PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4
LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat LEGO 2K Drive and unlock all trophies?
Around 25-30 Hours.
How difficult is it to beat LEGO 2K Drive and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does LEGO 2K Drive have online trophies?
Yes, New Challengers .
Does LEGO 2K Drive have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does LEGO 2K Drive have missable trophies?
Does LEGO 2K Drive have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in LEGO 2K Drive?
Does LEGO 2K Drive have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS4 & PS5
Welcome to our LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide! This game is something of a strange blend between a typical LEGO game, Mario Kart, and Need for Speed. And despite that, I have to say… It really works! The result is a fun, quirky, and casual racing RPG with an emphasis on fun over realism or challenge.
The game’s story makes up just a tiny percentage of the overall trophy journey, with the majority of the journey being focused on grabbing collectibles and completing side content. Fortunately, we’ve provided maps and guides where appropriate below to ensure that your trophy journey goes as smoothly as possible.
Note if you’re playing on PS5 that the trophy trackers in the console’s trophy menu are all out of 100%, not out of 100. So when, for example, a trophy says “50” but the tracker says “100,” don’t let that mislead you!
Phase One | Story Mode
To kick things off in your Lego 2K Drive Journey, simply focus on the main Objectives that S.T.U.D gives you throughout the game, which are typically visible in the upper-right corner. S.T.U.D will guide you through the story but the gameplay loop is pretty much the same each time; earn flags, compete in a major event, level up via side-content, and repeat.
Throughout the game, I would encourage you to collect anything you see. Each region is filled to the brim with collectibles which cannot be marked on your map. We’ve provided some maps in the relevant areas that you’ll require them later, but it will help speed things up if you get some out of the way. That said, if you choose to make a beeline for your story objectives that’s fine too!
Throughout the story, I’d encourage you to:
1. Switch to the Lawnmower any time you see a weed patch and cut the plants there until crystals grow from the ground. You’ll need to unlock the Lawn Mower via a side-quest for “Mr. Green” in Big Butte County.
2. Grab any glowing objects you see. There’s a high chance these will be collectibles that you need.
3. Once you unlock the “Jetpack” for each region, jump into any that you can see and ride them as far as you can, looking out for collectibles as you do so.
4. Talk to every NPC that has a speech bubble over their head.
5. Drift, Jump, and Boost frequently. Not only to stay in 1st place and utilize shortcuts but also just to progress trophies!
6. One of the biggest grinds in this trophy journey is the “Missile Misser” trophy. For this, you need to avoid a cumulative total of 50 missiles by pressing to jump over them in races. If you don’t start doing this very early in your trophy journey, the cleanup for it can be a bit of a brutal slog.
As I said, though, anything you do miss can be mopped up later, so don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be thorough. The majority of the trophies you earn in this phase will come naturally and without any extra effort, so just enjoy the story and get into the game’s mechanics.
Unmissable Story Trophies

A Charismatic Mentor
Receive your first Checkered Flag in Story mode
Throughout Story Mode, you will receive a Checkered Flag for each race that you complete, starting with the Tutorial Race against Clutch Racington. As such, this trophy is unmissable.

Cruising Big Butte County
Drive around in Big Butte County in Story mode
The first full region you’ll unlock after the tutorial is “Big Butte County” (pronounced “byoot”). You simply need to drive around in this area for a short while and the “Cruising Big Butte County” trophy will unlock. It will be impossible to progress the story without earning this.

Cruising Prospecto Valley
Drive around in Prospecto Valley in Story mode
The second open-world map you’ll gain access to as part of the main story campaign is the Prospecto Valley map. Simply driving around there as you complete story objectives will result in you unavoidably receiving the “Cruising Prospecto Valley” trophy.

Big Butte Champion
Beat the Big Butte Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
The Big Butte Grand Brick Arena Race is one of the main story events you’ll need to complete, making the “Big Butte Champion” trophy unmissable!

Cruising Hauntsborough
Drive around in Hauntsborough in Story mode
The third open-world map you’ll gain access to as part of the main story campaign is the Hauntsborough map. Simply driving around there as you complete story objectives will result in you unavoidably receiving the “Cruising Hauntsborough” trophy.

Prospecto Champion
Beat the Prospecto Valley Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
The Prospecto Valley Grand Brick Arena Race is one of the main story events you’ll need to complete, making the “Prospecto Champion” trophy unmissable!

Hauntsborough Champion
Beat the Hauntsborough Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode
The Hauntsborough Grand Brick Arena Race is one of the main story events you’ll need to complete, making the “Hauntsborough Champion” trophy unmissable!

Sky Cup Champion
Beat the Sky Cup Grand Prix race in Story mode
Immediately after unlocking the Hauntsborough Champion trophy, you will gain access to the Sky Cup Grand Prix race in Turbo Acres. Win the race to finish the story campaign and unlock the Sky Cup Champion trophy!
Phase Two | Marked Cleanup
After you’ve completed the Main Story Campaign in the first phase of this LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide, you will only be about 15-20% done with map completion, depending on how much exploration you’ve done.
That leaves you with an insane amount of cleanup to do. To make things easier and hopefully reduce the option paralysis a little, I’ve divided the cleanup into two main areas of focus; Marked Cleanup and Unmarked Cleanup.
Marked Cleanup, which we’ll focus on for the next few hours of your trophy journey, means going to and completing activities, quests, and minigames that are already marked on your map, meaning you don’t need to hunt anything down. Just drive to each location, complete the objectives, and move on!
Browse the Marked Cleanup Trophies below and complete them one-by-one. Along the way, don’t be afraid to continue uncovering garages, grabbing collectibles, and anything else that takes your fancy—it’ll all prove helpful!
Marked Cleanup Trophies

Folk Hero
Complete all quests in the world in Story mode
Quests in LEGO 2K Drive are quite short, fairly straightforward, and offer some great rewards!
Simply head to the green “!” icons marked on your World Map and complete the objectives at each location. In total, there are only 20 Quests to complete; 8 in Big Butte County, 6 in Prospecto Valley, and another 6 in Hauntsborough.
If you’re missing quests, you probably haven’t driven near them yet. Head to locations on your map with fewer icons, as there’s probably something you’ve missed there!

The Golden Ending
Earn a Gold Medal in every On-the-Go event in the world
To unlock the “Golden Ending” trophy, you need to travel to all 78 On-the-Go Events on the World Map and meet the requirements for a Gold Medal at each and every one.
- 2 in Turbo Acres
- 26 in Big Butte County
- 25 in Prospecto Valley
- 25 in Hauntsborough
This should be a little easier now than it would have been at the start of the game thanks to all the new vehicles and Perks you’ve collected throughout the Story, which will come in handy when trying to reach the lofty goals set by the Gold Medal requirements at each event.
On-the-Go events are clearly marked on your map via a blue marker with a small badge-like shield at the center when you drive near them. This icon changes to bronze, silver, or gold depending on your highest-achieved medal at that event, helping you track your progress.
Some of these will be much harder than others and if you get really stuck on one I recommend either making a dramatic change of vehicle or just leaving and returning later with better vehicles and improved skill.

Read the Manual
Complete all chapters of the Go-Kart tutorial in the Garage
To unlock the “Read the Manual” trophy, you first need to enter any Garage. Once inside, press to bring up a menu and select the “Tutorial” option.
There, you will have three options; “Interactive,” “Build: Go-Kart,” and “Build: Masterclass.” Ignore the first and last option, simply select “Build: Go-Kart.”
Inside, there are four chapters;
- CHOOSE and PLACE a brick.
- ROTATE a brick.
- ASSEMBLE the Go Kart.
- PAINT the Go Kart.
Start with the first one and the remaining three will start automatically as you reach the end of each chapter. Upon completion of Chapter 4, the “Read the Manual” trophy will unlock!
Note that after the second chapter, you’ll be asked if you want to finish the build or skip Chapter 3 and go straight to painting. If you skip to painting, it’s likely you will then need to replay Chapter 3 via the Tutorial menu from earlier to unlock this trophy if it doesn’t unlock when you’re done.

Free Banana Smoothies
Discover all the Garages in the world in Story mode
To unlock the “Free Banana Smoothies” trophy, you will need to approach every Garage in the game, thus unlocking them as fast travel points. You can see my screenshots in the gallery below, which will show you the locations of each Garage.
Simply drive to each one so that it is marked on your map too, and then drive to the next one. Repeat until you have all 14 marked on your map!

Phase Three | Unmarked Cleanup
Moving into phase three of our Lego 2K Drive Trophy Guide, we now shift our attention onto the aforementioned “Unmarked Cleanup.” Here, we will explore every inch of the four open world maps in 2K Drive and reach 100% completion of each one.
You can track completion by opening the progress tracker with while on the World Map
. Where possible, we’ve provided maps for collectible locations below, but a lot of the trophies you’ll be aiming to collect here will also concern miscellaneous objectives, such as jumping a certain number of times, or driving a specific number of miles. Most of these should have progressed (if not completed) naturally by now anyway.
Freeroam Trophies

3K Drive
Drive 3000 miles (4828 km)
Simply drive a cumulative total of 3,000 miles (4,828,032 meters) to unlock the 3K Drive trophy. See 6K Drive for more info.

6K Drive
Drive 6000 miles (9656 km)
To unlock the 6K Drive trophy, simply drive a cumulative total of 6,000 miles! You can actually see how many meters you’ve traveled by pausing the game and selecting the “Career” menu option. This brings up a list of useful stats about your gameplay.
6000 miles is 9,656 kilometers. Therefore, 9,656,000 meters is what you will need to see in the “Distance Traveled (M)” stat.

Hop Upington
Jump 100 times
In LEGO 2K Drive, you can simply press to hop up into the air in any vehicle. To unlock the “Hop Upington” trophy, you simply need to do this 100 times!
It should be noted that getting air in any other way (ramps, tornados, etc) will also count toward this trophy, making it even more likely to unlock naturally.

Road Hog
Destroy 200 traffic vehicles
To unlock the “Road Hog” trophy, you just need to ram and destroy a total of 200 traffic vehicles; meaning NPC vehicles that are actively in motion. Parked vehicles and other racers don’t apply.
Simply equip the biggest, toughest, heaviest vehicle you have, and then go find a heavily populated area with plenty of traffic. You know what to do next! Just ram them all into pieces until the Road Hog trophy unlocks.
That said, you probably won’t need to do all that as the trophy’s quite likely to unlock naturally.

Brick Separator
Destroy 1000 objects
To unlock the “Brick Separator” trophy, you simply need to destroy any 1,000 objects by driving into them. This includes fences, traffic cones, vehicles, street signs; literally any Lego object that you can break.
There’s a good chance you’ll unlock this trophy naturally unless you drive extremely carefully for whatever reason!

You BREAK Stuff!
Destroy 15000 objects
A massive extension on the Brick Separator trophy, the “You BREAK Stuff!” trophy asks you to go on to destroy an additional 14,000 items, for a total of 15,000.
Again, this is going to be progressing pretty much the entire time you play the game as pretty much everything is destructible in some way and there’s really no reason to carefully avoid destroying everything in your path.
However, if you find yourself needing to top this trophy off at the end of your journey, you’ll just have to drive recklessly around the map in your biggest, toughest vehicle!
You can track the number of objects you’ve broken via the “Career” menu:

It Used To Work
Wreck 100 times
The “It Used to Work” trophy requires you to have your vehicle destroyed a total of 100 times. You’ll likely get wrecked a lot throughout the story and subsequent content, though not quite so many as 100 times.
If you do indeed find yourself needing to force a few more wrecks to earn this trophy, try using the “Hubcap Hillclimb” On-the-Go event in Turbo Acres. This event is filled with mines, so you can just equip your flimsiest vehicle and purposefully hit mines until your vehicle is destroyed.
Rinse and repeat until the trophy is yours!

Sidewalk Hog
Punt 200 pedestrians into the air
Anytime that you hit a pedestrian with your vehicle, they will soar harmlessly through the air and land safely elsewhere.
To unlock the Sidewalk Hog trophy, you essentially just need to drive your vehicle into a cumulative total of 200 pedestrians. This is easily achieved by going to any town-like areas and then driving up and down the sidewalks.

Honk Means Hello
Talk to 150 folk
All across all four maps of LEGO 2K Drive, you will find many NPC minifigures with Speech Bubbles above their heads. Each of these NPCs can be talked to by pressing (the honk button) when you’re close enough for the prompt to show.
To unlock “Honk Means Hello” you will need to talk to a cumulative total of 150 unique NPCs. Given the sheer number of NPCs available, there are far more than enough in the game, you just need to make an effort to speak to any that you see.
There’s at least one NPC to speak to outside every On-the-Go Event, World Challenge, and Race, plus hundreds dotted around the map, too!
Hopefully, if you took our advice at the start of this Trophy Guide, you will have been talking to NPCs a lot anyway and shouldn’t have very much cleanup left to do!

Get to Level 30 in Story mode
By the end of the Story Campaign, you will be at or over Level 20. To unlock the “XPerienced” trophy, you need to reach Level 30, so at most 10 extra levels to gain post-story.
This should actually come to you quite naturally as you complete Quests and On-the-Go events, earning EXP along the way. So even if you make it out of Phase 2 of our LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide without this trophy, the EXP from mopping up collectibles will definitely take you the rest of the way.

Find all the jetpacks in Big Butte County in Story mode
Via normal story progression, you will come to unlock some Rocket Jetpacks in Big Butte County by completing a mandatory minigame.
Upon completion of said minigame, 13 Rocket Jetpacks will be added to the Big Butte County, in the areas shown below:
To unlock the Jet-Setter trophy, you will need to use all 13 Jetpacks at least one time. This is trackable by pressing on the map.

Find all the rotorpacks in Prospecto Valley in Story mode
Via normal story progression, you will come to unlock some Rotor Jetpacks in Prospecto Valley by completing a mandatory minigame.
Upon completion of said minigame, 11 Rotor Jetpacks will be added to Prospecto Valley, in the areas shown below:
To unlock the Rotor-Coaster trophy, you will need to use all 11 Rotor Jetpacks at least one time. This is trackable by pressing on the map.

Find all the batpacks in Hauntsborough in Story mode
Via normal story progression, you will come to unlock some Bat Jetpacks in Hauntsborough by completing a mandatory minigame.
Upon completion of said minigame, 11 Bat Jetpacks will be added to Hauntsborough, in the areas shown below:
To unlock the Bat-Buds trophy, you will need to use all 11 Bat Jetpacks at least one time. This is trackable by pressing on the map.

Roadshow Ready
Find all the Collectables in Big Butte County
Big Butte County has 105 collectibles to collect, divided up thusly:
- 15 Silver Sprockets
- 25 Golden Trophies
- 15 Experimental Batteries
- 50 Rainbox Bricks
Using the map below, head to the location of each collectible and collect it.
Once you have all 105 (trackable by pressing on the World Map) the Roadshow Ready trophy will unlock!

Township Treasurer
Find all the Collectables in Prospecto Valley
Prospecto Valley has 120 collectibles to collect, divided up thusly:
- 25 Stashed Treasures | these are rather unique collectibles. You first need to complete the quest called “Flipper Flurry” so that Dolphins follow you in the water. You then need to press
to make the Dolphins dive at specific bubbling spots in the rivers. They will then retrieve the treasure for you in batches.
- 15 Copper Kittens
- 15 Lost Carrots
- 15 Wagon Wheels
- 50 Gold Nuggets
Using the map below, head to the location of each collectible and collect it.
Once you have all 120 (trackable by pressing on the World Map) the Township Treasurer trophy will unlock!

Paranormal Procurer
Find all the Collectables in Hauntsborough
Hauntsborough has 105 collectibles to collect, divided up thusly:
- 15 Golden Spiders
- 15 Hero’s Journey
- 25 Batty Breakfast
- 50 Smashing Pumpkins
Using the map below, head to the location of each collectible and collect it.
Once you have all 105 (trackable by pressing on the World Map) the Paranormal Procurer trophy will unlock!

Higher Orbit
Spin 1080 degrees in the air without using a jetpack
Before attempting the “Higher Orbit” trophy, you need a vehicle that can turn really fast in mid-air. For me, this was the offroad vehicle “Justa Plane Truck,” which I drove off high peaks around “Batfang Peak Garage” in Hauntsborough to get some height.
While in mid-air, I then held +
while falling to spin.
Note that, for some reason, the trophy doesn’t seem to unlock if you don’t jump first. I spun far more than 1080 degrees in my vehicle but the trophy refused to unlock until I jumped first. After jumping, the trophy unlocked in only a few rotations, I was surprised at how easily it unlocked after wasting a lot of time attempting this one on higher peaks at higher speeds.

Crystal Clear
Mow down all weed patches in the world in Story mode
You will unlock the “Weed Chopper 5000” vehicle by completing a Quest in Big Butte County for an NPC called “Mr. Green,” who will ask you to trim the weeds around him using the lawnmower. Upon doing so you’ll be able to keep the Lawnmower.
I highly recommend having a separate Loadout in your Loadouts menu with the Lawnmower equipped so you can easily switch to it. If you took my advice up to this point and have cut down any weed patches you’ve seen on your adventures then you should hopefully only have a few more to clean up in each area.
In total there are 59 weed patches to mow, divided among the regions like so (trackable by pressing on the map):
- 1 in Turbo Acres
- 20 in Big Butte County
- 20 in Prospecto Valley
- 18 in Hauntsborough
Use the maps below, which show the rough locations of all weed patches in each region, to easily find and clear out the weed patches on each map. After every patch has been mown, the “Crystal Clear” trophy is all yours!
Race Trophies

Couldn't Have Drifted Better Myself
Drift 5000 meters
Drifting in LEGO 2K Drive is one of the most rudimentary drift systems I’ve ever seen. Basically, as long as you’re turning with , accelerating with
, and breaking with
at the same time, you’re drifting.
Thanks to this and the fact it is a cumulative trophy, the “Couldn’t Have Drifted Better Myself” trophy is incredibly easy to unlock. Put simply, you can just drift in a big circle for a few minutes until the trophy unlocks.
Alternatively, just play the game and drift as you normally would. 5000 meters is not that great of a distance, so your chances of unlocking this trophy naturally are pretty high.

During race events, you will frequently see purple “?” discs floating in the air. These work much like “?” Blocks in Mario Kart. When you hit them with your vehicle, you’ll be randomly assigned a power-up.
There’s actually quite a small pool of power-ups and all you need to do for the “What’s This Button Do?” trophy is use each one at least once. This is extremely likely to unlock naturally.

Heat Seeker
Hit opponents with missiles 15 times
One of the few power-ups you can acquire in a race in LEGO 2K Drive is the Heat-seeking Missile. Once you pick one up, any nearby enemies will be targetted within red backets on-screen. Press while an opponent is targeted to fire the missile, which will then track the opponent until it hits them or they somehow evade it.
All you need to do to unlock the “Heat Seeker” trophy is hit a cumulative total of 15 opponents with these missile power-ups, so it’s pretty likely to occur naturally.

Missile Misser
Avoid 50 missiles by jumping over them in races
If you haven’t already been actively working on this trophy, it is easily one of the longest grinds in the game. Basically, when you’re in a race, if someone fires a Homing Missile at you, you’ll see a red indicator on screen letting you know how far the Missile is.
Once it gets close, you can hit to hop over it, causing it to explode on the ground where you were.
To unlock the elusive Missile Misser trophy, you’ll have to perform this evasive maneuver a cumulative total of 50 times!
This trophy, however, should be much easier to earn with a friend. Simply load up two-player either online or via local splitscreen co-op and then enter races together. Whenever one of you gets a missile, stop, meet up, and carefully execute a jump over their missile.
Repeat as needed.
Collection Trophies

Just the Start
Collect 50 new vehicles
You will unlock a lot of vehicles naturally by simply completing the story; around 30 by my estimate. This will leave you with a good number of cars to collect if you want the 50 required for the “Just the Start” trophy.
For the story, you will have completed each race in just one of the three classes. Each class that you complete a race on will offer different rewards, a few of which are vehicles!
When looking at a race’s details, you can press /
to switch the racing class and then you can press
to view and browse the pool of possible prizes.
Look for races that have full vehicles as rewards and complete as many as you can, taking you to around 40 total Vehicles unlocked. For the last few Vehicles, you will need to spend Brickbux, so you might as well complete every version of every race for the extra Brickbux earned.
You can use the Brickbux you’ve saved up to buy vehicles from Unkie’s Emporium. That said, they are ridiculously expensive, so you’ll need to farm Brickbux by completing events, side-activities, races, and more in order to afford the number you still need.
The cheapest vehicles cost 10,000 Brickbux each, so getting the 10 extra vehicles needed will cost a total of 100,000 Brickbux!
For some reason, if your 50th Vehicle was purchased, this trophy doesn’t unlock when it should. For me, I had to enter a race and hit an opponent with a weapon to force it to unlock. It seems the tracker gets stuck if you purchase an item from Unkie, so you have to increase another stat to “wake it up.”

The Pit Crew
Collect 15 new drivers
You will naturally unlock a handful of minifig drivers by simply completing the story; around 5 by my estimate (Autopilot, Default Diane, and Default Dude don’t count). This will leave you with a few drivers left to collect if you want the 15 required for the “The Pit Crew” trophy.
For the story, you will have completed each race in just one of the three classes. Each class that you complete a race on will offer different rewards, a few of which are drivers!
When looking at a race’s details, you can press /
to switch the racing class and then you can press
to view and browse the pool of possible prizes.
Look for races that have drivers as rewards and complete as many as you can, taking you to around 10 total Drivers unlocked. For the last few Drivers, you will need to spend Brickbux, so you might as well complete every version of every race for the extra Brickbux earned.
You can use the Brickbux you’ve saved up to buy drivers from Unkie’s Emporium. That said, they are rather expensive, so you’ll need to farm Brickbux by completing events, side-activities, races, and more in order to afford the number you still need.
The cheapest drivers cost 2,000 Brickbux each, so getting the 3 extra drivers needed will cost a total of 6,000 Brickbux!
For some reason, if your 15th Driver was purchased, this trophy doesn’t unlock when it should. For me, I had to enter a race and hit an opponent with a weapon to force it to unlock. It seems the tracker gets stuck if you purchase an item from Unkie, so you have to increase another stat to “wake it up.”

All Perked Up
Collect 10 perks
Perks are special boosts you can apply to your Loadout, affecting all of the vehicles you have equipped. They can do things like increasing your base stats, making you heal under certain conditions, making you deal more damage, and much more.
The number of perks you can equip depends on your Class, as more slots open up when you make your way up through the racing ranks. You will then receive Perks as rewards for Races, On-the-Go events, and pretty much anything else you can do in Lego 2K Drive. Earning 10 Perks should happen naturally as you progress through the game and complete activities for exp and vehicles.

Phase Four | Play With Everyone Mode
Play with Everyone mode can be a bit of a pain for trophy hunters, with random players participating in the events alongside you. For that reason, I’ve left it until the final phase of our Lego 2K Drive Trophy Guide. This way, you can enjoy as much of your trophy journey solo as possible (or in co-op/split-screen with a friend).
Play with Everyone Mode is limited to just races or minigames against other players. Choose either “Cup Series” or “Race” in the “Play with Everyone” main menu option and then complete a total of 10 events.
Play With Everyone Mode Trophies

New Challengers
Play 10 races or mini-games in Play With Everyone
This is the only time you’ll need to play against other real-world players. You don’t even need to be good at the game or win any races, just play online with other players via any of the “Play with Everyone” menu options.
After a cumulative total of 10 events, the New Challengers trophy will unlock!


Tastes Like Platinum
Earn all trophies in the game
After collecting every trophy in this LEGO 2K Drive Trophy Guide, the "Tastes Like Platinum " Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!
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