PlayStation 4

Sonic Colors: Ultimate Trophy Guide

Online Trophies
Missable Trophies
Difficulty Trophies
Glitched Trophies

General Info


How long does it take to beat Sonic Colors Ultimate and unlock all trophies?

About 25 hours.

How difficult is it to beat Sonic Colors Ultimate and unlock all trophies?

Medium (5/10).

Does Sonic Colors Ultimate have online trophies?


Does Sonic Colors Ultimate have difficulty-specific trophies?


Does Sonic Colors Ultimate have missable trophies?


Does Sonic Colors Ultimate have glitched trophies?


What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Sonic Colors Ultimate?

You will need to play most acts 3-4 times, but with slight variations in objective each time..

Does Sonic Colors Ultimate have a Platinum Trophy?


Trophy Guide

Sonic Colors: Ultimate Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4

Welcome to our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide. Sonic Colors has long been praised as one of the best Sonic games. Whether you believe that to be because it’s not as broken as every other Sonic Game is up to you, but this remaster has a few issues of its own.

That aside, this Sonic Colors remaster is just as high-speed and action-packed as the original and I’m certain that Sonic fans everywhere will enjoy the experience, especially if they’re up to the challenge of earning the Sonic Colors Ultimate Platinum trophy!

Phase One – Complete the Story & Egg Shuttle

To kick off your Sonic Colors trophy journey, you should simply focus on completing every level for the first time. In this phase of our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide, complete all acts of the game with any score and any number of Red Star Rings.

Naturally, if you get any Red Star Rings or S-Ranks during this phase, you’ll be doing your future self a few favors. Ultimately, however, you just need to finish the story.

Doing so will unlock all power-ups across all levels, making it easier–and in some cases, possible–to collect all Red Star Rings in every level, which will be our goal in Phase Two of this Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide.

There are a few things you can do to help your future self out:

  • At the results screen, jump at your letter rating until it breaks, every time. You’ll earn progress towards Breaking Ranks.
  • Try to defeat bosses with less than 3 hits where possible.
  • Try to grab any Red Star Rings that you spot, especially if they’re easy to reach.
  • Aim to complete stages as quickly as you can for an S-rank finish. This is less important as there’s a very easy way to S-rank every level which we’ll come to in Phase Three.

By the time you reach the end of the story, you will have unlocked Egg Shuttle and will be able to play it to completion. Egg Shuttle is a bonus game mode which makes you speed-run all 45 of the game’s acts back-to-back. You will need to do exactly that to unlock Long Haul.

Story Trophies

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…All I Got Is This Tropical Resort T-Shirt

Complete Tropical Resort



Simply complete all Six Acts and the Boss Fight in the Tropical Resort level to unlock the “…All I Got Is This Tropical Resort T-Shirt” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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Sugar Rush

Complete Sweet Mountain



Complete all Six Acts and the Boss Fight in the Sweet Mountain level to unlock the “Sugar Rush” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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What Happens In The Starlight Carnival…

Complete Starlight Carnival



Get through all Six Acts and the Boss Fight in the Starlight Carnival level to unlock the “What Happens In The Starlight Carnival…” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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Be Free

Complete Planet Wisp



Finish all Six Acts and the Boss Fight in the Planet Wisp level to unlock the “Be Free” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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Bucket O’ Sushi

Complete Aquarium Park



Get through all Six Acts and the Boss Fight in the Aquarium Park level to unlock the “Bucket O’ Sushi” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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Zero Gravity Thrill Ride

Complete Asteroid Coaster



Complete all Six Acts and the Boss Fight in the Asteroid Coaster level to unlock the “Zero Gravity Thrill Ride” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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I Foiled A Plot And I Liked It

Complete Terminal Velocity



Terminal Velocity is unlocked once all six other areas are complete, and it can be found at the rings around the base of the Tropical Resort structure.

Reach the end of the first Act and the Boss Fight in the Terminal Velocity level to unlock the “I Foiled A Plot And I Liked It” trophy. Your rating and number of collected Red Star Rings in each act will have no effect on this trophy.

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Giving Credits Where Credits Due

Play Through The Credits Level

After the cutscene at the end of the Terminal Velocity level, the credits will load in the form of a playable side-scrolling stage in which you can attack the credits as they scroll by to earn rings.

Honestly, you don’t really need to play it, the side-scrolling will push sonic along and nothing is going to kill him here so you can put the controller down and wait it out if you like.

Nobody would blame you as this is the longest and most boring level in the game. The level goes on for a very long time and at a certain point, you’ll be destroying paragraphs and paragraphs of terms and conditions for the font they used, in complete silence…

If you accidentally skip or exit the credits level, it can be replayed via the shining star on the right side of the level select map.

Once you reach the end of the Credits level, the Giving Credits Where Credits Due trophy will unlock.

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Long Haul

Complete Egg Shuttle

To unlock the Long Haul trophy, you will need to complete all 45 of the game’s acts in Egg Shuttle. The Egg Shuttle will unlock once you’ve made a certain amount of progress through the story, and is a bonus game mode in which you can attempt to speed-run all currently-completed acts back-to-back and see how fast you can pull it off.

The Long Haul trophy doesn’t require you to finish them in a particular time, or to finish with a certain amount of score. All you need to do is make it all the way to the end and succeed in completing Egg Shuttle. Which can only be done once you’ve completed every act in the game, so be sure to earn Giving Credits Where Credits Due before attempting Long Haul.

In Egg Shuttle mode, any boost gauge you have at the end of a level will carry over to the next stage, all power-ups should be available to use, and Red Star Rings can be collected but will not count towards your total. You also won’t receive a rating for each stage.

It seems pretty difficult at face value, but the only hard thing about the Long Haul trophy is how long it takes. You can pretty much boost your way through a good majority of the acts, but will need to occasionally slow down once you reach the tougher acts towards the end. The last boss can be a bit of a pain too.

Overall the run should take you about an hour and a half to two hours to complete. Look out, though, as the game has a tendency to crash, especially on Planet Wisp levels, and there’s a chance it will happen to you as it did to me on my first attempt at this trophy.

If the game crashes, you will have to start again. There’s nothing that can be done to prevent or guard against this, unfortunately, but the developers claim to be improving the game’s performance so at least ensure your game is up-to-date.

Either way, make it all the way to the end of Egg Shuttle mode and you’ll receive the Long Haul trophy for your efforts!

Phase Two – Collect Red Star Rings & Earn S Ranks

With the Story and Egg Shuttle complete, you should now have a good amount of familiarity with each stage, which will come in handy for this phase of our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide.

In this phase, you’ll be revisiting every Act to collect the 5 Red Star Rings hidden throughout and then earning S Rank in each level too. You’ll also need to complete any Rival Rush challenges that you unlock. Through doing so, we will achieve 100% completion of every stage and earn a trophy for each of the 7 levels.

Rival Rush challenges are unlocked by acquiring Red Star Rings. Once revealed, you’ll see Metal Sonic with two racing flags above one of the levels in the stage. You will need to go to that stage on the map and then press to initiate Rival Rush; a race against Metal Sonic through the stage.

Red Star Ring Trophies

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The Complete Set

Collect All 5 Red Star Rings In Any Level


The “The Complete Set” trophy, for collecting all 5 red star rings in a single stage will unavoidably unlock while working towards No Ring Left Behind and Superstar, which requires you to find all 5 rings in all levels.

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No Ring Left Behind

Collect All 30 Red Star Rings From Any Area


No Ring Left Behind is a trophy destined to unlock on your way to earning Superstar. No Ring Left Behind requires you to unlock all 30 Red Star Rings in just one level, whereas Superstar requires you to earn all 30 rings in every level to reach a total of 180 Red Star Rings collected.

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Collect All 180 Red Star Rings


There are 180 Red Star Rings in total, 5 per act across 36 acts (Boss Acts and Terminal Velocity Acts have 0 Red Star Rings). To unlock the Superstar trophy, you will need to find all of them.

A Red Star Ring

This isn’t nearly as difficult as it sounds. Sure, it’s daunting, but if you tackle them one act at a time you’ll have them all before you know it. Plus, you hopefully earned quite a few during your first playthrough.

It helps to note that the Red Star Ring icons on the level select map and the HUD are in order. So if you are missing the third Red Star Ring, you know that it comes after the second one in the act, helping you pinpoint a location.

Many Red Star Rings can’t be collected on your first playthrough because they require power-ups you can’t yet access but, having completed every level once, you will have access to all power-ups. If you see a power-up that looks slightly out of place, pick it up and see what you can use it on, chances are it’s there to help reveal a secret route or a Red Star Ring.

Once you have all 5 Red Star Rings from all 36 acts that contain them, you will unlock the SuperStar trophy.

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Reach For The Stars

Grab All 5 Red Star Rings In One Run On Any Act


Unlocking the Reach For The Stars trophy requires collecting all five Red Star Rings in a level, just like The Complete Set trophy, except you have to collect all five in a single run.

Due to the fact that many Red Star Rings require power-ups from other levels, it’s highly likely that you won’t be able to earn this trophy until you’ve beaten the game or at least a good majority of it.

The good news is that it’s pretty likely to happen naturally when you’re replaying levels for Red Star Rings to unlock Superstar. If not, there is a perfect Act for this in the Asteroid Coaster level.

Asteroid Coaster Act 4 takes place on a single circular circuit. All of the red rings are in plain sight and can be acquired without the use of power-ups. Be careful not to run over the button on the outer track until you have the first four rings. The button will spawn the final ring and the level-end goal ring, make sure you grab the final red ring first, obviously.

Rank Trophies

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A Student

Get An “A” Rank Or Higher On Any Act

There are several aspects that affect the rating you receive at the end of a stage. You can get a D, C, B, A, or S rank depending on how well you have done. To unlock the A Student trophy, you will need to complete a stage with either an A or S rank.

This is fairly likely to occur naturally, and given that you will eventually need to get an S-rank in every level, you won’t miss this on your path to the platinum trophy.

You can see a breakdown of Ranks here.

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Ooooh Shiny!

Get An “S” Rank On Any Act

The first time you achieve an S-Rank you will unlock the Ooooh Shiny! trophy.

As your aim for this phase is to get an S-rank in every single Act, you’ll earn this trophy naturally in this phase of our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide.

Getting an S-Rank requires a certain amount of score, usually around 1.2 million but sometimes up to 2 million is required. On the results screen, you can see how much score is required for the next rank via the box on the left side.

There are a few ways to increase your score specifically while you play, and you’ll want to milk these opportunities as much as you can:

Score OpportunityExplanation
RingsYou will get 100 points for every ring you collect, even if you then lose those rings, you’ll keep the score you earned for collecting them. Collect as many as you can in a run.
Blue RingsMany stages contain blue rings which can be turned into blocks using the Blue Wisp. These rings actually give a lot of points; 10,000 per ring, so it’s definitely worth taking the time to collect them.
Red Star RingsEven Red Rings you have collected before will net you 30,000 points. It would be hard to collect all of them in every run while trying to complete the level quickly, so you should focus on only grabbing a few in your S-Rank attempts, but if you need more points and are struggling to reach S-Rank, adding another Red Star Ring to your route might be the key.
Enemies Every enemy you defeat will award you at least 1,000 extra points. Defeat as many as possible in a run.
WispsUsing wisps of any kind to destroy enemies, collect rings, destroy cosmic boxes, and any other intended use for a wisp will all grant huge amounts of bonus points. Using Wisps is the real key to acquiring S-Rank and so you should use each one you acquire and milk them for points. For example, just staying in the dirt for longer using Drill Wisp will earn you 4,000 points per second. Often all you need to do is stay in Wisp form for as long as you can.
QuicksteppingAs per the Steppin’ Up trophy, you will earn 1,000 points each time you switch lanes in a linear track section. This can be abused to farm points in certain sections of the game.

When you finish a level, you’ll receive some bonus score at the Results screen for the following things:

Results BonusExplanation
RingsThe more rings you still have at the results screen, the more bonus score they’ll provide.
TimeThe time that you complete the stage in will result in bonus score. The quicker you complete a stage, the more score you’re going to receive.

Some more useful tips:

Dying is usually a surefire way to limit your Rank to A in Sonic Games, but in Sonic Colors you can actually die once or twice and still earn an S-Rank, but it will be tougher due to lost time and rings. I recommend restarting whenever you fall to your death or get hit without any rings to avoid being penalized at the results screen.

Dying during boss fights will restart the entire fight but not your time and so I would always advise that you simply restart any time you die in a boss fight.

If you see “Time’s Up!” in red under your score on the right, you have taken far too long. You will no longer be able to earn score, and you won’t receive a score bonus for your time at the results screen. It’s best to restart if this happens.

There are two types of boss fights, “2D” side-view fights and those where you run on a “3D” track infinitely.

In 2D Boss fights, you should aim to kill the boss as quickly as you can in as few attacks as possible, typically through the use of a wisp. If you die, reset.

In 3D Boss fights, you will want to take your time a bit more. Quick-step as much as you can (the max score you can earn quick-stepping is 100,000 in total) and stick around to destroy as many ship parts as you can. If you die, reset. If you see “Time’s Up!”, reset and try again a little bit faster.

Do not use Super Sonic. If you happen to have taken the time to unlock Super Sonic before attempting S-Ranks (like I did) then you have wasted your time. Super Sonic is not the S-Rank farming miracle you might expect him to be.

Yes, you can complete levels faster with his infinite boost, but the fact that you cant use power-ups means you can’t access most of the available score in the stage.

By just brute-forcing your way to the finish as Super Sonic you’ll only be able to get a C or B rank. There are a couple of exceptions, like Terminal Velocity Act 1, but it is extremely rare for Super Sonic to actually help.

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Tropical Domination

Get 100% In Tropical Resort



The Tropical Domination trophy will unlock once you have collected all 30 Red Star Rings, earned S-Rank in all 7 Stages, and completed the Rival Rush in the Tropical Resort level.

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The Taste Of Perfection

Get 100% In Sweet Mountain



The Taste Of Perfection trophy will unlock once you have collected all 30 Red Star Rings, earned S-Rank in all 7 Stages, and completed the Rival Rush in the Sweet Mountain level.

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Carnival Of Completion

Get 100% In Starlight Carnival



The Carnival Of Completion trophy will unlock once you have collected all 30 Red Star Rings, earned S-Rank in all 7 Stages, and completed the Rival Rush in the Starlight Carnival level.

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Crashing The Party Barge

Get An “S” Rank Against Frigate Orcan


Frigate Orcan is the boss at the end of Starlight Carnival. The key to getting an S Rank against Frigate Orcan is quick-stepping. You should quick-step as much as you can throughout the whole fight while being careful not to take damage. The most quick-step points you can earn is 100,000 (100 quick-steps) so once the points stop coming in for it, you can stop quick-stepping.

You should avoid taking the boss down as quickly as possible. Instead, take your time to destroy the searchlights, turrets, and booster engines on the back of the ship before you attack its main core at the center.

That being said, if you take too long and you see “Time’s Up!” under your score in the top-right corner of your HUD, you should restart.

If you die at any point, restart.

You should also try to finish the fight with around 100 rings, so if you get hit too close to the end, consider restarting.

Successfully earn an S Rank against Frigate Orcan and Crashing The Party Barge will unlock.

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Wisp It, Wisp It Good!

Get 100% In Planet Wisp



The Wisp It, Wisp It Good! trophy will unlock once you have collected all 30 Red Star Rings, earned S-Rank in all 7 Stages, and completed the Rival Rush in the Planet Wisp level.

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Soaked In Excellence

Get 100% In Aquarium Park



The Soaked In Excellence trophy will unlock once you have collected all 30 Red Star Rings, earned S-Rank in all 7 Stages, and completed the Rival Rush in the Aquarium Park level.

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Interstellar Coaster Crusher

Get 100% In Asteroid Coaster



The Interstellar Coaster Crusher trophy will unlock once you have collected all 30 Red Star Rings, earned S-Rank in all 7 Stages, and completed the Rival Rush in the Asteroid Coaster level.

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Smash N’ Grab

Get An “S” Rank Against Frigate Skullian


Smash N’ Grab is easily the hardest trophy in the game, in my opinion. Frigate Skullian is the boss at the end of Starlight Carnival, and to unlock this trophy you will need to earn an S Rank in that boss fight.

There are a few things to know for this boss fight, and you will need to follow these instructions to the letter if you hope to get an S Rank:

Firstly, you should remember to never get hit (you will need about 100 rings at the end) and quick-step as much as you can. You will get 1,000 points for every quick-step until you’ve quick-stepped 100 times. You will need as many of those points as you can get.

At the start of the boss fight start moving closer to the boss. When you get close enough, use your homing attack to destroy one of the ships parts. Do not attack the tail light as there’s no score to be earned there.

After a ship part gets broken, the ship will zoom off into the distance and drop some crates. You must get a Rocket Wisp from one of the crates. If the boss does not drop a Rocket Wisp, restart. If the boss drops a Rocket Wisp but you miss it, restart.

Once you’ve grabbed the rocket wisp, keep hold of it and then start homing attacking another ship part. Remember not to attack the tail light, this is a waste. When you break your next ship part, the boss will enter a portal, which will then start spewing boulders at you.

Move about two-thirds of the width of the screen to the right, there you’ll be safe from the boulders. When they have passed, the ship will be above you. Press to trigger the Rocket Boost Wisp and you’ll fly straight up and into the boss. This will deal a lot of damage to the boss but also net you a lot of points!

The boss fight will loop now. Look out for spikes on the track ahead of you, and make your way to the boss again. Use homing attacks to destroy another part of the ship (again, not the tail light) and the ship will zoom into the distance again.

Once again, you must get a Rocket Wisp here when the boss drops it. If you miss it, restart. Be careful of the spikes, too.

When you have the rocket wisp, homing attack another ship part (not the tail light) and then you’ll be back at the boulder section of the fight again.

This second boulder section is a bit more difficult, but if you just stand in the dead-center of your screen, all the boulders will completely miss you.

The ship will appear overhead again and so press to hit it with the Rocket Wisp one last time to kill it.

Don’t celebrate yet, you’ve got a huge opportunity for rings and quick-dashes here. Quick-dash as much as physically possible while collecting all the rings you can get your hands on. You need about 1,200,000 points by the end of this stage. The boss fight will eventually fade to white and you’ll see your results.

If you don’t quite have an S Rank, replay the stage but try collecting more rings or quick-dashing more until you get it right.

Successfully earn an S Rank against Frigate Skullian and Smash N’ Grab will unlock.

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Running The Gauntlet

Get 100% In Terminal Velocity


The Running The Gauntlet trophy will unlock once you have earned S-Rank in the first 2 Stages of the Terminal Velocity level. This will require getting an S Ran against Nega-Wisp (see Putting A Spin On The Negative).

Note that the first stage is actually a little easier to get an S Rank on with Super Sonic, if you happen to have unlocked it.

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Putting A Spin On The Negative

Get An “S” Rank Against Nega-Wisp Armor


The Nega-Wisp Armor is the boss found in the second stage of the Terminal Velocity level. It’s the final boss of the game, and can prove quite challenging, though not as difficult to S Rank as Frigate Skullian.

In order to get an S Rank in this boss fight, you will need to avoid getting hit completely. If you get hit, restart.

You should also attack the Nega-Wisp Armor with a homing attack at every available opportunity. If you miss a chance to attack, you should restart. Don’t forget to hold after completing a homing attack combo so that you boost into the Armor and hit it again. You should do this after every homing attack combo.

Between opportunities to attack and obstacles to avoid, you should be quick-stepping as much as possible. You should do this for the whole fight, or at least until you stop earning points for it.

If you can defeat the boss as quickly as possible, without getting hit a single time, you should achieve S Rank and unlock the Putting A Spin On The Negative trophy.

Phase Three – Collect Chaos Emeralds

During this phase of our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide, we’re going to unlock the 7 Chaos Emeralds, which will give us access to Super Sonic.

To unlock Chaos Emeralds, you need to complete all 3 acts of a level in Game Land, but you won’t have access to all 21 stages until you have all 180 Red Star Rings, so make sure you’re done with Phase Two of our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide before continuing.

The 21 bonus stages in Game Land are fairly easy and can be brute-forced for the most part. Each time you complete all three acts of a stage, you will receive one of the Chaos Emeralds, and each Chaos Emerald comes with its own trophy, all of which you’ll earn in this phase.

You don’t need a specific score or time, you won’t receive a rating, and there are no collectibles. All you need to worry about is finishing each act however you see fit.

Chaos Emerald Trophies

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Going Green!

Collect The Green Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 1-1, 1-2, and 1-3 in Game Land to acquire the Green Chaos Emerald, and the Going Green! trophy with it.

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A Day In The Sun

Collect The Yellow Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 2-1, 2-2, and 2-3 in Game Land to acquire the Yellow Chaos Emerald, and the A Day In The Sun trophy with it.

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Silver Certificate

Collect The Silver Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3 in Game Land to acquire the Silver Chaos Emerald, and the Silver Certificate trophy with it.

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Big Red Rock

Collect The Red Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3 in Game Land to acquire the Red Chaos Emerald, and the Big Red Rock trophy with it.

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Color Of Royalty

Collect The Purple Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 5-1, 5-2, and 5-3 in Game Land to acquire the Purple Chaos Emerald, and the Color Of Royalty trophy with it.

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Blue Me Away!

Collect The Blue Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 6-1, 6-2, and 6-3 in Game Land to acquire the Blue Chaos Emerald, and the Blue Me Away! trophy with it.

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What’s A Cyan!?

Collect The Cyan Chaos Emerald


Complete Acts 7-1, 7-2, and 7-3 in Game Land to acquire the Cyan Chaos Emerald, and the What’s A Cyan? trophy with it.

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Flying Low

Finish Any Act As Super Sonic


Once you’ve earned all 7 Chaos Emeralds, you’ll gain access to Super Sonic. To activate Super Sonic, visit the “Options Sattelite” on the map and then go down to the “Super Sonic” option.

There, press so that the circle depicting Super Sonic is opaque in the top right corner, and then go an load any level. To activate Super Sonic, you will need to collect 50 rings and then press .

While using Super Sonic, you cannot use Wisp Power-ups (even before activating Super Sonic) and you will lose one ring per second while Super Sonic is active. However, you will have infinite boost and will be invincible.

Unfortunately, there’s not much use for Super Sonic. He’s useless for getting S Ranks with because he cannot use power-ups, which are crucial for increasing your score.

Sadly, the only thing you can really use Super Sonic for is earning the Flying Low trophy, which will unlock as soon as you complete any stage with Super Sonic active.

Phase Five – Misc Cleanup

This is it. The hard part’s over. You’ve overcome the most gruelling trials that Sonic Colors has to offer, and you may even have the platinum trophy by now. If not, don’t worry, this final phase of our Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide is dedicated to cleaning up the miscellaneous trophies you may have missed.

Many of them are so easy that they will have unlocked naturally, but some more specific ones like Harder Than You Think and Breaking Ranks might not be in your collection yet.

Miscellaneous Trophies

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My Body Is A Weapon

Destroy 50 Enemies Using Homing Attacks


The homing attack is Sonic’s main offensive tool (at least in the 3D Sonic games) and so you will be using it a lot, not only to take out enemies who are in your way, but often to use enemies as stepping-stones across gaps.

To unlock My Body Is A Weapon, you will need to defeat an enemy using this homing attack ( -> ) a total of 50 times. Honestly, I’ll be surprised if you make it through Sweet Mountain without unlocking this trophy naturally. The homing attack is such an integral part of the gameplay that you’ll defeat 50 enemies with it in no time at all.

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Destroy 100 Enemies Using Homing Attacks


The Destroyer! trophy is just an extended version of the My Body Is A Weapon trophy.

As with that trophy, this one will occur naturally before you’re done with the story, due to the integral part this mechanic plays in Sonic Colors’ basic platforming gameplay.

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Take That, Me!

Beat A Previous Personal Best On Any Level

Time Limited

Beating your own time and unlocking “Take That, Me!” is pretty easy, and it’s actually quite possible for this to be the very first trophy you earn!

First, you’ll need to set a personal best by playing any level for the first time. At the end of the stage, your score and time will be recorded.

Next, replay any level you’ve beaten before and simply do it faster, or with a better score. As soon as you finish the level, if you did better than before, the Take That, Me! trophy will unlock.

You can make this easier for yourself by intentionally doing a bad job and then playing the level properly on your second attempt.

In my case, this was the first trophy I earned. After I completed the first level for the first time, I immediately pressed to replay it from the results screen and, naturally, beat my own score due to the simple fact that I’d already beat it once and had become accustomed to the gameplay.

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Why Are Records Made? To Be BROKEN!

Set A Personal Best, And Then Break All Of The Numbers On The Results Screen


Time Limited

For the Why Are Records Made? To Be BROKEN! trophy you will first need to beat a level for the first time, or beat a personal best, as with the trophy Take That, Me!

Then, on the results screen, you will need to break all of the numbers in your score.

On the results screen, you can actually still move sonic with and jump with , at least until the bar at the bottom of the screen is depleted, at which time Sonic will pose and become immobile.

When you jump at a number or letter on the screen, it will spin. Repeatedly jump into the same letter or number to make it spin multiple times and it will eventually break, leaving behind just an outline of what was there.

So, once you have set a personal best (either by beating a stage for the first time or being a score you’ve already set), you will then need to very quickly destroy your score on the results screen. Breaking your score can be quite difficult in the time limit, but the best method is to jump and then press to dash from one end of your score to the other, then repeat in the opposite direction. Repeat this until all numbers in your score are broken.

The reason this trophy is marked as Semi-Missable is that you can effectively lock yourself out of being able to unlock the trophy, though it is fairly unlikely. As you need to beat a personal best to have a chance of unlocking this trophy, if you fail to break the numbers in your score after setting a personal best on every level, you’ll find it harder and harder to set personal bests to attempt to break your score on.

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Handing Out Shiners

Defeat Rotatatron With Less Than 3 Hits

Rotatron is the first boss and requires 3 standard homing attacks to defeat. However, it is possible to beat Rotatron in just 2 hits, which is exactly what you will need to do for the Handing Out Shiners trophy.

On some of the red rotating platforms in this battle, you should see some Laser power-up pods. All you need to do is collect one and then use it to launch yourself at the boss’ central eye. To do so, hold and use the dotted line to aim your trajectory so that you blast yourself directly into the boss’ eye.

Hitting the boss with the laser power-up will deal 2 hits-worth of damage, meaning you only need to hit it one more time to take it out in just two hits.

Hit it again either with the laser powerup or a homing attack to finish it off and the Handing Out Shiners trophy will unlock.

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Crunching The Captain

Defeat Captain Jelly With Less Than 3 Hits

The Captain Jelly boss fight is split into two stages; the part where you’re on the ship and must hit the switch at the end, and the part where you’re actually fighting the Captain. These two stages alternate for a total of four stages to the fight.

Normally, it would take you six hits to defeat Captain Jelly, as you must hit him with three homing attacks in both stages where you can fight him. But there’s a better way.

You may have noticed that during the ship section, some of the cannonballs are yellow and will give you rings when attacked.

The fourth set of cannons in the ship section (two cannons, one above the other) shoot a yellow cannonball that contains a drill power-up instead of rings.

This is the key to defeating Captain Jelly in just two hits and unlocking the Crunching the Captain trophy.

In both ship sections, you will need to collect this drill power-up, and then use it to burrow underground in the fight sections. You can then use the red Eggman icon indicator to determine where the boss is and then pop out underneath him to deal three hits-worth of damage!

Successfully do this twice in the Captain Jelly fight, without ever hitting him with a homing attack, and you will defeat him in just two hits. Thus unlocking the Crunching the Captain trophy.

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Eye Of The Hedgehog

Defeat Refreshinator With Less Than 3 Hits

The method for unlocking Eye Of The Hedgehog is very similar to the method for Handing Out Shiners but for the Refreshinator boss. The boss’ weak spot is, once again, its eye. And that weak spot requires, once again, three hits.

Just like Handing Out Shiners, hitting the boss with a power-up will deal 2-hits worth of damage and so the boss can be defeated in just two attacks. The power-up available in this stage is the pink Spike power-up, which allows you to become a spiked ball (can’t Sonic do this already as a hedgehog??).

You must use the Spike power-up to hit the boss’ weak spot. You can then either use a normal homing attack or the power-up again to hit the boss a second time, defeating it and unlocking Eye Of The Hedgehog.

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Fast As A Shark

Defeat Admiral Jelly With Less Than 3 Hits

During the first phase of the boss fight with Admiral Jelly, you’ll need to trick the homing torpedoes into breaking the shield on the submarine’s switch so that you can hit it.

One of these missiles, in the second set of torpedoes, is white with yellow lights on it. Breaking that specific torpedo by tricking it into flying into a bubble or wall will give you a Drill power-up.

Once you hit the switch and enter the actual fight with Admiral Jelly, you’re supposed to hit him three times, then hit the switch again, then hit him three more times. But if you have the Drill power-up, one hit counts as three. So you just need to hit him with the drill, hit the switch again, then hit him with the drill power-up a second time, thus allowing you to defeat the 6-hit boss in just two hits!

Note that you will have to acquire the drill power-up in both of the switch segments of the fight.

When you activate the Drill power-up, Admiral Jelly will run away, so you need to chase him down with the drill power-up by holding and following the red boss indicator when he goes off-screen. Try to anticipate where he’ll go next and catch him off guard as he is quite fast.

Defeat Admiral Jelly by hitting him just two times via use of the Drill power-up and the Fast As A Shark trophy is all yours!

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Harder Than You Think

Complete Any Act Without Picking Up Any Rings

The Harder Than You Think trophy is, ironically, not as hard as you think. You just need the right stage to earn it in.

A popular stage to earn this trophy on is Tropical Resort Act 5, where it’s possible to use the Laser power-up to avoid all coins and still make it through the stage with minimal effort. I recorded myself completing this stage without collecting any rings for you to use as reference and see how this is done:

Whether you use the method in the video above, complete this trophy naturally, or find your own method for doing it, once you complete any stage without collecting a single ring the Harder Than You Think trophy will unlock just before the results screen.

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Collect 300 Rings In One Run


Collecting 300 rings in a single run may sound tricky but given how much level variety there is, it’s not at all surprising that you might earn this trophy naturally. I myself earned this trophy naturally during Act 3 of Starlight Carnival.

Starlight Carnival Act 3 is a particularly perfect stage for this because there is a lot of rings and 10-ring pick-ups available in the stage and not a lot of enemies to lose them on. There’s a pretty high risk of you falling to your death in this stage, but you don’t lose rings for dying this way if you have a Tails token.

When you respawn at a previous checkpoint in the level via Tails, you’ll be able to collect the rings ahead of you all over again and won’t lose any of the rings you had prior to Tails saving you.

So, if you reach the end of this stage with, for example, 260 rings, you can just purposefully fall to your death. When you respawn at an earlier checkpoint, you’ll be able to collect the rings in the final part of the stage again and quickly reach 300 rings, unlocking the Precious trophy.

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Breaking Ranks

Break Every Rank From D To S On The Results Screen


When the result screen comes up at the end of a stage, you can actually control Sonic around this screen for a short moment. When the green bar at the bottom reaches the left side of the screen, he will pose and you’ll be prevented from moving, but until then you can still move with and jump with .

If you jump at the numbers or letter-rating on the results screen, you’ll notice that they begin spinning. If you repeatedly jump at these results-screen elements, they will eventually break, leaving behind just the outline of the letter or number that was there.

For the Breaking Ranks trophy, you will need to jump at and break every possible letter rating. So, you will need to individually complete levels with a D, C, B, A, and S rating, and break those letters on the results screen each time.

Once you’ve successfully broken one of each possible letter, the Breaking Ranks trophy will unlock.

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Stay On Target

Destroy 100 Enemies Using Sweet Spot Homing Attacks


Stay on Target is a trophy very similar to Destroyer!

Like Destroyer!, you need to defeat 100 enemies using Sonic’s Homing Attack ( -> ). The difference here is that you need to time your attacks a little more carefully.

When the homing attack reticule appears, there is a white circle that slowly closes in on the targetted enemy. When the white circle reaches a specific “Sweet Spot” a green circle around the reticule will appear, it is in this moment that you must press .

Honestly, the timing on this is so forgiving that I earned the Stay On Target trophy only a short while after earning Destroyer! as most of my Homing Attacks were Sweet Spot Homing Attacks. At that point, I didn’t even know what the green circle meant.

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Steppin’ Up

Score 100,000 Points In One Run Using Quick Step


During some long sections of the game where you’re running on a track, your movement becomes more limited, and you can zip into different lanes by hitting and . This is called Quickstepping and can only be done during those track sections.

The Steppin’ Up trophy requires you to earn 100,000 points in a single run purely by quickstepping, which is fairly easy, you just need a track long enough.

Act 4 of Asteroid Coaster is the best stage for this, as the whole act is one long circular track that loops repeatedly until you run over the button on the outside lane, so you can have as long as you need for this trophy.

Simply quick-step by changing lanes with a total of 100 times and the Steppin’ Up trophy will unlock.

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Big Fantastic Achievement

Unlock All Trophies

Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Sonic Colors Ultimate Trophy Guide, the “Big Fantastic Achievement” platinum trophy will unlock.

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