Drums Rock Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Drums Rock and unlock all trophies?
About 6-12 Hours depending on rhythm & skill.
How difficult is it to beat Drums Rock and unlock all trophies?
Medium (5/10).
Does Drums Rock have online trophies?
Does Drums Rock have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Drums Rock have missable trophies?
Does Drums Rock have glitched trophies?
Yes, Demon Lord.
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Drums Rock?
Does Drums Rock have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Drums Rock Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS VR2
Welcome to our Drums Rock Trophy Guide. Of the limited selection of games available for PS VR2 at launch, Drums Rock is one of the most exciting. With quality classic rock songs of which you’re bound to know at least one, and a unique take on the “Rock Band” style of drum gameplay, it makes for an addictive and adrenaline-pumping rockfest of a game.
The trophy journey will involve a long learning curve as you train your muscle memory to hit the right drums at the right time, the length of which can vary depending on your inherent rhythm game skill and physical ability.
All in all, though, it is an extremely fun experience, especially for fans of rock music.
Phase One | Complete the Campaign and Collect 141 Stars
When you start playing Drums Rock, you will have three options; Challenge, Campaign, and Shop. I highly recommend starting with the campaign as it gradually feeds you incrementally more difficult stages to unlock in a manner that is perfect for getting to grips with the learning curve. The songs in Act 1 are mostly “Easy” difficulty, while those in Act 2 are mostly “Medium,” and Act 3 contains mainly “Hard” songs.
You will eventually need to collect all 141 available Stars, which means earning all three Stars in every campaign level, even most of the harder ones. This isn’t too impossible to achieve, as long as you put in plenty of practice and take regular breaks when you feel yourself getting frustrated or your arms getting tired. You’ll be surprised how much your muscle memory can take over after a short break.
Each of the stars in a song has very clear objectives, so you will need to replay the songs until you have completed them all. Fortunately, you do not need to earn all three stars in a single attempt and can focus on just one star at a time if you wish.
It’s up to you if you want to earn all the stars as you go or clean them up later but, either way, you should have all 141 by the end of this phase.
Unmissable Story Trophies

Tutorial Complete
Complete the Game Tutorial for the first time.
The game’s tutorial will begin when you load up Drums Rock for the first time. Upon completing it, the “Tutorial Complete” trophy will unlock unavoidably.

Rookie Rocker
Complete a song in Easy difficulty for the first time.
Most of the songs in Act 1 of the campaign have a difficulty rating of “Easy.” Completing any of these songs for the first time will unmissably unlock the Rookie Rocker trophy!

Amateur Rocker
Complete a song in Medium difficulty for the first time.
Most of the songs in Act 2 of the campaign have a difficulty rating of “Medium.” Completing any of these songs for the first time will unmissably unlock the Amateur Rocker trophy!

Desert Rocker
Unlock the 2nd act.
Before you can access the Story Campaign’s second act, you will need to have earned a certain number of stars. If you find that you can no longer progress because the next Chapter or Act is unavailable, you can check the next chapter to see how many more stars you will need to collect.
Earn more stars by replaying chapters and completing the star challenges to eventually gain access to the second act and unavoidably receive the Desert Rocker trophy on your road to Drums Hero.

Sylvio Snake
Defeat Sylvio Snake
This unmissable story trophy should unlock when you knock out Sylvio the Snake while playing through the final song in Act 2. Make sure you are ferociously rapping the color-matched drum on-screen whenever the boss attacks. This ensures you will repel its attack, damaging them.
It is unlikely but possible for you to complete the song without defeating the boss if you do not repel their attacks enough times. In that event, you’ll need to replay the song.

Experienced Rocker
Complete a song in Hard difficulty for the first time.
Most of the songs in Act 3 of the campaign have a difficulty rating of “Hard.” Completing any of these songs for the first time will unmissably unlock the Experienced Rocker trophy!

Storm Rocker
Unlock the 3rd act.
Before you can access the Story Campaign’s third act, you will need to have earned 75 stars across both Acts 1 and 2. If you find that you can no longer progress because the next Chapter or Act is unavailable, you can check the next Chapter to see how many more stars you need to unlock it.
Earn more stars by replaying chapters and completing the star challenges to eventually gain access to the third act and unavoidably receive the Storm Rocker trophy on your road to Drums Hero.

Lord Zeppelin
Defeat Lord Zeppelin.
This unmissable story trophy should unlock when you knock out Lord Zeppelin while playing through the final song in Act 3 (provided you repel enough attacks). Make sure you are ferociously rapping the color-matched drum on-screen whenever the boss attacks. This ensures you will repel their attack, damaging them.
It is unlikely but possible for you to complete the song without defeating the boss if you do not repel their attacks enough times. In that event, you’ll need to replay the song.

Drums Hero
Complete the Campaign Mode.
To unlock the “Drums Hero” trophy, you simply need to unlock the final Chapter and final song of Act 3. Once you have unlocked it, complete the level and earn at least one star. At the end of the song, the “Drums Hero” trophy will unlock.

Star Trophies

Flaming Rocker
Collect 8 Stars.
You can earn up to 3 stars per level in Drums Rock by completing the various challenges listed on the song selection menu. You can also see the current level’s challenges under your health bar and hit streak on the HUD.
There are a total of 141 Stars up for grabs in the game’s Campaign Mode and you will need to collect them all to unlock the Tenacious Drummer trophy.

Rock Star
Get 130 Stars.
The intimidating “Rock Star” trophy will require you to earn all three stars from most songs in the story campaign’s three acts. Fortunately, there are 141 stars available throughout the Drums Rock Campaign. This means you can leave up to 11 stars unearned for now if any of them provide too much of a challenge. Don’t rest too easily, though, as you will eventually need to clean up the remaining Stars for the Tenacious Drummer trophy.
The best advice I can give you is to read the challenges carefully and practice patiently. Every time you replay a song, you will naturally get better at it as long as you’re patient and don’t allow yourself to become frustrated. Just enjoy the music!
It’s also important to note that the star challenges are rather poorly written. When they say “more than X” they mean “X or more” and when they say “less than X” they mean “X or less.” For example; “Perform X or more Charged Hits,” “Receive X hits or less.”
Pick and choose carefully which stars you’d like to go for, or just collect every star you get your eyes on aware of the upcoming challenge. Either way, the Rock Star trophy will unlock once you have 130/141 stars!

Tenacious Drummer
Get 141 Stars.
The Tenacious Drummer trophy is one of the biggest challenges that Drums Rock has to offer. However, if you’ve already managed to get your hands on the Rock Star trophy, you’re really not far from the goal now.
First, take a look at the stars available. There should be around 11 remaining. Unless you have developed some serious skills in your time playing the game so far, you’re going to need to put in some practice hours for those last few stars. Focus on one at a time to train your muscle memory to get better and better at performing the complicated actions required. Do remember to take breaks when your arms, back, or neck get sore. Continuing to play will only make the aches worse, and your performance will decline too.
With some serious patience or some incredible skill, you should hopefully be able to acquire those last few stars and cross this huge task off your to-do list. On to Phase Two!
Phase Two | Challenge Mode & S Rank Trophies
Once you’re done collecting Stars, it’s time to turn your attention to the Main Menu’s “Challenge” option in our second phase of this Drums Rock Trophy Guide. In here, you will have access to all of the songs from the Campaign, as well as any that you purchase from the Shop.
You will have two main objectives during this phase; earn an S+ Rank in any song on any difficulty and earn S Rank in two songs on Hard Difficulty. Both of these challenges are quite brutal, but hopefully, you have gained enough experience from dominating the campaign to pull these off.
S Rank Trophies

Get an S rank at 10 songs whose difficulty is hard.
In the Challenge Menu, you will have a large song-selection screen. Along the bottom of this screen, you will see three difficulty options.
To unlock the Headbanger trophy, you need to complete 10 of the Hard Difficulty songs with a rating of “S” or “S+.”
To earn an S-rank rating on a song, you will need to hit at least ~98% of the demons and have around 60% of your hits be perfect.
You will simply need to pick your 10 favourite songs (or the 10 shortest songs—song length is displayed in the song selection menu) and then replay them one by one until you get good enough at them to earn an S rank in them both.
It should be noted that you will need to complete the songs “Blind and Frozen” and “The Reapers” with a rating of S in order to unlock the two Legendary Drumsticks you need for Ice & Fire, so I recommend focusing on those two first. Check out the Ice & Fire trophy in this Drums Rock Trophy Guide for videos of those two songs.
You can see your highest-achieved rating on the right-hand side in the song selection menu. Once you’ve achieved at least “S” on a total of 10, the Headbanger trophy is all yours—well-deserved, too!

Celestial Performance
Get an S+ at any song.
To achieve an “S+” rating in a song, you need to hit 100% of the demons in the level! You will also need to make sure that at least 95% of your hits are Good or better. A whopping 70% will need to be perfect.
As you can imagine, this is a bit of a massive task. Fortunately, this trophy has no difficulty requirement. This means you can just pick a nice short, easy difficulty song that you’re good at and then practice it until you play it perfectly (or as near as you can get).
Once you finally achieve S+ rating on any song at any difficulty, the Celestial Performance trophy will unlock. Congrats! It’s not an easy one!

Phase Three | Shopping & Annoying the Neighbours!
You’ll be glad to know that the last few trophies between you and your Platinum Trophy are much more manageable than those you’ve had before. Knock Knock is a silly two-second joke trophy, and the rest simply require you to go shopping with your in-game riches!
Shop Trophies

Ice & Fire
Get 2 Legendary Drumsticks.
When browsing the Drumstick section of the shop, if you go right down to the bottom, you will see two “Legendary” drumsticks which cannot be accessed until you complete their unlock requirements.
First, you will need to go into Challenge Mode, switch the difficulty to “Hard,” and then complete the “Blind and Frozen” and “The Reapers” songs with a rating of S. Hopefully, you took my earlier advice, though, and have already done this, making the drumsticks available for purchase.
Below are some video guides on completing those two songs:
Blind and Frozen
The Reapers
Use your in-game $ that you’ve accumulated from earning stars and completing songs to purchase both sets of Legendary Drumsticks and you’ll receive the Ice & Fire trophy!

Drumstick Collector
Own 10 drumsticks.
All you need to do to unlock the “Drumstick Collector” trophy is to own 10 pairs of drumsticks! First, go to the Shop via the Main Garage Menu and then browse the Drumstick tab.
Here, various drumsticks are available depending on your progress in the game. You can purchase any unlocked drumsticks using in-game $ that you’ve accumulated by completing songs and collecting stars.
If you want to unlock this trophy with the least possible effort, just buy the 10 highest items on the list. Those near the top are the cheapest, while the sets near the bottom are very expensive.
Keep in mind that you will need to buy both Legendary Drumsticks for the Ice & Fire trophy.

Glove Collector
Own 10 hands or gloves.
All you need to do to unlock the “Glove Collector” trophy is to own 10 glove or hand cosmetic items! First, go to the Shop via the Main Garage Menu and then browse the Glove tab.
Here, various glove and hand cosmetics are available depending on your progress in the game. You can purchase any unlocked gloves/hands using in-game $ that you’ve accumulated by completing songs and collecting stars.
If you want to unlock this trophy with the least possible effort, just buy the 10 highest items on the list. Those near the top are the cheapest, while the items near the bottom are very expensive.

Drumkit Collector
Own 10 drumkits.
All you need to do to unlock the “Drumkit Collector” trophy is to own 10 drumkits! First, go to the Shop via the Main Garage Menu and then browse the Drumkit tab.
Here, various drumkit styles are available depending on your progress in the game. You can purchase any unlocked drumkits using in-game $ that you’ve accumulated by completing songs and collecting stars.
If you want to unlock this trophy with the least possible effort, just buy the 8 highest items on the list. Those near the top are the cheapest, while the items near the bottom are very expensive. For the final two, there are two creator-affiliated sets at the very bottom which are extremely cheap.

Song Collector
Buy 4 songs.
All you need to do to unlock the “Song Collector” trophy is to buy 4 new songs from the shop.
First, access the Shop via the Garage Menu and then browse the Song tab.
Here, various new records are available depending on your progress in the game. You can purchase any unlocked records using in-game $ that you’ve accumulated by completing songs and collecting stars. These songs will then appear in the Challenge Menu for you to attempt.

Make Some Noise!!

Knock Knock
Who's there?
The mysterious “Knock Knock” trophy is actually very easy to earn! At any point, while sitting in your Garage, just start whacking those drums! Hit ’em all! Hit ’em a lot! Hit them for a little while and eventually, some mysterious someone will knock on the door behind you. It’s actually pretty startling when it first happens!
It occurred rather quickly for me but I’ve seen others online saying that they had to drum away for a while before the sleep paralysis demon came a-knocking.
As soon as you hear the knock, though, you should also hear the soothing sound of your new trophy unlocking!

The Demon Lord Rematch

Demon Lord
Defeat the Demon Lord
At first glance, this trophy may seem bugged as it does not unlock when you defeat the Demon Lord in the campaign, as you think it would.
UPDATE: There are now reports of the Demon Lord trophy unlocking as normal when you defeat him for the campaign. If that’s the case for you, that’s fantastic as you’ll earn this trophy unavoidably. If you befall the same fate as me and others, however, read on for the solution below.
Instead, the Developers have mislabeled these trophy descriptions. This, Sylvio Snake, and Lord Zeppelin actually require you to defeat the relevant bosses on HARD difficulty. This isn’t an issue for the other two boss fights as they’re hard by default, but the Demon Lord boss fight is only Medium difficulty.
Therefore, once you have completed the Boss Fight in Campaign Mode, you will need to open Challenge Mode, look for the song “Obey” and complete it on Hard Difficulty.
Defeating the Demon Lord while playing the song on Hard Difficulty will finally unlock the trophy!


Rock Legend
Unlock all trophies.
After collecting every trophy in this Drums Rock Trophy Guide, the "Rock Legend" Platinum Trophy will unlock. Congratulations!
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