PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5
Virtuous Western Trophy Guide
General Info
How long does it take to beat Virtuous Western and unlock all trophies?
15-20 minutes.
How difficult is it to beat Virtuous Western and unlock all trophies?
Easy (3/10).
Does Virtuous Western have online trophies?
Does Virtuous Western have difficulty-specific trophies?
Does Virtuous Western have missable trophies?
Does Virtuous Western have glitched trophies?
What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Virtuous Western?
Does Virtuous Western have a Platinum Trophy?
Trophy Guide
Virtuous Western Trophy Guide and Road Map for PlayStation 4 & PlayStation 5
Welcome to our Virtuous Western Trophy Guide. Virtuous Western is a short puzzle game in which you play as a hardened cowboy intent on retrieving his horse from the dastardly horse thieves that took it. You will have a limited number of bullets in each level and can only take a single shot yourself.
These simple but enjoyable puzzles will keep you occupied for 15-20 minutes as you work your way through the 30 creative stages and acquire your Virtuous Western Platinum at the end.
Phase One – Play All 30 Levels, Get the Platinum
During the one and only phase of our Virtuous Western Trophy Guide, your main goal is just to reach and complete the 30th stage. You will need to complete every stage leading up to that, but most of the trophies will unlock naturally as you do so.
The only trophy which might not pop naturally is THREE BULLETS so keep at least that trophy in mind as you work through each level. It requires you to collect three bullets in a single stage.
Virtuous Western Trophies

Enter the first level of the game
The completely unmissable “WELCOME TO WESTERN” trophy will unlock the moment you load the first level of the game.

Shoot your first enemy
You’ll need to shoot quite a lot of enemies to reach and beat level 30 of Virtuous Western, and you’ll earn the FIRST BLOOD trophy for doing this for the very first time. In Level 1.

Shoot an enemy while he is reloading
Earned as early as Stage 3.
To unlock the SHOOTING STRATEGY trophy, you will need to shoot any enemy while they are out of ammo and have started their reload animation.
The easiest place to earn this is in Stage 3. Just climb to the top of the ladder and then wait for the enemy to use all 3 bullets on the boxes. When he is reloading, shoot him and the SHOOTING STRATEGY trophy will unlock.

Make two enemies shoot each other
Earned in Stage 4.
Unlocking the TRAITOR trophy requires having two enemies shoot each other simultaneously so that they both die by the other’s bullet. This will happen in Stage 4. At the start of the level, climb to the top of the ladder and then quickly climb back down the ladder again.
Both enemies will shoot at you but once you have moved out of the way, their bullets will keep traveling and both enemies will get hit and die, unlocking the TRAITOR trophy.

Smash an enemy with a box
Earned in Stage 6.
For the SMASHED trophy, you need a box to drop onto an enemy’s head. You will have to do this quite a few times, but the first time will be in Stage 6.
First, climb up the ladder, and then wait for the enemy up there to shoot the three boxes. Once done, shoot him and collect the bullet behind him.
Using the newly collected bullet, shoot the chain holding the metal box above the enemy below you. The block will fall on his head and the SMASHED trophy will unlock.

Blow up an enemy
Earned in Stage 11.
At the start of Stage 11, shoot the barrel below the enemy to your left and they will explode, unlocking the EXPLODED trophy.

Make an enemy shoot a barrel of TNT
Also earned in Stage 11.
After killing the enemy standing on the barrel for EXPLODED in Stage 11, go up the ladder and the other enemy will stupidly shoot the TNT barrel right next to him, blowing himself up and unlocking the WHAT DID I DO? trophy.

Blow up several barrels of TNT in a row
Earned in Stage 13.
At the start of Stage 13, make your way up to the top floor of the wooden structure, collect the bullet, and then shoot the chain to your left.
The barrel of TNT will drop onto 6 more barrels, causing a big explosion that kills both enemies and unlocks the CHAIN EXPLOSION trophy.

Blow up more than one enemy with just one dynamite
Unlocked in Stage 21.
Stage 21 introduces the dynamite item, which can be thrown with . You’re given three enemies to kill and only 2 dynamite to do it with, meaning you will have no choice but to kill at least two of the enemies with a single stick of dynamite.
Once you do so, the THERE GOES BOMB trophy will unlock.

Shoot down the shotgun enemy
Earned in Stage 25.
The Shotgun Enemy is a stronger type of enemy which only appears in Stage 25 and after. He only has two rounds but requires two bullets to take down.
At the start of Stage 25, go up the ladder and collect the single bullet up there. Then climb back down and approach the shotgun enemy. He will shoot twice, destroying the boxes and forcing himself to reload.
While he is reloading, you will need to collect the second bullet from in front of him and then shoot him twice, quickly. When he dies, the YOU ARE BIG, BUT YOU ARE NOT TWO trophy will unlock!

Collect 3 bullets in the same stage
Possible as early as Stage 28.
To unlock the THREE BULLETS trophy, you will need to collect three bullets within a single level and hold all three bullets at once. There are only a handful of levels where three bullets are actually available, and even fewer where they can all be held simultaneously.
Your first opportunity to unlock THREE BULLETS comes in Stage 28. Climb up the ladder and collect the first bullet, then quickly climb up again for a second bullet (be careful not to get shot from the left). From that second level, drop down onto the balcony of the house on the right and quickly grab the bullet. You will get shot and will die, but the trophy will unlock.

An easier alternative level to earn this trophy would be Stage 30. In this boss fight with Butch Bill, there are plenty of bullets out in the open where they are easily grabbed.

Once you’re holding three bullets at once, the THREE BULLETS trophy will unlock.

Defeat the boss
Butch Bill is the final boss of Virtuous Western and he appears in Stage 30. He will fire 4 shots and then move up to another floor of the wooden scaffolding. You’ll need to cautiously–while avoiding his bullets–make your way up to the top of the structure while collecting bullets.
Once you are at the top, move over to the left edge and then drop down behind Butch Bill so that you can shoot him. Sometimes, if you’re quick, you can get two shots in before he moves. Rinse and repeat as many times as needed.
Once you’ve shot Butch Bill 5 times, depleting his health, the BUTCH BILL trophy will unlock, alongside NEW SHERIFF.

Complete all stages
After you have complete Stage 30 and defeated Butch Bill, the NEW SHERIFF trophy will unlock alongside BUTCH BILL.

Plat Get!

Get all other trophies.
Once you have acquired every other trophy in this Virtuous Western Trophy Guide, the “PLATINUM COWBOY” platinum trophy will unlock.

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