PlayStation 5

The Finals Trophy Guide

Online Trophies
Missable Trophies
Difficulty Trophies
Glitched Trophies

General Info


Does The Finals have missable trophies?


Does The Finals have glitched trophies?


What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in The Finals?

The Finals is an online PVP game so you can expect to complete hundreds if not thousands of online matches on your trophy journey.

Does The Finals have a Platinum Trophy?


Trophy Guide

The Finals Trophy Guide and Road Map for Playstation 5

Welcome to our Trophy Guide for The Finals on PlayStation 5. The Finals is an interesting allegory for Capitalism; you fight tooth and nail for victory, just for some sneaky bugger to come along and steal it from under you and leave you destitute. It’s a lot of fun!

There are three Build Types in the game; Light, Medium, and Heavy. Each has access to a vast arsenal of weapons, gadgets, and specializations which you can then mix and match to craft the perfect build for your playstyle. The gameplay is fast-paced and intense. The stakes are high and they get higher as each match progresses. All in all, we’re really enjoying it and it’s filled the hole that Side Bullet left when it vanished off the marketplace.

Unfortunately, the trophy journey is a gruelling 700-ish hour grind to a cumulative earning of 50 million dollars. As of us writing this guide, nobody has yet accomplished that feat as the goal requires such an insane time investment.

While you work towards that goal, there are various other feats to grab your attention; myriad miscellaneous trophies and at least 450 wins spread across each of the three builds. Plenty to keep you busy, just perhaps not enough to keep you entertained.

Either way, The Finals is a season-based PVP game so the content should keep evolving, but unless you’re willing to sink your teeth into The Finals for many months ahead, it’s probably not worth you embarking on this grindfest of a journey.

Phase One | Win 150 Rounds with each Build

The Finals is a difficult game to make a Road Map for. The ideal route depends heavily on your skill, patience, and preferred play style. After some lengthy debate, however, we’ve decided that the three “Win 150 Rounds with X Build” Trophies are the best goal to aim towards from the start.

If you feel pressure to earn The Finals’ Platinum Trophy faster—or simply want more to focus on—you could move on to Phase Two of this guide, as you’ll pretty much always be passively working on these trophies. However, the sheer number of objectives to aim for can be easily overwhelming, so remaining focused on these three goals first can help ease the overload and you’ll come out the other side with a natural sense of which trophies to pursue next.

No matter what you do, you’ll need to play hundreds of matches to reach the trophy journey’s ultimate goal of 50 million cashed dollars, so why rush things now? Save the headaches for when you’re more comfortable and competent.

During this phase, we also suggest that you change up your loadouts frequently to cast a wide net when it comes to passively progressing trophies and unlock these Game Mode Trophies first.

Below, I have also provided a list of trophies which would be good to specifically target while working on each build-specific win trophy.

Game Mode Trophies

Lesson Learner

Complete the Tutorial

When you start the game, you’ll be asked if you want to complete the tutorial. If you said no to this, you can find it again under “Practice” on the title screen.

The tutorial is extremely short and you will unlock the Lesson Learner trophy at the end of it.

Returning Contestant

Play 3 rounds of Quick Cash

Online Multiplayer


Quick Cash is The Finals’ lower-stakes standard game mode in which you simply compete 3v3 in a single match. Simply compete in this game mode three times to unlock the Returning Contestant trophy. You don’t even need to win.

"Win 150 Rounds with X Build" Trophies

Green Light

Play 10 rounds with a Light Build

Online Multiplayer


The Green Light Trophy unlocks after you’ve played 10 matches while using a Light Contestant Build. This is guaranteed to unlock as you work on the Light Years trophy.

Light Years

Win 150 rounds with a Light Build


Online Multiplayer


To unlock the “Light Years” trophy, you need 150 cumulative wins in any game mode while you have the Light build equipped. This is a long grind and will take hours. 150 matches is no small number of matches, and you’re bound to only win about 50% of them. Strap in for a long grind, you have to do the same for the Medium and Heavy builds, too!

Here are some good trophies to work on while you work on Light Years:

  • Strong Arm, using the Light Build’s Sword weapon
  • Busy Body, again, using the Sword weapon
  • Toxic Tact, using the “Gas Grenade” Light Build Gadget.
Mass Medium

Play 10 rounds with a Medium Build


Online Multiplayer


The Mass Medium Trophy unlocks after you’ve played 10 matches while using a Medium Contestant Build. This is guaranteed to unlock as you work on the Medium Rare trophy.

Medium Rare

Win 150 rounds with a Medium Build


Online Multiplayer


To unlock the “Medium Rare” trophy, you need 150 cumulative wins in any game mode while you have the Medium build equipped. This is a long grind and will take hours. 150 matches is no small number of matches, and you’re bound to only win about 50% of them. Strap in for a long grind, you have to do the same for the Light and Heavy builds, too!

Here are some good trophies to work on while you work on Medium Rare:

  • Strong Arm, using the Medium Build’s Shield weapon.
  • Busy Body, again, using the Shield weapon
  • Attending Physician, using the Medium Build’s Defibrillator Gadget, you can instantly revive players to progress this quicker.
  • Resident Doctor, using the Medium Build’s Healing Beam Specialization.
  • Bombouncer, using the “Jump Pad” Medium Build Gadget.
  • Toxic Tact, using the “Gas Mine” Medium Build Gadget.
  • Space Rock Skipper, using the “Jump Pad” Medium Build Gadget.
  • Blast Caster, using the “Explosive Mine” Medium Build Gadget.
Play The Heavy

Play 10 rounds with a Heavy Build

Online Multiplayer


The Play The Heavy Trophy unlocks after you’ve played 10 matches while using a Heavy Contestant Build. This is guaranteed to unlock as you work on the Heavy Hand trophy.

Heavy Hand

Win 150 rounds with a Heavy Build


Online Multiplayer


To unlock the “Heavy Hand” trophy, you need 150 cumulative wins in any game mode while you have the Heavy build equipped. This is a long grind and will take hours. 150 matches is no small number of matches, and you’re bound to only win about 50% of them. Strap in for a long grind, you have to do the same for the Light and Medium builds, too!

Here are some good trophies to work on while you work on Heavy Hand:

  • Strong Arm, using the Heavy Build’s Sledgehammer weapon.
  • Busy Body, again, using the Sledgehammer weapon.
  • Defense Devotee, using the Heavy Build’s Barricade or Dome Shield Gadgets as well as the Mesh Shield Specialization.
  • Hot Shot, using the Heavy Build’s Flamethrower weapon.
  • Pyro Prodigy, again, using the Flamethrower weapon.
  • Toxic Tact, using the “Gas Grenade” Heavy Build Gadget.
  • Sky Bridge Saboteur, using the Heavy Build’s Sledgehammer weapon to destroy both ends of the bridge.
  • Blast Caster, using the “Explosive Mine” Heavy Build Gadget.
Savings Specialist

Obtain a total of 100,000 cash


Online Multiplayer


To achieve a cumulative total of 100,000 cash earned, you would just need to complete cashout with your team a total of 10 times. It would be physically impossible to unlock any of the “Win 150 Rounds with X Build” trophies without achieving this along the way. Also, don’t forget you eventually need a cumulative total of 50 million cash for Deep Pockets.

Phase Two | Misc Trophy Cleanup

Whether you wait until you have all of the “Win 150 Rounds with X Build” Trophies or you get stuck in right away, these trophies are the meat of your trophy journey. You’ll spend the next five to seven hundred hours chasing after the Deep Pockets trophy, and all of the misc trophies in this phase are just a distraction, something to occupy you while you progress that excruciatingly long grind.

I’ve tried to divide the trophies up into a few groups, which should help you attack them in more of a structured way. Here are the categories I’ve grouped them into:

  • Misc Game Mode Trophies | These involve you exploring and mastering both the Quick Cash and Tournament modes.
  • Misc Build & Equipment Trophies | These trophies involve using a specific build or specific pieces of equipment to achieve various goals.
  • Misc Conflict Trophies | These trophies specifically involve PvP combat, mostly asking you to take enemies out under specific conditions.
  • Misc Gameplay Trophies | These trophies involve gameplay mechanics like delivering Cashboxes or supporting allies.

Misc Game Mode Trophies

Rising Star

Play 3 Tournament rounds

Online Multiplayer

You will eventually get access to the Tournaments game mode after completing around 15 Quick Cash or Bank It matches. In this game mode, you will need to complete up to three matches against other teams. Matches in tournament mode are more high-octane, with more cashboxes in play and the risk of team elimination at the end of each round.

To reach the third round of a Tournament, you must avoid being eliminated in the first two rounds. The first round will have 4 teams, the second round also has 4 teams competing, and the final round is a head-to-head match between two teams.

Upon completing a round in Tournament Mode for the third time, you will receive the Rising Star trophy! You do not need to reach or win the third round to unlock Rising Star, however, if you do you will unlock the Show Stopper Trophy.

Show Stopper

Win the final round in Tournament or Ranked Tournament

Online Multiplayer

To unlock the Elusive “Show Stopper” trophy, you not only need to reach the third round of a Tournament (see Rising Star), but your team will need to win that third round, too!

Your chances here heavily depend on the competency of your team and the competency of your opponents. If you have a really good team of friends you can actively communicate with, then you’ve got a good chance of earning this trophy easily.

That said, if you’re going in solo and matchmaking with randomers then you’re going to have a slightly more frustrating experience.

However you achieve it, getting a win on that third Tournament round will net you the Show Stopper trophy!

Crowd Pleaser

Finish in first place, 3 times in a row


Online Multiplayer


Though the requirements for “Crowd Pleaser” seem difficult, it’s actually not that rare. Many other players own the trophy and we even had it by our 5th match!

I strongly recommend playing in Quick Cash Mode where players are generally inexperienced and less competitive. That’s where you’ll have the best chances of success. Especially if you get together a party of three; you and two friends.

Your team will need to come out on top in three matches back-to-back. It’s mostly just luck as it depends on who you’re pit against but if you have at least 2 competent players on your team you should be able to pull it off eventually.

Misc Build & Equipment Trophies

Participation Ribbon

Create a contestant


Though you are asked to create a contestant at the start of the game, it actually doesn’t count for this trophy.

Instead, go to the “Contestants” option on the title screen and you will see a grid of 6 character slots in the upper-left. Three of these will automatically be filled with a Light, Medium, and Heavy build character, but you can add any three additional contestants. This can be useful for quickly switching between different preferred loadouts.

To unlock the “Participation Ribbon,” you need to add a new contestant of any build type into one of the three empty slots.

Dead Shot

Get 300 eliminations with Ranged Weapons

Online Multiplayer


Of all the equipment-specific elimination trophies, Dead Shot is the easiest. While you are asked to get a whopping 300 kills with ranged weapons, ranged weapons make up the majority of the weapons in the game. Therefore, you are likely to be progressing this trophy most of the time—provided you’re getting any kills.

Strong Arm

Get 150 eliminations with Melee Weapons


Online Multiplayer


To unlock the Strong Arm Trophy, you will need to accumulate a total of 150 kills using Melee Weapons. The Melee Weapon just has to deal the final bit of damage, it doesn’t matter how the player was harmed before you finished them off, as long as you did so with a Melee weapon.

Here are the Melee Weapon options:

  • Sword | Light Build
  • Dagger | Light Build
  • Riot Shield | Medium Build
  • Sledgehammer | Heavy Build

Defeat opponents with any of these weapons a cumulative total of 150 times and the trophy is yours!

Gadget Guru

Get 150 eliminations with Gadgets


Online Multiplayer


To unlock the Gadget Guru Trophy, you will need to accumulate a total of 150 kills using Gadgets. Gadgets are basically anything in your arsenal that are not weapons. The ones you can specifically eliminate people with are as follows:

  • Breach Charge
  • Frag Grenade
  • Pyro Grenade
  • Gas Grenade
  • Explosive Mine
  • Gas Mine
  • RPG-7
  • C4
  • Pyro Mine

Defeat opponents with any of these Gadgets a cumulative total of 150 times and the trophy is yours!

Try to get at least 25 of these kills with Gas Grenades or Gas Mines, as this will unlock the Toxic Tact trophy!

Defense Devotee

Block a total of 25,000 damage

Online Multiplayer


There are several things in the HEavy Build’s arsenal which can help your progress the Defense Devotee trophy;

  • The Barricade gadget
  • The Dome Shield gadget
  • The -activated Mesh Shield Specialization

When you deploy any one of these in combat, the damage they take will directly contribute to progressing this trophy.

Once your defensive tools have taken a cumulative total of 25000 damage throughout your time in The Finals, you will unlock the Defense Devotee trophy.

Resident Doctor

Heal teammates for a total of 25,000 health

Online Multiplayer


When using the Medium Build, you will have access to a Healing Beam Specialization. It’s available for Medium Builds as default.

When equipped, you can press during gameplay to pull it out. When a teammate is being targeted by it, you’ll see a blue plus icon over their character. Holding while this icon is visible will tether that player with a healing beam, which slowly recovers their health. The beam can overheat, however, so you should try to use it wisely.

By using this gadget, heal your fellow teammates a cumulative total of 25,000 HP and you will unlock the Resident Doctor trophy!


Eliminate an opponent by bouncing a grenade on a Jump Pad

Online Multiplayer

For the Bombouncer Trophy, you need to kill someone with a grenade that has first bounced off a Jump Pad. You can use your own Jump Pad that you’ve placed as a Medium Build, or you can use one that’s already in the stage or has been placed by another player.

The important thing is that you bounce your grenade off a jump pad first. Then, wherever it lands, the resulting explosion/fire/gas should eliminate an opposing player, teammate, or you (we’ll come back to that).

I strongly recommend using Gas or Pyro Grenades, as they leave behind hazards that are more likely to kill an opponent. Hitting someone with a frag grenade you’ve bounced off a Jump Pad would be quite difficult to do.

I should mention that, unlike other similar trophies, you cannot unlock Bombouncer by blowing yourself up. I did test that.

Moments before failure
Busy Body

Eliminate 3 opponents with a Melee Weapon within 10 seconds


Online Multiplayer


The Busy Body Trophy is no easy feat, but there’s a decent chance you’ll achieve it while working on the Strong Arm Trophy.

Essentially, as the description says, you need to defeat a total of 3 opponents with a Melee Weapon within just 10 seconds. Your best bet would be to come upon a full team of three who have already been weakened by a fight with your teammates or other teams. Then, using your Melee Weapon, you would want to finish all three of those enemies off with just your Melee Weapon.

This is much easier to achieve with the Light Build and their Sword Melee Weapon, as speed will be key here. Throwing a Gas Mine or Gas Grenade into an enclosed space containing three enemies to first weaken them would also be a good strategy, but you’d need to hope that the gas itself doesn’t steal any melee kills from you.

Pyro Prodigy

Eliminate 25 enemies with fire

Online Multiplayer


To unlock the Pyro Prodigy trophy, you just need to defeat a cumulative total of 25 other players using fire in any form. Every Build has access to the “Pyro Grenade” gadget, which you could use to gradually progress this trophy over time.

However, a more direct approach would be to equip the Heavy Build with the Flamethrower weapon. Use it for a few matches until you accumulate 25 total fire kills and the Pyro Prodigy trophy is all yours.

Toxic Tact

Eliminate 25 enemies with gas

Online Multiplayer


The Toxic Tact trophy asks that you kill a cumulative total of 25 enemies with Gas throughout your time in The Finals. You can use Gas Canister/Container Carriables, Gas Mine Gadgets, or Gas Grenade Gadgets for this, its up to you which you prefer.

You want to be creating Gas Clouds on and near objectives, where enemies will be more likely to risk their lives. Cashout boxes are a great place to put Gas Clouds because people will be so desperate to steal the cashout box, that they will stay in the gas until it kills them.

The gas doesn’t do a lot of damage really, and people tend to avoid it. So other than by placing traps on objectives, you’ll struggle to kill anyone who’s not already near death.


Butter Fingers

Get eliminated by your own grenade

Online Multiplayer

“Butter Fingers” is one of the easier trophies to unlock. During any match, at any time, find a corner and tuck yourself away in it. Face the corner and drop any frag, pyro, or gas grenades you have. If done correctly, the resulting damage will kill you and you will unlock the trophy. This is more quickly achieved with a Light Build equipped as they have generally smaller health bars.

If you use a gas grenade and then perform an emote while it slowly kills you, you will also unlock the Artful Expressionist trophy. Unless they patched the exploit out.

Space Rock Skipper

Bounce a meteor off a Jump Pad during the Meteor Showers event

Online Multiplayer


During matches of The Finals, it’s possible for various events to take place, such a Alien Invasions, Orbital Lasers, and Meteor Showers. There’s no way to tell which event you will get in a match, it’s quite random. However, it seems that some events only occur on certain maps—not that it matters, as you can’t select specific maps anyway.

To unlock the Space Rock Skipper trophy, you will need to first have the Jump Pad Gadget equipped on a Medium Build Character. Then, keep playing matches until you are fortunate enough to get a level where the Meteor Strike event happens. Once it does, try and place your Jump Pad under a Meteor. The Meteor will spring off the Jump Pad and bounce back up into space, unlocking the trophy.

The Meteor Strike is not the only place you can earn this trophy. There’s currently an exploit that involves the Alien Invasion event, but it might get patched out.

During the Alien Invasion event, there’s a point where all the UFOs stop and begin firing down on the ground below them. The green fireballs that they shoot actually count as Meteors. Therefore, if you place a jump pad below an Alien Invasion UFO, you’ve got a high chance of unlocking Space Rock Skipper.

Misc Conflict Trophies

Stop Payment

Eliminate an opponent while they are carrying a cash box, 5 times

Online Multiplayer


In the Quick Cash and Tournament Game Modes, Vaults will spawn throughout the game which players need to unlock and then deliver to a Cashout Box. The players carrying Cash Boxes to Cashout stations will be periodically marked on-screen via a rhombus-shaped objective marker with the vault’s number at the center. They will also leave behind blue trails helping you to track them down.

To unlock the Stop Payment trophy, you need to personally eliminate the player carrying the Cash Box 5 separate times. This will likely happen naturally throughout your hundreds of matches.

A different—yet slightly amoral—method would be to hide near the Cash Box, wait for a player to grab the box, and then quickly ambush and kill them.

Asset Protection

Eliminate an opponent trying to steal your cashout, 10 times

Online Multiplayer


Once you have delivered a Cash Box to a Cashout Station in either Quick Cash or Tournament mode, you will need to defend it for quite a long while, waiting for the Cashout to complete.

During this time, players from other teams can approach your Cashout Station and hold on it to Steal your Cashout. An alarm will sound when this is happening, and the Cashout’s icon on your HUD will begin to flash red.

To unlock the Asset Protection trophy, you need to vehemently defend your team’s Cashouts, attacking anyone who attempts to steal from them. The trophy will unlock when you have eliminated a cumulative total of 10 would-be Cashout Thieves while they are physically attempting to steal.

The Medium Build’s Turret Specialization is perfect for this, as you can set it up to shoot anyone who attempts to steal the Cashout.

Highway Patrol

Eliminate an opponent while you are riding a Zipline, 10 times

Online Multiplayer


Throughout each map in The Finals, you’ll frequently come across Ziplines. Some are there by default and some are placed by other players. When approaching one, you can press to attach to it and begin traveling down the length of it.

While doing this, you can still aim your gun and shoot. Being accurate is tricky, though, given the constant movement while riding the zipline.

To unlock the Highway Patrol trophy, you will need to eliminate a cumulative total of 10 opponents while actively riding ziplines.

This is more easily achieved when playing as the Medium Build with the Zipline Gadget equipped. This gadget allows you to place Ziplines anywhere you like, so you can set up some really long ziplines high up, and then ride them back and forth in an attempt to farm kills.

Hot Shot

Eliminate an opponent while you are on fire, 5 times in a single round


Online Multiplayer


The Hot Shot trophy is probably one of the harder trophies to unlock. You’d have to be a bit of a maniac to unlock it naturally.

Essentially, you need to do as it describes; eliminate 5 opponents in a single match, but while on fire each time.

Your best bet is to attempt this using the Heavy Build. They have more health and can withstand being on fire for longer.

Next, you’ll want to have the Pyro Grenade Gadget equipped.

Then, in a single match, you’ll need to keep using your Pyro Grenade to start fires. Stand in those fires until your screen indicates that you are actively on fire, and then try and get kills in that state.

You’ll need to repeatedly do this, hopefully killing a few people with the fires you start as well as the damage you deal while burning.

With some significant effort and a great deal of luck, you should eventually be able to muster up a total of 5 eliminations while actively burning, and take home the well-earned Hot Shot trophy.

Pressure Prize

Hit an opponent in the head with an explosive carriable

Online Multiplayer

On every map in every match, you will find many canisters that you can pick up and throw by pressing while aiming at one to pick it up and then pressing to launch it in the faced direction.

These canisters include explosive canisters, toxic gas canisters, goo canisters, and more. To unlock the “Pressure Prize” trophy, you need to throw one of these canisters at an opponent’s head. It doesn’t even need to kill them, just hit them with it.

Dodgeball Champion

Hit opponents with 3 different carriables within 15 seconds



Online Multiplayer


The Dodgeball Champion trophy is quite tricky, especially since the Carriable mechanic needs a bit of work.

Essentially, when you’re looking at a Carriable, you can pick it up with . Unfortunately, it doesn’t work 50% of the time, and you’ll instead start reloading your gun and run straight past the thing you wanted to pick up. Practice this a bit, as picking items up at speed is certainly a skill in The Finals. One that the mechanic itself makes difficult to acquire.

To unlock the Dodgeball Champion trophy, you will need to pick up () and throw () three carriables back-to-back. Each carriable that you throw, however, must hit an opponent.

You can make this slightly easier by doing some setup; grab several throwable items such as canisters, barrels, plant pots, and more, then gather them together in an easy-access pile. They don’t need to be unique carriables, they can be three of the same type, but three nonetheless. Do this near an objective, then wait for some enemies to turn up.

Clip And Slide

Eliminate an opponent with a headshot while you are sliding

Online Multiplayer

Skill Based

The Clip and Slide trophy requires some skill, but since the accuracy of most weapons is somewhat random, you’ll need luck on your side too.

If you’re good with a sniper and quick-scoping, that might be your best high-damage-output bet for this trophy. Otherwise, I’d recommend a shotgun or Handgun; something with high power.

Next, you’ll want to start sliding toward people and trying to shoot them in the head. You can slide by pressing while moving to turn your momentum into a slide.

To unlock Clip and Slide, you must successfully eliminate an opponent with a headshot while sliding. Good luck!


Eliminate 3 opponents with 3 different items or carriables within 10 seconds



Online Multiplayer


The Multitasker’s Trophy Description suggests that you must only use gadgets or carriables, yet there are many reports that eliminations from weapons and other sources also helped unlock the trophy.

The key goal seems to be achieving a triple-kill where each eliminated opponent is killed via a different method. Here are some examples:

  • As a Light Build, you could attach a Gas Mine to an explosive canister, and throw the canister at an opponent, killing them and leaving behind a gas cloud. Using your weapon, eliminate an enemy, then weaken another to be finished by the gas cloud.
  • As a Medium Build, you could set up a turret and throw a pyro grenade. Then, using your weapon, kill an opponent and then weaken two others for the turret and flames to finish off.
  • As a Heavy Build, you could charge into someone with the Charge & Slam specialization, killing them. Then, kill another two with the sledgehammer and a frag grenade.

Obviously, you can see even from the scenarios I just came up with above, this is no easy feat. These things are unlikely to occur naturally, and you’re just going to get more and more frustrated when trying to set these scenarios up.

Honestly, rather than plan anything, your best bet is to just throw as many carriables and gadgets as you can into a room with three or more opponents in it and see what happens.

Golden Bullet

Get a headshot elimination with the last bullet in the magazine of your primary weapon

Online Multiplayer

To unlock the “Golden Bullet” trophy, you need the last bullet fired from your gun’s magazine to kill someone with a headshot. Very tricky to set up. I suppose there’s two ways of doing it;

You could go in with something like a Shotgun, Pistol, or Sniper Rifle. All of these weapons have relatively short magazines and so you will spend more time in general with just one round left in your magazine. It will also be easier to reach the state of having one bullet left in your magazine.

If you can kill somebody with that last bullet by shooting them in the head, you’ll unlock the Golden Bullet trophy.

Alternatively, using automatic weapons like Assault Rifles and SMGs can also work out in your favour. It is more difficult to artificially set up the desired kill with these weapons, but due to the chaos of a fully-unloaded clip, there’s a decent chance you will earn the trophy naturally—provided you shoot people in the head a lot.

Fatal Florist

Eliminate a player with a flowerpot

Online Multiplayer

To unlock the Fatal Florist trophy, you need to get an elimination using a Plant Pot that you’ve thrown at an enemy. Every map has plant pots in them, though they each differ slightly from one another. You can find them pretty much anywhere. I’ve provided some images below of various Plant Pots found in different stages, but it’s really just a small sampling.

Plant Pots don’t do a whole lot of damage, so you’ll want to try and find someone with relatively low health to throw your pot at.

If you attach an Explosive Mine to your plant pot, you could also earn Blast Caster.

Charitable Donation

Eliminate an opponent with a cash box

Online Multiplayer

When you’re carrying the Cashbox from a Vault to a Cash Out Station, you can actually throw the box by pressing . You can do this to pass it to other teammates, get it away from opponents, or even to deposit it into the station itself.

What you might not know, though, is that the Cash Box does a bit of damage to any players it hits. So if you throw it at a player who has about <33% health remaining, you could do enough damage to eliminate them.

Doing this successfully will unlock the “Charitable Donation” trophy!


Use an emote after eliminating a player

Online Multiplayer

To unlock the “Showboaster” trophy, you will first need to eliminate another player in a match. Then, immediately after doing so, use any emote from the emote wheel. If done quickly enough, the trophy will unlock.

Artful Expressionist

Eliminate a player while you are emoting

Online Multiplayer

The “Artful Expression” trophy is very similar to the Showboaster Trophy, except you need to eliminate another player while actively using an emote.

Naturally, the only way to do this is with a delayed explosion like a grenade or some kind of damage-over-time gadget like a Gas Mine or even a Gas Carriable. You would then hope that the player you’re gassing gets eliminated while you’re still emoting.

But actually, currently (as of January 2024), there is a much easier way to unlock this trophy. You can actually earn it by killing yourself in-game.

First, drop a gas grenade or gas mine (you’d have to shoot the mine to activate it) and then stand in the gas cloud, while using an emote, until the gas eventually kills you. You’ll annoy your team members, and die an embarrassing death, but you’ll go out with the trophy under your arm.

Blast Caster

Place an Explosive Mine on a carriable and get an elimination by throwing it at an enemy

Online Multiplayer

To unlock the “Blast Caster” trophy, you will first need to purchase the Explosive Mine gadget for either the Medium or the Heavy Build and then equip it. The Explosive Mine costs 1,000 VRS.

Once done, place the mine on any carriable. This can be a poison canister, pyro canister, or even a bin.

I do recommend an explosive canister, though, as these do significantly more damage and will help with the trophy.

Once ready, find an opponent, preferably one with low health, and then press to throw the carriable at them. If the janky physics work in your favor, the attached mine will explode—hopefully eliminating the targetted player and unlocking the trophy.

There is an interesting glitch at the moment, which may get patched out in the future. However, if you blow someone up with a mine and that mine just happens to be on a carriable object, you will unlock the trophy without having to throw the carriable itself.

Misc Gameplay Trophies

Initial Deposit

Insert a cash box into a cashout station

Online Multiplayer

In The Finals’ signature game mode, players compete to obtain safe vaults and then bring them to Cashout Stations to begin the process of retrieving the money inside.

To unlock the Initial Deposit trophy, you simply need to take the vault to a cashout box for the first time. Unless you’re a very bad team player, it is extremely likely that you will unlock this naturally throughout at least one of the hundreds of matches you’ll participate in.

Med Student

Revive a teammate

Online Multiplayer

When a player is killed in The Finals, their body turns into a figurine, which can be picked up and carried to safety with .

While aiming at a dead teammate’s figurine, you can hold to begin filling a gauge. When filled, your teammate will be revived.

Medium Build players also have access to the Defibrillator gadget which can revive players instantly.

Revive a teammate for the first time and you will unlock the “Med Student” trophy. Do it 49 more times to unlock the Attending Physician Trophy.

Attending Physician

Revive teammates 50 times

Online Multiplayer


After unlocking Med Student continue on reviving dead teammates whenever you get the opportunity until you have eventually revived a cumulative total of 50 teammates. At that point, you’ll receive the Attending Physician trophy.

Demolition Expert

Deal 1,000,000 damage to arenas

Online Multiplayer


To unlock the Demolition Expert trophy, you need to deal a cumulative total of one million damage units to the environment throughout your time playing The Finals.

The easiest way to progress this trophy quickly is to use a Grenade Launcher or Sledgehammer and then spend the majority of each match just going to town on the environment. Almost everything is destructible in The Finals, which can lead to some very unique situations.

However, as everything is destructible, you’ll be dealing damage to the environment unintentionally all the time. You’ll really progress this trophy naturally and certainly can’t reach and unlock the Deep Pockets trophy without automatically accumulating this trophy along the way.

Last-minute Gift

Start a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match


Online Multiplayer

Last-minute Gift is quite a tricky trophy to set up, so your best hope is to pray that the stars align and you end up in the right place at the right time.

Here’s what to do, though;

In every match, you’ll see a match timer at the top of the screen. This timer will end the match regardless of score if it reaches 00:00.

To unlock Last-Minute Gift, you need to delivery a Cash Box to any Cashout Station while the match clock displays 00:10 or less. This, of course, is not enough time to actually cash out that box, but it will net you this trophy!

In hundreds of Cash Out matches, I never saw the stars align in such a way that would make this trophy possible. However, in Tournament Mode, there are two Cash Boxes at once and shorter rounds, making this much more achievable.

Buzzer Beater

Steal a cashout with less than 10 seconds remaining in the match


Online Multiplayer

Buzzer Beater is also a tricky trophy to engineer, so your best bet is to hope that the stars align and you end up in the right place at the right time.

Here’s how it’s done;

In every match, you’ll see a match timer at the top of the screen. This timer will end the match regardless of score if it reaches 00:00.

To unlock Buzzer Beater, you need to steal another team’s Cashout within the last 10 seconds of the match timer.

To steal a cashout, you need to approach a cashout terminal which is currently claimed by another team, and then hold on it, uninterrupted, until the on-screen gauge is filled.

Just Like Scotty

Win a round in any mode without being eliminated


Online Multiplayer

Skill Based

Unlocking Just Like Scotty is going to take you some real hard work and dedication. That or a brilliantly competent team of allies.

Essentially, you must win a round of Quick Cash, Bank It, or Tournament without being eliminated once.

There are basically two approaches you can take; Moral and Amoral.

  1. The Moral approach would be for you to try and help your team from a distance. Use a Light Build with a sniper and the cloaking device. Use the Cloaking Device to stay hidden from opponents, while using the Sniper to defend objectives and back up your allies. Play extremely safely and prey for a set of incompetent opponents.
  2. The Amoral approach would be for you to spend the whole match hiding from opponents. Stay far away from the objective, and use the cloaking device to avoid conflicts. Your allies will have a much harder time trying to maintain the match, and they will probably hate your guts for not helping out. Also, since they probably won’t win most conflicts 2v3, your chances of winning the round will be low and you’ll end up having to ruin more than just one round of the game in your pursuit of this elusive trophy.

Whichever approach you choose, survive a full round which your team also happens to win, and you will unlock the Just Like Scotty trophy.

Field Goal

Throw a cash box into a cashout station from 20 meters away

Online Multiplayer

You can deliver the Cash Box to a Cashout station in Quick Cash or tournament by throwing the box at the station. Just aim slightly higher (as the box is heavy and drops fast) and then press to launch the box forward. If it hits one of the station’s cash box receptacles, it will be caught by the station and accepted.

To unlock the Field Goal trophy, you need to achieve this from 20 meters away. It’s easy to tell how far you are from the Cashout Station, as the waypoint on your HUD has the distance in meters indicated above it.

Sky Bridge Saboteur

Destroy the skybridge in Seoul

Online Multiplayer

On the Seoul map, there’s a “Sky Bridge” connecting two parts of a hospital-esque building:

Above this bridge, there’s a large crane. The crane actually has controls in it which allow you to swing the large wrecking ball connected to it. Using this crane to destroy the Skybridge will unlock the “Sky Bridge Saboteur” trophy.

You can also just destroy the bridge with explosives or a sledgehammer too, just be careful not to fall with the bridge when it drops!

Life Of The Party

Play 10 rounds in a Party

Online Multiplayer

To unlock the “Life of the Party” trophy, you will need to party up with at least one other player and then play (not necessarily win) a total of 10 matches. This is, of course, quite an easy trophy to earn. Here are the steps:

  1. Have a friend download The finals on PC, Xbox Series X, or PlayStation 5.
  2. From the main menu, press to open the Social menu. Take note of your friend code next to the menu title in the upper left. It will be something like SuitedStar#3377.
  3. In the middle, you should see your friends on PlayStation who own and have played the game. You should be able to invite these people directly. Sometimes this menu glitches out and you need to restart the game to see your friends.
  4. On the right, you will see your added crossplay friends. You will need to press to add a new friend and have them give you their Friend Code or vice versa.

Once you have managed to get your friend to show up in your Social menu, select and invite them to your party and then play a cumulative total of 10 matches while in a party. After the 10th match, Life of the Party will unlock.

Speed Run

Start a cashout within 15 seconds after opening a vault



Online Multiplayer


To unlock the Speed Run trophy, you have to deliver a Cash Box just 15 seconds after retrieving it from a Vault. To achieve this, you will most likely want to be playing a Light Build as they are the fastest by far. But you also need the Vault you opened to be very close to a Cashbox. Both the Vault locations and Cashout Station locations are randomized, so you need RNG to be on your side.

When MrZhangetsu earned this trophy, he opened a Vault inside the church only to have a Cashout Station spawn at the opposite end of the church, mere seconds away. This was our fifth or sixth match.

Hundreds of matches later, I haven’t yet been so lucky.

Phase Three | The Long Grind

You thought 450 wins for the “Win 150 Rounds with X Build” Trophies was a long grind?

The Deep Pockets trophy asks that you cash out a cumulative total of 50 million in cash. As you’ll see, even if you were the best player in the world it would take at least 1,250 matches. A somewhat more realistic estimate would be; over 3,000 matches.

Welcome to Phase Three of your Finals Trophy Journey. Some call it Purgatory. Good luck.

Trophies in this phase:

Earn 50 Million in Cash

Deep Pockets

Earn 50 Million in Cash

Deep Pockets

Obtain a total of 50,000,000 cash


Online Multiplayer


If you’re the best team in a match of Bank It, you could come away with 40,000 cashed per match (or a lot more if you over-bank). This is very difficult to pull off, though, and a team win is more possible in Quick Cash. However, Quick Cash has a limit of $20,000, which you’d only be able to achieve by winning the match.

So, using those numbers, you could reach 50 million cash in either…

  1. 1,250 perfect matches of Bank It
  2. 2,500 won matches of Quick Cash

Of course, you’re not going to win every time, and you’re likely to play a mix of both game modes. All in all, the only thing you can really do is just keep playing the game. There’s a good chance that events and new game modes released in the future could help you boost this, but you’re just going to have to put in the hours. Around 500-700 of them. Possibly even more.

It’s worth noting that Tournaments can net 80,000-120,000 cash per full ~30-minute Tournament. However, the competition is more fierce, and the time investment is larger. I’d only recommend farming Tournament mode if you have a good party of three players. Otherwise, Bank It is a good game mode for experienced players, so put in a few hours on Quick Cash then join us in Bank It when you’re more confident.

We’ll see you in the field, chipping away at this one ourselves!


FINALS' Frontrunner

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