PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5

Thank Goodness You’re Here Trophy Guide

Online Trophies
Missable Trophies
Difficulty Trophies
Glitched Trophies

General Info


How long does it take to beat Thank Goodness You're Here and unlock all trophies?

Around 3-4 Hours.

How difficult is it to beat Thank Goodness You're Here and unlock all trophies?

Easy (3/10).

Does Thank Goodness You're Here have online trophies?


Does Thank Goodness You're Here have difficulty-specific trophies?


Does Thank Goodness You're Here have missable trophies?

Does Thank Goodness You're Here have glitched trophies?


What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Thank Goodness You're Here?


Does Thank Goodness You're Here have a Platinum Trophy?


Trophy Guide

Thank Goodness You're Here Trophy Guide and Walkthrough for PlayStation

Welcome to our Thank Goodness You’re Here Trophy Guide. Thank Goodness You’re Here is a very short but extremely lovable comedy game set in the North of England—Where I’m from!

The game’s sense of humor could be likened to a blend of Monty Python and Rick and Morty, filled with quirky characters, bizarre situations, and sheer hilarity.

Though a short game, the trophy journey can be a bit tricky because there are so many missable trophies and ridiculous situations you need to find yourself in. Fortunately, this here Trophy Guide will walk you through each and every thing you need to do to not miss anything on your way through this northern adventure.

Thank Goodness You're Here Trophy Walkthrough

Thank Goodness You’re Here is loaded full of missable trophies. To avoid missing anything, you will essentially need to listen to everyone and slap everything. However, going through the game with little direction can lead to a bit of confusion, some wasted time, and even some missed trophies.

To avoid that, I’ve structured together this Trophy Walkthrough. Basically, follow these step-by-step instructions, and you’ll come away with every trophy in the game from your first playthrough!

There are a few things you’ll need to always have in mind as you play, though I’ll also try and remind you where I can:

  • Hit every mailbox. There’s 6 in total, 2 in each of the three open areas.
  • Knock on every closed door. There’s a fair few of these, so just give every closed door a good slap when you see one.
  • Find all the singing mice. Whenever you see bins or bin bags that are shaking slightly, give them a slap to release the three mice, who will start singing. There are three locations where these guys hide out.
  • Help out the Fishmonger. Every time you’re in his ice display, hit the fish until they all have cigarettes and the Fishmonger thanks you.
  • Listen to the animals. Whenever an animal is talking, including the worm, listen to the dialogue in full.
  • Listen to the Pub Dialogue. Everytime you’re in or near the pub, go in and listen to all the dialogue.

Step by Step Trophy Walkthrough

Patience is a Virtue

Wait in reception


Kicking things off, you’ll need to actually get to Barnsworth.

In the office, go and slap the water cooler on the left side of the room until the bottle pops off the top.

Push the bottle to the right side of the room and then leap out of the window.

You’ll land on the bus to Barnsworth, taking you to the Mayor’s office, but he’s too busy to see you now.

Sit there and wait for 15 real-world minutes and the Mayor will actually turn up. Head into his office, and you’ll unlock the very rare “Patience is a Virtue” trophy!

The rest of the game’s a lot more exciting and fun than this, I promise.

After you unlock the trophy, the credits will play! You’ll be returned to the title screen and will then need to select “New Game” to actually play it this time.

Visit Barnsworth

Leave reception



Do everything again to reach the mayor’s office, but this time leave the mayor’s office via the door on the left side, and you’ll unlock the “Visit Barnsworth” trophy.

A Lovely Pair

Mow the grass


From the Mayor’s Office, hit the mailbox, then go down and to the left until you reach the Garden.

Hit the two bin bags and the public bin behind the gardener to release the first set of singing mice.

Look for the red Lawnmower and then slap it to start mowing the grass.

Move from the left to the right side of the screen and then back again.

Repeat until you eventually get the flowers at the bottom of the screen, unlocking “A Lovely Pair.”

Sick as a Fig

Put Ronny in the recovery position


Go left from the garden to find Nick trying to open his shutter. Wait for him to successfully open it and show you “Nick’s Brick’s.” This will come up again later, but you can leave for now.

Hit the Mailbox next to him while you’re there.

Go up to the Butter Shop, hitting the door to the chicken shop on your way past, to find out that the shop is closed because the key is missing.

From there, go right until you find the pub, and then go inside.

Head to the right-most end of the bar and then jump into the sink to find your way into the basement.

Slap all the kegs in the basement to set them all off, then head into the tube in the lower-right corner.

Swim into all the bubbles as you swim to the top of the screen, taking you back to the bar, where you’ll be in a pint glass.

Mash to get out of the glass, make sure you listen to all of the dialogue, and now you can safely leave the bar.

Hit the Police Box a couple of times until the policeman has no more dialogue for you, then go over to the Butter Shop.

Outside, you’ll see Ronny laid out on the floor near the door.

Go up to him and give him a slap to unlock the “Sick as a Fig” trophy.

In For A Penny

Free Charlie's hand



Inside the butter shop, enter the staff-only door to get behind the counter.

From there, go into the freezer on the left.

At the back of the freezer, climb up the boxes and give the top one a slap to release the “Fridge Stoat.” This is the first of several talking animals you need to listen to, so let him finish his dialogue before you move on.

Hop onto the second shelf, where you’ll see “Barmy Barry’s Xtra Large Buttery Nub.”

Push the Butter off the shelf, and it will slide all the way out of the shop and down the street, helping to free Charlie’s hand, which was stuck in a grate.

After the cutscene the “In For a Penny” trophy will unlock.

A Fine Mess

Help Keri stack the shelves


Before continuing on, go and see Nick’s Brick’s again, where you’ll see some of the bricks have been removed. That’s all, you can continue on for now.

Go into the pub as well and listen to any dialogue before leaving, then hit the Police box a couple of times as well.

Follow the trail of butter and hop down into the hole where Charlie was originally stuck.

Follow the series of pipes until you enter a Chip Shop, where you’ll end up inside a toolbox.

Leave the shop by going right and then go to the bins on the left side of the shop. Slap all of the bins and bags there to release a set of singing mice.

Once you’ve done that, give the mailbox a slap as well; there’s one south of the chippy.

You should also knock on all the closed doors. There’s two near the chip shop.

Continue to the right until you reach “Price Shaggers.”

Inside, the employee will ask you to help them tidy up the shelves. Slap everything on all three levels of the shelves.

Once done, the “A Fine Mess” trophy will unlock!

The Rat Pack

Find all the singing mice


Leave Price Shaggers and then go up the alley on the right side of the shop.

At the right end of the alley, you’ll find a stepladder leading to a telephone pole.

Climb up the telephone pole to reach the chimney of a house.

Jump up onto the chimney and the Chimney Sweep will shove you down into it.

You’ll end up in a man’s living room.

Go right and hop out of his living room window to end up in a garden.

On the left side, there’s another closed door to slap, so make sure you do that. Go a bit further south and slap the locked gate as well, for good measure.

Follow the hose back to its source, a well, and then jump in!

At the bottom of the well, a worm will pop out and talk to you. Listen to his dialogue, this is another of the animals you need to let speak.

Slap the wall on the right to reveal a hidden passage where the rest of the hose is, then continue following the hose.

It’ll eventually lead you to the fishmonger’s shop. Slap the faucet, and you’ll turn the water on for the hose.

Continue to the right and then start slapping fish until you reveal the mechanic’s missing spanner.

Make sure you hit every fish and cig packet until all the fish have cigs in their mouths. The Fishmonger will say something about you doing a good job. For another trophy, we’ll need to do this every time we’re in his ice tray, so be sure not to forget.

After the mechanic leaves and breaks the barrier, head through the hole he made to get out of the fishmonger’s.

Go to “Sam’s Ham’s” left of the fishmonger and head inside the red “Staff” door.

Against all your instincts… Jump into the meat grinder.

Mash until you cause an incredibly long sausage to be created.

Mash again to escape from the massive sausage, and then go down and to the left until you find a bench surrounded by bin bags.

Hit all the bin bags and the public bin to unleash the third set of singing mice, unlocking the “The Rat Pack” trophy.

No Post on Thuesdays

Damage every postbox

After the Singing Mice, hit the mailboxes in the area; there’s one near the flowerbed and one near the man doing the crosswords.

You should also do the rounds and hit every closed door in the area.

You also need to head to the trailer with the big butt in it.

Jump into the trailer’s window and slap the man’s butt. He’ll kick you out and close the shutter, but we need to do this three times, so we’ll come back later for more cheek-slapping fun.

When you’re done with the mice, doors, trailer, and the mailboxes, and then go right and head inside the Pie Shop.

The shop owner will beg you to help him get some meat. When he’s done, leave the shop again and then go left to the trailer with the big butt in it.

Head up the right side of the trailer and then continue left, through a gap in a fence, until you reach the garden where the well was.

Provided you slapped the faucet in the fishmonger’s, the water will now be flowing to the second faucet in the garden. Give that one a slap as well, and you’ll feed water to the gardener.

After that, go through the gap in the fence in the top-right corner of the garden and you’ll enter a new space with a river running through it.

Continue to the right until you reach a cracked roof, which you should obviously jump on repeatedly until you break through, ending up on the grass in front of a garage.

Just up from where you are there’s a big tree with a hole in it, slap the tree to wake up the Owl inside. This is another of the talking animals we need to listen to, so wait for his dialogue to finish before heading off.

Go right to the houses and break the mailbox. This is the 6th and final Mailbox, so you should here unlock the “No Post on Thuesdays” trophy.

Bobby Knocker

Hit every closed door


Go up from the mailbox and knock on the blue door. If you’ve knocked on every other closed door up to this point, you should now unlock the “Bobby Knocker” trophy.

If not, don’t panic yet, you’ll revisit every area of the game multiple times, so just keep knocking on closed doors and shutters until the trophy pops.

Lights Out

Bully Charlie


Go past the mailbox to the house with the white door. Slap it open and head inside!

Continue heading right in the next area to reach the ladder, and then climb up it to get on the roof.

Jump on the pile of gunk in the drainpipe until you and the gunk drop down into said drainpipe.

Make your way through the pipe until you end up back on the main street.

Go down the street to Nick’s Brick’s again. He’s sold some more bricks! That’s all, we’ll come back again later.

Pop into the pub real quick and see if there’s any new dialogue. If there is, listen to it all before leaving.

Drop back into the hole where Charlie’s hand was stuck to find yourself back in the chippy, where the mechanic is.

Go into the cabinet where he is and speak to him to move the story along.

Leave the chippy again and head to the right and back into the “Price Shaggers” shop.

Climb up onto the top shelf and then push the rat poison down onto the floor.

Make your way back up to the top of the shelf to enter the opening that you created when pushing the box.

Go left until you enter an attic space and then go right up the boxes and into the little doorway.

Jump up and slap the taped section of wall in the next room until it collapses, and then head inside to reach a bizarre cheese altar.

Push the cheese left and then head back to where you entered the attic. The previously closed door is now open.

Head inside to enter “Mice Shaggers.” The Mechanic’s Screwdriver is on the shelf at the far left.

Repeatedly jump behind the counter until you and the screwdriver drop down into the store below.

The Mechanic will come and claim his screwdriver and then leave.

Go back to Marge’s Chippo and talk to the Mechanic again. This time he’s lost his bloody hammer.

So, leave the chippy and head back up the alleyway next to Price Shaggers, enter the chimney again, and hop out of the window to get back to the garden area.

In the top-right corner, you’ll see poor Charlie’s now stuck in the fence, getting beat up by the kids.

Don’t let them have all the fun! Give Charlie a good slap on the head to unlock “Lights Out.”

Final Form

Find all of Sam's meat bits



When you’re done battering poor old Charlie, hop into the well again and make your way back to the fishmongers.

Listen to the worm again on your way through the tunnel.

From there, leave the fishmongers (remember to hit all the fish in his display until he’s happy) and head back to Sam’s Ham’s.

In there, slap the big hock of ham on the counter to enter the meat realm.

Slap everything and anything in there until the Peter Griffin-looking pile of meat in the middle of the space opens its mouth.

Go into the meat man’s mouth, and you’ll receive the “Final Form” trophy.

Enough For Everyone

Bake a big pie



After your meaty adventure, you’ll end up in the Pie Shop again.

After the cutscene, slap the phone until Colin turns up with a Pie Mix delivery.

Knock the top box off his delivery cart and then walk the box into the pie machine.

You’ll get trapped inside, so mash until the machine eventually explodes into an enormous pie.

After the cutscene, you’ll unlock the “Enough for Everyone” trophy.

The Beans are on the Windowsill!

Satiate Brigadier Bean Tin



Mash to leave the big pie, then go left to Rog’s Veg Hole.

Inside, make your way through the store until you reach Rog himself at the counter.

After the cutscene, leave the veg shop and go back to the trailer with the big butt in it.

Hop into the window and give the butt a slap again and you’ll be kicked out.

Now go right to the alleyway next to the travel shop, where a man’s selling knock-off watches.

Give the watch stall a slap and the man will run off into the alleyway.

Follow him into the alley and then slap the big bin to spawn a rogue lunatic, knocking over the metal bins.

Hop onto the bin to reach the stepladder and then start climbing the balconies.

At the top-most window, push the beans off, and you’ll unlock the “The Beans are on the Windowsill” trophy.

Everything Must Go

Help Nick open a new shop


Drop back down into the alleyway and then head inside the open bin.

Follow the trail of beans to the lunatic from before, then slap him, and he’ll ask you to gather his seagulls.

Leave the bin and slap the seagull right outside.

Then, make your way around the village, slapping the remaining 5 Seagulls.

The first is pecking at the big pie.

The next one’s on one of the veg boxes outside Rog’s Veg Hole.

Go left to find the next one pecking at a fish behind the man doing a crossword puzzle.

Continue left to find another pecking at a burger next to the trailer.

Go right to find the last one pecking at the “Oily Baps” cart.

After slapping all of the seagulls, return to Brigadier Bean Tin’s bin and talk to him again.

He’ll pull the flush on his toilet, opening a secret passage next to him.

Head in through the passage to enter another alleyway.

Hop into the basement door on the right side, and you’ll be back in the pub’s basement.

Get sucked through the tube again and then leave the pub via the left side of the bar after ensuring you’ve listened to all of the dialogue.

Before you continue on, go south into the gardens and enter the lower-right plot of grass. There, you’ll see a little pile of mud. Hit the mud and it will move. Repeat this two more times and a mole will appear in the middle of the mud puddle. He’ll invite you to meet his Mole Wife, which sets us up to earn the “Mole Supper” trophy later.

Continue over to the left until you reach Nick’s Brick’s again. If you visited him every time I said you should, he should now have plenty of bricks missing!

Give the wall a slap and it will fall away, unlocking the “Everything Must Go” trophy!

Ménage à trois

Visit Polly and Paul in their home

Drop back into the hole in the middle of the street, traverse the pipes, exit the chippy, go up the alley past Price Shaggers, drop into the chimney, exit the window, and return to the garden.

This time, you’ll be looking at the garden from someone’s window.

Instead of jumping on the bag, walk left off-screen until you arrive in the home of the two NPCs near the camera.

There, the “Ménage à trois” trophy will unlock.

Cream of the Crop

Grow a lovely tomato



Walk back out of the house and jump on the bag of fertilizer until you’re launched up into the air and stuck to a clothesline.

When you’re eventually knocked off the clothesline, you’ll land on the fertilizer, exploding it.

After a short cutscene, you’ll unlock the “Cream of the Crop” trophy.

Friend of the Forest

Find all the woodland creatures


For whatever reason, you’re now in a plant pot on the gardener’s shelf.

Mash to make your way down off the shelf, smashing and displacing everything else on your way down.

Head right out of the shed to leave and return to the garden.

Now that poor Charlie’s not there, you can enter the gap in the fence again. Head right until you reach the fishing boy on the bridge.

Jump into the bait box to be used as bait, allowing you to grab the hammer.

Once it’s brought up to the surface, the mechanic will appear again to claim it back.

Leave the bush you’ve somehow ended up in, and then head right. Just past the tree, you’ll come across a duck telling a story. Here, the “Friend of the Forest” trophy will unlock.

Green Fingers

Go against Graham's advice


Continue right, and drop into the hole you made in the roof earlier.

In the next area, make your way around the whole area, slapping all the flowers that have spawned.

After destroying all of them, the “Green Fingers” trophy will unlock.

Open For Business

Fix the Fryer



You can now head back to Marge’s Chippo and speak to the Mechanic again. He’ll ask you to head into the fryer, do so, and then just mash until a cutscene plays.

At the end of the cutscene, the “Open for Business” trophy will unlock!

The People's Princess

Smash a commemorative plate


Mash to escape your battered casing and then leave the Chip Shop.

Go right until you reach a house with a young boy crying over a cup of tea.

He asks you to help him get some milk for his tea because he’s “milk-shy.”

Go down and to the left when you leave the boy’s home and follow the sign for “Normal Milk.”

This leads you to a field with a rather sick-looking cow. The man next to the cow needs you to get something from the Chip Shop, but you can’t speak to Marge if you go in via the front door, so you’ll have to go the long way again.

Go through the white door, then make your way to and up the ladder again.

Jump on all the accumulated drainpipe gunk again to take another ride through the drainpipes.

From there, make sure you cross over to the pub on the far-right and listen to any new dialogue in there before progressing.

Once done, head into the Chicken shop that you landed next to and slap the sick man a few times. When he ignores you, walk away and the frame above his bed will fall down and wake him up.

Follow his long arm out of the house, slapping the grocery bags it starts fondling. When it enters the fountain, drop into the buttery hole again.

This time, on your way through the pipes, you’ll finally knock that plate off the dresser, unlocking the “The People’s Princess” trophy.

Tough Tatties

Help Marge chop her Chippies


Continue through the pipes until you’re back in Marge’s Chippo.

Jump into her Potato Sack and then wait. If you start pressing too soon, you’ll stop this trophy from unlocking.

The potatoes will start chatting to each other. Keep waiting until they’re done chatting and the “Tough Tatties” trophy will unlock.

Milk Shy No More

Have a nice cup of tea



Mash until all the tatties are chopped up, and you’ll be chucked outside. Wait a moment and a bird will pick you up and carry you off.

Fly to the left until the bird drops you and the cow finally gets her chips.

Press to pull yourself out of the dirt, and then walk around the field looking for bricks to slap.

Slap all the bricks to make a door appear.

Head through the door and hop into the hot tub to milk the cow in a particularly graphic cutscene.

After the strange cutscene ends, you’ll unlock the “Milk Shy No More” trophy.

Still at Large

Capture a notorious criminal



Get up out of the milk puddle and then go right. Make your way up to the chimney again and then be pushed down into it.

Leave his window again, and you’ll fall into the gardener’s shed.

Leave the shed and head through the gap in the fence again.

Continue right and drop through the hole you made in the roof.

Make your way back to Price Shaggers, where that weirdly long arm is waiting for you.

Go all the way to the right-most end of the shop and enter the staff-only door.

Catch one of the bubbles in your net, and you’ll start rising up to the skylight, giving the long arm access to the shop.

A cutscene will then play out, as you float off into the air. At the end of the cutscene, the “Still at Large” trophy will unlock.

Shell Shocked

Rid Sue of her snail problem


After the cutscene, pop back into Price Shaggers and then help the long hand get its shopping by first opening the staff only door and then pushing cans off the shelves into the shopping trolley.

After the cutscene, you’ll be back out in the alley again. Mash to escape from the carrier bag and then start going to the right.

We’re going down that poor bloke’s chimney again…

Hop out of his window again to crash back into the gardener’s shed. He’s put a cushion down for you, kindly.

Leave the shed to enter the garden again, then start smashing snails!

Just give them a slap and they’ll explode. Make sure you hit all of them before you pursue the one that dropped down the well. The one on the metal gate to the left is easy to miss.

When you land on the final one in the well, you’ll unlock the “Shell Shocked” trophy!

Mole Supper

An invitation rescinded

If the Mole invited you over earlier in the game, you’ll run into him on your way through the well tunnel.

He’ll rescind his previous offer upon realizing you didn’t bring your own “Mole Wife” with you, unlocking the “Mole Supper” trophy.

Done Up Like a Kipper

Satisfy a fishmonger


Continue through the tunnel to enter the fishmongers.

Hop up into his ice tray where all the fish are, and then slap the fish in front of the fishmonger himself.

He’ll ask you not to do that again, but ignore him and continue slapping it until he… achieves completion.

You’ll then unlock the “Done Up Like a Kipper” trophy as the red-faced fishmonger blinks at you.

If none of this happens, you didn’t set up his display properly on one of your previous visits!

Cheek to Cheek

Harrass a service worker


Pay another visit to the big butt in the trailer.

Hop into the window, slap him on the bum multiple times, and if you successfully have now done this three time, you’ll unlock the “Cheek to Cheek” trophy.

Think F.A.S.T.

Learn about Larry's favourite drinks


Go up the alleyway next to the veg shop again, enter the blue bin at the end, and go through the bean lunatic’s secret passage again to end up back in the bar. Go through the keg nozzle again and break the glass again, then wait for the characters to start discussing their favorite drinks.

If you have listened to all possible pub dialogue throughout the game, you’ll unlock the “Think F.A.S.T” trophy.

The Ol' One Two

Watch Bobby's Party Trick


Leave via the left end of the bar.

Across the street from the bar, you’ll see the policeman’s box. Knock on it a couple of times and the policeman will throw a couple of eggs out at you, unlocking “The Ol’ One Two.”

Spill the Beans

Kick a man when he's down


Go to the second-hand furniture shop where Nick’s Brick’s used to be, and you’ll see that the man who lived there now doesn’t have much because all of his furniture has been sold.

He’s just sitting there cooking beans.

Slap the beans onto the floor to unlock the “Spill the Beans” trophy!

Breakfast In Bed

Go soup shopping



Go up and enter the chicken shop again, then go to the sick man’s bedroom.

Push his bowl of soup towards him and when he’s covered in it, you’ll unlock the “Breakfast in Bed” trophy.

Thank Goodness it's Over!

Finish the game



After a musical conclusion to the game, this whimsical adventure comes to a close, and you’ll unlock the “Thank Goodness It’s Over” trophy.

If you have unlocked everything, you should also receive the Platinum Trophy here. If not, you may well need a second playthrough to mop up anything you happened to miss.

It’s not too much bother, though, as the game’s pretty short.


Barnsworth's Best

Unlocked all other trophies

After collecting every trophy in this Thank Goodness You're Here Trophy Guide, the "Barnsworth's Best " Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!

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