PlayStation 4
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim and unlock all trophies?
Around 25 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim and unlock all trophies?
Very Easy (1/10).
Does 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim have online trophies?
Does 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim have missable trophies?
Does 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim?
One Playthrough of each of the 13 Storylines..
Does 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS4
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim is a thrilling story-based epic split across three modes; Remembrance, a story-heavy interactive anime of sorts. Destruction, a turn-based strategy mode where all combat takes place. And finally, an “Analysis” mode where you can look through information and lore you’ve collected to better piece together the complex story. Through this 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Trophy Guide, I hope to instruct you through these three modes to 100% completion and the Platinum Trophy.
13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide: Before You Begin
After the game’s introduction, you’ll be asked what difficulty you’d like to play the game on. This difficulty setting only affects the “Destruction” mode of the game, which is a turn-based strategy mode that you will spend plenty of time getting used to. You can choose any difficulty you like here as it will have no effect on the trophies.
I actually recommend “Casual” difficulty, though, as you will need to get an S-rank result on every combat scenario which will obviously be much easier on Casual difficulty.
Throughout the game, the “Thought Cloud” will build up with new key words which can give you access to other story paths. These key words can be “considered” by pressing , you must do this on green key words to ensure you’re getting everything you can from them to progress.
You can also sometimes use Thought Cloud words on other characters by opening the thought cloud next to a character with and then using a word on them by pressing
. This thought cloud is the main mode of progress in the game and it is very important that you understand how this works in order to get 100% progress with every character, so spend some time with it and ensure you’re checking it frequently for new opportunities.
If you come to a crossroads and a particular choice sends you down a particular route in the story, then take mental (or physical) note of it so that you can try the other choice(s) upon revisiting the character’s story.
Note also that as you’ll be replaying some dialogue options frequently, you can hold to skip through anything you’ve heard before, be that a conversation with a character or something you’re considering in the thought cloud. Additionally,
can be held to fast-forward time, which is helpful for some storylines, such as Nenji Ogata’s.
At certain point in the story you’ll have no choice but to play Destruction mode for a little while before you can proceed. Whenever you are playing Destruction mode, keep the trophy Fully-Armed Meta-System in mind, as you can cut down heavily on the time-to-platinum for this game if you spend your meta-chips wisely.
Phase One – Complete the Story 100% with all 13 Characters.
This game has a fantastic trophy list which does little more than to encourage you to simply enjoy the game’s well-written story to its fullest. This means that for the entire first phase of our 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide, all you need to do is play through the storyline for each of the game’s thirteen characters within Remembrance mode and play all 30 battles in Destruction mode along the way.

You will need to replay story events multiple times in Remembrance mode in order to unlock all possible branches of that individual character’s story. Repeating a story in order to do this will uncover new keywords, unlock other storylines, and increase the completion rating of each character’s storyline to 100%.
In each storyline, you’ll earn three trophies; one for the prologue, one for 50% completion, and a final one for 100% completion. You won’t play through these in order, however.
First, you’ll start by playing the prologue for the majority of the thirteen characters, and you will then be able to choose who’s story you wish to progress. Sometimes, though, this progress will be blocked and you’ll be asked to complete a task, complete some battles in Destruction mode or progress the story with another character first.

All character prologues are straight linear paths simply introducing the characters, but after that you’ll have to do a bit of exploring and detective work to uncover new keywords in your thought cloud so that you can progress the game and open new branches. For 100% completion you will need to uncover all possible paths in each storyline. You can see which keywords are needed by hovering over path nodes in the map.
You can also jump between different paths by pressing to open the map and then pressing
on any checkpoint sections (indicated by a small blue flag icon) you’d like to replay, but I rarely found a time where I needed to use this. The game’s actually surprisingly linear.

Occasionally, you’ll be told that you cannot progress a character’s story until you’ve completed a specific battle in Destruction mode. Feel free to bounce between Destruction and Remembrance modes at your comfort and leisure.
My personal recommendation is that you play through Remembrance until you physically cannot progress without playing some Destruction battles. At that point, switch out to Destruction mode and complete 10 battles before returning to advance the story again.
The trophies below are grouped by character, for convenience, but it doesn’t mean they’re the order you’ll earn them in. Don’t forget to check out the Master of the Meal trophy, specific to Iori.
Juro Kurabe’s Storyline
Complete Juro Kurabe’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Kurabe’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Juro Kurabe’s prologue in Remembrance.

Kurabe’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Juro Kurabe’s story in Remembrance.

Kurabe’s Story Cleared
Completed Juro Kurabe’s story in Remembrance.

Iori Fuyasaka’s Storyline
Complete Iori Fuyasaka’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Fuyusaka’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Iori Fuyusaka’s prologue in Remembrance.

Fuyusaka’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Iori Fuyusaka’s story in Remembrance.

Fuyusaka’s Story Cleared
Completed Iori Fuyusaka’s story in Remembrance.

While working through Iori’s storyline, there’s another trophy you’ll need to look out for which is specific to Iori:

Master of the Meal
Ate all possible food on the way back.
There are three points in Iori’s storyline where you’ll be asked to pick which food you would like to eat. These events happen at “Food Talks”, “Food Talks 2”, and “Shopping District, After School 3” in Iori’s storyline map. To unlock the trophy, you will need to eat all 5 foods once. This means eating Soft Serve Ice Cream, a Crepe, a Hot Dog, a Nikuman, and a Yakitori.
The trophy will unlock once all 5 sequences of the three girls eating have played out. If you did this in order (Which I don’t think you cn avoid), then the trophy will unlock after your first bite of Yakitori.
You will need to replay Iori’s story multiple times and explore every possible avenue anyway, so it is likely you’ll end up unlocking this trophy naturally. But bear in mind that both choices in “Food Talks 2” lead to the same result so you’ll need to make sure you replay it to try the other food (or just wait around in that area after eating until the girls get hungry again).

Megumi Yakushiji’s Storyline
Complete Megumi Yakushiji’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Yakushiji’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Megumi Yakushiji’s prologue in Remembrance.

Yakushiji’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Megumi Yakushiji’s story in Remembrance.

Yakushiji’s Story Cleared
Completed Megumi Yakushiji’s story in Remembrance.

Ei Sekigahara’s Storyline
Complete Ei Sekigahara’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Sekigahara’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Ei Sekigahara’s prologue in Remembrance.

Sekigahara’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Ei Sekigahara’s story in Remembrance.

Sekigahara’s Story Cleared
Completed Ei Sekigahara’s story in Remembrance.

Renya Gouto’s Storyline
Complete Renya Gouto’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Gouto’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Renya Gouto’s prologue in Remembrance.

Gouto’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Renya Gouto’s story in Remembrance.

Gouto’s Story Cleared
Completed Renya Gouto’s story in Remembrance.

Natsuno Minami’s Storyline
Complete Natsuno Minami’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Minami’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Natsuno Minami’s prologue in Remembrance.

Minami’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Natsuno Minami’s story in Remembrance.

Minami’s Story Cleared
Completed Natsuno Minami’s story in Remembrance.
Keitaro Miura’s Storyline
Complete Keitaro Miura’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Miura’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Keitaro Miura’s prologue in Remembrance.

Miura’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Keitaro Miura’s story in Remembrance.

Miura’s Story Cleared
Completed Keitaro Miura’s story in Remembrance.

Takatoshi Hijiyama’s Storyline
Complete Takatoshi Hijiyama’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Hijiyama’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Takatoshi Hijiyama’s prologue in Remembrance.

Hijiyama’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Takatoshi Hijiyama’s story in Remembrance.

Hijiyama’s Story Cleared
Completed Takatoshi Hijiyama’s story in Remembrance.

Nenji Ogata’s Storyline
Complete Nenji Ogata’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Ogata’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Nenji Ogata’s prologue in Remembrance.

Ogata’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Nenji Ogata’s story in Remembrance.

Ogata’s Story Cleared
Completed Nenji Ogata’s story in Remembrance.

Tomi Kisaragi’s Storyline
Complete Tomi Kisaragi’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Kisaragi’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Tomi Kisaragi’s prologue in Remembrance.

Kisaragi’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Tomi Kisaragi’s story in Remembrance.

Kisaragi’s Story Cleared
Completed Tomi Kisaragi’s story in Remembrance.

Shu Amiguchi’s Storyline
Complete Shu Amiguchi’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Amiguchi’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Shu Amiguchi’s prologue in Remembrance.

Amiguchi’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Shu Amiguchi’s story in Remembrance.

Amiguchi’s Story Cleared
Completed Shu Amiguchi’s story in Remembrance.

Yuki Takamiya’s Storyline
Complete Yuki Takamiya’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Takamiya’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Yuki Takamiya’s prologue in Remembrance.

Takamiya’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Yuki Takamiya’s story in Remembrance.

Takamiya’s Story Cleared
Completed Yuki Takamiya’s story in Remembrance.

Ryoko Shinonome’s Storyline
Complete Ryoko Shinonome’s storyline in Remembrance and you’ll earn the following three trophies:

Shinonome’s Prologue Cleared
Completed Ryoko Shinonome’s prologue in Remembrance.

Shinonome’s Story 50% Cleared
Reached 50% in Ryoko Shinonome’s story in Remembrance.

Shinonome’s Story Cleared
Completed Ryoko Shinonome’s story in Remembrance.

13 Sentinels Destruction Trophies
The “Destruction” game mode allows you to access all of the battles in the game, but you’ll actually need to play these in order to progress the story at certain key points and so there’s no need for a separate phase in our 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide, because you’ll earn the following trophies naturally as part of this phase:

Beginning of the End
Completed the Beginning of the End.

Defended the 1st Area
Completed all of Area 1 in Destruction.

Defended the 2nd Area
Completed all of Area 2 in Destruction.

Defended the 3rd Area
Completed all of Area 3 in Destruction.

All 13 Remembrance Storylines
Once all 13 of the above storylines and all of the Destruction trophies have been completed, the following trophies are all yours:

All Stories Cleared
Completed all characters’ stories in Remembrance.

A Journey’s End, A New Beginning
Take your first steps in a new world.
Phase Two – Collect all Mystery Files
This phase in our 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide relates to the “Analysis” section of the game, where you’ll find all of the Mystery Files you’ve unlocked so far. You should have a vast majority of them from completing the game’s campaigns, by completing bonus objectives in Destruction Mode missions, and by earning S-rank ratings in Destruction Mode missions, which you’re free to go back and replay in order to complete more objectives.

While working on any Destruction Mode Bonus Objectives and S-Rank ratings you missed, you’ll also be earning more Mystery Points, based on your score in Destruction Mode, which can be used to buy the last few Mystery Files in the Analysis section of the game.

Destruction Mode Objective Trophies

Mission Accomplished
Completed all objectives in Destruction.
Once you have completed every optional objective in every Destruction fight, either through the story or by replaying the fights through the “Destruction” menu option, this trophy will be all yours.

Supreme Defender
Earned an S Rank in 30 terminal defense areas.
During this phase of our 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide, one of our main goals is to earn S-Rank ratings on Destruction Mode in order to unlock more Mystery Files. This trophy asks that you earn an S-Rank on 30 areas in Destruction Mode, something you’re guaranteed to do during this phase.
This isn’t a difficult thing to achieve, especially if you just get your S-Ranks on Casual difficulty, as it doesn’t matter what difficulty you play on.

Analysis Trophies
Fully unlock every Mystery File in Analysis to collect the following trophies:

Analysis: Initiated
Unlocked 20 Mystery Files.

Unlocked 100 Mystery Files.

Still Analyzing…
Unlocked 200 Mystery Files.

Analysis: Complete
Unlocked all Mystery Files.
Phase Three – Miscellaneous Trophy Cleanup
With almost every trophy in our 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide in your collection, you’re very close to that platinum, and may even have it by this point. The only things which might remain are a few additional miscellaneous trophies, which you’re likely to have already earned throughout the 20-hour journey to the platinum.
Miscellaneous Trophies

The Thinker
Consider Thought Cloud entries 100 times.
This is pretty much guaranteed to happen naturally, given the sheer number of thoughts that will be added to the various Thought Clouds as you progress through the game and how essential they are to progressing the story.
Simply press on any new, green thoughts in the Thought Cloud to consider them and progress the story. The trophy will unlock naturally, and quite early in your progress if you do so at every opportunity.

Fully-Armed Meta-System
Unlocked all armaments and terminal functions, and enhanced each terminal function.
From the Team Organisation menu in Destruction mode, if you press to open the customisation menu, you’ll be able to use “Meta-Chip” currency to purchase armaments for the 13 sentinels and then upgrade those armaments.
You can also purchase upgrades in the “Meta-System” tab within the Customisation Screen. Here, you’ll find “Terminal Enhancements” which you can purchase and upgrade.

In order to unlock this trophy, you will need to use your meta-chips to purchase every possible Meta-Skill and Upgrade for the Terminal.
You will also need to unlock every single armament for all 13 characters, but you do not need to upgrade or even equip these armaments, simply unlocking them is enough.

These skills will all be very useful in your endeavours so it’s a good idea to grab them regardless of the fact that you’ll earn a trophy for it.

In One Fell Swoop
Destroyed 150 enemy units with a single Sentinel attack.
There will be plenty of opportunities to earn this trophy during the Destruction game mode, but I managed to earn it as early as Wave 2 of Area 1. In that mission, a couple of swarms of tiny flying enemies called “Hunters” will appear about halfway through the battle, if you use an attack like Multi Lock Missiles and strike the group (or any similarly-sized group) with the attack, the trophy will unlock once 150 or more of these enemies have been defeated.
Multiple more great opportunities will present themselves in Area 1 Wave 7, where you’ll fight a horde of ground enemies who will often swarm into large easily-targeted groups.

Plat Get!

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
Acquired all trophies!
Once you have earned every other trophy in this 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim Trophy Guide, the Platinum will be securely stored away in your collection!
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