PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Riders Republic Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Riders Republic and unlock all trophies?
Around 50 Hours or more.
How difficult is it to beat Riders Republic and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Riders Republic have online trophies?
Does Riders Republic have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Riders Republic have missable trophies?
Does Riders Republic have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Riders Republic?
Multiple Race, Trick, and Air events. 50 Mass Races. Multiple PvP matches.
Does Riders Republic have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Riders Republic Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS4 & PS5
Welcome to our Riders Republic Trophy Guide. Riders Republic is an extreme-sports massive multiplayer game with a heavy focus on biking, skis, snowboarding, and wingsuits. Players are tasked with unlocking stars across 5 different disciplines in order to reach The Invitational event at the end of their careers while competing in 6v6 Trick Battles and 64 player Mass Races along the way. Riders Republic is available on PS4 & PS5.
Riders Republic Trophy Guide – Before You Begin
Manual Landing
Riders Republic offers three ways to land tricks; Automatic, Manual, and Steep. Almost everything in Riders Republic can be done with Automatic Landing switched on, however, you will need to perfectly land 50 double back-flips and one 1080 spin with Manual Landing on. To perfectly land a trick you have to make sure your rider is lined up parallel to the ground before they land by using , and for flips, or , and for spins. If you landed perfectly, you will notice a green indicator to the right of your rider and will receive a score boost. You can turn Manual Landing off once you unlock The loop is looped, and Smooth as a Badger’s bottom.
Mass Races
Mass Races are big multiplayer events with 64 (32 on PS4) riders competing to be the first across the line in 3 different Multi-Sport races. These events occur every 30 minutes—one on the hour and one half past the hour (i.e. 12:00, 12:30, 13:00, 13:30, and so on)—and take about 10-15 minutes to complete. You will have to complete 50, though you don’t have to place 1st in any of them, for the Flash Mobs trophy. This means you will be spending 25 hours waiting for and competing in Mass Races with 12.5 of those hours being actual gameplay. Since the remaining 12.5 hours is a long time to just be hanging around waiting for mass races to appear, it’s advised you use this time to search for RR balloons, Landmarks, complete events, and/or stunts. Ideally, you will be competing in Mass Races when they appear from the very start of your journey in Riders Republic as the game notifies you every time they pop up, providing you aren’t in an event.
Riders Republic classes collectibles as Relics, Landmarks, and RR balloons. There are 11 Relics, 45 Landmarks, and 500 RR balloons to find on the map, however, you will only need to find 200 total of the available collectibles for the Veni… trophy. Both Relics and Landmarks are already marked on the map as yellow question marks and will reveal what they actually are once you get close enough making it easy to collect all 11 Relics and 45 Landmarks. However, RR balloons are not marked on the map and are significantly harder to find. The intended way to find them is just from coming across them in the open world while you go about your business; they will make a glitched drum sound when you get close to them. This requires a keen eye and plenty of luck to find them, though an easier solution is to use the 3D map.
You can open the map by pressing . The map will automatically be in 2D mode but you can switch it to 3D with . This lets you zoom right in and see everything as if you were standing right there. You can then start moving your little orb around and look for the RR balloons and even hear their signature jingle when you’re close. This greatly increases the amount of ground you can cover on your bike/skis/rocketwing etc. When you find an RR balloon you can press on it to place a pin in the map so you can continue to search for another. You can pin a total of 10 items on the map (with an additional 11th if you press to place a waypoint on the 11th balloon you find). This is ideal since the best time to find RR balloons is while you’re waiting for Mass Races or queuing for FFA/Trick Battles.
Optionally, you can just use the map we made to save you time.
Riders Republic features a trophy auto-pop feature; sort of. Ubisoft saves your progress on their servers so once you have the platinum on one platform, you can log in on the other platform and pop the platinum without having to put in 50h+ of effort like before. Unlike other games this generation, the trophies in Riders Republic don’t simply just pop once you log in, You will have to actually go and do everything at least once to pop every trophy.
This means you will have to come first in one Big Event in each of the career disciplines, come first in their respective boss events, and come first in the invitational. Additionally, you will also have to complete one FFA race, capture one Module and District in a Tricks Battle, complete one player-created event, and complete one Mass Race. You will also need to get your weekly multiplayer to level 2, complete one Shackdaddy Weekly contract, and one Sponsor contract (ideally for Red Bull to simultaneously pop GIVES YOU WIIINGS). Lastly, you will have to perfectly land one double back-flip and 1080 spin (ideally with the One-Foot Board so you can pop Street Styler, and Shackdaddy wannabe at the same time), complete one Stunt (preferably Lift Decent so you can grab One for the record books too). Finally, you should grab a friend to complete a VS event as well as level up one of your career disciplines at least once to unlock another piece of gear. This whole process should take 1-2 hours.
Caution: If you intend to “Auto-Pop” the Riders Republic platinum on another platform ensure you do not collect all 45 Landmarks as doing so will completely lock you out of …Vidi… & Veni… which naturally will make the Platinum unobtainable unless you unlink your Ubisoft account and collect all 200 collectibles from scratch again.
Phase One – Finish All Career Paths & Win The Invitational
In this phase of our Riders Republic Trophy Guide, you will be spending a lot of time tackling the Bike, Snow, and Air career events while you work your way to unlocking the Invitational event. This requires a total of 750 stars to unlock, however, the game practically throws stars at you for almost everything you do. Each event will give you at least one star just for completing it. You can also gain additional bonus stars for completing various optional challenges during events (the challenges can be seen on the options screen before you start an event and during the said event by pressing ).
You can bring a friend along to play these vents with you by inviting them to your group and then selecting “VS” when you start an event. You will have to complete 10 events with a friend for the Keep your friends close… trophy. However, make sure that you tackle the Big Events & Boss Events solo—and place 1st—as you will void the career path trophies and you will have to play them again.
While you play through the career paths you might want to also try out some Mass Races and Stunts to earn additional stars to lessen the grind to 750. Every Stunt you complete will net you 5 stars and with a total of 23 Stunts in Riders Republic, this means you can get a total of 115 stars. You will need to complete 20 Stunts for the Don’t try this at home trophy anyway so that’s 100 stars right there if you choose to tackle them in this phase.
You don’t have to win Mass Races, but you will be awarded more stars the higher up the leaderboard you place. You will need to complete a total of 50 Mass Races for the Flash Mobs trophy. With two Mass Races appearing every hour, this will take 25 total hours to achieve with 12.5 of those hours being actual gameplay. See the Mass Races, Before You Begin section for more information.
Earning stars will also reward you with new sponsors. You can equip up to 3 sponsors and complete daily contracts for them to earn various rewards such as clothing, gear, or bucks. You will need to complete 100 sponsor contracts for Employee of the month. There are a total of 20 sponsors in Riders Republic and each will have 3 daily contracts to complete meaning you have a choice of 60 daily contracts to pick (providing all sponsors are unlocked). Once you’ve completed 9 daily contracts across your three equipped sponsors, swap them out for some new sponsors and you can complete another 9 daily contracts, however, you can only swap each sponsor once every 2 hours.
At 75 stars you will unlock the One-Foot Board Funky which is needed for the Street Styler trophy. The One-Foot Board is also really good for landing back-flips and 1080 spins as it has high air rotation stats. It’s recommended that you use this board exclusively for Snow Trick events as soon as you unlock it so that you make good progress on Street Styler and other trick-related trophies.
Lastly, it’s important that while playing events you avoid using the backtrack feature (by pressing ) as the You only live once trophy requires you to complete 100 events without backtracking. You should also put Manual Landing on for Trick events—particularly Snow Trick events—as you will need to perfectly land 50 Double Back-flips, and a single 1080 spin or greater for The loop is looped, and Smooth as a Badger’s bottom trophies, respectively. You can turn Manual Landing back off as soon as you earn these two trophies.
Career Path Trophies
Welcome to the Riders Ridge
Collect 11 stars to unlock the Riders Ridge
Riders Ridge is the social hub of the world. You won’t be able to progress if you don’t collect 11 stars, but considering how many stars you’ll need for the Invitational (750) and how much the game likes rewarding you with stars, you’ll unlock this trophy without even realizing it. It will be the first trophy for every player.
New Hire
Add a new sponsor
You will unlock your first sponsor at 25 stars. You don’t have to manually equip this sponsor or do anything special for New Hire to unlock.
Snow Blind
In solo, finish first in 8 big events in snow careers
There are a total of 9 Big Events spread across the Snow Race and Snow Trick career. You will only need to finish first in 8 of them to unlock Snow Blind.
The Snow Big Events are as follows:
Snow Races | Snow Tricks |
Rossignol Feel The Powder | Burton Grove |
Red Bull Homerun | Red Bull Linecatcher |
Ridge TV Multiball | Ridge TV Option 7 |
Ridge TV Snow Rush | Red Bull Play Streets |
Red Bull Multi Natural |
Maximum Velo-city
In solo, finish first in 8 big events in bike careers
There are a total of 9 Big Events spread across the Bike Race and Bike Trick career. You will only need to finish first in 8 of them to unlock Maximum Velo-city.
The Bike Big Events are as follows:
Bike Races | Bike Tricks |
Red Bull Holy Bike | Santa Cruz Gravity Fest |
Ridge TV Lucky Straight | Red Bull District Ride |
Red Bull Roadrage | Red Bull Rampage |
Santa Cruz Urban Ride | Canyon Dual Style |
Red Bull Hardline |
Got to fly
In solo, finish first in 4 big events in air career
There are a total of 4 Big Events in the Air career. You will need to finish first in all of them to unlock Got to fly.
The Air Big Events are as follows:
Air Races |
Ridge TV Nightwing |
Ridge TV Wall of Windows |
Ridge TV Angels Flight |
Ridge TV The Dragonfly |
X Boss
In solo, complete the snow tricks boss event
To unlock X Boss you must first complete enough Snow Trick events that the Boss event spawns. You will be notified once you open the map () that a Boss event has appeared. You have to win this event solo so it’s recommended to switch the difficulty to the easiest setting before attempting this boss event and don’t bring your friends along.
Downhill is the way
In solo, complete the snow race boss event
To unlock Downhill is the way you must first complete enough Snow Race events that the Boss event spawns. You will be notified once you open the map () that a Boss event has appeared. You have to win this event solo so it’s recommended to switch the difficulty to the easiest setting before attempting this boss event and don’t bring your friends along.
Trick of the trade
In solo, complete the bike tricks boss event
To unlock Trick of the trade you must first complete enough Bike Trick events that the Boss event spawns. You will be notified once you open the map () that a Boss event has appeared. You have to win this event solo so it’s recommended to switch the difficulty to the easiest setting before attempting this boss event and don’t bring your friends along.
Terminal velocity
In solo, complete the bike race boss event
To unlock Terminal velocity you must first complete enough Bike Race events that the Boss event spawns. You will be notified once you open the map () that a Boss event has appeared. You have to win this event solo so it’s recommended to switch the difficulty to the easiest setting before attempting this boss event and don’t bring your friends along.
Pretty fly
In solo, complete the air career boss event
To unlock Pretty fly you must first complete enough Snow Trick events that the Boss event spawns. You will be notified once you open the map () that a Boss event has appeared. You have to win this event solo so it’s recommended to switch the difficulty to the easiest setting before attempting this boss event and don’t bring your friends along.
All Access
Complete 100 different Events
Unlocking All Access takes some time but is guaranteed just by playing through all the career events on your way to the Invitational. Any FFA, Trick Battle, or Mass Races will also contribute towards this trophy.
Earn 25 different gears
You earn new gear by leveling up each of your different career disciplines. The XP needed to level them up at the start of the game is relatively low and as long as you’re working on all of the disciplines, you’ll likely unlock Collector super early in your journey. Either way, you will have earned more than 25 different gears by the time you reach the Invitational.
A star rises
Earn 250 Stars
A star Rises will unlock naturally while you grind your way to 750 stars for the Invitational.
In solo, finish first in the Invitational
The Invitational is the big event that you’re working towards throughout the game. It’s a 7-round trick event and requires a total of 750 stars to unlock.
To unlock …Vici you must come first in the Invitational in solo mode. This means you can’t bring a friend along. To make this trophy easier on yourself it’s recommended that you play on the easiest setting during this event as the score needed to win is rather low.
Phase Two – Complete 50 Mass Races & Collect 200 Relics, Landmarks, and RR Balloons
In this phase of our Riders Republic Trophy Guide, you will be spending your time going around the map looking for Landmarks, Relics, and RR balloons while you wait for Mass Races to spawn.
As mentioned in the Mass Races, Before You Begin section, Mass Races spawn every 30 minutes and don’t have to win them. Just see the 3 races to the end and the game will recognize the Mass Race as “completed”.
To make things less boring while you wait for Mass Races to spawn, you should collect all 11 Relics, 45 Landmarks (44 if you plan on “auto-popping” the platinum on a different platform; see the Auto-Pop, Before You Begin section), and 144 RR balloons. Relics and Landmarks are marked on the map which makes finding them very easy, however, RR balloons aren’t and can only be found in the game world while riding around. To make things easier you can use the 3D map, or you can use our map below.
Phase Two Trophies
Flash Mobs
Complete 50 Mass Races
You can queue up for Mass Races at Riders Ridge by standing in front of the big screen there and waiting for it to announce a new Mass Race or just by completing additional events and tasks while waiting for the in-game announcer to reveal that a new Mass Race is about to start. You will have about 4-5 minutes to get to the Mass Race location and start matchmaking either way. Each Mass Race will take around 15 minutes to complete.
Discover 15 Landmarks
See Veni…
Find 200 landmarks, relics or collectibles
As previously mentioned in the guide, there are 11 Relics, and 45 Landmarks that are displayed on the map. You will need to pad out the remaining 144 (or 145 if you plan to Auto-Pop the platinum on another platform. See the Auto-Pop, Before You Begin section for more information) with RR balloons that can’t be found on the 2D map. You will either find them while riding around or use the 3D map to comb the map.
Alternatively, you can use the below map. We got your back 😉
Phase Three – Multiplayer
In this phase of our Riders Republic Trophy Guide, it’s time to compete against other players in FFA races, Trick Battles, and taking part in player-created races.
FFA races are 12-player PvP races that use events from each of the career paths. You need to complete a total of 50 FFA races and there isn’t currently any way to track how many you’ve done. The good news is that as of a recent update matchmaking is now faster so you won’t have to waste 10-15 minutes standing around between FFA races.
Trick Battles are entirely different from FFA races. The goal here is to beat the opposing team’s score by landing tricks on modules and claiming Districts. A “Module” is a ramp or a rail you can grind and when you do that module will belong to your team until an opposing player lands a trick on it. You don’t need to land a trick with a higher score to claim a module, you just need to be the last player to land a trick. When your team claims all modules in a “District” it will be locked to your team for a short time and any trick landed on a module will have a x5 multiplier. You can see the Districts on the map and which modules are in them making it easier to strategize.
Lastly, you will need to play a total of 50 player-created events; i.e. UGC events. They don’t need to be 50 unique events for the trophy to unlock. You can just find a quick race or trick event and play it repeatedly until you’ve done it 50 times.
PvP & Online Trophies
Not at the bottom of the food chain
Reach Weekly level 2 in the Multiplayer Competition
After completing FFA races and Trick Battles, you will earn Weekly Points (W. PTS in-game) that contribute to your Weekly Multiplayer level. To unlock Not at the bottom of the food chain, you will only need to get to level 2 which is guaranteed while completing 50 FFA races for the … but your enemies closer trophy.
… but your enemies closer
Complete 50 Free for All sessions
You can start matchmaking for FFA races in Riders Ridge. To the right of the bowl in the middle of Riders Ridge is a stack of metal crates and a structure that will say FFA on it. There will be a yellow border around the structure and when you walk inside it you can press to start matchmaking. As of a recent update, matchmaking has been improved by reducing the number of divisions which makes finding matches significantly faster.
Capture 100 modules in Tricks Battle
See Owning the block
Owning the block
Capture 30 districts in Tricks Battle
The Trick Battle matchmaking area is located to the right of the FFA area. Walk into the yellow border and you can press to start matchmaking. Trick Battles are 6v6 matches where the goal is to out-score the opposing team by performing tricks. Each map will be split into Districts and each one will have a series of Modules. A Module can be a ramp or a rail for you to perform tricks on. Once you do, you claim the module for your team and it will change color accordingly. Once your team claims all tricks in a District you will claim the District in question which adds a x5 score multiplier to all the Modules for a limited time.
You can easily capture 100 Modules in a few Trick Battle matches, however, capturing 30 districts will take more time. In order for a District capture to count towards the trophy, it must be you who scores on the very last Module in that district to capture it. If you and a teammate perform a trick on the last Module at the same time, whoever lands their trick first will capture the District. The best method is to give up on trying to win; instead, stick to one or two Districts and try to keep enough Modules captured in that District so you can easily get the last one when the coast is clear (i.e. no teammates or opposing players nearby to steal/prevent the capture).
If you build it, they will come
Complete 50 UGC events
UGC events are player-created race and trick events. You can find them in the pause menu under the “Creations” tab. You can play 50 unique player-created events if you like, however, it’s easier to find one race or trick event that can be completed in under 1 minute and just replay it 50 times as a lot of the player-created events are poorly thought out or purposefully difficult.
Phase Four – Cleanup (optional)
In this phase of our Riders Republic Trophy Guide, it’s time to look at your trophies and see what you have still yet to accomplish in Riders Republic.
These trophies will likely be for things you didn’t get around to doing or just simply forgot such as completing a contract for Red Bull, scoring 5 million points on the One-Foot Board, or finishing 20 Stunts. Either way, it’s time to grab the mop and clean up those misc trophies.
Misc Trophies
Welcome to the Red Bull Family! Complete a contract for Red Bull
You will unlock Red Bull as a sponsor at 450 stars. In order to unlock GIVES YOU WIIINGS you must complete a single contract for Red Bull. You will first have to equip Red Bull as a sponsor.
Employee of the month
Complete 100 sponsor contracts
Each sponsor has 3 daily contracts for you to complete, and you have 3 slots to equip sponsors in which means you can work on 9 sponsor contracts at a time. However, you can only swap out sponsors in each slot once every 2 hours. This means you can swap them out 12 times in a 24 hours period which means (if you were to play for 24 hours straight) you could potentially complete 108 sponsor contracts a day. Of course, this is extreme and you’ll likely need to spread 100 sponsor contracts over a few days.
Street Styler
Score 5,000,000 points with the one-foot board
The One-Foot Board is a Funky that you unlock at 75 stars and has decent air rotation stats which makes it really good for building up large amounts of trick points really fast. It’s advised you use the One-Foot Board exclusively every time you do a snow trick event and even while free-roaming outside of events. You can get a good idea of how many points you’ve earned while on the One-Foot Board as you will earn a star every 1 million points (the game will notify you at the bottom right of the screen). Regardless of if you keep track, you should be able to unlock this trophy naturally through the snow tricks events.
One for the record books
Land a tricks combo worth 75,000 points or more
Hands down the best place to get an easy 75k points is by completing the Lift Descent Stunt on Mammoth Mountain. This Stunt makes you grind the chair-lift cable all the way down the mountain. You will easily have 75k points stored up by the time you get to the end of the cable.
Shackdaddy wannabe
Complete 50 Events with Funkies
You only live once
Complete 100 Events without using the Backtrack
Riders Republic features a rewind mechanic called “Backtrack” for when you wipe out or fall off the track and can’t get back on. You can activate Backtrack any time by pressing and rewind through your previous movements and positions until you find the best spot. However, to unlock You only live once you must not use it for 100 events. This sounds relatively easy but in reality, it can be difficult as there are plenty of events that will try to auto-backtrack you when you bail (i.e. Rocketwing and Wingsuit events). It’s recommended that you press [trianle] to restart the event if the game auto-backtracks you.
So crazy…
Complete a Shackdaddy Weekly Challenge
… that it might work
Complete 10 Shackdaddy Weekly Challenges
Each week Riders Republic renews the weekly Shackdaddy challenges. You must use your bucks to buy these challenges before you attempt them and there are only 7 available each week which means you must play across 2 weeks to unlock this trophy. You can view the Shackdaddy Weekly Challenges by going to Riders Ridge and pressing while standing in front of the Shackdaddy shack in the middle of the area.
Keep your friends close…
Complete 10 Versus Mode Events
When you start an event you can choose to play Solo or VS. To choose VS you must have a friend in your group otherwise the option will be locked out. Since Riders Republic is a social game, it’s advised to play with friends anyway to get the most out of the game. Just make sure to complete the Big Events and Boss Events in Solo mode so as not to void their respective trophies.
The loop is looped
Perfectly land 50 double backflips or more, with tricks landing set on Manual
See the Manual Landing, Before You Begin section.
Smooth as a Badger’s bottom
Perfectly land a 1080 spin (or superior), with tricks landing set on Manual
See the Manual Landing, Before You Begin section.
Don’t try this at home
Complete 20 Stunts
Stunts are small trials that test your speed and precision on tricky courses. They can easily be found on the map by filtering the icons to “Exploration”. There are a total of 23 in the whole game but you only need to complete 20.
Plat Get!
King of the hill
Obtain all other trophies
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Riders Republic Trophy Guide, the Platinum Trophy will unlock.
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