PlayStation 4
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat WWE 2K Battlegrounds and unlock all trophies?
5-10 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat WWE 2K Battlegrounds and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does WWE 2K Battlegrounds have online trophies?
Does WWE 2K Battlegrounds have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does WWE 2K Battlegrounds have missable trophies?
Does WWE 2K Battlegrounds have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in WWE 2K Battlegrounds?
Does WWE 2K Battlegrounds have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4
WWE 2K Battlegrounds is a bizarre and frustrating wrestling game which sees WWE characters old and new join the fray. It has no platinum trophy, but being that it is a free PS Plus game for the month of July 2021, and that it takes only around 5 hours to complete, many are seeking to add its trophies to their collection. Our WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide aims to help you do just that in a convenient and swift manner.
WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide: Before You Begin
Upgrading Power-Ups
Upgrading your power-ups is something you will find extremely useful once you get further into the game, especially when trying to defeat 30 opponents back-to-back for Invincible.
For some reason, though, this ability is hidden away in a part of the game that you would otherwise not need to visit. From the Main Menu, select the “Character Creator” option. Inside, if you haven’t yet, create a character. You don’t need to customise it if you don’t want to, just as long as you have a custom character of some sort.
Now that you have a character to choose from in the Character Creator, select them with to “View” and then you will see several new options at the bottom of the screen. Press
to open the Power-Ups menu and you’ll see all of your power-ups listed out.

The ones I recommend upgrading are Invincible, Speedy Recovery, and Feel the Heal (provided you’ve found them all from the campaign map). Once these are upgraded to level 3, they’re your best bet for surviving the tougher matches.
Speedy Recovery is the default pink powerup, but you can get Invincible from Florida and Feel the Heal from Mexico.

Fighting Multiple Enemies
There are several occasions during this trophy journey where you will need to fight several enemies, this can be in a multitude of formats from 1v1v1, to 2v2, to an all out 30-man survival challenge.
I strongly advise that you don’t try to handle them all yourself. In a game as frustrating as this one can be, there’s no shame in leaving the ring or climbing onto the turnpike for a short respite while you let the AI fight each other. Often you can avoid conflict altogether and then just join the fray when their health is low enough for you to win with ease.
Keep this advice in mind as you play and use it as you see fit.
Phase One – Complete the Campaign
This first phase of our WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide will see you focus on making it through the various events in the game’s main campaign mode.
You don’t need to complete every match/event on the Campaign Map but you may want to. Many useful rewards such as power-ups can be found at the end of branching paths in the Campaign Map and the extra money from completing the side-matches will help a lot when it comes to upgrading power-ups!
Along the way, you should attempt to complete the Miscellaneous Trophies so be sure to take a peek at those before you start. If you don’t get around to completing them all, though, that’s fine as we’ll return to do any cleanup in Phase Three of this WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide.
You should also be unlocking and upgrading many healing power-ups that you’ll be able to use for an upcoming challenge completing the Invincible trophy in Phase Two of this WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide.
Campaign Trophies

I won!
Perform a pin successfully
Pinning should happen as early as your very first match. You essentially just want to get your opponents health as low as possible to increase your chances of pinning them. An empty health bar means 100% chance of a successful pin.
At the very least you will want their health bar to be orange before you attempt to pin them by pressing , but a red or empty health bar is obviously better.
If you feel the need to do so, you can cheese this trophy by playing local co-op and just having two controllers. You can then do anything you like to your opponent because they’re you (or a friend).

Becoming a SuperStar
Complete the Wrestlemania event
Wrestlemania is the final battleground in the campaign and it includes 8 very tough matches including two Royal Rumbles, these Royal Rumbles are the hardest matches in the game and will take a lot of patience, which is hard to have in this slow and awkward game.
There are 9 opponents in total with up to 3 appearing in the ring with you at once. To progress, you will need to throw opponents out of the ring. This removes them as opponents and frees up space for one of the other wrestlers to join the match.
Here’s my strategy for Royal Rumble matches; Let your opponents fight each other as much as you can. If one of them is targeting you, try to get some distance and lead them into the other fighters so they have a chance of accidentally getting hit.

Spend a lot of time on the Turnbuckle (corner of the ring, use to climb up) if anyone gets close to you, push
towards them and press
to jump off and onto them, this will stun them. While they are stunned, continue to climb up onto the turnbuckle and then jump down onto them. Repeat this until their health is red and halfway depleted or another opponent attacks them and pulls their focus off you.
Use Feel the Heal every time it is ready (if you have it, it’s a powerup from Mexico) unless your health is already green.
When you have an opponent who has a red health bar that is 50% depleted (it should start flashing at this point) use to throw them at the ropes or, better yet, the turnbuckle. If they hit the turnbuckle, you can press
to initiate a minigame where you need to push them out of the ring. If they hit the ropes, they will either bounce back at you or flip over them to the outside, where you can press
to try and push them out.
Note that if their health is low enough, there will be no minigame, your character will simply punch them out of the ring.
I recommend using Gabriel Pierce for the all-male Royal Rumble and Jessica Johnson for the all-female one, but the choice is, ultimately, yours.

Welcome to the Sunshine State
Unlock the Everglades battleground
After your fight against “Brock Lesnar” at the end of the “Florida” portion of the campaign, you’ll be able to access the “Everglades Battleground” reward from the campaign map. Ensure you collect this to unlock the trophy.

Win a Steel Cage match
Your first Steel Cage match will be the second event you face in the campaign. To win a Steel Cage Match, you will need to collect money to fill a meter, while also preventing your opponent from doing the same thing.
Once you have successfully collected enough money to fill your meter, you’ll be instructed to leave the cage by climbing up and over one of the walls. The first person to do this is the winner, and you’ll get this trophy for doing it for the first time.

Phase Two – Exhibition Trophies
The next few trophies in our WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide require you to set up some custom matches in exhibition mode. There’s two exhibition options in the menu, “Exhibition Women,” and “Exhibition Men.”
Feel free to choose whichever you like. It depends on which characters you like and/or feel comfortable using for extended periods of time. If you want a recommendation, The Undertaker in the Men’s category is a very powerful character who you should have access to.
Defeat Five Opponents Back-to-Back

Vs. the World
Win a Gauntlet match against 5 opponents or more
This trophy requires you to play on the “Gauntlet” game mode, which makes you face a set number of opponents back-to-back to see if you can come out on top. Go to “Exhibition Men” or “Exhibition Women” and then choose “Gauntlet.”
Before starting a custom Gauntlet match, you can press to open the configuration settings where you should set the “Number of Superstars” to 5, and the Difficulty to Easy.

To win, survive all 5 opponents one after the other. As you will never be attacked by more than one opponent at once, you will have plenty of time to heal. Bring as many heal power-ups as you can to increase your chances of survival.

30-man Royal Rumble on Normal Difficulty

Anybody else?
Win a Royal Rumble match with 20 opponents
This trophy asks that you complete a long Royal Rumble match against a whopping 20 opponents. There’s actually even another trophy which asks that you complete a Royal Rumble against an even-more impressive 30 opponents, so for the sake of convenience we’ll focus on earning this trophy in tandem with the 30-opponent trophy Invincible.

Win a Royal Rumble match against 30 opponents in normal difficulty or higher
To unlock this trophy, you will need to start a Royal Rumble match with the “Number of Superstars” configuration setting set to 30 and the “Difficulty” setting on at least Medium.

Much like the Becoming a SuperStar trophy, you will need to complete a Royal Rumble so our advice from then will be useful again here.
Here’s my strategy for Royal Rumble matches; Let your opponents fight each other as much as you can. If one of them is targeting you, try to get some distance and lead them into the other fighters so they have a chance of accidentally getting hit.
Spend a lot of time on the Turnbuckle (corner of the ring, use
to climb up) if anyone gets close to you, push
towards them and press
to jump off and onto them, this will stun them. While they are stunned, continue to climb up onto the turnbuckle and then jump down onto them. Repeat this until their health is red and halfway depleted or another opponent attacks them and pulls their focus off you.
Use Feel the Heal every time it is ready (if you have it, it’s a powerup from Mexico) unless your health is already green.
When you have an opponent who has a red health bar which is 50% depleted (it should start flashing at this point) use
to throw them at the ropes or, better yet, the turnbuckle.If they hit the turnbuckle, you can press
to initiate a minigame where you need to push them out of the ring. If they hit the ropes, they will either bounce back at you or flip over them to the outside, where you can press
to try and push them out.
Note that if their health is low enough, there will be no minigame, your character will simply punch them out of the ring.
More important advice for this particular trophy, however, would be to bring three specific power-ups if you have them; “Feel the Heal,” “Speedy Recovery,” and “Invincibility.”
Reach the end of this 30-man Royal Rumble to get this trophy. Succeeding will guarantee that you unlock Anybody else? too.

Phase Three – Optional Cleanup
To wrap things up in the final phase of our WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide, it’s time to get any miscellaneous trophies you may not have picked up on your way through the single-player campaign or your exhibition matches. It’s very likely that you will actually already have most if not all of these, but if you find yourself short a couple of trophies by this point, then read on…
Miscellaneous Trophies

Control the ram and feed your opponent to the alligator
This trophy sounds like something you need to do back-to-back but it’s actually two separate actions in completely different rings.
The first thing to do is on the Florida (everglades) Battleground, which is the second Battleground in the campaign, after the New York section. On that stage, at both edges of the ring, there’s an alligator in the audience enjoying the match.
You will need to throw an opponent at one of the gators to have them get chewed up. To do so, back them against the ropes and then hold to lift them up. With your opponent over your head, press
to launch them at an alligator when the alligator icon appears above your head.

The second action required for this trophy is done on the Mexico map (the third campaign stage). You will see that there is a very angry Ram patrolling the outside of the ring.
You’ll need to exit the ring by pressing against the ropes and then press
again to drop down onto the ground. There, run to the top-left corner of the area and you’ll find some controls. Interact with them by holding
and you’ll then be able to control the ram with

Once you’ve achieved both of the above objectives at separate times this trophy will unlock.

Unlock the “Thunderstorm” Power Up
At the start of the sixth stage in the main campaign, set in Detroit, you will do a match against “The Miz,” which is followed by a two-on-two match against “Baron Corbin” and “Jeff Hardy.”
Complete both of those matches to get access to the power-up reward at the end of that branch. Press to collect it but there’s no need to equip or actually use it, the trophy should unlock then and there.

That’s my signature
Perform 20 signature moves
When playing WWE 2K Battlegrounds, everything you do from normal hits to full combos will fill your “heat” bar, which is found at your feet, filling the light blue circle below you.
Whenever this power bar fills up you can perform a signature move. Press the &
buttons together while close to an opponent to trigger a powerful attack specific to your wrestler.
Signature Moves are not a rare occurence so the chances of you earning this trophy while playing through the campaign are pretty high, but if you do end up needing to farm a last few, play local co-op by yourself using a second controller to farm all you like, consequence-free!

Fill the crowd bar
You will find a meter below your PSN ID on the HUD which slowly fills up throughout the match. This is your “Crowd Bar” and it is filled by completing certain actions like taunts and combos. You can fill this meter even faster by completing “Crowd Objectives”.
Crowd Objectives are found above your PSN ID on the HUD and will essentially act as bonus objectives. Completing these objectives as they appear, before they can disappear after a set amount of time, will fill your charisma bar much faster than any other action.
Once you’ve completely filled your Crowd Bar, the audience will go wild and you’ll unlock this trophy.

Nothing personal
Perform 20 taunts
Taunting is as simple as hitting . This will trigger an animation in which your character taunts their opponents.
The problem is that these taunts can’t be canceled, so you’ll be an open target for a few seconds while the taunt is active. To avoid this, you should use the taunt whenever your opponents are stunned (on the ground, stars above their head).
Performing 20 taunts across any number of matches with any number of characters will result in this trophy unlocking.

Feel free to just complete this trophy on multiplayer with a friend if you like, or just play local co-op against yourself with two controllers for a very easy time.

Is that a legal move?
Pick up a motorcycle and a turnbuckle
This trophy is a lot like Zoologist in that it requires you to perform two completely separate, unrelated actions.
The first of these actions requires you to have a strong “Brawler” type character, and a motorbike. You can sometimes pull a Motorbike from under the ring but the best way to do this is using the character “Billy Huggins.” This will be your main character during the Florida portion of the campaign.
While using Billy Huggins, fill his special meter (blue bar) and then, while holding , tap
to pull out one of a set of random throwable object he’s able to spawn. Repeat this until he pulls out a motorcycle. Just lifting a motorbike is enough for this trophy, throwing it isn’t needed.

The second action required for this trophy is picking up a “Turnbuckle.” The Turnbuckle is the padded post in each corner of the ring, holding the ropes taut. You obviously can’t pick up a Turnbuckle while it is attached to the ring, though.
You will need the ring to get destroyed first. This can and may happen naturally throughout your time on this game, but if it does not, you should load up a match on the Detroit map and throw items at the turnbuckles until one of them breaks so that you can pick it up.
Technically you can do this on any battleground, but the infinitely-spawning barrel on the Detroit stage makes it the easiest place to damage the turnbuckle enough.
Once you have successfully held both a Motorcycle and a broken Turnbuckle above your head in two separate instances, this trophy will unlock.

Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for a WWE 2K Battlegrounds Trophy Guide, consider checking out our other guides!
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