PlayStation 4

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Collectible Guide

Collectible Guide

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Collectibles

This Collectible Guide works for both Life is Strange: Before the Storm and Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered editions.

In Life is Strange: Before the Storm, there are a series of graffiti spots that Chloe can find and tag. When you find them, the game will offer you a choice between two topics to graffiti. It doesn’t matter which option you choose, as long as you find and graffiti the spot.

Each episode of Life is Strange: Before the storm has 10 graffiti spots each for a total of 30 across the whole story.

Episode 1: Awake

#1 - Lame Ride

Scene 1: Old Mill – Exterior

Right at the start of the chapter, Chloe will have to jump over a fence to get into the Firewalk gig. After she climbs the fence a short establishing scene will play where you can see a bonfire, some motorcycles, and an RV. As soon as you regain control, walk around the back of the RV to find a graffiti spot.

#2 - Something Sharp

Scene 2: Old Mill – Interior

Inside the old mill you will see a bar. On the wall to the left of the bar, just before you reach the room where the band is playing, is a rusty saw blade you can graffiti.

#3 - Lost Unicorn

Scene 3: Price House – Upstairs

When Chloe is in her bedroom, you can approach and tear down (by pressing ) a unicorn poster and replace it with some more of Chloe’s graffiti.

#4 - David's Shit

Scene 4: Price House – Upstairs

After exiting the house and talking to David, Chloe will have to go into the garage to collect a tool. Open the toolbox and collect said tool and immediately after check the inside lid of the toolbox, before you give the tool to David, to find another graffiti spot.

#5 - Prison Wall

Scene 6: School Campus

At the school campus, you will be shown a stage set up for a future play that will take place. As soon as you can control Chloe, head to the left and check the wall on the building behind the stage to find a graffiti spot.

#6 - Drama Nerds

Scene 7: School Drama Lab

Inside the school building, Rachel will ask Chloe to grab her belt from her bag. Once you have it, enter the dressing room where Rachel went, and once inside you can find a “Tempest” poster on a door where you can find a graffiti spot.

#7 - Moving Canvas

Scene 8: Train

Inside the train cart with Rachel, Chloe will have to move a crate. After she does, go into the area that the crate was blocking to find some “preachy” graffiti on the wall. Approach it and press to “look” at it and then press to be able to graffiti the spot.

#8 - Dead White Guy

Scene 9: Overlook

At the lookout Chloe will have to find a way to get the viewfinder to work. Immediately behind her is a statue. Approach it and look up at it to find another graffiti spot.

#9 - Happy Brat

Scene 10: Junkyard

Once Rachel leaves the junkyard and Chloe goes into a rage where you get to smash everything, approach the tall “Happy Kiddos” sign on the pole and smash it down. Once the sign is on the floor, you can smash the paint cans next to it. Once both of these have been done, you can tag the sign with some more graffiti.

#10 - The Old Car

Scene 11: Dream

During the dream sequence inside Chloe’s Dad’s car, you can interact with a few items. Make sure not to interact with the Mannequin until you have placed the graffiti. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Press on the poster
  2. Press to tear it down
  3. Press on the back of the seat to add some graffiti (Chloe will say she doesn’t have her marker)
  4. Press on the Wine Bottle to the left of Chloe
  5. Press to collect the Marker
  6. Finally, press on the back of the seat to add some graffiti

Episode 2: Brave New World

#1 - Clean Lens

Scene 2: Parking Lot

As soon as you have control of Chloe in this episode, look immediately to her right in the parking lot to find a flat bed truck with a box of light bulbs. Approach the bulbs and you can graffiti them.

#2 - Hood with a View

Scene 3: Junkyard

At the junkyard, Head to the right of the truck Chloe is tinkering with to find a boat. Try, and fail, to climb it. Afterwards, you can move a wooden palette to the left of the boat to make a makeshift ladder. Climb the boat once again and when on deck, you can graffiti the car hood there.

#3 - Driver's Seat

Scene 3: Junkyard

After fixing the inside of the truck’s cab, Chloe will sit back and say it’s time for a smoke. Directly behind her is a graffiti spot.

#4 - Sweet Hideout

Scene 5: Junkyard – Later

After Rachel visits Chloe in the junkyard, you will be taken to the small abandoned hut at the back of the area. Inside, before you open Rachel’s bag, is a wall with a graffiti spot.

#5 - Shopping List

Scene 6: Frank’s RV

Inside Frank’s RV, Chloe will be asked to look for a notebook. As soon as you have control, check the counter next to the sink to find a graffiti spot.

#6 - Patched Path

Scene 7: Dormitories

When you reach the Dormitories, you will see a section of the path directly in front of you that has wet concrete. Walk through the concreted and then look at it. When you do, you will notice you can graffiti it.

#7 - Closet Door

Scene 7: Dormitories

Inside the maintenance room where you see Samuel tinkering with something, you will find a white door you can graffiti. To do so you need to make Samuel leave by damaging the sprinkler outside. Once he’s distracted, enter the maintenance room, ignore the keys, and approach the door to tag it.

#8 - Message Board

Scene 8: Boys’ Dormitories

Inside the Boys’ Dormitories, you can find Elliot’s room on the right, Room 105. Go inside and read all the pages in his journal which can be found in the drawer under his computer. Once you have read the journal, leave the room and erase the whiteboard. When the whiteboard is cleared, you can press to add some graffiti.

#9 - Cruel Reflector

Scene 9: Campus – Backstage

When Chloe is talked into performing in the play, you will find yourself in costume back stage. The mirror directly to Chloe’s right can be tagged.

#10 - Hypocrisy Times

Scene 12: Amber House

While inside the Amber residence, Chloe will have to help prepare for dinner. Follow Mrs. Amber’s orders until she says you can light the candles. Before you light them, inspect the newspaper clipping pinned to the refrigerator door and then tag it.

Episode 3: Hell is Empty

#1 - Land of the Freaks

Scene 2: Rachel’s Room

At the start of the episode, Rachel will go up to her room and Chloe will have to follow. Once up there, go to the map on the wall directly opposite where Rachel is laying on her bed. As you approach it you can tag it.

#2 - Torture Schedule

Scene 2: Rachel’s Room

Still in Rachel’s room, go to her desk, which is to the left of the map, and you can find her planner that you can add some graffiti to.

#3 - Portrait of the Survivors

Scene 4: Price House – Upstairs

Back at Chloe’s bedroom in the morning, you can tag another item. Check the shelving unit to the left of Chloe’s desk to find a class photo. Press to add some graffiti.

#4 - Daily Dick Pics

Scene 4: Price House – Upstairs

Inside Chloe’s residence, leave her room and enter her mother’s room. Next to the door is a stack of boxes with a calendar inside that you can graffiti.

#5 - Greasy Gunk

Scene 6: Junkyard

While Chloe is working on the truck at the junkyard, she will take off the fuel filter at which point you can interact with it again to blow the blocked gunk out. Afterwards, look at the underside of the hood where the gunk landed for a graffiti spot.

#6 - Snack Box

Scene 7: Hospital

In the hospital waiting room, Chloe can interact with a vending machine. When she does she will notice a stuck candy bar. Press 3 times to smash the vending machine and Chloe will be able to unstick and eat the candy bar. After, check the vending machine for a graffiti prompt. If you don’t see it, head towards the corridor to the right of the nurse and a small scene will play. This should then allow you to leave graffiti on the vending machine, providing you smashed it 3 times and took the candy bar.

#7 - Clean Canvas

Scene 7: Hospital

In the corridor with the elevators, where the small cutscene played, there is a notice board with a poster of two nurses washing their hands. You can tag it when you get close to it.

#8 - Brotherly Limb

Scene 7: Hospital

Head to room 785 and talk to Mr. North outside. Once inside the room, approach whomever is in the bed.

If Mikey is in the bed, press to sign his cast and Chloe will add some graffiti.

If Drew is in the bed, there will be a cutscene where everyone inside talks. After this is done, approach Drew again and press to talk to him. When finished, the pudding on the table next to him should say “ Take”. Try to take the pudding and Drew will snatch it which will then let you start a backtalk section by pressing “ Take what’s yours”. Fail this backtalk section (choose the wrong choices or let the timer run out) and Drew will eat the pudding and let Chloe sign the cast. As she does, she will add some graffiti.

#9 - DA's Desk

Scene 9: Amber House – Office

When Chloe enters the office at Rachel’s house, walk around to the front of the desk and open the bottom left drawer. Inside is a bottle which is another graffiti spot.

#10 - Unheeded Warning

Scene 11: Old Mill

At the Old Mill, Chloe can grab a knife that is sticking out of a wooden post which is placed in front of a flashing neon sign that says “time”. Once you have the knife, look to the right of the bar to find a piece of corrugated metal leaning against a wall. Move it and you can see a message written on the wall you can “destroy” which acts as our graffiti for this final time.

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