclusive titles and Horizon Zero Dawn is possibly the best of the best.
Taking place 1,000 years after an apocalypse that almost put an end to humanity, a young girl named Aloy must put her hunter abilities to the test in order to find out about her past and prevent the machines that now populate her world from destroying everything she holds close.
The atmosphere in HZD is second to none. Exploring old vaults from before the apocalypse has an eerie yet intriguing vibe.
Horizon Zero Dawn is a 40 hour platinum that requires you to finish the story on any difficulty, complete all side quests, kill/override all types of machines and find all collectibles.
#10 Ratchet & Clank

Ratchet & Clank on PS4 is one of the most fun times I’ve had chasing a platinum in a game purely for the ridiculous over-the-top nature of the weapons you can use. Fire a little disco ball at your enemies which forces them to dance involuntary so you can then switch to a weapon that turns everyone into 8bit sprites. Or maybe you’s rather just obliterate your tagets with all the missles while Piotr tchaikovsky’s 182 Overture, Op. 49 plays in the background? There’s guns for all situations. The platforming isn’t too shabby either.
Ratchet & Clank is a 25 hour platinum that requires 1 playthrough and some Gold Bolts and Ryno card collecting.
#11 Donut County

Imagine having an app on your phone that lets you deliver donuts to people… except instead of donuts it’s small holes that get bigger the more stuff that falls in it and eventually you’ve swallowed your entire town.
That’s pretty much what Donut County is about, but if you want to know more then check out TheDblTap’s excellent review.
Donut County is a very quick 3 hour platinum.
Honourable Mentions
#1 The Order 1886
The Order 1886 is, in my opinion, a criminally underrated game with some of the best graphics available on the PS4 and I think it’s about time it got a bit of the love it deserves.
#2 Blackwood Crossing
A short, 2-3 hour platinum that will undoubtedly make even the strongest men shed a tear… Well, maybe not, but it is a sad story worth experiencing at least once and you might as well get the platinum while you’re at it. If you would like to know more, check out TheDblTap’s review and guide.
#3 A Way Out
A Way Out is a co-op game best played from the same couch with your bestest friend in the whole world. But if you’re in a pinch, a regular friend will do.
#4 Job Simulator
If you’ve got a PSVR and you wish there was a game where you play around in a simulation, created by robots, to give you an idea of what sort of jobs humans had and the tasks they had to solve then look no further than Job Simulator.
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