PlayStation 4

Snake Boat Trophy Guide

Online Trophies
Missable Trophies
Difficulty Trophies
Glitched Trophies

General Info


How long does it take to beat Snake Boat and unlock all trophies?

About 10 minutes.

How difficult is it to beat Snake Boat and unlock all trophies?

Very Easy (1/10).

Does Snake Boat have online trophies?


Does Snake Boat have difficulty-specific trophies?


Does Snake Boat have missable trophies?


Does Snake Boat have glitched trophies?


What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Snake Boat?

Several very short playthroughs of each mode..

Does Snake Boat have a Platinum Trophy?


Trophy Guide

Snake Boat: Otterrific Arcade Trophy Guide and Road Map

Snake Boat is a very easy game to platinum, but by following the instructions in the Snake Boat Trophy Guide below, it can be made a lot easier for yourself by setting low scores to beat…

Phase One – Normal Mode as Petra

For your first stab at the game, you want to play in Normal Mode to unlock Hard Mode and set a really low score which will be easy to beat later for the next phase.

After a few seconds, pause the game with and select “End Game” to register a score.

By selecting to play as Petra, you’ll also unlock the free DLC trophy.

Free DLC Trophy

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New Snake Who Dis?

Finish a game on any difficulty as Petra the Snake. (She’s the red one. Pete’s the green one. The two don’t have any other visual defining characteristics because when was the last time you were able to tell apart a male snake from a female snake?) (If you’re a herpetologist, scalie or in-general snake enthusiast, don’t answer that.)

As the trophy description makes painfully obvious, you unlock this trophy by selecting to play as Petra, the red snake. Do so by selecting “Play As Petra” in the main menu.

Phase Two – Normal Mode again and Hard Mode

Now you just want to beat your previous score of 2 seconds (or whatever you eventually ended up with) in order to unlock a trophy for beating your own high score.

Again, just press and select “End Game” when you have survived longer than your previous time.

You’ll then want to play Hard Mode for a few seconds to unlock Blind Mango mode. There are no trophies involved.

High Score Trophy

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Recursive Snake

Beat your own personal high score in any mode. (It’s a snake-eat-snake world… Wait, wrong game?)

Just beat your own score for this trophy. By setting a really low score in your first playthrough, you can make this trophy insanely easy.

If by some bizarre turn of events, you manage to set a score in your first playthrough that you think you’ll never be able to beat, then you can delete all save data for Snake Boat and start fresh.

Unlock Blind as a Mango Mode

As stated, just play Hard mode for a few seconds to unlock Blind as a Mango Mode. This is the final mode we will need to unlock all the other trophies, but you won’t earn any more trophies in this phase for playing Hard Mode. Don’t feel the need to stick around.

Phase Three – Snake Boat Blind as a Mango Mode Trophies

Blind as a Mango Mode for Five Minutes

All that’s left is to play Blind as a Mango mode for 5 whole minutes. Not 5 consecutive minutes; 5 cumulative minutes.

In other words, you don’t need to stay alive for 5 whole minutes, you just need to keep replaying this mode until you’ve spent a total of 5 minutes playing it.

For this phase you can literally just put the controller down. You should survive about 2 minutes on average without doing anything, all you need to do is press “Restart” when you eventually die and then leave the controller again.

That will unlock the following trophy:

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The Mango Strikes Back

Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode. (And the mango goes for the eyes…)

During this cumulative 5-minute period, every other trophy below will unlock naturally with zero additional effort on your part.

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A New Mango

Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode.

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Revenge of the Mango

Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode.

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The Mango Wars

Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Blind as a Mango mode.

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The Phantom Mango

Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Blind as a Mango mode.

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Bustling Snake

Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Hard mode or harder.

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I Mean, Cold Blood Seeking Arrows

Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Hard mode or harder.

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Heat-Seeking Arrows

Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Hard mode or harder.

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Can’t Get Harder Right?

Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Hard mode or harder.

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Hard Snake Boat

Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Hard mode or harder.

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A Medium Rare Snake

Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Normal mode or harder.

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These Arrows Defy Physics

Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Normal mode or harder.

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Not All Straight Arrows

Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Normal mode or harder.

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All Straight Arrows

Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Normal mode or harder.

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Normal Snack Boat

Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Normal mode or harder.

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Easy Snaking on a Boating

Survive for a total of at least 5 minutes on Easy mode or harder.

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Free Snake

Survive for a total of at least 4 minutes on Easy mode or harder.

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Arrow Dodger

Survive for a total of at least 3 minutes on Easy mode or harder.

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Runaway Arrows

Survive for a total of at least 2 minutes on Easy mode or harder.

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Easy Snake Boat

Survive for a total of at least 1 minute on Easy mode or harder.

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Experienced Snake Boat Score

Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 120. (Congrats, you’ve lasted longer than the attention span of our playtesters!)

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The Middle Child Snake Boat Score

Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 90. (Meh. Nothing to see here. The higher and lower scores are more interesting.)

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Impressive Snake Boat Score

Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 60. (Yes, good, good…. Let the snake flow through you…)

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Beginner Snake Boat Score

Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 30. (That’s a good score for your presumably first attempt!)

Score of at least 60 as Petra

If you keep playing as Petra during this phase, and you should naturally unlock the other DLC trophy too. Otherwise, you can just load up a game as petra on easy and survive for a minute. Which is as simple as not moving at all.

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Bump to the Top

Finish a game on any difficulty as Petra the Snake with a score of at least 60. (It’s nice to be at the top of the home page err I mean scoreboard. Even if it’s only for a second. I would like to thank the academy… To a certain gamer dragon: no you’re famous! And to a certain great dude: how crispy do you like your snakes?)

Otterrific High Score

There’s a slight chance you won’t get this trophy naturally and may have to physically play the game.

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Otterrific High Score

Finish a game on any difficulty with a score of at least 180. (You got the top score on the local score board! Congratulations! Share this accomplishment with your friends! Challenge them to beat your score!)

You’ll need to achieve a score of 180 in a single sitting on any game mode, thus taking the top spot on the scoreboard.

One point is equal to one second, so you will need to survive for 180 seconds, or 3 minutes.

If you’re not earning this naturally in this phase, just load the game on Easy Difficulty and play until the timer reaches 3:00. At that point, simply press and select “End Game” to submit your score and unlock the trophy.

I found that I could move the boat up into the top left corner and sit there for almost 5 minutes untouched.

Plat Get!

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Platinum Snake Boat

Achieve all other trophies! You’re a master at rowing a boat for five minutes at a time! (I better see this trophy up on your shelf or cabinet.)

Having played Blind as a Mango Mode for a cumulative 5 minutes, thus unlocking every other trophy, you’ll have this Platinum trophy in your collection.

If not, check to see if Otterrific High Score unlocked.

Full Disclosure: You won’t find this platinum trophy on my PSN Profile, I used my alt account PlatGet_DblTap, so look there if you’re hoping to verify!

If you enjoy collecting quick and easy Platinum Trophies like this one, check out our full list of Quick and Easy Platinum Trophies, all of which can be earned in an hour or less!

Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for this Snake Boat Trophy Guide, consider checking out our reviews and other guides!

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