PlayStation 4

Life is Strange Collectible Guide

Collectible Guide

Life is Strange - All Optional Photos

There are 10 Optional Photos for Max to find and take in each episode of Life is Strange for a total of 50. Optional Photos sometimes require precise actions in order to trigger their conditions, however, the majority are static and only require you to find them. Life is Strange features a “Collectible Mode” which unlocks upon completion of each episode. This mode allows you to select individual scenes within an episode so you can track which Optional Photos you have and/or are missing, and then quickly jump to that scene so you can find it; this cuts out a lot of replay time. Each Optional Photo below will have their respective scene—number and name—listed for convenience.

This collectible guide is accurate for both Life is Strange and Life is Strange: Remastered editions.

Episode 1: Chrysalis

#1 - Macro Eyes

Scene 2: High School

As soon as Max stands up at the end of class, check the table in front of the one she was sitting at for an etching in the surface you can take a photo of.

#2 - Wide Angles

Scene 3: Main Campus

Outside, in the courtyard, you can spot a fountain with a statue of a Blackwell Academy founder. Walk around to the front of the statue and look up at it to see the photo prompt.

#3 - Telephotogenic

Scene 3: Main Campus

In front of the Blackwell statue in the courtyard is the main steps to the academy. Sitting on a wall at the top of the steps is Justin. Talk to him and when he asks if you’ve come to “trash” choose the dialogue option “Thrash?” and he will call Max a poser and mention two skateboard tricks. Press to rewind time and speak to him again, but this time make sure to choose the new dialogue choice “I came to Noseslide”. Justin will then ask Max what trick she would like to see; choose “Tre flip”. Finally, once the skater fails his tre flip and begins to roll around on the ground, approach him and you can take a photo of him when you’re close enough to see the prompt.

#4 - Close-Ups

Scene 4: Dormitories

Outside the Dormitories you can find some students enjoying some leisure time. There will be two people throwing a football back and forth between them and to the right of them will be Kate sitting on a bench. Approach her and look at the tree to her right. You should be able to see a squirrel at the base of the tree that you can photograph when you get close.

#5 - Red Eye

Scene 5: Girls’ Dormitories

Inside Max’s room—you have to go here to get a flash drive—you can find a mirror to the left of the door. Approach it and press to take a photo.

#6 - Focused

Scene 5: Girls’ Dormitories

Max will discover that the flash drive was taken by Dana. However, Dana is currently locked in her dorm room and the key to freeing her lies within Victoria’s room. Head there and, once inside, turn around and press to “mess up” the photos to the left of the door. Once they have been messed up you can take a photo of them.

#7 - Zoomed In

Scene 6: Dormitories – With the Flash Drive

After you collect the flash drive and return to the dormitory courtyard you will see Alyssa sitting on a bench before shortly getting hit in the head with a rogue football. Rewind time and quickly warn her. The football will now zoom past her and smash a window that you can then approach and take a photo of.

#8 - Focal Pointed

Scene 7: Parking Lot

Once you enter the parking lot you should see an RV in the far right corner. Approach it and choose to draw on the dirty window and then take a photo of your work once you have finished.

#9 - Maximum Aperture

Scene 12: Cliff

Chloe and Max will leave Chloe’s house and head to the lighthouse. Once the scene has transitioned, Max will be stood at the start of a trail which leads up to the aforementioned lighthouse. Rather than following this trail, turn around and head back (from where Chloe and Max would have walked to get to where the scene starts). There is a large rock and some bushes in the middle of the this trail with a bird sitting on top. Approach the bird and you will be able to take a photograph of it.

#10 - Light Leak

Scene 12: Cliff

Walk up to the lighthouse and you will see Chloe sitting on a bench looking out at the water. Walk up behind her and when you get close you can take a photo of her.

Episode 2: Out of Time

#1 - Field of View

Scene 1: Girls’ Dormitories

When you enter Kate’s room to give the book back to her, check the rabbit cage on the left side of the room to find a photo opportunity.

#2 - Full Exposure

Scene 2: Dormitories – Morning

As you leave the Dormitories, look to your right to see an overflowing trash can next to some benches. Approach the trash can and press to look at it and then press to use some trash to attract a squirrel. Walk away from the bench so that the squirrel can safely eat the food. Once it does, walk back over to it and take a photo.

#3 - Processor

Scene 5: Diner

When you leave Blackwell Academy and take the bus to the Two Whales diner, look up above the diner itself to spot a neon whale sign. Approach it and when you get near the entrance to the diner you will be able to take a photo of the sign.

#4 - Image Stabilizer

Scene 5: Diner

Head down the passage on the right side of the diner and follow it to the end past the homeless lady. At the chain fence you can spot a man and a dog that you can take a photo of.

#5 - Compressed

Scene 5: Diner

Inside the diner, head into the toilets on the left of the bar and look at the graffiti on the mirror above the sink to take a photo of it.

#6 - Pixelated

Scene 6: Junkyard

When Chloe takes Max to the junkyard she will ask her to go find 5 empty beer bottles. As soon as you gain control, turn around and head to the yellow bus. Try to get as close to the front of the bus as you can and you should be able to take a photo. You might need to press to “look” at it before the photo prompt appears.

#7 - Dynamic Range

Scene 6: Junkyard

In the junkyard, head past the washing machine—located to the right of the school bus—and then head left immediately after it to enter a small clearing. As Max enters she will spot a doe spectre and it will run up a small hill. Follow it and when you get close you can take a photo of it.

#8 - Colorized

Scene 6: Junkyard

After Chloe has her fun at the makeshift shooting range she will lay back on the hood of a car and point the gun up in the air. Walk to the left side of the hood and you can take a photo of her.

#9 - Meter Made

Scene 9: High School

Head to the Science Classroom when you get to Blackwell Academy and talk to Warren. When he asks, tell him to add sodium and then rewind time when he does. Go talk to the teacher at the front of the classroom and ask her about the experiment. Return to Warren and tell him to add the chemical the teacher recommended (might need to rewind time). When his experiment succeeds you will be able to take a photo of his triumphant moment.

#10 - Resolution Revolution

Scene 9: High School

Head to Mr. Jefferson’s class and once you’re inside you will see Alyssa stood by the window. Approach her and you will be able to take a photo of her.

Episode 3: Chaos Theory

#1 - Parallax View

Scene 1: Girls’ Dormitories

At the start of the chapter, Max will investigate Victoria’s room at night. When you enter, go to the shelves to the left of her desk and look at the statuette on the top shelf. After a few seconds you will be able to take a photo of it.

#2 - Lenscrafted

Scene 2: Dormitories

When you leave the Dormitory building, look to your right to see a squirrel playing with some fireflies on a bench. Approach it and it will run away but you can rewind time and get the photo you need.

#3 - The Reflex

Scene 4: High School – Evening

While investigating the school at night with Chloe, Max will text Warren for some ingredients to make a device to get into the locked office. While exploring for the ingredients, head into the Science Classroom. On the wall where the windows are you can find an aquarium. Look at it, turn it on, and then take a photo. Remember to turn it off again so the fish can go back to sleep!

#4 - Histogrammar

Scene 4: High School – Evening

Inside the Science Classroom (same night you can Chloe are trying to break in) you can find a skeleton in the corner with a cigarette in its mouth. Approach it and take a photo.

#5 - Bokeh

Scene 4: High School – Evening

Once Max and Chloe are inside the Principal’s office, Chloe will sit down at the desk. Approach her once you have control of Max again and talk to her. After, walk to the front of the desk and look at Chloe to see the photo prompt.

#6 - Pinholed

Scene 7: Chloe’s House – Upstairs

At Chloe’s house, in the morning, get dressed and head into the bathroom before going downstairs to take a photo at the mirror.

#7 - RAW Strength

Scene 8: Chloe’s House – Downstairs

Go downstairs and talk to Joyce in the kitchen. Afterwards, go into the living room and look at the trophy cabinet to see a bird sitting there; Joyce will ask Max’s help to get rid of it. Open the window behind the dining table and go scare the bird to make it move to the fireplace. Scare it one last time and it will fly out of the window; you can then close the window. Go outside into the backyard and approach the bird that is now sitting on the fence above the cardboard drawing and you should be able to take a photo.

#8 - Viewfinder

Scene 9: Diner

When you reach the Two Whales diner, head to the front of it to spot a trucker standing there. Talk to him and he will reveal the name of his truck. Immediately turn around and try to take a picture of it (it’s the red one directly across the road from him). He will then stop you. Rewind time and speak to him again, but this time you can choose the name of his truck as a dialogue option. When he asks why you know, choose “Rachel Amber” and he will let you take a picture of his truck once he’s finished talking.

#9 - Optican

Scene 9: Diner

In the alley on the right side of the Two Whales Diner, you can find a dead bird on the ground next to some trash cans. Approach it and you will be able to take a photo of it.

#10 - Flash!

Scene 13: Chloe’s House – Focus

During the scene where a young Max and Chloe are making eggs with Chloe’s dad, approach the camera on the side next to Chloe and take a photo with it.

Episode 4: Dark Room

#1 - Ambient

Scene 7: Chloe’s House – Upstairs

When you make it back to the current timeline, you will see Chloe sitting at her desk. Approach her and you can take of photo of her.

#2 - Time-Lapsed

Scene 8: Chloe’s House – Downstairs

Downstairs in Chloe’s garage, head to the part where David’s car used to be and you’ll see a wooden plank leaning against some boxes. Behind it is a nest you can look at. Once you do, you can move the plank and take a photo of the nest. Be kind and place the plank back when you’re done.

#3 - Balance

Scene 10: Dormitories

Once you get back to the Dormitories, head down the path past the two boys playing football and take a photo of the rock cairn on the grass to your left.

#4 - Rangefinder

Scene 10: Dormitories

On one of the benches near the front of the courtyard outside the Dormitories is Samuel and Ms. Grant. Talk to Samuel and choose the “Animals” option and then ask about the squirrels. Samuel will then feed a squirrel. After the conversation ends, use the box next to Samuel to feed another squirrel. When once appears, it will eat the food and then go stand next to the other squirrel Samuel fed. When the two squirrels are stood together, Max can take a photo of them.

#5 - Gamma Value

Scene 11: Bows’ Dormitories

Inside the Boys’ Dormitories, head to the end of the hall and turn right. Look out of the window and you will see some footprints in the distance that you can take a photo of.

#6 - Dioptric Power

Scene 13: Beach

When Max and Chloe head to the beach to meet up with Frank, go to the right side of the RV and look out at the dead whales on the shore. You can take a picture of one of them in the middle.

#7 - Fisheye

Scene 15: Old Barn

When Max and Chloe go to the barn, head to the left near the fence to find a bird sitting on it. Take a photo once you get close. Use your rewind power if it flies away.

#8 - Manually Exposed

Scene 15: Old Barn

On the very top platform of the barn, walk to the end (opposite side of where you climbed up) and look for an owl hiding behind a box. Take a photo once you get close.

#9 - Slideshow

Scene 18: Swimming Pool – Party

At the Vortex Club party, head into the restroom to the left of the VIP section and immediately to your left will be a skeleton drawing on a half-wall where Justin is standing. Approach it to take a photo.

#10 - Tripod

Scene 18: Swimming Pool – Party

In the main room with the pool, walk to the diving board at the foot of the pool. Walk past it a little and look up at the windows near the ceiling. You can see the double moons and when you’re in the right spot, you can take a photo of them.

Episode 5: Polarized

#1 - Incandescent

Scene 5: Art Class – Focus

Once Max is back in the classroom at the start of the week, approach Kate and comfort her. After, approach her again and you can take a photo of her.

#2 - Night Vision

Scene 7: Art Gallery

When Max is at the gallery in San Francisco, go down the stairs to the right of the “Zeitgeist Gallery” sign, where the guest book is, and you will see a woman with red hair sitting on a bench. Approach her and use the camera behind her to take a photo.

#3 - Framed

Scene 9: Dark Room – Confrontation

When Max is back in the Dark Room, she will watch as David comes in and is attacked before having to rewind to the beginning of the scene. Once you do, you can choose one of four dialogue options. Choose “One last picture?” to get this optional photograph.

#4 - Camera Obscura

Scene 11: Diner

When Max is at the Two Whales diner there will be a large explosion due to a trail of flammable liquid. You can use some sand right outside the diner to block the path of the flammable liquid. Once you have prevented the explosion, immediately turn around and take a photo of the whale blocking the road.

#5 - Blowup

Scene 11: Diner

Immediately after stopping the explosion at the Two Whales diner, go to the end of the alley to the right of the diner and look up at the roof next to you (looking in the direction of the road). You can see a car on the roof that you can take a photo of.

#6 - Iris

Scene 14: Nightmare

Max will find herself back in the classroom at the start of the week, only this time birds will start flying into the windows. Everyone will suddenly disappear and Max can walk around the room. Inspect the Rachel Amber 4 Ever etching on the table in front of her and it will change to Max Caulfiled 4 Ever. Inspect it one last time to make it change to Chloe Price 4 Ever and then press to take a photo.

#7 - Sensor

Scene 14: Nightmare

When Max enters the Dormitories and speaks to Kate, she will find herself in a loop. You have to pick up a key from a table by the shower room and enter Room 218. When she does, her clothes will change. Enter Room 224 and Max will turn into Victoria. Enter Victoria’s room and Max will return to normal. Immediately head to the shower room and you will notice the window is open and some extremely large squirrels will be outside. Approach the window and take a photo of the giant squirrels.

#8 - On Display

Scene 14: Nightmare

When Max enters the hallway in the school, time will be in reverse. Walk down the hallway and you will see a doe spectre enter the bathroom. Turn right and you should see a skeleton statue next to the doors. Approach it and press when prompted to take a photo.

#9 - Light Meter

Scene 14: Nightmare

While sneaking in the dark section, Max will reach an area with a bunch of lockers. You have to sneak past Warren and then you will reach a right turn in the lockers with a “Drama Club” poster on a locker. Turn right here and follow the lockers to the right until you reach a dead end. Warren’s locker should be here and after you open it you can press to take a photo.

#10 - Silhouettes

Scene 14: Nightmare

In the Junkyard area of the sneaking section, you can find 5 bottles. Go around and collect them all then as soon as you exit the Junkyard area you will see a wooden shelf with 6 bottles on it. Approach it and you can take a photo of it.

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