PlayStation 4
Moving Out Walkthrough
Game Guide
Moving Out Story Mode Trophy and Achievement Walkthrough
In this Moving Out Walkthrough, I’ll give you the Objectives for every stage as well as a few tips for completing them. Along the way, I’ll let you know about Mailboxes for “Rain, hail or shine,” Toilets for “Where we’re going we don’t need thrones,” Pet Animals for “Animal Lover,” Hidden Consoles for “That’s Not Landfill,” and Ghosts for “The Friendly Ghosts.”
Much of the information in this guide will assume that you are using Assist Mode and are playing solo. Note, though, that the time thresholds, number of animals, and more will change depending on the number of friends playing with you.
Also, even though the bonus objectives are hidden until you complete the stage for the first time, you can actually complete them on your first attempt. Using the guide below you’ll be able to see what the requirements are before starting the stage and will be able to complete them early.
This Moving Out Walkthrough is perfect for completing Phase One of our Moving Out Trophy Guide, so once you’re done here why not head on over to our trophy guide and pick up any remaining trophies/achievements you need?
Mandatory Training
Mailbox: There’s a mailbox towards the end of the stage, during the slapping tutorial, slap it with .

Additional Trophy: You will earn the “Totally Certified” trophy just for completing this stage.

Holly’s Home
Mailbox: There’s a Mailbox out front, slap it with .
Hidden Console: Behind a bush in the corner in front of the Truck.

Toilet: There’s a green toilet in the bathroom with a box on it. Remove the box and jump on top of the toilet.

Bonus Objectives:
- Break the windows
- Don’t break any windows
- Bring the flamingos (Put the flamingo ornaments from the front garden into the truck)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 5:00
Pepperoni Palace
Mailbox: Slap the mailbox out front with .

Hidden Console: Under the picnic table behind the house.

Toilet: There’s a toilet in the bathroom at the back of the house with a box on it. Remove the box and then jump up onto the toilet.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Turtle.
Bonus Objectives:
- Goaaaaaal! (Pick up the football in the garden and throw it in the net)
- Deliver the Turtle (Put the Turtle on the Truck)
- Don’t break the vase (There’s a vase on a pedestal near the back door, ensure you don’t knock it over by running into it or bumping it with any carried items)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:30
The Hoop House
Mailbox: Slap the orange mailbox out front with . It’s just next to the road.
Hidden Console: On the hammock between the two trees in the back garden.

Toilet: There’s a yellow toilet in the bathroom, jump on it.
Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Chicken (inside the dog house in the back garden).
Bonus Objectives:
- Shoot some hoops (Grab a basketball from the front garden and then stand on the hood of the car in-front of the garage. From there, hold
to aim and throw the ball into the basketball hoop.)
- Pets stay outside! (Once you move the box in front of the dog house in the back garden, a chicken will come out. Quickly grab it and make sure it doesn’t go inside.)
- Don’t break any windows.
Additional Trophy: Completing the “Shoot some hoops” objective will also earn you the “The Bird” trophy.

Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:30
Poolside Pad
Hidden Console: On the counter in the corner of the kitchen.

Toilet: There’s a toilet in the bathroom adjacent to the pool, jump on it.

Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t hold a box for more than three seconds (You can hold all other items as long as you like. The best way to do this is to throw boxes over the pool to a partner at the other side who would then throw it immediately in the van. You could also walk them to the van, dropping and picking them back up every two seconds.)
- Keep everything dry (Don’t let any objects fall in the pool.)
- Jump over the Pool (Place the refrigerator next to the pool, then place a box, chair, or another small item next to the fridge. Jump onto the smaller item, then up onto the fridge. From there, if the fridge is close enough to the edge, you can jump over the pool!)

Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 5:00
Jerry’s Apartment
Mailbox: There’s an orange mailbox in the lower-most corner of the garden, slap it with .

Hidden Console: In the bathroom, lower-most corner.

Toilet: There’s a pink toilet in the bathroom with a box on it. Remove the box and then jump up onto the toilet.
Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t break any glass
- Don’t break any objects (i.e. TV, Red fragile boxes)
- Give a bird a bath (Take the flamingo lawn ornament upstairs and place it in the bathtub)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 5:00
Casa de Cliff
Mailbox: There’s a mailbox next to a red door on the wall under the garage. Slap it with (this will release the goose).

Hidden Console: In the corner of the garage (wait until the red car moves to become a shortcut).

Toilet: There’s a toilet in the bathroom in the very top corner of the house.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Goose
Bonus Objectives:
- Who let the goose out? (Slap the mailbox with
and the goose will come out through the red door)
- No stairs for you! (Use the ledges to jump up to the house, don’t step on the stairs at all. The car will later become an alternate way up.)
- Break the windows
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Summer Chalet
Mailbox: There’s a mailbox next to the stairs out front. Slap it with .

Hidden Console: On the table in the lower-most corner of the bedroom.

Toilet: The camera does you no favours here as this toilet is difficult to spot, but it’s against the right-most wall in the bathroom. Find and jump on it.

Bonus Objectives:
- No Stair Run (Complete the level and only enter the house by repeatedly jumping up the snow slope, don’t go on the stairs at all)
- Go Snowboarding (Slide down one of the snow slopes)
- Avoid the snow (Don’t go on the snow at all. I found it was better to bring everything out via the stairs, items may get stuck onto the snow, forcing you to step on it to retrieve them. Better safe than sorry.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
21 Slick Street
Mailbox: In the middle of the big oil slick in the front garden there’s a Mailbox. Slap it with .

Hidden Console: just above the red car, under the garage door.

Toilet: There’s a yellow toilet with a box on it in the bathroom. Remove the box and then jump on the toilet.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Sheep.
Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t get hit by a car
- Mess up the trophies
- Don’t get oily (Avoid stepping in the oil slicks. You can actually stand on the edge of a slick without getting oily, but if you end up leaving oily footprints then you’ve voided the objective by stepping too far into an oil slick)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Snotsberry Farm
Hidden Console: Hidden behind some hay bales on the top floor of the barn.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver every animal
Bonus Objectives:
- Disturb the nests (walk over the chicken nests so that all the eggs fall out)
- Avoid the Rakes (if you step on the head of a rake, it will flick up and smack you in the face, knocking you out and making you drop anything you’re carrying. You’ll need to complete the level without this happening once)
- Make some Pen Pals (Before putting any animal on the truck, put them all into the pen where the pig is. Use hay bales to make steps you can jump onto to get through the fence maze quicker.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:30
Packmore River
Hidden Console: Behind a bush on the left side of the river’s edge.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Frog. If you get close to him he’ll start to follow you. Slowly make your way to the Truck and then walk him on with you. This is easier with a friend because you can bait the frog onto the Truck while they hold the final item, ready to deliver it.
The Frog can respawn or even come out of the truck if you go too far away from him, so I do recommend that you deliver him just before the final item.
Bonus Objectives:
- Ride a Croc (jump on any of the crocodiles once. They won’t hurt you in any way.)
- Get hit by a caffeinated driver (some cars have coffee cups on the roof, let one of those cars hit you)
- Bring the Frog to the other side (The frog will follow you if you get close enough. Move slowly and guide him through traffic then across the platforms to the other side of the road.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 4:30
The AAAAAH-Tari Office
Hidden Console: Behind the trolley in the lower-most corner.

Ghost(s): Your first Ghost encounter is here! Avoid slapping this ghost so that you can earn the “Friendly Ghost” trophy later. If you accidentally slap the ghost, play the stage again. Just make sure that the last time you played the stage was a no-slapping run.
Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t break any windows (be careful not to get too close to any window because just walking into a window or moving a box too close can break it)
- Put the printer in the lift
- Deliver the Trolley
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Dread Manor
Hidden Console: Hidden in the bottom-left corner of the top-left room where the piano is.

Ghost(s): There’s a ghost in the hedge maze down the left side of the house, avoid slapping it so that you can earn the “Friendly Ghost” trophy in the next stage.
Bonus Objectives:
- Bust-a-Ghost (You need to slap the ghost for this one, but since we are currently trying to avoid any and all ghost-slapping for the “Friendly Ghost” trophy, you’ll need to come back later once that trophy is unlocked to complete this objective.)
- Deliver me his head! (There’s a suit of armor opposite the front door in the main lobby, grab its head and put it in the truck)
- Mess up the Artwork (Bump into all eight paintings on the upper floor so that they drop to the ground)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Roundabout Mansion
Hidden Console: Hidden in the bottom left corner of the art gallery room, where the sculptures are.

Toilet: There’s a pink toilet in a bathroom near the top corner of the house, jump on it!

Ghost(s): Avoid slapping the two ghosts in this stage and, provided you haven’t slapped any ghosts up to this point, the “Friendly Ghosts” trophy will unlock.

Bonus Objectives:
- Hop across the pond (There’s a pond left of the delivery truck with a rock at its center. Jump to the rock and then across to the other side.)
- Don’t mess up any artwork (This one is pretty difficult. You can’t knock any art off the walls, this includes the posters in the bedrooms, the large gradient in the hallway, the paintings in the hallway between the kitchen and living room, and the sculptures and painting in the art room.)
- No ghost hugs (Don’t let any ghosts grab you).
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Obadiah’s Orchard
Hidden Console: Just above where the truck is parked there’s some bales of hay, the console is hiding behind there.

Toilet: There’s a toilet in the outhouse to stand on.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Chicken
Bonus Objectives:
- Avoid all Rakes (Just like Snottsberry Farm, if you step on the head of a rake, it will flick up and smack you in the face, knocking you out and making you drop anything you’re carrying. You’ll need to complete the level without this happening once)
- Don’t break the fragile item (There’s a yellow button on the floor connected by a wire to a tree containing a red fragile box. Step on the switch and the box will be launched in the air towards the nearby red “X” on the ground. Stand on the X and catch the box before it hits the ground and then deliver it without it breaking.)
- Ride the turtles (There are four turtles which surface and dive in the river, they will always surface in the same four locations, so just keep an eye out for them. Make sure you jump onto and stand on all four at least once.)

Additional Trophy: You can get the trophy “You don’t got mail” near this location on the world map. Just drive behind Obadiah’s Orchard all the way to the red door at the back, which has a mailbox next to it. Run it over with the truck and the trophy will unlock.

Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Lenny’s Mansion
Hidden Console: Next to a tree down the right side of the front door.

Toilet: There’s a yellow toilet in the bathroom near the front of the house. Stand on it.
Bonus Objectives:
- Clear the Pier (Knock the Deck chair and bucket into the water. Simply removing them from the pier won’t work.)
- Don’t step on any buttons (You can still push/place items on the buttons as long as you don’t stand on them)
- Smash the Trophy Case
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Neighbourhood Watch HQ
Mailbox: Slap the mailbox out front at the edge of the fence with .
Hidden Console: Hidden in the garage next to the huge Giraffe plush.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver all chickens
Bonus Objectives:
- Help a Chicken Fly (Use the buttons connected to big fans in the garage to send a chicken soaring into the air)
- Keep the Chickens off the Grass (Don’t leave any doors open, and try to block up the hole in the wall behind the delivery truck because they will definitely sneak out through there while you’re not looking. Small objects won’t work it will have to be something big like a bed.)
- Discover the Weird Secret (Slap the mailbox next to the edge of the fence in front of the delivery truck. This will move the bookcase in the small garage, go over and look at the poster behind it.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:30
Deserted Depot
Hidden Console: In the corner of the middle-left room, behind the yellow two-seater couch.

Bonus Objectives:
- Use only the middle delivery lane (You can use any of the conveyor belts which do not feed directly to the truck. Those which go between rooms are fine, but of the ones connected to the truck you can only use the middle one)
- Deliver all small crates first (big boxes are fine, you can leave them for later)
- Deliver all couches first (This means the blue two-seaters, the yellow two-seater, and all the yellow single-seat couches)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 5:00
Sealed Storehouse
Hidden Console: In the bottom-left corner of the left-most room.

Bonus Objectives:
- Deliver all small crates first (Again, big boxes are fine and can be left until later)
- Get a workout (Run on a conveyor for about a minute, it seems as though the big conveyor which feeds into the delivery truck doesn’t count)
- Don’t take any items through the door (This is a bit misleading. What it actually means is “Don’t let any items pass through or even touch any of the doors in this level.” It can be a tricky one to pull off, I recommend you move very slowly when near doors, be careful not to bump them while carrying something. Methodically move the items from one room to the next, one room at a time.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:30
Locked Lever Lab
Hidden Console: In the bottom left corner of the office in the upper-most corner of the building, up the stairs.

Bonus Objectives:
- Smash the windows
- Take the couch outside (at the far left of the building there’s an L-shaped couch next to a doorway leading to a metal balcony. Take the couch out through there.)
- Use levers only two times (This is easier than it sounds. First, deliver the box in the room that you start in, then pull that level. Then, move everything out of the room with the L-shaped sofa and pull that lever. You can now access everything with only two lever pulls.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Flamethrower Factory
Hidden Console: In the room with the “5/0 days without accident” sign, the console is found in the bottom-right corner.

Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t destroy any crates (This can be done in one of two ways; the crates in the middle are slowly moving towards a crusher, grab them before they get crushed. Or crates might get destroyed if you activate the flame jets by stepping on the button to the left of the delivery conveyor. There’s no reason to do that, so… don’t.)
- Don’t stand on the conveyor (I’ll be honest, when I completed this objective with MrZhangetsu, I stepped on the conveyor a whole bunch, and it still gave us the gold coin for doing the objective. Either way, it’s fairly easy to avoid stepping on the conveyor, jump over it to the other side and grab boxes by holding your arms out near to the edge of the belt.)
- Crush the couch (Just put the yellow couch on the conveyor and let the crusher deal with it)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
The Chase
Hidden Console: On a green pickup truck to the left of the flat-bed train car where the yellow sofa and sawblades are.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Chickens.
Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t fall from the train
- Complete the gaming area (There’s a white games console in the very first train car where you start. You need to keep this with you all the way until you reach the last train car. There, you’ll find a TV with a white sheet of paper on the ground in-front of it, indicating where the console should go. Place the console on the white sheet of paper to complete the objective.)
- Send a message Gnome (This one’s pretty tricky! There’s a gnome in the third car, you need to grab it and then take it to the other side of the train car where there’s a big window. You’ll now need very good timing. Watch the looping background on the right-hand side of your screen. Occasionally you will see a telephone pole followed by a Radio Tower. You need to hit the Radio Tower with the Gnome by throwing it just after the Telephone Pole passes by.)

Additional Trophy: You will get the trophy “Choo Choo” just for beating this level.

Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 5:00
The Floor is Guava
Hidden Console: In the small room on the upper-right, the console is hidden in the bottom-right corner.

Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t let items touch the Guava
- Ride the barrel (There’s a large rotating platform in the guava that you can run on to move across to either side. Stay on it for around a minute.)
- Don’t touch the blue platforms (They’re actually a more green color. Like PlayStation-Triangle-Button green. They’re the platforms with a square on them. Avoid em!)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Stairway to Melon
Hidden Console: On a single, still platform in the Guava close to the delivery truck.

Bonus Objectives:
- Take a shower (There’s an open pipe spraying Guava on the right side of the level, stand under the guava shower)
- Hit the pipe (Throw an object into the huge grey pipe sticking out of the Guava on the right side of the level)
- Break all glass (A lot of platforms have glass barriers on them which can be hard to see)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:30
Guava Run
Hidden Console: Just behind the delivery truck, around the middle of it’s length.

Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t touch the Guava
- Get pushed and survive (when the pipes come out to knock you off the platform, let it push you, but then survive by jumping to another platform. Alternatively, you can let the pusher push an object you’re holding, like a big pipe, and pull it back to safety on the platform with you.)
- Ahhh push it (There’s a tiny button on the wall above the pusher. Use an object to hit the button.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Satellite Base Alpha
Hidden Console: Behind the lower-most divider in the yellow area on the left.

Bonus Objectives:
- Who delivers the deliverer? (Hit the button using either a friend or a tube to open a trap door, then jump right in!)
- I’m the fire jumper (Jump over the fire jet blocking the path leading to the yellow room)
- Deliver each item separately

Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Revolution Station
Hidden Console: In the lowermost corner of the stage, in the pink area.

Bonus Objectives:
- Crush a thing (Put an object such as a tube between two rotating walls to have it get crushed by them)
- Deliver everything via the left door (This one is all the way in the corner, down a corridor on the left. It doesn’t mean the left-most of the two in the middle.)
- Don’t touch the moving walls

Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Hidden Console: Around the side of the cliff behind the TV set.

Toilet: There’s a random green toilet sat near the cliff edge. Jump on it.

Pet Animal(s): Deliver the Sheep. You should get the trophy “Animal Lover” after this. If not, check our Moving Out Trophy Guide for troubleshooting tips!
Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t use the levers
- Deliver the boxes & avoid the Guavatron (You’ll need to throw all boxes across to the delivery truck rather than going into the Guavatron with them. Everything else can be taken through the Guavatron)
- Take the sheep home
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
Contraband Cluster
Hidden Console: Behind the wall near the upper-most fan, to your left when you start.

Bonus Objectives:
- Don’t use the middle fan
- Don’t use the levers
- Float for 10 seconds (the small fan near the delivery truck never deactivates, so just step on it and stay there for 10 seconds)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 6:00
Pack Rat Planet
Mailbox: There’s a mailbox near the yellow button, give it a slap with . If you’ve slapped every mailbox up to this point, you should unlock “Rain, Hail, or Shine”.

Hidden Console: On top of the toilet on the side of the cliff near your spawn.

Toilet: Under the Hidden Console. Jump on it! If you’ve jumped on every toilet so far, you’ll earn “Where we’re going we don’t need thrones.”

Bonus Objectives:
- Hit a basketball shot (Use the football/soccer ball in conjunction with the left-most fan to get it into the basketball hoop)
- Sit on the throne (Stand on the toilet)
- Take printer for a spin (Bring the printer onto the rotating platforms in the center once the flame jets are deactivated)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 7:00
The Final Move?
Mailbox: In the bonus scene after the boss fight, there is a mailbox, but it is not required for the trophy. I unlocked “Rain, Hail, or Shine” before reaching this level.
Hidden Console: Will fall into the center of the main platform mid-boss-fight. If you’ve delivered every console so far you should unlock “That’s Not Landfill!”

Bonus Objectives:
- Get squished by the outhouse (Falls down in the bottom-right corner of the fight immediately you’ve delivered 5 items. Stand in position as soon as you can to ensure it lands on you.)
- Throw something at the rat (The hidden console is good for this, just make sure you deliver it afterwards!)
- Survive 30 seconds with the flaming fists (Avoid getting hit by the flame fists whilst staying on the grass for 30 full seconds and this objective will be complete.)
Gold Medal Time (Solo, Assisted Mode: on): 8:00
If you’ve followed this Moving Out Walkthrough perfectly, you should now have the following trophies/achievements:
- Totally Certified
- Rain, hail or shine
- Where we’re going we don’t need thrones
- Animal Lover
- That’s Not Landfill
- The Friendly Ghosts
- The Chase
- Who’s the Boss?
- Certified F.A.R.T
- Masters in Moving
- Objectives Complete
- The Bird
- You Don’t Got Mail
Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for this Moving Out Walkthrough, consider checking out our reviews and other guides! Head back to our Moving Out Trophy Guide for some help mopping up the remaining miscellaneous trophies after your un with this guide!
Got the DLC? Check out our Moving Out: Movers in Paradise DLC Trophy Walkthrough!
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