PlayStation 4
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition and unlock all trophies?
About 10 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition have online trophies?
Does Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition have missable trophies?
Does Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition?
At least 6, plus Cleanup. But they are fairly short playthroughs..
Does Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World: The Game - Complete Edition have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game – Complete Edition PS4 Trophy Guide and Road Map
This Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game Trophy Guide was created to accompany my Platinum Review, check that out if you have a few minutes and are interested to know my thoughts on the Platinum Journey as a whole.
Scott Pilgrim Trophy Guide: Before You Begin
It’s worth noting that you’re going to want a second controller for a lot of these trophies, especially if you’re hoping to farm money using cheats (more on that later). Keep in mind that a lot of places where I suggest having a second controller can be done by just playing online with a friend, but I’ll make sure to bundle all the online-specific trophies into a single phase so you can do them all in a big chunk.
Familiarise yourself with the Miscellaneous trophies before starting so you knwo what to look out for. The more of them you complete, the less you’ll need to clean up later.
You can play on any difficulty you like, but there is one trophy called One Man Army for which you will need to “complete the game” on Supreme Master difficulty.
Now, I’ve included this as a separate phase of the journey, but you can combine this trophy with one of your multiple playthroughs to remove the need to do it as a separate phase. Note, however, that you can actually cheese this trophy a little and you just need to complete the 7 boss fights in this hard difficulty rather than having to complete the entire game and all levels within.
I’ll leave it with you to decide your approach.
You can use cheats in this game to have a much easier time earning the platinum. It’s not required, but my guide will cater to those who choose to cheat, as that’s the quickest route to the trophy.
You should still be able to use the guide and it’s myriad advice but it will repeatedly remind you how much easier things would be if you were cheating.
The most notable difference is that you’ll have to spend a lot of time grinding for money to upgrade each character, when by cheating you can cut that time down to about 10-15 minutes. Additionally, many trophies are far easier to earn with the “Power of Love” sword.
The two cheats I recommend are:
The Noble Sacrifice cheat, which will knock out the player who enters it, dropping $50. When playing local co-op, this can be used to farm free money. (You’ll need a second controller).
(While holding )
And the “Power of Love” cheat, which makes it so that you start every stage with a very powerful weapon called the “Power of Love” Sword.
(Must be entered at the title screen) ,
Online Trophies
There’s three online trophies that you’ll need to earn with a friend, so bear that in mind before starting.
The online mode is heavily broken. The netcode is awful and as a result 90% of your games with a friend will be interrupted by glitches, crashes, bugs, and freezes. There’s no way around this as it happens regardless of your internet connection speed, you’ll just need to keep retrying.
Every now and then the connection works perfectly, and as soon as you have a game where the connection is good, it will never drop again, but you’ll basically need to keep restarting online mode until you get a good well-synced connection with a friend. Good luck!
You’ll also need a second controller for quite a few trophies, so take note of that too.
Phase One – Complete the First Level as Scott
For this first part of the Scott Pilgrim Trophy Guide, you’re just going to want to start a new game as Scott Pilgrim on Average Joe difficulty. Progress all the way to the end of this level and beat the first boss. Now you can pause the game and exit out.
You need the Shopping District area for the next phase which is the final stage of the first level. By progressing that far you can replay that stage at any time.
Phase Two – Noble Sacrifice Cheat and… Shopping!
This is going to make the rest of your run super easy, but you’re going to want a second controller.
If you would rather avoid cheating, this guide should still be usable, but you’ll need to be prepared to struggle quite often and grind out EXP and Money to make your playthrough go smoother.
If you plan on following this road map and using cheats, then whip out your second controller and connect it up. Load up a multiplayer game on the “Shopping District” stage and then use the method below to max out Scott’s level and earn a heck of a lot of money.
Noble sacrifice Level and Money Grind
With two characters in a level, kill every enemy in the area until they stop spawning and then enter the following code:
(While holding )
When you do that, one of the two characters will die, but they will drop $50 of money. Revive the dead character by mashing over their corpse and then repeat the above 25 times.

The Power Of Friendship
In a multiplayer game, reanimate another player at least 25 times.
By repeatedly reviving another player in multiplayer a total of 25 times, you will unlock this trophy.

Using the “Noble Sacrifice” cheat as instructed above will help you achieve this goal in a matter of minutes. But you’re also doing it for money.
By doing it 25 times you’ll have at least $1250 dollars by the end of this. So, go to the video store in the Shopping District. Pay off all of Scott’s late fees ($504.25) and you’ll be able to buy items to level yourself up:
- Seven Shaolin Masters $4.95 – This item will upgrade your stats.
- Alone and Disturbed $4.95 – This item will increase your level.
You’ll need 10 “Seven Shaolin Masters” DVDs and 14 “Alone and Disturbed” DVDs for a total cost of $113.85 to max out both your level and your stats completely.

Note that you will get one “Level Up!” indication for each “Alone and Disturbed” you buy until level 14, at which point you will need to buy 2 for level 15, so don’t stop once you stop seeing “Level Up!”. It’s just something to do with the EXP distribution. Try to keep count as it’ll help you ensure you bought enough of them.
Note that every time you want to use this method in the future, you will have to pay Scott’s late fees again. So for each character, you will need about $650 (To be exact, you’ll need $617.85). Also, you’ll probably want to do this with Scott as Player 1 and any other character you need to upgrade as Player 2. This way you can just select the Shopping District every time and don’t need to complete level 1 with each character before doing the exploit.
Now that you have an all-powerful Scott, you’re going to want to make a few more stops in the Shopping District for another quick trophy with ill-gotten funds and a head-start on another trophy.
Shopping District Purchases
If at any point during this part of your journey you happen to run out of money, just use the Noble Sacrifice method a few more times, we have a lot of shopping to do here.

Buy all the items of a shop during the same visit.
Enter the store named “Delicious Cup” and then buy every item they offer for a grand total of $10.85. You will be purchasing the following 5 items:
- Tea $1.40
- Coffee $1.60
- Espresso $1.60
- Hot Chocolate $2.50
- Iced Latte $3.75
Doing this will give you a good head-start on the trophy “Gourmet” which requires you to eat every food item in the game at least once. It will also unlock the Shopaholic trophy, of course.

While you are in the Shopping District, you should take the time to visit Dee’s Tex Mex, Mini-Marts, Sushi Bar, and Wallace’s Mystery Shop, making sure to buy every single food item they sell too. This will reduce the need to backtrack for this trophy later, but you can always just do a food clean-up later in your playthrough.
From now on, though, if you’re keen to not need to do a food clean-up, keep your eye out for any store you can enter, and buy up all their food stock immediately. You’ll need to look for: the Chipwagon, the Leo’s Place Stand, The Frying Tengu, Scott’s Dad’s BBQ, Mobile’s Secret House, and the Techno Shack.
You can find details on where to find each shop as well as what they sell here.
Phase Three – Complete the game as Scott on any Difficulty
Now that you have a very powerful Scott Pilgrim, it’s time to make good use of that. Start a new game on any difficulty and play it through to the end.
If you want to be able to skip Phase Four of this Scott Pilgrim Trophy Guide, play through the game on “Supreme Master” difficulty to earn “One Man Army” in your first full playthrough. Though, do note that the One Man Army trophy doesn’t require a full playthrough.
Complete the Game
I recommend entering the following cheat to activate the “Power of Love” Sword as it will increase your damage output and help for a few trophies:
(Must be entered at the title screen) ,
There’s a few things to look out for here which, while not esssential, will make your platinum trophy go much smoother:
- Buy every food item in every store you can for the Gourmet trophy.
- Look out for Mr. Chau in Level Select. You’ll need him for the Chaudown trophy and you can occasionally see him on the World Map/ Level Select screen. If you see him, go to him and fight him to add him to the roster of strikers you can call.
- Try to complete the entire first world, and its boss “Matthew Patel” without getting hit once. This will be very difficult and likely something you’ll be able to pull off later if you struggle on your first playthrough, but if you succeed you’ll unlock the Invulnerable trophy.
- Defeat the first boss “Matthew Patel” without losing a life for the New Challenger trophy. This will be exceptionally easy as a level 16 Scott with the “Power of Love” Sword if you decide to use that cheat.
- Defeat as many enemies as possible with interactive objects (items that you can pick up/interact with) to help with progress towards Armed and Dangerous. The “Power of Love” sword counts for this trophy, so if you decide to use it you will have a very easy time earning it.
- Try to defeat the 5th bosses, “The Twins”, simultaneously. This can be tricky to do so you may want to come back to this trophy later, but if you’re successful you’ll unlock “Twin Dragons“.
There will be many more playthroughs in your total trophy journey, so if you don’t succeed at any of the above things in your first playthrough, keep them in mind for future playthroughs. As a last resort, you can come back to them in the Clean-up phase.
Once you have completed the game as Scott, you’ll unlock this trophy:

Get the Girl
Clear the game once with Scott.
Phase Four – Complete 7 Specific Stages on Supreme Master Difficulty
There is a trophy which asks you to complete the game on Supreme Master difficulty, but the reality of it is that you only need to complete 7 specific stages, each of which contains a boss fight, and not every stage on the map.
As you’ve already beat the game with Scott, by using him again you’re free to pick and choose which levels you complete, making this trophy a breeze.
Defeat all Bosses on Supreme Master Difficulty

One Man Army
Clear the game in single player on the “Supreme Master” difficulty setting.
To unlock this trophy you will need to complete the following seven stages and their boss fights:
- Shopping District
- Casa Loma Parking Lot
- Main Stage
- Chengdu Gardens
- Dragon’s Den
- Eerie Forest
- Final Stage: Techno Base – Make sure you have a fair few lives spare for this level. Even after cheating, it’ll be a bit of a struggle for many players.

Once you have done that, you can stop playing on Supreme Master difficulty and get the rest of the trophies on Average Joe difficulty.
Phase Five – Complete the Game 6 More Times with Every Other Character
You’re going to need to unlock Nega-Scott for the trophy Chaudown. The problem with that is that to unlock Nega-Scott, you’ll need to beat the game with Scott (done), Kim, Stills, and Romana each once.
I strongly recommend you use the Noble Sacrifice method to max out each character’s level and skills to make this go by quicker.
There are no additional requirements here, but maybe remind yourself of this list from Phase Three and try to complete any of the objectives you missed:
- Buy every food item in every store you can for the Gourmet trophy.
- Look out for Mr. Chau in Level Select. You’ll need him for the Chaudown trophy and you can occasionally see him on the World Map/ Level Select screen. If you see him, go to him and fight him to add him to the roster of strikers you can call.
- Try to complete the entire first world, and its boss “Matthew Patel” without getting hit once. This will be very difficult and likely something you’ll be able to pull off later if you struggle on your first playthrough, but if you succeed you’ll unlock the Invulnerable trophy.
- Defeat the first boss “Matthew Patel” without losing a life for the New Challenger trophy. This will be exceptionally easy as a level 16 Scott with the “Power of Love” Sword if you decide to use that cheat.
- Defeat as many enemies as possible with interactive objects (items that you can pick up/interact with) to help with progress towards Armed and Dangerous. The “Power of Love” sword counts for this trophy, so if you decide to use it you will have a very easy time earning it.
- Try to defeat the 5th bosses, “The Twins”, simultaneously. This can be tricky to do so you may want to come back to this trophy later, but if you’re successful you’ll unlock “Twin Dragons“.
Once you’ve done those 4 runs, you might as well complete the Wallace and Knives playthroughs. Keep in mind that with your Knives run you will need to complete the whole game in less than 90 minutes.
Complete the Game as Wallace

And… It’s a Wrap!
Clear the game once with Wallace Wells.
Once you have beat the game with Wallace as your main character, you’ll unlock the above trophy and can then move on to your next playthrough.
Complete the Game in Under 90 Minutes as Knives
Now, playing as Knives is special because there are three trophies tied specifically to using Knives, and one of them asks you to complete the game in 90 minutes or less.
So, first, you will want to max out Knives using the Noble Sacrifice exploit. Next, get on with beating the game on Average Joe difficulty with a maxed-out Knives Chau.
As well as the list of additional objectives from Phase Three, you’re also going to want to be attempting the following (don’t strain yourself though, there are easy methods for these in the clean-up phase):
- Catch a flying object at least 25 times for the It’s All in the Reflexes trophy
- Perform at least 10 consecutive head stomps for the Ninja Somersault trophy

Speed Run
Clear the game in 90 minutes or less with Knives.
This is the main goal of this phase of the Scott Pilgrim Trophy Guide. If you feel like you might complete the game but not quickly enough, it’d be quicker to just restart than to finish your run and then re-attempt.
The game is fairly short and you should have plenty of practice from your last few attempts. Plus, if you’re using the “Power of Love” Sword and have maxed out Knives, you’ll have a very easy time completing the game in under 90 minutes.

Phase Six – Online Multiplayer
Now it’s time to grab a friend because you’ve got a nice chunk of online trophies to get out of the way.
Online Multiplayer Trophies

Wallace the Novice!
Complete your first online match.
Don’t be fooled by the trophy title, you do not need to play as Wallace for this trophy.
Simply complete a boss stage (only boss stages count as level completions) while playing with a friend online. Once you have defeated a boss (I recommend the Main Stage level) the trophy will unlock.

Everybody wants to play
Play Online with all characters at least once (including Wallace Wells).
As with Wallace the Novice, you’re going to want to complete a boss stage (such as Main Stage for its quickness or Shopping District for its ease) with every character one time. You’ll need to be online and playing with a friend.
All I can say about this trophy is good luck. The game’s online mode is extremely buggy and you’ll be hit with a lot of lag, the sensation that you and your friend are playing two completely separate instances, crashes, and a lot of game freezes.
Sometimes, when you reach the end of the level, the cutscene of Scott and Ramona kissing at the end will freeze and you can’t progress. We found out that as long as you reach this cutscene, and have seen the end-of-level tally where the game tells you how many KOs you got an how much money you earned, this will still count as a level completion. You can just quit out and load up the next character.
Once you’ve done this with Scott, Ramona, Kim, Stills, Wallace, and Knives, the trophy is yours. That’s right, you don’t need to play as Nega Scott for this trophy.

Knockout 200 enemies in online mode.
You just need to defeat 200 enemies in online multiplayer, once that requirement is fulfilled, the trophy is all yours.
The best place to farm this total is the “Leo’s Place” level. There are around 80 enemies in a single playthrough of Leo’s Place, so play it repeatedly and the trophy will pop on your third run.
Naturally you can just enjoy the game and play it through with a friend until the trophy unlocks. Whatever you prefer.

Phase Seven – Cleanup
You’ve made it this far and all your main mandatory playthroughs have been crossed off the Scott Pilgrim Trophy Guide to-do list, so that just leaves the miscellaneous stuff.
Hopefully you’ve managed to pull off most of these trophies while you made your way through the other 7 phases, but you can use the misc trophy guide below to clean up any you still have remaining.
Miscellaneous Trophies

New Challenger
Defeat Matthew Patel without losing a life.
Given that Matthew Patel is the first boss, and you’ll be pretty overpowered for many of your encounters with him (if you used cheats) you should have had no trouble unlocking this trophy naturally. You just need to defeat him without losing a life (you can take damage, just not so much that it knocks you out).
At the end of the fight, if you were successful, the trophy will unlock.

Twin Dragons
Defeat the Twins simultaneously.
If you’re using the “Power of Love” sword, you’ll have a pretty easy time doing this, just make sure that the two bosses are close to each other when you attack them, trying to do equal damage to them both, ensuring that the final blow takes them both out.
You can also use your ability to easily attack them both at once.
If you end the fight by defeating them with the same hit, the trophy will unlock.

Dirty Trick
Defeat an enemy by throwing an object at him while he’s already down.
You can throw any held item by pressing . To unlock this trophy, you’ll first need to down an enemy and then you’ll need to press
to throw a held item at the downed enemy. The thrown item will need to be the thing that defeats the enemy, simply throwing it at them won’t count.
If you are using the “Power of Love” sword, you can throw it at any time with and it should deal a large enough amount of damage ensuring that you unlock this trophy with ease.

Play through a World and reach the boss without getting hit.
This is a pretty difficult thing to pull off legitimately. You’ll need to make it from the very first stage in a level to the boss fight at the end without getting hit at all.
The easiest way to pull this off is… illegitimately. First, make sure you’ve completed Level 3 fully (allowing you to travel to both stages in this level from the map) and then reload the “Leo’s Palace” stage.
Next, once you’re able to move, pause the game, quit to the map, and then load “Main Stage”. Thanks to the “Power of Love” Sword and the maxed out character you have (if you’ve cheated those two things), beating the miniboss without getting hit won’t be too difficult.
After that, you just need to get through the corridor as quickly as possible while avoiding taking any damage. Once you reach the end of the corridor and hit Todd, the trophy will unlock.

This is a little complicated, understandably, so I’ve provided a video guide for this below:

Eat every food item
For this trophy you will need to visit every store in the game which sells food items, and then buy every food item at least once. Given you will need to complete 6 playthroughs, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to complete this trophy.
There’s actually nothing really tricky about this apart from needing to have enough cash to buy everything. If you used the Noble Sacrifice cheat to get plenty of cash for your first playthrough, you should be fine, otherwise you might need to farm more cash or split the cost up across your multiple playthroughs, whatever works best for you.
Sometimes store owners will ask if you want to take a food item “To go” make sure you say No when asked this, to ensure you actually eat the item instead of just storing it for later.
Here, you can find a full guide for each store you will need to visit, where you can find them, and what items you’ll need to buy:
The Delicious Cup (Found in the Shopping District)

Shortly after the DVD rental, you’ll find this store next to a phone box. Here you will need to buy:
- Tea $1.40
- Coffee $1.60
- Espresso $1.60
- Hot Chocolate $2.50
- Iced Latte $3.75
Dee’s Tex Mex (Found in the Shopping District)

On the corner of the street a little ways past the “Delicious Cup” cafe, you’ll find this store. Here you will need to buy:
- Nachos $7.75
- Tacos $9.85
- Burrito Grande $11.25
- Quesadilla $13.50
- Fajitas $17.95
Mini-Marts (Found in the Shopping District)

This one is easy to miss. On the opposite side of the intersection from Dee’s Tex Mex, you’ll find this 7-11 lookalike hidden behind a traffic light, mailbox, and tree. Here you’ll need to buy:
- Chewing Gum $0.95
- Chocolate Bar $1.25
- Cola $1.80
- Grape Juice $2.25
- Energy Drink $2.95
Sushi Bar (Found in the Shopping District)

The Sushi Bar is directly to the right of the Mini-Mart. Here, you’ll need to buy:
- Miso Soup $2.50
- Avocado Hosomaki $2.50
- Salmon Nigiri $3.85
- Ikura Don $4.60
- Rainbow Maki $8.75
Wallace’s Mystery Shop (Found in the Shopping District)

In the underpass section of the Shopping District, just before the part where several cars come speeding through it, you’ll spot a star spray-painted onto a suspicious-looking rectangle in the wall.
This is a secret door, approach it and step inside to find Wallace’s Mystery Shop. Here you’ll need to buy the following expensive items:
- Tlaloc’s Feast $49.95
- Ambrosia $59.95
Fancy Chip Wagon (Found in “Casa Loma’s Film Set”)

This place is found right at the start of the Casa Loma Film Set stage, it’s hard to miss. Head inside and purchase the following:
- French Fries $1.80
- Poutine $3.50
- European Hot-Dog $3.80
- Buffalo Burger $5.80
- Croque-Monsieur $6.50
Leo’s Place Stand (Found in “Leo’s Place”)

You’ll find Leo’s Shop behind a curtain next to a t-shirt stall in the “Leo’s Place” stage. It can be found about half-way into the stage. Here you’ll need just $1.55 to buy:
- Carbonated Water $0.60
- Classic Potato Chips $0.95
The Frying Tengu (Found in “The Frying Tengu”)

Once you’ve made decent progress into this stage, you’ll come to an area with dark patches on the ground which become holes if stepped-on. Here, look out for the hog-head sign above this doorway, it’s the entrance to the store. You’ll want to buy:
- Ramen $5.95
- Udon $5.95
- Tempura Vegetables $5.95
- Tempura Shrimps $5.95
- Kushiyaki Moriawase $14.95
Scott’s Dad BBQ (Found in “Fire Escape”)

After defeating the small Robot in the Halloween Party stage, you’ll step out onto the balcony, leading to a fire escape. Just before the fire escape, on the far-right edge of the balcony, you’ll find this welcome mat outside a sliding door. Step inside and purchase the following:
- Iced Tea $0.95
- Tropical Punch $2.25
- Kebab $4.95
- Hamburger $4.95
- Filet Mignon $18.95
Mobile’s Secret House (Found in “The Park”)

This is the hardest store to find, especially since half the time it won’t actually let you in. Look for the star-shaped hole in some trees between 4 guy loitering in “The Park”.
If you walk up to this star it should begin to glow, allowing you to step inside and enter the secret base. But a lot of the time, it doesn’t work. Try adjusting your position left and right while pushing up towards the star to find the sweet spot where it’ll let you in.
I found that sometimes it wouldn’t let me enter while holding a weapon, or the key you pick up a short while before this, so be sure to put any items down before trying.
Once you eventually make it inside, head through the doorway at the back, where you’ll find the shop. Here, you’ll need to buy the following:
- Herbal Tea $1.60
- Wild Blueberries $2.95
- Ginkgo Biloba $9.95
- Sautéed Shiitake $9.95
Techno Shack (Found in “Techno Base”)

After your first run-in with the blue-haired female enemies in the “Techno Base” stage, you should see this door at the back, with the letter “F” on the wall next to it. Enter the doorway, where you’ll find a store. Purchase the following:
- Food Pill $2.50
- Beef Jerky $2.95
- Energy Tank $3.95
- Microwave Chicken $3.95
Once you’ve eaten every food item for a total of $344 across 11 stores, the trophy will unlock:

Defeat 1000 enemies
For this trophy you’re going to want to defeat a cumulative total of 1000 enemies throughout your entire trophy journey. Given you’ll fight around 50-100 enemies per level and there are 700 levels, you should have naturally earned this by the end of your Wallace playthrough, unless you’ve been avoiding fighting enemies.

If you need to farm enemy kills, then consider the same method I mentioned for Wallaciraptor, and complete the “Leo’s Place” level repeatedly until you earn it.

Armed and Dangerous
Defeat at least 200 enemies using interactive objects.
For this trophy, you need to defeat 200 enemies with interactive objects – that means any weapon you can pick up or item you can interact with. If you’re using the “Power of Love” Sword, every enemy you defeat while using it will count towards this trophy, meaning you should earn it pretty early on!

Unlock and call all strikers.
The Chaudown trophy is one which will take the longest to earn. As I’ve already pointed out throughout this guide, there are a couple of things you’ll need to do to be able to earn this trophy.
In essence, you need to see all 4 of the “Striker” characters. Strikers are characters who spawn to help you out in battle when you press .
Knives Chau
The first of these characters is Knives. Knives will spawn when any character (except Knives) uses the attack. Even if someone else is already using Knives as a playable character in multiplayer, she’s just the default. So, make sure you use that
ability at least once.

Mr. Chau
Mr. Chau is the hardest Striker to find and use. Essentially, in order to unlock him you must first find him walking around on the map:

Once you see him, head to that location on the map and press to load it up, thus entering into combat with Mr. Chau.

Defeat him to unlock him as a Striker. Note that he will only appear for the character who has beat him on the map. If you beat him with Kim, he will only show up when Kim presses . If you want him to show up while playing as Scott, you’d need to find and defeat him again as Scott for that to happen.

Mr. Chau will not show up every time you use . In fact, most of the time it will still be Knives, but once you have unlocked him he will show up sometimes. So just keep using that
attack until he makes an appearance.

Mrs. Chau
Mrs. Chau can also show up sometimes for the character who has unlocked Mr. Chau, but that eventuality is extremely rare. The easiest way to spawn Mrs. Chau by far is simply to play as Knives.
Since Knives can’t spawn herself as a Striker, she actually spawns her mother, Mrs. Chau, by default.

Nega Knives
Spawning Nega Knives requires Nega Scott. Which is what makes this trophy such a chore. Without it, you would only need 3 playthroughs to earn the platinum, but thanks to this trophy you need to complete the game as Scott, Kim, Stills, and Ramona just to unlock Nega Scott.
Then, once you have Nega Scott, press to spawn Nega Knives.

Once you have spawned all 4 characters once and seen them all, you’ll unlock the Chau Down trophy.

It’s All In The Reflexes
Catch a flying object at least 25 times with Knives.
In order to unlock this trophy, you’ll need to upgrade Knives Chau to at least level 4, that will give you access to the ability you need.
Now, you can just try and earn this trophy while playing normally, press to catch any item thrown towards you. But an easier way of doing this is in the Battle Royal mode (no, not that kind of battle royale). You will need a second controller for this though.
Go to “Extra Modes” in the main menu, and select “Battle Royal”. Choose Knives with one controller (let’s call them P1 for explanation’s sake) and anyone else with the second controller (P2).
Have P2 pick up an item from outside the arena and then throw it at Knives with . At the exact same time, have P1 catch the thrown item with
. It’s easier to do this alone with a hand on each controller so you can time it perfectly. Press the same two buttons on opposite controllers to throw the item back to P2 who should catch it. Rinse and repeat.
Once you’ve successfully caught a thrown item 25 times, the trophy will be all yours.

Ninja Somersault
Perform at least 10 consecutive head stomps successfully with Knives
For this trophy, you’ll need to ensure that Knives is at least level 11. This will give you access to the required move.
While jumping, you’ll be able to hit in mid-air to bounce on the head of any enemy below you. With a bit of timing and lucky enemy placement, you can perform this move multiple times in a single chain without touching the ground. That’s exactly what you will need to do.
The trophy will unlock once you successfully chain this attack 10 times without landing.
The best place to earn this is the “Subspace Highway?” stage in Level 7. Wait until he triggers a lightning attack and then get right up against the right-most edge of the platform. When he approaches, double-jump into the air and begin hitting repeatedly to bounce off his arms.
If you double-jumped high enough before doing this, when he slams his fists down, you’ll be too high up to get hit, and you’ll be able to continue bouncing off his heart for a total of 10 bounces, unlocking the trophy.

Scott Pilgrim Trophy Guide: Plat Get!

The Completionist
Earn all other trophies.
After multiple playthroughs and maybe a little smidgen of cheating, the Platinum is all yours!

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