PlayStation 4
Mafia II Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Mafia II and unlock all trophies?
25 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat Mafia II and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Mafia II have online trophies?
Does Mafia II have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Mafia II have missable trophies?
Does Mafia II have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Mafia II?
Does Mafia II have a Platinum Trophy?
Other Useful Guides:
Mafia II Collectibles Guide
Trophy Guide
Mafia II Trophy Guide and Road Map
Welcome to our Mafia II Trophy Guide. In this guide, you will find strategies and tips for unlocking every trophy on your way to the platinum. We have broken the journey up into easily digestible phases with expert information packed into each one. With this, anyone should be able to conquer this game and its challenges.
Mafia II Trophy Guide: Before You Begin
There are more bugs present in the Definitive Edition than there ever was in the original PS3 version. A portion of these bugs are “game-breaking” in that they will hinder your ability to complete a chapter due to various reasons; once such bug occurred where I was unable to enter Leo Galante’s mission due to an invisible wall preventing me from opening his mansion gates. These bugs seem to occur when you leave the game suspending in rest mode. Luckily, you can just close the app and reboot it to fix 99% of the bugs.
Phase One – Complete the Story on Hard & Find All Collectibles
During this phase of our Mafia II Trophy Guide, you should aim to complete the game on hard difficulty while finding all 19 collectibles. There are two semi-missable trophies—Mirror Breaker & Trapped—that you should be on the lookout for.
While playing Mafia 2, it is advised that you try to find and drive as many different car types as possible. This will help towards unlocking Petrol Head, though you can save this for later if you’d rather just stick with completing the story and finding the Playboy magazines.
There are several chapter-specific trophies to look out for during your initial playthrough. These are:
- Chapter 2 – A Real Gentleman
- Chapter 3 – The Professional & Mail Man
- Chapter 11 – Wake Up Call
Phase One Trophies

Viva la Resistenza!
Complete Chapter 1
Viva La Resistenza! will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Big Brother
Protect Francesca
During Chapter 2, Vito will return home to his mama and sister, Francesca. After spending the night, Vito discovers his sister being accosted by a loan shark in the street.
To unlock the Big Brother trophy, defeat the loan shark in a fistfight.

A Real Gentleman
Help the woman fix her car in Home Sweet Home
Shortly after beating up the loan shark to save Francesca, you will be told to head to Joe’s apartment and be given a brief tutorial on how to access the map . Head towards Joe’s apartment—the red dot—and keep an eye out on your right for a couple stood at the front of a broken-down car. As you approach them, you will discover they are arguing.
To unlock the A Real Gentleman trophy, you must stand and listen to the couple argue until the man storms off. Approach the hood of the car and press to fix it.

Collector’s Item
Find at least one collectible in the game
There are 2 types of collectibles in Mafia II; Wanted posters and Playboy magazines.
The earliest point at which you can unlock the Collector’s Item trophy is during Chapter 2 in Joe’s apartment. Just before leaving to meet Guiseppe, pick up the Playboy magazine from the coffee table near Joe.

Back in Business
Do your first job for Mike Bruski
Joe will take Vito to meet a guy named Mike Bruski. Mike will buy specific vehicles from Vito and tasks him with stealing a Walter Coupe. Luckily, Joe knows exactly where to find one.
To unlock the Back in Business trophy, drive to the location where the Walter Coupe is parked. Hop the fence and fight the nearby enemy. Three more guys will appear with guns and Vito will have to kill them to continue. Hijack the car and race back to Mike’s place to complete the task.

Home Sweet Home
Complete Chapter 2
Home Sweet Home will unlock at the end of the chapter.

He Who Pays the Barber
Improve the dockworker’s haircuts
As Vito tries to make an honest day’s wages down at the dock, he quickly becomes bored and is tasked with something a little riskier to make some quick cash.
To unlock the He Who Pays the Barber trophy, talk to the dockworkers, and take their money. You’ll have enough once you confront and defeat Bill.

The Professional
Obtain the ration stamps without raising the alarm
In Chapter 3, Joe will introduce Vito to Henry Tomasino. Henry sends Vito out to rob the Office of Price Administration which holds ration stamps for gasoline.
To unlock The Professional, you will need to steal the stamps completely undetected. There are 3 guards that patrol the OPA, which you can easily sneak up behind and press to “stealth kill”. However, the alarm will sound once you exit the building regardless of whether you were seen. To prevent this, you need to go to the basement and turn off the alarm. Once you’ve neutralised the guards and disabled the alarm, you are free to steal the stamps without being caught.

Mail Man
Sell all the gas stamps before the time runs out
Now that Vito has—hopefully—stolen the gasoline stamps undetected, Henry reveals that the date on them runs out at midnight. Vito has to quickly sell all of them to the nearby gas stations before the timer runs out.
To unlock the Mail Man trophy, you will have to visit 6 gas stations before the timer in the top right corner of the screen runs out. Follow the route in the map below for an easier time. Note: This trophy can be made harder if you are using the “simulation” drive settings.

The Price of Oil
Complete Chapter 3
The Price of Oil will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Night Shift
Complete Chapter 4
Night Shift will unlock at the end of the chapter.

A Lesson in Manners
Show that you know how to treat a lady
During Chapter 5, Vito will leave Joe’s apartment and witness a minor car crash. A lady will get out of her vehicle and very quickly the angry man who rear-ended her will accost her.
To unlock A Lesson in Manners, Vito will get himself involved and pick a fight with the guy. Defeat him with Vito’s superior boxing skills and the trophy is yours.

The Enforcer
Kill 50 enemies
Over the course of Mafia II’s story, Vito will kill many people. This trophy will be entirely unmissable unless you’re attempting some sort of no-kill run. The Enforcer should unlock near the end of Chapter 4 or the beginning of Chapter 5.

Good Spirits
Complete Chapter 5
Good Spirits will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Time Well Spent
Complete Chapter 6
Time Well Spent will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Last Respects
Complete Chapter 7
Last Respects will unlock at the end of the chapter.

The Wild Ones
Complete Chapter 8
The Wild Ones will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Man of Honor
Complete Chapter 9
Man of Honor will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Hey Joe
Clean up after Joe
After the shootout in the hotel, Joe and Vito will split up after a tense moment between them. Shortly after this moment, Vito will receive a call from a bar owner who desperately wants him to come to collect a very drunken Joe.
To unlock Hey Joe, drive to the bar and get Joe back home while dealing with the mess he made inside.

Checking Out
Complete Chapter 10
Checking Out will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Wake Up Call
Help Leo out of a tricky situation without getting caught
After racing to the Galante Mansion, Vito finds Leo inside and informs him that a hitman is on the way to kill him. Vito manages to talk Leo into fleeing.
To unlock Wake Up Call, help Leo escape without the hitman catching him.
Once you have control of Vito, walk forward and onto the balcony in the next room. Vito and Leo will decide this is the best way to leave, but they’re going to need some sheets to create a makeshift rope. Head back inside and while looking at the room you came from, head right to the end and then go left. You will enter a walk-in closet. In this closet is a laundry hamper, interact with it and a cutscene will play out as Vito and Leo escape.

End of the Rainbow
Settle the score with the Irish once and for all
Vito will be attacked in his villa by the Irish. End of the Rainbow will unlock once Joe and Vito deal with them once and for all.

Our Good Friend
Complete Chapter 11
Our Good Friend will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Chasing the Dragon
Complete Chapter 12
Chasing the Dragon will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Chop Chop
Complete Chapter 13
Chop Chop will unlock at the end of the chapter.

The Mafia Never Forgets
Pay a visit to an old friend
At the start of Chapter 14, Joe and Vito pay a visit to “an old friend”. People who played the first Mafia will know who this friend is. The trophy will unlock automatically after the cutscene.

Out for Justice
Learn what it means to be a Scaletta
In Chapter 14, Vito will head to the docks and discover the truth of his father’s death. What follows is an intense shootout. Out for Justice will unlock when you shoot your way out of the docks.

Men at Work
Complete Chapter 14
Men at Work will unlock at the end of the chapter.

Ladies’ Man
Find all of the playboy magazines
There are 50 Playboy magazines hiding across the 15 chapters in Mafia II. With our Collectible Guide, you will have no trouble finding them all. Playboy Magazines can be tracked in the pause menu and main menu.
To unlock Ladies’ Man, you will have to collect all 50 magazines. These magazines only appear inside chapters and can not be found in the open world.

Finish Him
Finish what you started
Finish Him will unlock once you complete the story of Mafia II.

Made Man
Finish the story on Medium difficulty level or higher
See Tough Nut

Tough Nut
Finish the story on Hard difficulty level
Mafia II on Hard isn’t all that challenging. Vito receives more damage from getting shot or punched, however, the cover mechanic is more than sufficient to avoid most damage. There are a few sections that can be a bit tricky, though after a few retries those sections become trivial.
Mad Man and Tough Nut will pop simultaneously if you complete your first playthrough on Hard.
Phase Two – Miscellaneous Tasks
Phase Two Trophies

Tuned Ride
Upgrade one of your cars one level
This can be done at any time, though the best time to do it would be at the start of Chapter 10 as Vito has around $10,000 which you can use to upgrade any of your cars to the max which will also unlock Dream Handling.

Dream Handling
Upgrade one of your cars to the maximum level
There are three levels of tuning you can buy for most vehicles. The best vehicle to upgrade to the max is the Roller GL300 as this is already a fast car and with three levels of tuning the acceleration is improved enough that you can reach 125mph fairly easy which will help with Get Rich or Die Flyin’ & Pedal to the Metal.

Get Rich or Die Flyin’
Get all wheels of your car into the air for at least 20 meters and then touch the ground again
There are plenty of spots to unlock this trophy in Mafia II’s map; you will most likely achieve it naturally. However, if you head to Hunter’s Point, there’s a jump/ramp that you can use to get more than 20 meters of distance in a single jump.

Pedal to the Metal
Travel at 125 mph
This is easily obtainable if you upgrade the Roller GL300 to the max and drive as fast as you can on the highway or over a bridge.

Proper Scrapper
Sell 5 vehicles to Mike Bruski at the scrapyard
Selling cars to Mike Bruski really means driving cars into his big car crusher and using the controls up the metal stairs to crush them. You get a few hundred dollars per vehicle.

Sell 5 vehicles to Derek at the dock
Derek will only buy certain high-end vehicles from Vito. Luckily, a fair amount of them spawn around the park in East Side with some of them spawning in a nearby parking lot with increased frequency.
The vehicles Derek will buy are:
- Ascot Bailey
- Berkely Kingfisher
- Jefferson Provincial
- ISW 508
- Lassiter Series 69
- Lassiter Series 75 Hollywood
- Shubert Frigate
- Smith Thunderbolt

Cruise Control
Keep any vehicle at 30mph or over for 5 or more minutes
The easiest way to unlock Cruise Control is to take a car onto the highway and hold down while your cruise control is active (press
). Never let go of the accelerator and weave in and out of traffic. Tight turns will likely cause your speed to drop below 30mph while on non-highway roads so be aware of that if you have to come off of the highway at any point.

Kill 5 enemies in rapid succession with a headshot
This is actually a bit thicker in the Definitive Edition as the aiming feels a little off compared to the original. However, the best place to attempt this trophy is during Chapter 10 when Vito and Joe start a shootout in the hotel with Falcone’s men. There is a large number of enemies in small corridors in this chapter which makes aiming for headshots a little easier.

Kill a total of 30 enemies using melee attacks
Though you learn how to fistfight a few times throughout the story, Vito very quickly gains access to guns, and boxing enemies becomes a fruitless venture when you can just blast enemies away with a shotgun or machine gun.
To unlock Knucklehead, load up Chapter 10 or any other chapter that offers a bit of freedom and just start punching out innocent civilians. Chances are you’ll only be 10 or so away from the trophy by the end of the story.
You can buy luxury suits from Vangel’s clothing store in Midtown. You don’t have to buy a luxury suit for the story at any point so this trophy is easily missed.

Hard to Kill
The police want you dead Survive for 10 minutes
To unlock Hard to Kill, load up Chapter 4 and play until you and Joe split up after the foiled jewelry heist. Immediately gain the attention of the nearby police and kill all but one of them. No more reinforcements will show up letting you keep the last standing police officer focused on you. He will keep shooting whatever wall you take cover on rather than trying to arrest you. You can use this to gain 10+ minutes of wanted time.
Ensure that you keep a close eye on your minimap in the bottom right. If the blue bar starts to reduce, pop out from cover to regain the police officer’s attention.

Petrol Head
Drive at least 30 different vehicles
There are well over 30 vehicles in Mafia II ranging from trucks to taxis. As you play the story, try to always jump into a vehicle that you haven’t yet driven. You don’t have to drive very far, just get into the vehicle and jump back out.
A good strategy is to wait until you complete the story and then reload Chapter 10. You should see quite a large collection of different vehicles in there; take each one out and put it back. This should give you a good head start on driving 30 vehicles or pop the trophy if you tried to drive as many as you could during the story.

Stuck Up
Rob 5 stores in under 5 minutes
This sounds harder than it actually is. However, there a quite a few stores in and around East Side that you can quickly drive between making this trophy much easier.
To unlock Stuck Up, grab a fast car and/or upgrade the tuning. Drive to a store, kill the store clerk before heading behind the counter. Look for the cash register and press on it to steal money from it. Quickly head outside, ignoring the police response, and drive to the nearest store. Repeat until you rob the 5th store. Gas Stations also count as they have cash registers inside. Be aware of Gun Shops, however, as the clerks will shoot back if you spook them.
Phase Three – Collect all 189 Wanted Posters
For Phase Three of our Mafia II Trophy Guide, your last goal is to collect all 189 Wanted Posters. This will take up quite a lot of your time, so load up Netflix or Spotify and get ready for the monotonous grind ahead of you.
In the original Mafia II, there were only 159 posters, however, in the Definitive Edition, a further 30 were added. Load up Chapter 10 as you did in Phase Two and work your way through each region collecting every poster as you go. Check out our Collectible Guide if you need help finding them all.
It’s advised that you check the miles driven on each of your cars in your garage and exclusively use the one with the most mileage while you drive around looking for posters so you can unlock One Careful Owner.
Phase Three Trophies

Card Sharp
Find all of the wanted posters
There are 189 Wanted Posters hiding across the open world in Mafia II. With our Collectible Guide, you will have no trouble finding them all. Wanted Posters can be tracked in the pause menu and main menu.
To unlock Card Sharp, you will have to collect all 189 posters. Unlike the Playboy magazines, these Wanted Posters can only be found in the open world. The best way to track them down is to load up Chapter 10 and drive from region to region collecting them.

One Careful Owner
Travel a total of 50 miles in one vehicle
You can check the mileage of each car in Vito’s garage. It takes a few laps around the highway to reach 50 miles, though you may already have earned this trophy by the end of phase one or two.
To unlock One Careful Owner, either use one vehicle while you make trips around the map collecting posters, or turn cruise control on and drive around the highway a few times.
After the final cutscene, the last trophy will pop.

Platinum Trophy
Unlocked when all trophies collected

Once you have acquired every other trophy in our Mafia II Trophy Guide, the platinum will unlock.
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