PlayStation 5

Astro Bot Gorilla Nebula Collectible Guide

Collectible Guide

Where and How to Collect all Collectibles and Level-Specific Trophies in the Astro Bot Blue Gorilla Nebula

The Gorilla Nebula is the first section of the Galaxy Map that you will have access to. This collectible guide will walk you through all the collectibles and level-specific trophies in each of the stages within this zone.

Once you’ve completed the zone, be sure to fly around the map for a short while until a UFO appears carrying a bonus Puzzle Piece.

Sky Garden Collectibles

The Sky Garden Level contains 10 total collectibles: 7 Bots and 3 Puzzle Pieces. There are no Level-Specific Trophies in this stage.

Sky Garden Bot #1

Along the main path; totally unmissable as you progress the level.

Sky Garden Bot #2

After collecting Bot #1, jump across the gap, and you’ll see this bot hugging a rock on the right side of the plateau.

Sky Garden Puzzle Piece #1

Contineu past the group of electrically-charged enemies, and you’ll come across this puzzle piece shortly afterward, on the main path.

Sky Garden Bot #3

After grabbing Puzzle Piece #1, pull the cables to reveal a trampoline and then use it to reach the ledge above.

Up there, you’ll see Bot #3 tied to the tree.

This bot is based on Ratchet, of the Ratchet and Clank series.

Sky Garden Bot #4

A short while later, after sliding down a waterslide, you’ll land in a large pool.

Dive down and look for a bubble under the water you can enter.

Hold to charge up a spin attack, and then release it on the flower to open a portal to a hidden area.

In the hidden area, defeat the enemies and then go around the back of the large tank and pull the zipper down. Once the tank is open, hit the bot at the center to collect Bot #4.

This bot is based on Rivet, of the Ratchet and Clank series.

Sky Garden Bot #5

Return to the main stage. In the pool you dove into, there’s a bot being dragged by a turtle.

Sky Garden Puzzle Piece #2

Exit the water.

Continue the stage until you get the inflate ability, which allows you to float upward by pressing .

Use it to reach the nearby Flamingo which is carrying the Puzzle Piece.

Sky Garden Bot #6

Continue the stage until you enter the large water tank.

Inside, dive all the way to the bottom of the tank, where you’ll find a bubble.

Defeat the enemies inside and then collect Bot #6 on the platform at the back of the bubble.

Sky Garden Puzzle Piece #3

In the same water tank as Bot #6, swim up from the bot and look out for Puzzle Piece #3 on the back of a stingray bot.

Sky Garden Bot #7

Continue on to the end of the level, but before you break the glass orb, look int he flowerpot to your right, where you’ll see this bot stuck upside down with its head buried.

Az-Tech Trail Collectibles

The Az-Tech Trail Level contains 11 total collectibles: 7 Bots, 3 Puzzle Pieces, and 1 Lost Galaxy Exit. There are no Level-Specific Trophies in this stage.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #1

At the start of the level there’s a ladybug enemy which you need to hit to flip it over and use it as a bounce pad. Before using it to progress the level, use it to reach the ledge on the left side of the area, where you’ll find the first Bot of the level.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #2

Continue until you have the frog-themed boxing gloves, then bounce up the next trampoline.

On your right, you’ll see a tree with a koala on it.

Head behind this tree, and you’ll see a ledge below you which you can jump down to.

Head down and then turn around, and you’ll see a wall you can break with the gloves.

Beyond said breakable wall, you will see Bot #2 with some squirrels.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #3

Continue through the level until the second Cactus enemy. There, stop and look to your right.

You’ll see a large crate filled with Wumpa Fruit. Punch it with the frog gloves to break it and release Bot #3.

This bot is based on Crash Bandicoot!

Az-Tech Trail Puzzle Piece #1

Later, there’s a sticky rod you can use to swing yourself up to a higher platform.

There, on your left, there’s a block you can pull with the gloves.

Upon breaking it, the pond will fill with water, revealing Puzzle Piece #1.

Az-Tech Trail Lost Galaxy Exit | Fan Club

Later in the level, you’ll enter the interior of an aztec temple.

Within, you’ll see a large wall with four flaming torches on it.

If you destroy those torches, you will reveal a hidden room containing the Lost Galaxy Exit.

Note that if you use this exit, you will be returned to the Galaxy Map. Either; complete the level and then replay it to get this exit, or use it and then return to finish Az-Tech Trail later.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #4

Inside the same Aztec Temple area, you’ll see a golden block embedded in one of the walls.

Break it with the gloves to reveal an exterior plateau filled with enemies.

Defeat the enemies and then collect the bot.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #5

Continue on until you’ve used the gloves on a slingshot-like contraption to cross a gap.

On the other side, jump on the trampoline to your left and then defeat the enemy.

Up in the tree, you’ll see this bot.

Az-Tech Trail Puzzle Piece #2

Continue to the next checkpoint, then punch the monkey-faced block to your right.

Head up the revealed path to reach the Puzzle Piece on the higher ledge.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #6

Continue on to the next checkpoint, where there are two monkey-faced blocks you need to jump across to continue.

Before doing so, use the Frog-gloves on the sticky red portion of the first block, revealing Bot #6.

Az-Tech Trail Puzzle Piece #3

Continue on to the next checkpoint via the two sticky swinging rods.

Just above the checkpoint, in an alcove in the wall, you’ll find this Puzzle Piece.

Az-Tech Trail Bot #7

Just before the second slingshot device in the level, go left and climb up the structure there.

Use the gloves on the monkey block to reveal a hidden area.

Head inside and then platform across to the final collectible in this stage; Bot #7.

This bot is based on Jak of the Jak & Daxter series.

Creamy Canyon Collectibles

The Creamy Canyon Level contains 11 total collectibles: 7 Bots, 3 Puzzle Pieces, and 1 Lost Galaxy Exit. There are no Level-Specific Trophies in this stage.

Creamy Canyon Bot #1

At the start of the level, hanging from the ice-cream tree on the left, you’ll see this bot.

It is based on Snake of the Metal Gear Solid series.

Creamy Canyon Puzzle Piece #1

Destroy the snowman behind the aforementioned tree to reveal some wires.

Pull the wires to reveal the first Puzzle Piece in this stage.

Creamy Canyon Bot #2

Before continuing on to the higher ledge, look down the right side of the lower area and you’ll see an icy path.

Follow the path to a snowman, where you’ll find the bot.

Creamy Canyon Bot #3

The bot will be along your main path before it’s taken away by a UFO.

Follow it to the plateau where it begins circling. Use the ladybug bot in this area to trampoline up and reach the UFO. Hit it to rescue the bot.

This bot is based on Psycho Mantis from the Metal Gear Solid series.

Creamy Canyon Puzzle Piece #2

On the ledge next to the large seal sculpture in the same area as Bot #3. Use the ladybug bot to reach it.

Creamy Canyon Lost Galaxy Exit | Funky Fungi

Just a short distance further into the level, there’s a pig enemy which you need to evade as it charges. When it’s completed a charge, grab the wires on it’s rear to begin swinging it around.

The idea is to launch it at the ice wall so you can progress, but if you instead turn back to face the area you came from, you can launch the pig at the seal sculpture where the Puzzle Piece was.

Once done, use the Ladybug Bot to get back up the the platform where the sculpture was, and then charge up a spin attack by holding so that you can drill into the cross-shaped hole at the center, taking you to a hidden area.

There, you’ll find the Lost Galaxy Exit.

Note that if you use this exit, you will be returned to the Galaxy Map. Either; complete the level and then replay it to get this exit, or use it and then return to finish Creamy Canyon later.

Creamy Canyon Bot #4

Using the same pig bot as before, break the ice on the same platform as where it spawns.

This will reveal another cross-shaped hole that you can dig into with a charged spin attack.

In the area below, you’ll find Bot #4.

Creamy Canyon Puzzle Piece #3

Continue through the level as you’re supposed to, and you’ll come to a snowy plateau with two ladybug bots.

Use them to reach the Puzzle Piece which is floating in the air above them.

Creamy Canyon Bot #5

In the same area as Puzzle Piece #3, look over the ledge on the right-hand side where you’ll see a ladder leading to another small cross-shaped hole.

Drill into it with a charged attack to enter a hidden area.

There, progress by breaking the ice with the ladybug bots, and you’ll reach the bot at the back of the area.

This bot is based on Gray Fox from the Metal Gear Solid series.

Creamy Canyon Bot #6

Back at the plateau with the two Ladybug Bots, use one to reach the higher ledge on the right-hand side, where you’ll find Bot #6.

Creamy Canyon Bot #7

Right at the end of the level, you will need to throw another pig bot at a huge ladybug enemy.

After doing so, before jumping up to the level exit, collect the bot on the left of the platform.

Construction Derby Collectibles

The Construction Derby Level contains 10 total collectibles: 7 Bots and 3 Puzzle Pieces. There are is also one Level-Specific Trophy in this stage.

Construction Derby Puzzle Piece #1

At the very start of the level, when you’re flying in on the controller, tilt your real-world controller to the left so that you can fly on the left side.

While remaining on the left, you should fly through and collect the Puzzle Piece amid the construction scaffolding.

Construction Derby Bot #1

After the two crane platforms at the start of the level, as you head up the stair-like ledges, you’ll see this bot clinging to a red post on your right.

Construction Derby Bot #2

Above the puddle of cement, there’s a cylinder with two wires sticking out of the bottom.

Grab the wires to release the bot inside.

Construction Derby Puzzle Piece #2

After you’ve collected the rocket-bulldog ability, go to the right side and collect the magnet by pulling the wires.

Gather paint cans from the area using the magnet, and then launch the scrap at the magnet panel on the crane to the right.

Once the crane swings around, use to launch yourself at its platform and collect the Puzzle Piece.

Um Jammer Slammy Trophy

Break the crate on the left side of the area to reveal basketballs.

Hit one of the basketballs into the basketball net on the left wall to unlock the trophy.

Construction Derby Bot #3

Use the Rocket-Bulldog ability to platform your way up to this bot on the metal ledge overhanging the area.

Construction Derby Bot #4

This bot will be along the main path and will get grabbed by a UFO’s tractor beam.

Follow the UFO to where it stops and then hit it to free the bot.

Construction Derby Bot #5

After defeating the Sumo enemy, step on the switch and some paint will be released onto the ramp in front of you.

Watch as the paint slides down the ramp and settles on some invisible platforms.

Use those platforms to reach a hidden area on the right.

Inside, use the paint gun to reveal three invisible platforms which you can then use to reach the bot on the higher ledge.

This bot is based on Parappa, of Parappa the Rapper.

Construction Derby Bot #6

Continue through the stage to the second sumo bot enemy.

Defeat it and then use the Rocket Dog to reach the top of the stack of boxes on your right.

At the top, you’ll find this bot.

Construction Derby Bot #7

After you cross a two cranes to a concrete area with a checkpoint, look to your right, and you’ll see the bot hanging from a cable.

Cross the glass platform and hit it to free it.

This bot is based on Lammy from Um Jammer Lammy; something of a Parappa the Rapper sequel.

Construction Derby Puzzle Piece #3

Return to the previous platform where the checkpoint is.

Drop down to the level below, where you’ll find a footstep puzzle.

Walk across the footstep plates until you find one that makes your controller vibrate the most. Jump and then hold to depress the plate using your glide ability and the center panel will reveal the puzzle piece.

Mighty Chewy Boss Collectibles

Mighty Chewy is the Boss Stage of the Gorilla Nebula. As such, there’s just one bot to collect.

You need to complete the first four levels to unlock access to this stage. There are no Level-Specific Trophies in this stage.

Mighty Chewy Bot

Defeat the boss and you’ll receive this bot automatically. The bot is based on “Spike” of the Ape Escape series.

Apes on the Loose Collectibles

The Apes on the Loose Level contains 13 total collectibles: 10 Bots and 3 Puzzle Pieces. There are is also one Level-Specific Trophy in this stage. The stage is based on the “Ape Escape” series.

Apes on the Loose Bots

You can track the bots in this level using a radar by holding . You’ll need to chase each bot down and then catch them with your net using . There’s 9 total Ape Escape bots in the stage to catch in this way.

The 10th and final bot is found at the top of the statue at the center of the level, you’ll need to beat it in a boss fight to catch it. It’s based on “Specter” of the Ape Escape series.

Apes on the Loose Puzzle Piece #1

In the main plaza, on the left side, you’ll find this Puzzle Piece floating above a fountain.

Apes on the Loose Puzzle Piece #2

At the far back end of the main plaza, there’s one particular bot that runs away over a fragile glass bridge. This puzzle piece is floating above that same bridge.

Net Profit Trophy

Near the ladder leading up to the glass bridge at the back of the main plaza, there are two bushes — one on each side.

Approach the bush on the right side of the ladder and hit it to spawn a shimmering golden butterfly.

Chase and catch the butterfly to unlock the Net Profit Trophy.

Apes on the Loose Puzzle Piece #3

One of the bots on the right side of the main plaza is running along some catwalks on a triangular structure.

Floating at the center of this structure, you’ll find the third and final Puzzle Piece.

Rolling Star Sola Collectibles

The Rolling Star Sola Stage in a hidden stage in the Gorilla Nebula. To reveal it, you need to hit an asteroid that appears in the upper-left corner of the Gorilla Nebula Galaxy Map.

The level contains just one bot that you’ll unlock automatically at the end.

Rolling Star Sola Bot

Reach the end of this short platforming level to receive this bot. It’s based on “Toro the Cat” from Doko Demo Issyo.

Retro Rampage 1 Collectibles

Destroy all of the small asteroids in the upper-left side of the Gorilla Nebula to reveal the Retro Rampage 1 hidden stage.

Defeat the enemies to complete the stage and unlock the one bot collectible.

Retro Rampage 1 Bot

Defeat the enemies in this stage to receive the bot automatically. It’s based on Ryu from the Street Fighter series.

Crumble Rumble 1 Trophies

A large asteroid appears in the upper-right corner of Gorilla Nebula. Fly into it to destroy it, revealing the Crumble Rumble 1 hidden stage.

Chip away at the floor to cause the enemies to fall through it, and you’ll complete the stage, unlocking the one bot collectible automatically.

Crumble Rumble 1 Bot

Defeat the enemies to complete the stage and collect the single bot collectible. This bot is based on a Baseball Player from the “NLB The Show” series.

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