PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Gleylancer Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Gleylancer and unlock all trophies?
about 45 minutes.
How difficult is it to beat Gleylancer and unlock all trophies?
Very Easy (1/10).
Does Gleylancer have online trophies?
Does Gleylancer have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Gleylancer have missable trophies?
Does Gleylancer have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Gleylancer?
Does Gleylancer have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Gleylancer Trophy Guide and Walkthrough for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5
Welcome to our Gleylancer Trophy Guide. Gleylancer is actually a retro game that was originally developed and published by a team called Masaya on Sega Mega Drive almost 30 years ago in 1992!
This action-packed side-scrolling Bulletstorm game is available now on PS4 and PS5 thanks to Ratalaika, and you know what that means, right?
Yep. An easy Platinum Trophy! I quite like Ratalaika’s approach with this game in particular, because there’s a lot of options for fine-tuning the challenge. You can either make the game so easy you don’t even have to play it, or hard enough to get you sweating…
Gleylancer Trophy Guide – Before You Begin
How Easy is Too Easy?
Rather than telling you how to enjoy the game you purchased with your own hard-earned moolah, I’m going to let you know all of the options at your disposal so that you can make the game as easy or as difficult as you want to. Just know that at the very easy end of this spectrum, the game plays itself and you get a Platinum for doing absolutely nothing.
You should also know from the top that if you press and hold at any time while playing, you can rewind time. With this, you can just rewind every time you make a mistake to help yourself out of a tricky situation.

Another useful tool is the ability to create and load save states at any time by pressing to open the emulator menu.
Emulator Options
Gleylancer for PS4/PS5 is essentially the original game running within an emulator-like system built by Ratalaika. The options for this are available in the more modern-looking menu you see when you first start the game up (this can also be accessed at any time by pressing ). Here, you’ll see “Options…” right under “Start Game.”
Select “Options…” and then go to “Gameplay”, here you’ll have just one option which affects how the game is played, there are 3 modes to choose from;
- Modern – Much like the classic game but you have some extra modern abilities to help you out. The subtitles will also be cleaner and easier to read.
- Vintage – Exactly like the original game, no extra new-fangled systems to make it easier. Even Rewind is disabled. Disables Trophies. Do not Use!!!!
- Cheater – Gives access to cheats.

If you choose to activate Cheater mode, you will see two new options appear:

- Invincible – Activates/Deactivates invincibility. If you leave this off but use the Debug Menu option, you can still activate invincibility at any time by switching the “Muteki” option to “On”.
- Debug Menu – Activates/Deactivates the Debug Menu. With this option active, you can press
at any time during gameplay to access a series of cheat options.
Note: If your goal is to get the game to plat itself you should choose Cheater mode and then activate both the Invincible and Debug Menu options.

In-Game Options
When you select “Start Game” from the Emulator menu, you’ll be brought to the game’s original title screen, where you have two options; “Start Game” or “Options”. Take a short detour into the “Options” menu here to find another array of options to select from.
There are just a few that I’ll focus on for the purposes of this guide, which will affect the game’s difficulty:
- Game Level – This is simply the game’s difficulty. Set it to “Easy” to have a much easier time, or set it to “Hard” if you prefer a challenge.
- Story Mode – You can either set this to “On” or “Off”. If you switch this setting to “Off” you won’t get to see any of the game’s cutscenes.
- Shot – You can set this to Manual or Auto. If you set this to Auto, your ship and gunners will constantly fire without any input from you.
- Speed – This will affect the game’s run speed. The more arrows you set, the faster the game will go.
Adjust these settings however you see fit and then start the game to be given a choice of ship. Read the descriptions of every ship mode fully before making a choice, but the easiest to use is the “Search” option, which makes your gunners automatically aim at enemies, which pairs very well with Autoshot.
Note: If your goal is to get the game to plat itself you should apply the following settings:

- Game Level: Easy
- Story Mode: Off
- Shot: Auto
- Speed: >>>>
You should then select the “Search” ship configuration when you start the game.

This way, the game will be completely self-sufficient. With no cutscenes to skip and the maximum speed setting, the game can complete itself in just 45 minutes.
Debug Menu Options
Now then, if you have “Cheater” mode active and have selected to activate the Debug Menu, you’ll have access to a whole host of cheat options from right inside the menu at any time. To change the value of a Debug Menu option, you need to move the cursor to it with
and then use
to interact.
Below, I’ll go through them and how they can benefit you should you choose to use them:
- Rank – The same as “Game Level” from the options menu but you can change it at any time.
- Speed – Again, the same as “Speed” in the game options, but you can now change it on the fly.
- Mover – This is the ship mode option you select when starting a new game, except here it can be changed at any time.
- Gunner – Allows you to cycle through several types of Gunner.
- Rest – Use this to set how many lives you have left. You can give yourself up to 8 extra lives.
- Stage – Allows you to skip to a Stage of your choice. I don’t recommend changing this setting or you may risk missing Story Trophies. This setting could be used to farm the good ending if playing semi-legit.
- Muteki – This is Invincibility Mode. Switch it to “On” to become invincible.
- Gunner – You can add up to two Gunners by pressing
on this option.
- Missile – Activates an auto-firing missile to add to your arsenal.
- Authoshot – This is the same as the “Shot” option from the game options, but “Off” is equivalent to “Manual” and “On” equals “Auto”.
Note: If your goal is to get the game to plat itself your Debug Mode settings should ideally look like this:

- Rank: Easy
- Speed: >>>>
- Mover: Search
- Gunner: Twin
- Rest: 8 (doesn’t matter, you will be invincible)
- Stage: 1 (or current stage, don’t skip ahead though!)
- Muteki: On
- Gunner: 2
- Missile: On
- Autoshot: On
With those settings active, you can just put down your controller and come back to a platinum 45 minutes later. It’s as easy as that!
Phase One – Complete the Game
There are three main things you will need to do during this first and only phase of our Gleylancer Trophy Guide:
- Beat all 10 chapters of the story
- Get the “Good Ending”
- Earn a score of 1,000,000
These things can be quite challenging on their own, but hopefully, you get some comfort in knowing that if you struggle, you have plenty of options at your disposal for making it less difficult.
Gleylancer Story Trophies
There is one Story Trophy per stage and they will all unlock when the corresponding stage has been completed. This section of our Gleylancer Trophy Guide features these 10 unmissable story trophies. There’s also one trophy for unlocking the Good Ending, which may be a challenge if you choose to play without difficulty aids.

Stage 1
Complete Stage 1

Stage 2
Complete Stage 2

Stage 3
Complete Stage 3

Stage 4
Complete Stage 3

Stage 5
Complete Stage 5

Stage 6
Complete Stage 6

Stage 7
Complete Stage 7

Stage 8
Complete Stage 8

Stage 9
Complete Stage 9

Stage 10
Complete Stage 10

Good Ending
Get the good ending!
Whether or not you get the Good Ending in the game depends on whether or not you successfully prevent Lucia’s Father’s ship from being shot down during Stage 10 of the game. If you fail to protect it and it gets destroyed, you will instead see the bad ending.
If you played the whole game legit just to fail at this final hurdle, you could use the Cheater Mode and then skip ahead to Stage 10 via the Debug Menu to give it another go. You could also hold to rewind if you have that ability active, or create a save state at the start of Stage 10 and reload the state repeatedly until you are successful.

Gleylancer Score Trophies
The trophies in this portion of our Gleylancer Trophy Guide should all unlock naturally while you’re working towards the story trophies, especially if you’re using some of the difficulty-decreasing methods explained at the top of this guide, but if you don’t have them all you may need an extra playthrough or two to nail it.

Score 100k
Get a score of 100000
Should unlock while working towards one million score, see Score 1M.

Score 250k
Get a score of 250000
Should unlock while working towards one million score, see Score 1M.

Score 500k
Get a score of 500000
Should unlock while working towards one million score, see Score 1M.

Score 1M
Get a score of 1000000
To reach a score of One Million points, you’re really going to need to try and play as flawlessly as possible. You will receive score for every enemy ship you destroy. Some ships are harder to destroy and will award more score than others.
You can keep track of your score with the counter in the top-left corner and will need to achieve your goal of one million score by the end of the Stage 10, so fi you feel as though you’re not even close when you start to approach the end of the game, I would recommend that you restart or adjust the difficulty settings to make this trophy easier for yourself.
If you grow fed up and frustrated, then you should know that by activating all possible assists and setting the game up to play itself, this trophy will automatically unlock by the end of the game, with zero input from yourself.

Plat Get!

Greatest Job!
Unlock all other trophies
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Gleylancer Trophy Guide, the “Greatest Job!” platinum trophy will unlock.

Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for a Gleylancer Trophy Guide. Consider checking out our other guides!
If you enjoy collecting quick and easy Platinum Trophies like this one, check out our full list of Quick and Easy Platinum Trophies, all of which can be earned in an hour or less!
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