PlayStation 4, Playstation 5

Control: The Foundation Trophy Guide

Online Trophies
Missable Trophies
Difficulty Trophies
Glitched Trophies

General Info


How long does it take to beat Control: The Foundation DLC and unlock all trophies?

About 5 Hours.

How difficult is it to beat Control: The Foundation DLC and unlock all trophies?

Easy (3/10).

Does Control: The Foundation DLC have online trophies?


Does Control: The Foundation DLC have difficulty-specific trophies?


Does Control: The Foundation DLC have missable trophies?


Does Control: The Foundation DLC have glitched trophies?


What is the minimum number of playthroughs required to unlock all trophies in Control: The Foundation DLC?


Does Control: The Foundation DLC have a Platinum Trophy?


Trophy Guide

Control Foundation Trophy Guide and Road Map for PS4 and PS5

One of the two DLC packs for Control; The Foundation adds 10 new trophies to the game. Below, you’ll find our Control Foundation DLC Trophy Guide which aims to take you through the methods required for unlocking each trophy in this 5-hour DLC Expansion.

Before You Begin

You will need to have completed the story in the main game before you will be able to access the missions for The Foundation DLC.

Unlike the Control Base Game, the Foundation DLC wants you to find every single collectible in the Foundation Sector. That’s a pretty big ask given how labyrinthine the Oldest House already is!

To try and help with this, I’ve prepared a Control Foundation Collectibles Guide which should prove quite helpful, but to make things much easier on yourself, it might be a good idea to not pick up any collectible until you’re ready to use the guide and collect them all. Which would be around the time you have all of The Foundation’s Control Points cleansed and can fast travel anywhere in that sector.

You’ll also need to find another 10 Hidden Areas for this DLC, the locations of which are all in the Control Hidden Locations Guide, at the bottom.

For those of you who are struggling and have the latest updates installed, then it helps to know that there was a patch which adds various Assists to the game. These Assists are available in the options menu and can do things like making enemies die in one hit or make you immortal. They do not void trophies. You can use them if you wish.

I don’t recommend using them unless you really need to, because they will take the challenge out of the game. It’s not all that difficult of a game and you’ll risk spoiling your fun by using them. The game deserves to be experienced properly.

Phase One – Play the Story While Completing Side Content

This DLC adds one chain of Main Story Missions and 3 Side Missions. You can complete them in any order you like, but as with the Base Game I do recommend completing Side Missions as and when they become available to you. During this phase of the Control Foundation Trophy Guide, I suggest that you focus on just completing these additional missions, however, in order to reduce the grind you’ll experience in your cleanup, you should also be aware of the following things you’ll need to do in Phase Two:

  • You will need to use the new Shape and Fracture abilities 100 times (combined total).
  • You will need to kill 50 of the new “Hiss Sharpened” enemy type.
  • You will need to unlock and use the “Shield Rush” ability to kill 100 enemies.
  • You will need have a single Deployed Ranger kill 5 enemies for you.

To make Phase Two easier and reduce the grind, try to ensure you’re working towards the four goals throughout your experience of the story.

Story Mission Trophies

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Star Performance

Complete the Side Mission: “Jesse Faden starring in ‘Swift Platform’”

The Side Mission tied to this trophy is found in the Transit Access tunnel area of the Collapsed Department. At a certain point in the Foundation Main Mission, you will pass through this area and will need to transport the Movie Camera altered item out of a room so that you can progress.

The place you just sent that altered item to is Transit Access. To reach it, look for this stairwell leading down to Transit Access. It is just next to the double doors through the window in Evaluation Hall, which is next to the Transit Access Control Point.

Down here, you’ll find the Movie Camera you moved. Interact with it to start the Side Mission.

This Side Mission can be pretty frustrating. It’s fast-paced, treacherous, difficult, and when you die you have to start from the beginning… So you would be excused for getting pretty angry at this one. One thing is for damn sure, though, the music is awesome during this sequence.

Nevertheless, practice makes perfect and you’ll just have to keep trying if you want this trophy… Or turn on Assist Mode if you really don’t think you can make it through.

I recommend using the Shield ability a lot (consider upgrading it as much as you can) and using the Pierce Weapon Form. I also recommend that instead of levitating between the platforms, just jump once and use to quickly dash across. It’s much faster.

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Astral Plumbing

Discover the Astral Plane restroom

You should attempt this trophy during the Main Story Mission “The Nail” while going through the Collapsed Department. But you can return to this location at any time and unlock the trophy then instead.

While working your way through the Collapsed Department, you’ll find yourself in a large room with lots of office rooms in the walls. There’ll be a big firefight in here. It’s called the Data Entry and Filing Room.

Once everyone’s dead, you’ll need to head through the doorway where the blinking light is coming from in one of the uppermost office rooms. This will lead you back around to the Firebreak, where you’ll need to go to progress.

Instead of going into the Firebreak, though, stop and look for the Restrooms to the right in the corridor leading up to the Firebreak.

Enter the Men’s Restroom and you’ll find that things are not quite right in here. Head out into the light and the trophy will unlock.

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A Strong Foundation

Complete all Missions in the Foundation

This trophy will require completing every mission in the Foundation Sector. The missions you will need to complete are as follows:

  • The Foundation chain of Main Story Missions (The Foundation, The Nail, )
  • Pope’s Collection (Side Mission to gather ID Card collectibles – See our Control Foundation Collectibles Guide)
  • Jesse Faden Starring in “Swift Platform” (Side Mission, unlocks Star Performance trophy)
  • Found Footage (Side Mission)

The Found Footage Side Mission is accessible in the “Chasm” area. To reach the Chasm, go to the “Cave System” Control Point, and then look up and to the left. You’ll see a spot where you can use “Shape” if you have it.

Use the platform you create to jump up to the bridge, and from there you can enter the Chasm.

Once you’ve completed all of the above missions, the trophy is all yours.

Phase Two – Enemy and Ability Trophies

As highlighted in Phase One of this Control Foundation Trophy Guide, there are four main objectives in Phase Two which, if not at least attempted during your story gameplay, can be quite a grind. Each is tied to a trophy which you will find listed below.

Enemy and Ability Trophies

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< Make/Unmake >

Use Shape and Fracture a combined total of 100 times

Shape and Fracture are new abilities in Control’s The Foundation DLC and you’ll be asked to choose one or the other at a certain point in the main story. Whichever one you choose, you will need to use that ability 100 times. This is as simple as spamming it during the tutorial if you feel like it.

There’s a point in the tutorial for “Shape” that tells you how to form spikes from the ground to kill enemies. When you use this ability, the spikes will retract again in just a few seconds. You can actually just stand here and re-activate the spikes over and over until the trophy unlocks. This isn’t necessary though.

You will use both abilities quite a lot during the Main Mission. I had unlocked the trophy just after the halfway point so you shouldn’t need to worry about farming it at all.

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Hostile Work Environment

Kill 50 Hiss Sharpened

Hiss Sharpened are a new enemy type exclusive to this DLC. They are very quick and attack using pickaxe weapons. They’re ground-based enemies but can evade in the same way that a Hiss Elevated does, making them hard to hit with Launch or Surge.

To unlock this trophy you will need to kill 50 of them in total and they can only be found in the Foundation Sector.

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Rush Job

Kill 100 enemies with Shield Rush

Shield Rush is a new ability added to the game in the Foundation DLC. Before you can make a start on this trophy, you will need to unlock the Ability by purchasing it at a Control Point. You can find it in the Shield branch of the ability tree, of course.

The ability allows you to charge at an enemy with your shield up, by pressing while is held down. This will deal a moderate amount of damage and is useful for the new Hiss Sharpened enemy types.

In order to unlock this trophy you will need to get a whopping 100 kills with this ability. It’s an unholy grind that will take quite a while You’ll need to get into the habit of finishing off pretty much any enemy you can with the Shield Rush ability if you want to avoid the long end-game grind that comes with this trophy.

If you have the AWE DLC, you can use the SHUM Arcade Cabinet to farm kills with this ability, rather than having to wander aimlessly around the Oldest House looking for enemy spawns.

Don’t forget about the Assists menu. If you really don’t want to go through the legitimate grind for this trophy, you can turn on the One-Hit Kill Assist and blow through every enemy with Shield Rush in a single hit, making this trophy a breeze!

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Supportive Staff

Have a Deployed Ranger kill 5 enemies

You can use radios found throughout the Foundation Sector (and Investigations Sector if you have the AWE DLC) with which you can call a Ranger to help you fight.

In order to earn this trophy, you’ll need your Ranger to get 5 kills. He doesn’t do a lot of damage but you can help them by weakening the enemies in the area so that he can finish them off. Once a single Ranger successfully gets five kills, the trophy will unlock.

Phase Three – Secrets and Collectibles

The last phase is a bit of a pain. Control’s base game trophy list is extremely lenient about collectibles, letting you ignore almost half of them. The Foundation DLC, however, is a different story. Not only do they want you to find all 10 of the new Hidden Areas (For which this Hidden Locations Guide will be of huge help) but they want you to find every collectible. What a pain!

As mentioned in the “Before You Begin” section of this Control Foundation Trophy Guide, I do have a Control Foundation Collectibles Guide that you can use, but it might be easier and less time-wasting if you never picked up any collectible in your entire playthrough, to ensure you don’t end up needlessly revisiting places you’ve already got collectibles from.

This way you can just follow our guide, you’ll have all Control Points for convenience in getting around, and you will have both Shape and Fracture with which you can access all areas of the Sector.

Collectible Trophies

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Niche Position

Find all hidden locations in the Foundation

As mentioned, there are a total of 10 new Hidden Locations to find in the Foundation sector. The best way to find them is using our Hidden Locations Guide which can direct you to each individual one. You’ll find the Foundation-specific locations at the bottom fo the guide.

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One of Us

Gather all the Maneki-nekos

Maneki Nekos are Japanese Waving Cat Figures which are said to bring good fortune. They’re also a new type of collectable found in The Foundation DLC. There’s 8 of them to collect in total and they’re pretty well-hidden.

Check out our Control Foundation Collectibles Guide for guidance on where and how to find them all.

Once you have all 8, you will need to go to a specific location in the Firebreak area at the Collapsed Department. Start at the Collapsed Department Control Point and then head immediately out into the firebreak area.

From there, look to your left where you’ll see another bridge in the distance. Levitate over to it and as you get close, you should see the cats you’ve collected spawn in. Approach them and the doorway will open fully (only if you have them all).

Head inside and the trophy will unlock as soon as you enter the… strange room.

There’s also a pedastal in here with some cat ears you can stick on your head… If you want. They will disappear if you leave the Foundation sector though, and considering there’s not much else left for you to do, you won’t be enjoying them for very long so… At least you got the trophy.

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Subterranean Research

Collect all Collectibles in the Foundation

Annoyingly, The Foundation DLC asks that you find and collect all 57 collectibles in The Foundation DLC. About ## of those will come naturally during the course of the Main and Side Missions, but the rest will need to be physically collected throughout the Sector.

Check out our Control Foundation Collectibles Guide for guidance on where and how to find all collectibles.

Control Trophy Guide

If you’re bothering to get the DLC Trophies using this Control Foundation Trophy Guide, then you surely want to grab the Platinum from the base game too? Well, just as we put together this useful guide, we have one for the base game too!

Check out our full Control Trophy Guide and Road Map here.

Control: AWE DLC Trophy Guide

Control’s Altered World Events DLC will have you playing with a new weapon form and exploring the new “Investigations” sector of the Oldest House. It shouldn’t take you longer than 5 hours to pocket the 11 extra trophies added in this DLC.

Check out our full Control: AWE DLC Trophy Guide and Road Map here.

Thank you for choosing PlatGet as your source for a Control Foundation Trophy Guide, consider checking out our reviews and other guides!

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